Knight of the Sea

Chapter 96: Firework ceremony




Long Rong stretched out her hand to the night sky happily. This was the first time she saw real snow, not the nothingness described in the classics. She brought the ice crystals on her sleeves to her face, and her eyes widened: "The book really didn't lie to me, it really looks like a flower."

"Look at it, be careful not to catch a cold." Hailian glanced at the other party's not-so-thick long skirt, and reminded lazily.

Naturally, the New Year’s Eve is going to be celebrated in Taiyan City. Tonight, Qin Weiheng has invited envoys and officials from all directions to the palace banquet. Of course, Queen Tisu and her party will not be missing. It’s just that the dragon in the palace is warm, and Long Rong can’t stay there for a while. On the contrary, it's too hot, so I just come out to get some air. Behind melodious drum music and the interlaced sound of entertainment intertwined, people of various hair colors and skin colors mixed together, and many people also came out to enjoy the snow and sober up. say hello. A school of peace and tranquility.

Hai Lian saw that Long Rong was chatting happily with the envoys of various countries, but he himself had no interest in this kind of entertainment, so he planned to go in and continue to have a drink alone. Just as he was about to return to the hall, he suddenly heard two young girls talking diagonally in front of him. Their voices were not loud, but Long Rong's name was heard by the breeze, causing Hailian to subconsciously He stopped, and then walked in the direction of the two without a sound.

The top assassins not only walked silently, but even restrained their breath when bullying the target. The two noble girls didn't realize that there was another person one step behind them, and one of them was wearing a jasmine hairpin. Still comforting the other party with a sweet voice: "Qingqing, don't be angry, the prince has no choice but to do so."

"What is there to do, I think he just fell in love with that Tisu woman!" Another girl in red who was slightly shorter was full of grievances, "He just went to toast several glasses of wine and didn't even look at me. !"

Hai Lian raised his eyebrows when he heard this. It seems that this Prince Beihong obviously has a lover, why would he want to marry Long Rong

He was so delusional that he missed the first part of Jasmine Hairpin's sentence: "...Honest and condescending, how can you believe that the crown prince is sincere to her? You are the crown princess that both His Majesty and Master Zhang recognize, so bear with that Princess Tisu." She said, and gently tugged on the other party's sleeve.

The girl in red seemed to have figured it out after a moment of silence, and she snorted softly: "What kind of princess, after a few months, she will be nothing."

Hailian's complexion changed, and he almost subconsciously reached out to grab the girl in red and asked her what the last sentence meant, but at this moment, the crowd suddenly became commotion, and the two girls pointed forward and whispered: " The flame appreciation ceremony is about to begin!" As he spoke, he rushed towards the gate of the hall arm in arm.

In the distance, a group of honor guards walked slowly over the snow. Fourteen or fifteen-year-old boys and girls hold lanterns and raise flags, wearing feathers and gold belts, like ice crystal snowmen condensed from the night. At the same time, the impact of Zhuliu and the sound of footsteps came from the hall. Already drunk, Qin Weiheng, the prince and others all walked out of the banquet hall, and the envoys quickly lined up on both sides and bowed to the two rulers of Dongzhou, and Hailian also bowed perfunctorily.

Qin Weiheng seemed to say something with a smile. He waved his hand, and the atmosphere in the front porch quickly relaxed again. The fireworks that were about to go off made the little girl in red on the other end turn pale with anger; Hai Lian still stood still, thinking about the conversation between the two girls just now. He was thinking about whether to follow the girl after the dinner, and when he found an opportunity to ask for clarification, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Your Excellency the Baron."

It's Dongzhou dialect.

Hai Lian turned around and found that the person who greeted him was the middle-aged man who had looked at him twice when he first arrived in Taiyan, and the man who was standing behind Qin Weiheng just now—the man with slender eyebrows and a goatee on his chin. Very good, he couldn't help but be impressed.

"At the next guest trip, it's Beihong's Taifu." The other party saluted him with a smile.

