Knight of the Sea

Chapter 95: New Night Chess


The news that King Liang could get, King Chen could also get it, even earlier than he knew it. After all, he often went to the palace to play the role of father's kindness and filial piety in the past few months. The collapse was tonight—but he was in no hurry.

He has been working hard under Fang Tinglan's surveillance since he came back from Tisu. Suddenly, there was no news from Tinglan half a year ago. He looked at Zhou Buyi's increasingly anxious face, and knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time had finally come. He spent half a year and used various means to make all the "eyes" in his mansion disappear, leaving only a few servants to serve, and the group of capable people around Lord Zhenhai just came here smelling the smell of copper As long as he can persuade Zhou Buyi, the number one villain who sees the wind and the wind, he can successfully get all the inheritance of his "confidant and friend" into his hands.

What are Qin Weishen's private soldiers, Qin Weiyu couldn't help but sneer when he thought of this. I have already contacted the underground gangs in the black street. Tonight is the New Year's Eve. Every house is closed at night, the lights are on, and the streets are full of tourists. The private soldiers still wanted to rush to the palace from outside the city, so they would probably be completely blocked on the road. He glanced at the night sky, and even leisurely planned to change into a set of filial piety clothes that he had just made two days ago.

He called a servant, but no one answered outside the door.

Qin Weiyu frowned. He pushed open the door. In addition to the aroma of fireworks and wine in the festival, there seemed to be a faint smell of blood. Chen Wang felt a little uneasy. Suddenly there was the sound of light footsteps.

"Who!" Qin Weiyu shouted decisively.

The visitor slowly wiped away the blood on the saber, and walked through the doorway step by step from the cover of the branches. An extremely elegant smile bloomed on the face that Qin Weiyu thought he would never see again.

"Good evening, Weiyu." Fang Tinglan said.

Qin Weiyu swallowed, "You... are you back?"

"I never said I was going to say goodbye." If it wasn't for the blood stains on the man's face, this smile was enough to be called very innocent. "It's you, it's so late, and you don't stay at home to watch the new year, where are you going?"

The voice of the other party has always been gentle, and only those who have worked with him for a long time can hear the coldness of the blade he has restrained. Qin Weiyu knew that he might be gone, but he still held a glimmer of hope like a gambler: "Stop, we Let's talk about it." He paused, then added, "For the sake of our childhood, okay."

"Of course, I've always been a very talkative person," Fang Tinglan nodded happily. He put the knife back into its sheath, and suddenly smiled, "It's not interesting to just stand and talk, why don't we play a game of chess together."

Speaking of playing chess, Fang Tinglan actually found a chessboard and Qin Weiyu sat at the two ends. Fang Tinglan went first, and he pushed the cavalry forward: "What do you want to talk about?"

"I... I'm very worried about you during this time." As long as the other party is willing to talk, Qin Weiyu feels that he still has a chance—after all, he didn't kill himself that night four years ago, which means that he doesn't hold much weight in his heart Low. King Chen softened his voice and said carefully, "Master Zhou refused to tell me your whereabouts, and I was really afraid that King Liang would take the opportunity to retaliate, so...all the people you sent to me were dismissed. "

"It's okay, I'm afraid that you won't have a solid foundation after you return to Dongzhou, so I'll distribute the manpower to you." Fang Tinglan shook his head and didn't mind, "However, you seem to have had a good life in the past six months, and your influence is quite romantic. I'm relieved that the water is rising."

"I felt sorry for you a lot in the past, and it was my fault, but you are the only one I really believe in in this world." Playing the emotional card with Lord Zhenhai was at best a prologue, and Qin Weiyu knew how much the opposite person was hiding. With raging ambitions, he continued: "As long as the two of us continue to work together, after I ascend the throne, your Fang family will be promoted as side-by-side kings, and the monarch and ministers will unite with you to hold the world together."

"Put your hands together..." Fang Tinglan smacked the word, watching one of his chess pieces being eaten by Qin Weiyu, he raised the corner of his mouth, "Weiyu, back then your mother's family was in decline, and you were not valued by His Majesty. From the beginning, I was the one who gave you things, food, play, and use... Now that you say you want to join hands with me, do you want to repay the few pieces of pastries and two books that I gave you when you were young?"

"I will never forget your kindness to me." Qin Weiyu's unconvincing attitude made Qin Weiyu even more uncertain. He glanced out of the window and slowly clenched his hand in his sleeve into a fist. The expression on his face became more and more earnest, "Back then I was in a daze and forced you to leave that assassin and go back to Dongzhou; in the past four years, I have been regretting that I was not honest enough with you, and that's why I had a quarrel. But today is a decisive game, think about it now, if we break up, who will be cheaper?"

"You mean Qin Weishen?" Fang Tinglan's voice was flat, and he stretched out his hand and pushed the counselor chess one step forward, and came to the "Heqiao", "Don't worry, Zhou Buyi will deal with it."

