Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 43: Death of Tatsu Uchiha


Tsunade-hime walked alone on the long road.

Now she is in a very happy mood. Because she went gambling this afternoon and finally won money. And she won a lot of money.

Hmm, it seems that my gambling skills have improved recently.

Moreover, that brat Uchiha at home is about to leave. Everything has been pleasant lately. I can laze around comfortably for a while again.

As for when you win money, someone will be unlucky? It's none of my business.

Regardless of whether it was Jiraiya, Orochimaru, or that Uchiha Tatsu's little brat, his misfortune had anything to do with him.

If you're unlucky, be unlucky. Anyway, it's not me who's unlucky.

Tsunade walked into the door of her home humming happily.

She squinted and became aware of the ANBU outside her home.

Tsunade still knows about these people. They should be here to monitor and protect Kushina. Although, she still doesn't know why Konoha is so aggressive towards Kushina.

But as long as it makes her grandma happy. After all, the other party is from grandma's tribe.

These Anbu were not allowed to enter the courtyard, they could only stay outside for protection. After all, no one wants to have a group of people hiding in their home and monitoring them.

Tsunade walked in the door and she remembered that girl Kushina. By the way, she still likes Kushina very much.

Even though Kushina had just arrived today, Tsunade fell in love with her immediately. Tsunade looked very carefree, but she could still sense the loneliness and fear in Kushina's heart.

What a gentle and kind sister.

It is normal for a six-year-old child to be scared when he first comes to a strange environment.

I don’t know if I slept or not.

She decided to go see Kushina.

She slowly approached Kushina's house. But it was dark inside.

have you slept? Tsunade opened the door gently.

But there was no scent of Kushina in the room. no one there

Tsunade immediately touched Kushina's bed and found that it was cold under the quilt.

Oops! Could it be that Kushina was taken away

Tsunade immediately walked out of the room. She wanted to go and see her grandma in the backyard.

Then she passed by Uchiha Tatsu's room. She saw that the lights in the room were still on.

Only the sound of a girl crying could be heard faintly inside.

What the hell!

Tsunade immediately approached. She carefully put her ear to the door.

Then she heard sounds coming from inside intermittently.

"Right... Okay..." Although the voice was a little blurry, Tsunade heard that it seemed to be Uchiha Tatsu's voice.

"That... I... didn't mean it."

Uchiha Tatsu seemed to be apologizing non-stop.

what's going on? Tsunade suddenly became nervous.

"What happened just now... just for a moment... shouldn't hurt."

Will it hurt for a moment? Tsunade's brain immediately began to think wildly.

What could cause pain in an instant? Tsunade's thoughts uncontrollably headed towards an exciting and unfamiliar field.

What's going on? The sound inside is intermittent, and it's not very clear. Tsunade decided to change the door to one with poor soundproofing tomorrow!

"That...I...will...be responsible..."


Tsunade's face immediately turned ugly, and Uchiha Tatsuya was already responsible.

Something big has happened.

Kushina was not in her room at night, and now she appeared in Uchiha Tatsu's room. He still has to be responsible. No matter how stupid Tsunade was, she understood what was going on.

How to do how to do!

Although the other party was from the Uchiha clan, he was still her first student of Tsunade. She wanted to guide her well, but she didn't expect something would happen now.

If he reported it himself, Uchiha Tatsu would definitely be taken away by the ANBU and thrown into the lake. But if you don't report it, Kushina is your sister.

Can't wait any longer. After weighing it, Tsunade kicked the door open with a flying kick.

Tsunade's mind went into a trance.

The scene that appeared before her eyes was like this, Kushina was sitting on the bed in her disheveled pajamas. She was a little nervous and scared.

And next to her bed was a kunai. It was obvious that Kushina wanted to commit suicide! !

At this time, that beast Uchiha Tatsumi, with his ugly face, was getting close to Kushina. He was holding a piece of paper in his hand and wiping Kushina's tears.

Kushina was staring with big eyes. Her face was as red as a tomato. Is it because of fear

"Kushina, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you. Close your eyes!" Tsunade said quickly.

After all, there will be blood soon, and she can't scare a gentle and kind-hearted child like Kushina.

This is secondary damage.

Uchiha Tatsu stared blankly at Tsunade who broke in through the door.

Everything came unexpectedly.

Tsunade's soft golden hair, tied into a bunch like a ponytail, had a faint scent of shampoo wafting from it.

Looking at the door broken by Tsunade, Uchiha Chen's eyes twitched.

Is this another sneak attack by Tsunade? How despicable. Unexpectedly, Uchiha Tatsumi could calmly analyze the situation in front of him from an objective perspective.

"Tsunade sister... I..." Kushina's voice came from beside her, which for some reason made Uchiha Tatsu concerned.

"Uchiha Tatsumi, grit your teeth and accept death!"

"Huh? What? This is a big joke. Wait wait wait wait wait a minute! I don't know anything - ow wow ah ah!"

Uchiha Tatsu had never felt such strong murderous intent, and Tsunade's eyes seemed to reveal an unprecedented serious emotion!

Then, what happened next was completely beyond Uchiha Tatsu's expectations.

Like a galloping horse, Tsunade took a step forward at a very fast speed. There was clear murderous intent in her narrowed eyes.

Is this the true strength of a Jonin? I couldn't move at all.

Tsunade suddenly punched, and the fist was close to Uchiha Tatsu's lips.

how? What happened? Why is Tsunade's fist so close to me

Why am I here

who I am

Why is my brain so confused at this moment that I can't think of anything

Get moving!

Suddenly, the touch of Tsunade's soft and warm skin came to her mouth.

Before Uchiha Chen could react to the situation, his own body had already bounced away from the bed.

Is this what flying feels like

Then, Uchiha Tatsu, who was in the air, felt the incomparable pain on his cheek.

Feel the pain, experience the pain, accept the pain, know the pain. Those who do not understand pain will not understand the true horror!

At this moment, Uchiha Chen realized that he was actually insignificant in the universe. It was a lonely and humbling feeling that I had never experienced before.

Then he finally saw Tsunade's ferocious face in the air, and Kushina crying and rushing towards him to save him.

This picture is really beautiful.

Then death comes.

Then, comes darkness.

For a moment, Uchiha Chen's consciousness fell into darkness.