Knight of the Sea

Chapter 94: tailor


twenty three.

After waiting for five days, the cloth shop also sent the ready-made clothes to the embassy in Taiyan City.

The person who came this time was not the shopkeeper who was in charge of reception at that time, but the shopkeeper of the cloth village. The middle-aged man had an amiable round face, and he smiled and introduced an old woman who was over 60 years old behind him. It is said that she is the best tailor in the cloth shop. If the customer is not satisfied with the clothes, she can change them immediately. Hai Lian also knew that some high-end tailors in the White Bird District would also come to serve, so he nodded and led them into the inner room.

Hailian still felt a little uncomfortable when he took off his usual single shirt and short robe and put on Dongzhou costumes. Fortunately, this new suit was like a mother tailoring it for her youngest son. The fit surprised him. , He searched for the positions of several hidden pockets and hidden buckles, which were also quite concealed and appropriate.

The shopkeeper had already seen that Hai Lian was very satisfied with the new clothes, and he even had a smile on his face: "You may not know that if you haven't been in Dongzhou for a long time, Taiyan has not popularized open buttons these few years, but hidden buttons are more popular," he said. As he said that, he took out another thin belt with a long rope embedded in the middle, and wanted to show Hailian how to tie it on, "The same goes for the belt. In the past, everyone thought that the wide belt fit right on the body, but in recent years , and started to use this kind of thin belt again, it’s also outdated on their Nanhong’s side... "

The shopkeeper's hand was held down by Hai Lian, and he smiled at the other party: "Your elastic buckle looks good, but it's not strong enough, let me hit it."

As he spoke, the young man made a few hooks with his index finger, and a complicated knot appeared at his waist. A piece of string hanging down was hung with beads, and when it collided, it would make a soft jade-like sound. Hearing the voice, Hai Lian frowned: "Can this thing be cut?"


"I don't like having things on my body that make noise," he said.

In Taiyan City, whether it is a noble lady or a dude, they wish that all kinds of gold and emeralds on their bodies will jingle, so that people can come to greet them early. This is the first time that the other party has heard such a request, and they can't help being stunned. The shopkeeper subconsciously looked at the old woman at the side. The old woman turned her head slightly and thought about it, then smiled and said, "Yes."

As she spoke, she stepped forward, neatly took off the jade orb on the rope, and then took out several other colored ribbons from the cloth bag at the side, and within a short while, changed the rope into two small ribbons. Butterflies swaying silently at the waist.

"Are the guests satisfied with this?" she asked.

Hai Lian didn't answer, he picked up a butterfly and looked at it, then suddenly asked: "Where did you learn the skill of weaving butterflies?"

"This skill is not uncommon. If the guests want to learn, they can also teach you." She replied.

Hailian stared fixedly at the old woman for a while. The old man had silver hair, clean and tidy clothes, and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He didn't look like a tailor at first glance, but it reminded Hailian of the Viscount and his wife who lived on Chessboard Street, which made him a little inexplicable. Intimacy.

"Forget it, I don't usually need it." Hailian shook his head and smiled at her, "It's just that when I was young, my mother would also weave this kind of little butterfly on my clothes belt, and it feels a little kind."

"Then your mother..."

"He has passed away." Hailian lowered his eyes.

The old woman was startled, her lips parted slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she just put the hand holding the silk tie behind her back: "That's it... But the guest is such a good-looking person now, your mother is here Heaven will be happy for you too."

"Well," Hailian's voice was always subconsciously soft when mentioning her family, "I know she's watching me."

twenty four.

After paying the final payment, Hailian sent them to the carriage outside the embassy before saying goodbye. He also promised to recommend the handicraft of this cloth shop to His Royal Highness. He opened the curtains and thanked Hailian for a few words. The shopkeeper heaved a sigh of relief when the carriage drove out of the street, and quietly looked at the old woman who was sitting quietly beside her.

The man swallowed his saliva, and said with a dull smile, "Well... do you think my acting is okay? Didn't I show up?"

The old lady didn't answer. She turned her head and looked at the embassy through the glass behind the car, but Hailian was nowhere to be seen. The old woman sighed, turned her head and said softly, "He... doesn't look like Ah Mi, but more like his father."

"Boss," the shopkeeper was really puzzled, "Why didn't you recognize him, and why did you pretend to be a tailor to meet him?"

"A-Lian has been living outside for so many years, and I don't know how much he has suffered. I don't have the face to call him 'grandma'." The old woman took off her glasses and closed her eyes. "I was still alive when the disaster happened." Lan Lisai talked about business, and said that when he returned to Dongzhou, he would choose the best fabrics to make a new dress for my unborn granddaughter, but he didn't expect... "

The businessman was busy, especially after her husband died. She took down the small cloth shop by herself, and traveled between Luohe and Taiyan all year round. Even her grandson Hailian only met two or three times when she was a baby. , so she set out alone to go to Westland, wanting to seize the opportunity to buy her own mulberry and cotton field. When she crossed the sea by boat and came back, she realized that Dongzhou had been turned upside down. , watertight.