"Oh..." Hailian looked the man up and down a few times, and said lightly, "Is there something wrong?"

Zhang Kexing was startled. According to etiquette, Hailian, the baron, should return a salute anyway, but the young man has a pure and unscrupulous expression on his beautiful face. Obviously, in his heart, even if Zhang Kexing claimed to be the emperor, he probably would not Will not take it seriously. He shook his head helplessly, and simply avoided the politeness, and said straight to the point: "I heard that there is a foreign baron next to the Queen's Palace who is very trusted and highly valued. This is the first time I can call on you."

Long Rong knew that Hailian couldn't cope with these twists and turns, so he basically let him wander around Taiyan City by himself. On the other hand, he and other attendants discussed the marriage with Bei Hong. In the past two months, Hai Lian had touched all the operas and wine fragrances, and even rescued a family in the south corner of the city. It is strange to say that a mother and son who were bullied by the wicked, a few days later, when Hailian went to cloth village to pick up a scarf customized by Longrong, he found that the mother had also become the satin mother of cloth village, and even expressed her kindness to him. Thank you once again. As a result, Hailian certainly has nothing to do with these dignitaries of Beihong.

Hai Lian couldn't figure out whether the other party was just here to exchange greetings or had other intentions, so he nodded carelessly: "What do you want to befriend me?"

"I'm just a little curious. Although Jiumeng City is all-encompassing, with a hundred kinds of people living in a hundred kinds of things, in fact, royal power and nobles are very exclusive," Zhang Kexing's eyes never looked at Longrong's light brown hair not far away. Glancing over, he turned back to Hailian's black eyes, "How can you have a place in Tisu?"

Hai Lian really wanted to say that it was none of your business, but he was afraid that his swearing would make things difficult for Long Rong and the others, so he could only move his throat slightly and replied: "I accidentally saved the life of the Queen, and I was banned because of my luck." After becoming a baron, of course we must do our best to serve His Highness."

"So that's how it is," Zhang Kexing stroked his beard and pondered, "I'm a little surprised..."


"Looking at the rich experience of your princess, she was kidnapped by Dongzhou assassins when she was a child, and was rescued by Dongzhou people when she was an adult. It seems that she may have a real destiny with Dongzhou." Zhang Kexing said with a smile.

This smile is no different from the smiles used by politicians when they exchange greetings. The standard is even a bit vulgar. Hailian curled his lips, a little impatient to continue the awkward conversation with this person. He turned his head and looked at Fei Xuezhong who was trying to light the fireworks The teenagers who led the line, but in an instant, his eyes froze suddenly.

—How did this person know that Long Rong was kidnapped by the "Dongzhou Assassin"

He turned his head inch by inch, and the man named Zhang Kexing still kept that smile. He didn't seem to be surprised by Hailian's surprised expression. It is clear that Tisu is not a good tree that you can rest for a long time, there is no place for you in this country, you have made mistakes to get to where you are today."

Hailian pursed her lips.

The fireworks shot up into the sky with a sharp and piercing sound, and exploded again with a loud bang. Taifu Beihong's elegant and amiable face looked mysterious and unpredictable under the flickering light. He spoke again, but his voice was covered by fireworks one after another. Hailian could only vaguely grasp a few syllables amidst the deafening noise.

"Shang Hailian, we... observe... only... is your real home."


The farewell banquet came to an end after the fireworks viewing ceremony, and the envoys from various countries also sent their last congratulations to King Beihong and then left. The Tisu people didn't have the habit of watching the age, Long Rong grunted sleepily as soon as he got into the carriage, tilted his head and fell into a light sleep.

Hai Lian hadn't said a word since the end of the flame viewing ceremony, an unusual silence. He quietly watched the blushing face of the princess, until the carriage was about to drive into the embassy, he finally decided to push her to wake up.

The baron stared at the princess's drunken eyes, and said in a low voice.

"His Royal Highness Longrong, we seem to be in danger."