Knight of the Sea

Chapter 9: information peddler



In the end, Fang Tinglan still didn't share a bed with Hailian. It wasn't because he realized in his conscience that he didn't plan to torment Hailian anymore, but because Hailian's broken bed couldn't bear the weight of two grown men at all. Fang Tinglan thought for a while, went downstairs and knocked on the door of Hailian's landlord's house.

Mrs. Jinlinghua is a well-known landlord and pimp in this area. This half-aged lady breathed on the silver coin that Fang Tinglan gave her. Flesh immediately put on a bright smile: "What type do the guests like?"

"No, I don't need a girl, all I want is a clean room and a clean bed."

Mrs. Jin Linghua's eyes fell on Fang Tinglan's crotch in an instant. Fang Tinglan's eyes were calm, and he let her look at her. After a while, Madam raised her eyebrows inexplicably, and the big mole on the corner of her eyebrows also jumped up. She smiled charmingly: "The guests can come again if they need it Find me."

Not long after Fang Tinglan lay down, he understood the meaning of Mrs. Jinlinghua's last words—their room was not soundproof at all. At first, the guests' teasing and obscenities flooded into my ears, but after nightfall, they became sensual moans and clashes. After the guests had dispersed in the second half of the night, Fang Tinglan could still listen to the girls taking off their make-up and drinking wine for a while. Comments on the guests, for example, which minister claims to be not close to women, but actually just likes the asshole of little boys, or which big businessman will make a lot of money tomorrow but is so poor that he has to keep accounts every time he comes.

"I went to the White Bird District that day and saw Mrs. Nando's carriage, tsk tsk, not only is the side of the carriage wrapped in gold, but even the four horses that pull the carriage are all white. I feel that the queen travels with such style. "

"Tch, no matter how well decorated the carriage is, the people sitting in it are still the same people as us."

"What are you pretending, don't you want to be the king's whore?"

The girls immediately burst into laughter, and one woman stretched her waist and continued, "Didn't you say that the king can't do it?"

"Where did you hear that?"

"The Minister of Internal Affairs who came to play a few days ago said it. Think about it, Mrs. Nando had two children before she became the king's woman. If it wasn't for that thing, how could she not be able to conceive a lame child for so many years? kind of it."

The girls' voices became quieter, and the noise outside the street gradually subsided. Outside the window, the leaden sky showed a little white in the eastern corner, and it was almost dawn.

At least the whore's gossip was much more useful than the bunch of legends O'Brien told yesterday. Fang Tinglan yawned, comforting himself while half asleep and half awake.

I don't know if it was affected by the movement of being turned into a red wave in all directions, Fang Tinglan's energy and blood rushed to his lower body while sleeping. But what is inexplicable is that in the dream he was actually going to the cloud and rain with a man, and when he turned over the man who was trembling and panting under him, what he saw was a blurred face, only the man at the corner of the man's left eye. Dao Qianqian's knife marks shone in Fang Tinglan's pupils as if they were glowing. There was an unruly smile on the corner of the man's mouth, and his voice was as lazy as when we first met: "Are you satisfied, Fang Qianwei?"

As soon as the words fell, a knife suddenly appeared in the man's hand and stabbed straight at Fang Tinglan's heart.

"Fang Tinglan!"

Fang Tinglan opened his eyes suddenly, only to realize that the pain in his chest was caused by a pillow. The culprit was holding his arms by the bed with an impatient expression on his face: "It's useless to call you Fang Qianwei, you have to be called by your full name."

"Is there something wrong?" Fang Tinglan was suddenly woken up, feeling a little dizzy.

"Aren't you looking for someone in Jiumeng?" The other party's voice was not salty, "I'll take you to meet someone, he can help you."

When it came to business, Fang Tinglan had no choice but to force himself up from the bed. Just as he was about to lift the quilt, his body froze suddenly, and the sticky and wet touch under his body instantly brought back all the absurd and beautiful scenes in his dream just now, and the face of the person in the dream was immediately clear stand up.


Hailian changed his clothes today, it was no longer the sailor suit he used to wear on the boat. He was covered with an overly loose gray singlet, but the waist was tied up with a belt, and it was tightly fastened around the calf. The belt outlined the lines of the young man's body. Fang Tinglan's eyes twitched at the large area of exposed skin on the neck and collarbone. The man took a deep breath and held his forehead: "Can you go out and wait for me?"

