Knight of the Sea

Chapter 92: Cloth Zhuang



With Long Rong's order, and with the usual embassy badge on his waist, Hailian left the palace unimpeded, but when he really stood alone on the bustling street of Taiyan City, he suddenly felt a little strange And at a loss.

The peaceful and comfortable life of childhood was deliberately forgotten by him when he was crawling and rolling in the mud of Jiumeng City, because as long as he thought about it, it would have no effect except to deepen his powerless frustration and resentment, even if he Later, he was able to ride freely on Yunhai, and Hailian never thought that he would return to his hometown one day. And the result of forgetting is that - facing the dense chessboard-like streets in front of him, he seems to have really forgotten the exact location of his former home.

The young man half-closed his eyes, trying to search for that little impression in his mind. "It seems... there is a well when you go out to the right. If you go to the left..." He looked at the towering Taiyilou in the distance, "You can see the Taiyilou directly."

It's good if he can think of a general direction, Hailian straightened his collar and decided to go over to have a look.

After all, Taiyan is in the hinterland of Dongzhou. Although there are many foreign pedestrians on the street because of the relationship with Beimo, and even the vendors can speak a few words of other countries to facilitate the negotiation of prices, but a man in a southern uniform Dongzhou people still attract people's attention frequently. But Hai Lian has been in the Bainiao District for the past few years, and he has long been used to seeing all kinds of surprised or contemptuous eyes. He walked leisurely all the way in the autumn wind, and even bought a pack of fried chestnuts and glutinous rice cakes while walking. Straight dry.

When he finally found a street corner that looked familiar to him, the chimneys of each house had already lit a thin layer of dinner smoke. Taiyan's diet was rather spicy, and even the air was filled with a sultry aroma. Hailian threw the last chestnut into her mouth, and knocked on the door of a house amidst the smell of fireworks.

It was an old lady who came to open the door. Probably, there are few young people in such bright clothes around here. The other party first looked at Hailian a few times, and looked at him with some vigilance: "Is there something wrong?"

"Sorry to disturb your dinner, I just want to know the way." Hai Lian had changed his Dongzhou dialect, "There used to be a family named Shang living here, do you know how to get there?"

The old woman shook her head: "I don't know, we moved here later."

"Then do you know any neighbors who have lived here for twenty years?"

"No, no, no." The old woman waved her hands decisively, "This neighborhood has only been newly moved in these years!"

"Eh?" Hailian was taken aback, "What about the people who lived here before?"

The old woman shut her mouth and refused to speak.

Hailian's heart tightened, but she still kept a smile on her face: "Grandma is like this. I left Taiyan when I was very young. This time, it's rare that I came here to find my roots with our caravan comprador. You don't know It doesn't matter who lives here, but there should be a well near here, do you know which way to go?"

This excuse can't find any problems, and the woman can't recognize his origin in this outfit. She thought about it, and pointed in the direction: "Go to the intersection over there and turn right."

Hai Lian smiled and thanked the other party. Just as he was about to leave, the woman stopped him again. The old man saw that there was no one around, then lowered his hoarse voice and said, "Although I moved here later, I heard from my relatives that after the incident in Taiyan City, many high officials and officials came to the palace. The soldiers drove out all the residents in this area and blocked it for several years, as if they were looking for something. Later, they probably didn’t find it, so they reopened it for people to live in. Now the place you mentioned is blocked. A cloth shop has been put down as a storefront, if you want to find your roots, young man, I'm afraid... "

"It's okay, I just took a look." The young man smiled lightly.

After walking only a hundred steps in the direction indicated by the woman, Hai Lian saw the cloth village that the other party was talking about—his former home.

The walls are whitewashed, and the mud spots and soot left on it when I used to fight with my brother Xiaoxiao can't see the traces; my mother often hangs a small wind lamp at the door to welcome my father's late return. What he saw was the golden wind chime that attracts wealth and wealth; the tree planted in the yard is still there, but he probably won't be able to see the scratches that his father made with a knife when he recorded his height...

Hai Lian clenched her lower lip, staring blankly at the customers passing by in the store.

He knew early on that he couldn't go back, but when he saw the traces of his past life with his parents completely disappeared, his chest still seemed to be soaked by something cold, and the chill pierced his bones.

"Guest? Guest?"

Hai Lian came back to his senses suddenly, only to find that the shop guy Ji stood in front of him at some point, looking at him curiously. Hailian thought that he was blocking the way of their guests, so he hurriedly took a step back and wanted to turn around and leave. Unexpectedly, the guy came up to greet him graciously, and asked in broken Tisu words: "Guest, do you want to be a Dongzhou man?" Clothes? Don’t be shy, just come to our Zhuangzi! Our cloth shop is famous in Beihong, as long as you choose the materials and wait for three to five days, the latest styles of Taiyan will be delivered to you! How about it, Do you want to come in and take a look?" He said, and bowed to Hailian as a gesture of invitation.

"I'm not..." Hai Lian knew that the other party had misunderstood. He was about to refuse, but changed his voice when he spoke, "Well, let's do two."

The guys who work in the cloth village naturally have a pair of sharp eyes. Just by looking at the clothes of the customers, you can tell how rich the pockets are. Is a rich master. As soon as the little baron entered the store, high seats and fragrant tea were served, and the guys put all kinds of silks and satins in front of him like flowing water, which made the sea dazzled - after he became a baron, he still fought every day in Yunhai A linen shirt can only be changed if it has three holes. The baron's dress on his body is still the fabric Xiaoyu chose for him. How can he recognize "arc brocade" and "Tianbi silk". Finally, he frowned, touched one by one, and ordered two: "Just this one."

Without him, he has only seen these two kinds of fabrics on Fang Tinglan's body. Anyway, that guy has used them in whatever way they are good for, and he can't go wrong when he learns to pick and choose. Helian thought to himself.

Sure enough, the guys burst into laughter immediately, shouting that the guests know the goods, and hurriedly sent Hailian into the inner room to measure the size, while cracking the abacus.

When Hai Lian came out, it was natural to compliment Yushu Linfeng's extraordinary temperament, and then asked him what style he wanted to make.

"You can figure it out." Hailian thought for a while, and then added, "A style that is easy to move will do. You need to make three hidden buttons and three hidden pockets on the back waist and under the sleeves."

Although the guy didn't understand, he glanced at the firecracker on the customer's waist and knew that he couldn't ask more questions. After confirming the design position and delivery time of the concealed buttons and pockets to Hailian with a smile, he respectfully sent them to Hailian. He goes out.

When it closed in the evening, the shopkeeper who had gone out to deliver goods also rushed back from the other side of Taiyan City. The guys reported to him the day's revenue, and talked about this generous young customer. The shopkeeper drank I took a sip of tea to moisten my throat, and immediately became interested: "What's the name of this guest? Is there a registered name?"

"Yes, yes, he said his name is Hailian."

"He said...his name is Hailian? Which Hailian?"

"It's Hailian from 'Bi Hai Lian Tian'," the man scratched his head, "Speaking of which, when he was measuring the size, he asked us what it was like before the store opened and which family lived there. how do you know-"


The boy's unfinished words were interrupted by the crisp sound of the teacup falling to the ground. The shopkeeper stood up and shouted, regardless of the tea stains on his body, "Quick! Hurry up and send the letter, let the big boss quickly leave from Luohe Hurry back!"