Qin Weiyu lowered his eyes, and with a click, he took another chess piece from Fang Tinglan: "Really, then I believe Master Zhou will do it very cleanly."

The two stopped talking, and there was only the occasional sound of chess falling in the room. Qin Weiyu silently counted the time in his heart, and couldn't help but glance out of the window again.

"You don't seem to be paying enough attention to playing chess today," Fang Tinglan said, "you've been disturbed by something outside. You can't play chess without paying attention." He looked at the criss-crossing forces on the chessboard, and smiled slightly, "I Looks like I'm going to win."

Qin Weiyu leaned back when he heard the words, and raised his jaw slightly.

"I don't think so, stop Lan."


Continuous loud noises came from afar.


"What sound?" Ding Leshui sat up and looked out the window.

Erika rubbed her eyes sleepily, then snorted disdainfully: "You really are a country bumpkin, haven't you heard the sound of fireworks?"

"I..." Ding Leshui really wanted to refute the young master, but he was always stupid, so he just whispered, "The sound of fireworks is different."

"What's the difference? How can Dongzhou's fireworks compare with ours?" Erika snorted again, "I also heard that people in Dongzhou don't sleep all night during the New Year. We are different. Don't close your eyes, beware that Oneiroi will make your eyelashes grow backwards!" The boy was about to fall back to sleep after finishing speaking, when there was a sound of hurried footsteps in the bedroom, and the whale lights in the corridor were also lit. The two glanced at each other in the dark, and it was Erica who turned over from the bed first, trotted over and opened the door.

"Brother?" he asked in surprise.

Flo stopped when he heard the boy's voice, and turned to look at him. The young man was walking in a hurry, and the ribbon, which was always meticulous, hadn't been fastened on the buttons: "Why are you awake?"

"Both he and I were woken up by the sound of fireworks." Even though the house was covered with thick blankets, Erika rubbed her other ankle back and forth with her bare feet, "Are you going out?"

"Well, there's something I need to go out to see." Flo walked over with a smile, leaned over and rubbed his brother's sleeping fluffy head, "Go on to sleep, otherwise it will be so painful if your eyelashes grow upside down."

Flo made a bitter grimace, which made Erica straighten up after laughing, and gently pushed Erica into the room, "You are also an older brother now, remember to look at Leshui's Is the quilt covered like you, do you know?"

Erica hummed obediently, then asked in a low voice, "Then will you be back later?"

"Of course." Flo said good night to him, and slowly closed the door.

The boy was in a good mood, and jumped back to his soft bed in three or two steps. He tilted his head, only to find that the Dongzhou bumpkin had also got out of bed at some point: "Aren't you cold standing by the window? Or do you want to watch the fireworks?" what?"

Ding Leshui did not answer. His forehead was pressed against the cold glass, and he looked into the distance through a layer of cool mist—Major General Flo’s family is a wealthy family in Tisu, so the mansion would naturally not be built under the mountain, overlooking from the window of Erika’s bedroom , just in time to see the brilliant flames on the reflection bridge in the distance, and the bright red light like stars on the sea level farther away.

"Erica..." Ding Leshui asked softly, "Are your Tisu's fireworks blooming on the ground?"


"This year's Chi Jin's fireworks are much more beautiful than last year's. It's worth my money to smuggle them from Tisu to invite the people of the city to watch them." Fang Tinglan sighed as he looked at the blooming flowers in the night sky in the distance, and slowly turned his gaze back Looking at Qin Weiyu's face, "Looking at your expression, you seem to think that wasn't the roar of fireworks just now?"

Qin Weiyu didn't speak.

"Or," Fang Tinglan's smile deepened, he moved the swordsman chess piece to the side, and beheaded the opponent's artillery, "Do you think it will be the explosion of the thunder and fire you planted?"

It was the middle of winter, but Qin Weiyu felt sweat dripping from his back. He held his breath, and ate Fang Tinglan's swordsman with his backhand, "I didn't understand what you were talking about. Why do you think it was me who set up the thunder fire?" , not Qin Weishen?"

"Then take it as Liang Wangbu's." Fang Tinglan corrected his words, "Just one thing I want to tell you, I like Chi Jin very much, at least more than your Qin family."

"This is my home, and I won't allow anyone to destroy it, do you understand?" he emphasized.

Qin Weiyu gritted his teeth.

"Weiyu, you Qin family always forget whose territory Chi Jincheng used to be." Fang Tinglan smiled, "My ancestors lived in this city for nearly a hundred years, and it is even worse than Guozuo of your Hong Dynasty." For a long time."

"What do you want to say," Qin Weiyu's voice tightened, "Do you want to take this city back? Do you think you can successfully take away the Qin family's country and ascend to the throne?"

"Jiangshan? The throne?" Fang Tinglan repeated these two words, and then burst out laughing, "Weiyu, so you think I want to rebel and become the emperor myself?"