It took her a lot of work and many joints to buy the ruins as her own shop, and it took her nearly twenty years to make Congfang silk shop spread all over Beihong, just to find out about her daughter. ; Now that she finally sees her grandson, but learns from the other party that Cong Mi is dead, how can she not feel sad

The shopkeeper has been with her for more than ten years, so of course he knows about the sadness of the boss, and he is afraid that she will not be able to bear the pain of losing her daughter as she grows older, so he quickly comforted her: "Since we know that he is now Tisu's baron, we will be in the future." It's much easier to handle, do you have any orders next?"

"Order..." The boss opened his eyes again, his pupils calm and indifferent, "let all the guys in Taiyan pay more attention to the embassy, if there is any movement, or if we can help, we must help him Bar."


As the cold wind of early winter blew from north to south, the news of Beihong's marriage to Tisuan was sent to Chi Jincheng along with the first snowflakes. This was supposed to be a big news that caused a sensation in Nanhong's court, but now no one cares about it at all. After all, what is in front of Nanhong's court is a more important matter.


Qin Lin's body deteriorated after being frightened by the rebellious son Qin Weiheng back then. At the beginning of this year, he couldn't get out of bed at all, and his life depended on the imperial doctor's decoction. But even so, he would never trust any of his heirs, let alone convey the intention of setting up a prince to supervise the country. He still holds the power by himself, relying entirely on the eunuchs to pass on his muddle-headed instructions. As a result, the struggle between Liang Wang Qin Weishen and Chen Wang Qin Weiyu intensified.

The day before the new year, Qin Yan finally fell into a coma. As soon as the news was delivered from the palace, Qin Weishen immediately ordered his private soldiers to quickly surround the palace. Take the lead—after all, whoever grasps the will first will have one foot on the throne. The man was sitting in the carriage, anxious inside, and his temper became more and more irritable. While yelling at the driver to speed up, he thought of countless ways to deal with his good brother after he ascended the throne.

Yes, there is also that Fang Tinglan, who is really a dog that can bite people. He sneaked to the south, not only brought Qin Weiyu back silently, but also turned his head and coaxed his father to restore his title , Let him form what kind of Yingcang Fleet to be in charge of the entire Nanhong coastline. Thinking of the fact that this dog was actually released from the death row by "out of mercy" back then, Qin Weishen's heart was devoured like ten thousand insects. He only regretted that he hadn't kicked Fang Tinglan twice when he was kneeling in front of him. To just break every bone in him—


There was a loud noise outside the carriage, and then the carriage shook violently, and the horses galloped like crazy. The sudden speed increase caused Qin Weishen in the carriage to almost hit the carriage. He couldn't help being furious, and opened the door to scold the driver However, as soon as he opened the door, he heard a heavy object fall to the ground, as if something was pushed out of the car by him. There was nothing in front of him, only a few drops of fresh blood remained on the seat.

Who did it? Who killed my coachman? Is it Qin Weiyu? Qin Weishen didn't have time to think about these things, what he needed to do now was to stop the carriage!

He wanted to call for help to the officers and counselors accompanying him, but those people's cars were far inferior to these two tall horses that he had bought from Beimo merchants at a high price, and he had long since left them in the night; he was in a hurry to catch them They pulled up the ropes to rein in the horses, but the frightened horses ignored the owner's orders at the moment. The gunshot and the pungent bullets thrown from nowhere frightened them, and they galloped forward completely in a panic—the front It was the destination of King Liang, the Nanhong Palace.

Since the Fang family's ancestral house was directly expropriated, this palace is not as magnificent as Taiyan's Ziwei Palace, but it covers an area of thousands of hectares and is extremely vast. There are not only gardens and hunting grounds, tall buildings and pavilions, but also a long lake at the entrance of the mansion. In spring, the willow branches dance, and in summer, the lotus blooms in the sky. It has always been a good place for the people of Chijin to enjoy spring.

The carriage crashed into the fence by the lake, and Qin Weishen heard the second loud noise and the sound of hunting wind filling his ears tonight, and the next second he found himself empty, being thrown high by the carriage. The lake covered with brittle icy edges was right below him, his screams were covered by the neighing of the horses, and the cold winter temperature cut Qin Weishen's sight, his half-closed eyes could only see the only one leading to the palace. The long bridge is eight feet away from me.

He also saw another dog.

Zhou Buyi, who was born with a baby face, was standing on the bridge at this moment. The young man was wearing a bright red winter cloak, slowly raised his folded hands, and saluted his former lord with a smile: "Congratulations on the new year, His Royal Highness King Liang."

Today is the last day of Winter Moon.