Hai Lian didn't realize it for a while, and after looking at Fang Tinglan for a while, he suddenly understood: "I thought you would call a girl, but I didn't expect you to solve it by yourself."

Seeing Fang Tinglan's rare speechlessness, Hai Lian inexplicably felt a sense of pleasure to regain his strength. He threw Fang Tinglan's coat on the chair to him, made a gesture of please, and walked out , and when he was about to leave the room, Hailian suddenly turned around and added: "It's okay, I understand, after all, after floating in the sea for a month without a woman, no one can bear to sleep in this environment all of a sudden."

The door closes.

Holding the coat in his hand, Fang Tinglan suddenly sighed for no reason.

When Fang Tinglan opened the door, he was the well-dressed Fang Tinglan again. Hai Lian, who was waiting for him in the living room, was still studying the list that Faluco gave him before. When Fang Tinglan came out, he stuffed the tissue paper back into his pocket, and pointed out kindly by the way: "Dirty clothes can be given to the south corner of the street." The family washes it, and the price is okay, their man was arrested and broke his leg before, so he can only make some money from this."

"Thank you." Seeing that the other party was refreshed, Fang Tinglan couldn't help asking, "You live here, can you sleep every day?"

"I'm used to it." Hai Lian didn't say any more, "Let's go, the person I'm going to see later may not be free."


"Didn't you say he was an intelligence dealer?"

"Information dealers are people too, and they have to have hobbies."

"Okay, how long are we going to stand here?"

"That depends on the strength of the people inside." Hai Lian replied.

The person that Hailian wanted to bring Fang Tinglan to meet lived not far from Huajie. Along the way, Shanghailian only said that the person's nickname was "Mercury" and that he was a well-known intelligence dealer in Anwana District. That person regarded it as a shrewd businessman who took everything in black and white, but when he came to that person's residence, he immediately overturned all his previous assumptions.

Now he is standing at the door of Quicksilver's house, behind a green-painted window, through a layer of glass, there is an uninterrupted muffled sound coming from inside, interspersed with crying ** and shaking These sounds are the same as those heard by Tinglan a few hours ago. After such a continuous bombardment, he almost feels a little tired... Wait, there is still a difference.

When another groan came from the inner room, Fang Tinglan finally couldn't help but said, "There are two men inside?"

"Didn't you already hear it?"

"..." He knew it.

Fortunately, the physical strength inside was not very good, and the two didn't have to wait long. After the store across the street put a tray of freshly made scones into the stove, the door of Shuiyin's house was opened, and people from inside A sneaky young man came out. The man turned up the collar of his ocher coat, almost covering his entire face, and then slipped past the two of Hailian while maintaining this posture, shrugging his shoulders and dodging in. in a carriage. Hai Lian looked at the leaving carriage and sneered disdainfully, and pulled Fang Tinglan into the house.

The light in the room is dim, and there is a smell of sexual experience in the dust. The information dealer is rustling in his clothes, and from time to time, a strand of light-colored short hair jumps into the sunlight, and then retreats as if afraid of light. into the dark. The silhouette of Mercury in shadow looks youthful, twenty-five at most. He put on his pants and didn't look up when he heard the movement at the door: "Did you forget something?"

"That person left early."

The other party was taken aback: "Hailean?"

"It's me." Hailian took a step forward, "I didn't expect you to be so busy during the day."

Mercury's face was soaked in darkness, but he could clearly feel a sly smile on his face: "It's delivered to your door, why don't I?" He stood up, and walked towards the two while wearing his belt, "This time you You've been floating on the sea for too long, I thought you finally messed with Huisha, he threw you down to feed the sharks..." As he spoke, his light green eyes turned to Fang Tinglan, looking at him With a loud whistle, "Who is this person?"

"A new customer who just came to Jiumeng, bring me here to take care of your business."

"Take care of my business above or below?" Quicksilver laughed.

Hai Lian rolled her eyes, and didn't bother to answer the obscene words of the intelligence dealer, "Check this out for me."

Mercury took the list and looked around, then clicked his tongue: "It's a bit too much... I can't give you an answer right away, it will take three days at the earliest."

"Okay, you do his work first." Hai Lian said, "You haven't had lunch yet, shall I go outside and buy you something?"

"Scones are fine. Ah, I can already smell it." Sniffing his nose, he finally put on his clothes. The young man winked at Fang Tinglan and said with a smile, "Come on, guest, let Hai Lian went to run errands, and we sat down and chatted slowly."

Helian shook his fist at him.