Isn't it? Qin Weiyu looked at Fang Tinglan who couldn't help laughing, and was stunned for a moment.

—Isn’t the ultimate goal of this careerist in front of him usurping the throne

"To tell you the truth, I did have a plan in the past." Fang Tinglan finally stopped laughing, but the ending sound was still briskly rising, "It's just like how those people in Tianjiku manipulated Qin Weiheng. You—you don’t have to be angry, you must have thought the same thing in your mind, after all, Zhou Buyi told me that you have a small mind, if you really hold the imperial power, I guess I will have to go back to the death row It's not a good place, and I don't want to go back. Weiyu, I don't think you want to try it, do you?"

Qin Weiyu's voice squeezed out from between his teeth: "Of course I don't want to."

"However, being in prison is not all good things. The previous year on death row, without outside interference, made me understand one thing, and this thing has supported me to the present."

"You mean revenge, don't you?"

"As expected of a young boy, Weiyu, you really know me very well." Fang Tinglan was still pushing the chess pieces, and he said, "And in the past six months, I was trapped on Rochester Island alone, and I wanted to understand two things. One of them is my personal matter, so I won’t tell you.”

"Another thing," the man smiled, and used a small pawn to eat the emperor's chess symbol, "I want to understand that this era does not need a king for a long time—the emperor should not exist in the world."

The outcome is set.

He looked directly at Qin Weiyu, with a strange brilliance in his pupils: "In the future, the king who will truly rule the world will be gunpowder, gold coins, the uncultivated wasteland in the west land, and the long-term hero who gallops in the Yunhai and Linhai seas." Ships... Even the most useless piece of knowledge in "Auspicious Light and Yellow Cloud Book" is much more useful to the future four barrens than that rotten dragon chair."

"You... how dare you—" Qin Weiyu had never heard such absurd remarks. He stood up suddenly, his fair cheeks were flushed, his lips and teeth were chattering, but he couldn't say a word.

Fang Tinglan also stood up, the man's expression was calm and conceited, just like the hero in the theater who is passing the sentence on the villain, he looked down at the chessboard: "When I was young, I always came to tell you various things. Let me tell you something."

"Do you know that there is another way to win chess besides swallowing the opponent's chess?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was only a clatter, the chessboard was suddenly lifted, and all the chess pieces fell to the ground with a crackling sound. The bright red king chess bounced and rolled twice on the ground and landed at Fang Tinglan's feet. Kicked away by him.

"That's just flipping the chessboard and not playing with you." Fang Tinglan said with a smile.

In an instant, Qin Weiyu suddenly understood what the other party wanted to do. He took a step back, pushed the chair away and wanted to run out, but before he could take two steps, he felt a sharp pain in his thigh. Chen Wang's knees softened and he fell to the ground. on the ground.

Qin Weiyu's screams echoed in the empty Prince Chen's mansion, with blood gurgling from the bullet holes, Fang Tinglan shot him twice in the leg, and after confirming that the other party could no longer stand up, he walked out the door calmly go.


A bloody hand grabbed Zhen Haigong's trousers, Qin Weiyu swallowed desperately, and shouted tremblingly: "Give me one more chance, stop! For the sake of us growing up together, I won't make small moves anymore, I will be the most obedient chess in your hand! I will prove to you that the king is still a useful thing in this world!!"

"Thank you, no need." Fang Tinglan pulled his brocade trousers out of the opponent's palm without much effort, "I gave you a chance four years ago, and I gave you another chance half a year ago. The friendship with your boss is only worth two chances."

"But... I still want to thank you, Weiyu," Fang Tinglan frowned, "Thank you for helping me advance the deadline of Qin Lin's immortality. I just happened to be in a hurry and was busy going to see my little friend."

He walked outside the door, respectfully paid his last salute to His Royal Highness Chen Wang who wanted to take the oath, and then closed the red-painted door.



On the 30th night of the winter moon in the seventh year of Renxing, Emperor Ding Ling Qin Yu died of illness on his couch. On the way to the palace, Liang Wang Qin Weishen’s horse suddenly fell into the water, and the mansion of Chen Wang Qin Weiyu suddenly caught fire; None of the three powerful royal families surnamed Qin could hear Chi Jincheng's bell announcing the arrival of the New Year at Minglou.

When Fang Tinglan walked out of Prince Chen's mansion, he was greeted by guards in black and heart armor, and handed him a Chinese cloak to shelter him from the wind. After the man put on the belt, he suddenly felt a cold on the tip of his nose. He touched it, and it was a small snow seed, which quickly melted on his fingertips.

He looked back, and slowly sprinkled more lingering snow particles from the dark night sky, and was quickly roasted by the flames, turning into a wisp of scorching blue smoke. Chi Jincheng is much warmer than Taiyan, and it rarely snows.

This is also the first snow in the four hundred and seventy-first year of the Four Desolation Zhengyuan Era.

Renxing eight years? To hell with it. Fang Tinglan thought.