Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 498: conversation


The dark and damp underground space was built deep underground in Konoha Station.

"Ta, ta, ta" footsteps came one after another. Chen moved forward slowly, and he didn't pause until he was in front of a certain door.

This is a very heavy metal door, covered with black tadpole curse marks, and two jonin hold the handles beside the door.

Naturally, there were more than two jounin stationed nearby, but the most reliable defense was the small room with dense barriers in front of them.

Seeing Chen's arrival, the two Jonin showed respect on their faces, straightened their backs and said, "Sir!"

Chen nodded slightly in response.

"Is everything okay in there?"

The jounin of the Hyuga branch immediately bowed and replied: "Everything is normal."

"Well, thank you both for your hard work."

After chatting casually for a few words, the two ninjas formed seals at the same time, strange chakra fluctuations rippled through their bodies, and then they pressed their right hands on the door at the same time.

The black curse seals on the metal door suddenly seemed to be alive, twisting and flickering, and then the color quickly faded, and disappeared after two breaths.

The ninja on the left took out the key and opened the big lock on the metal door.


The big metal door slowly opened, and the cell was originally dark. After opening the door, light shone in. Chen could see that deep in the cell, sitting cross-legged, was a thin figure, none other than Hanzo!

Chen walked in, and the guarding ninja sent a torch to the cell, hung it on the wall of the cell, and then left again.

Hanzo didn't move from beginning to end. He didn't seem to hear the sound of the door opening. He didn't know that someone had come in. He sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, like an old monk in meditation.

The broken armor on his body has long been removed, and now he only wears a blue-gray robe, his hair is meticulously combed, and he wears a gas mask on his face. He looks extremely neat.

Konoha did not mistreat the demigod, but gave him the respect he deserved.

Squeak, bang!

The cell door was closed again, and Chen strode towards Hanzo. When the distance was less than one meter, he sat down cross-legged and faced Hanzo face to face.

The distance between the two is very close. Hanzo now has several curse seals and various sealing techniques on his body. He cannot use chakra at all, and his power is also limited, only equivalent to that of ordinary people.

"Lord Hanzo, I'm here again."

Hearing Chen's voice, Hanzo just slowly opened his eyes and didn't respond too much.

However, despite this appearance, Hanzo's mood was not as calm as he appeared.

Half a month ago, he was the leader of the Kingdom of Rain and had always held great power. However, once he was defeated and became a prisoner, no one could understand this sense of gap.

No, there is still someone who can understand, and that is the Third Kazekage.

In an instant, Hanzo's previous disdain for the Third Kazekage turned into sympathy.

If he could go out, he would definitely have a lot to talk with the Third Kazekage.

But... how difficult it is.

The Third Kazekage has the backing of Sunagakure Village. Sunagakure Village has enough bargaining chips to trade with Konoha, but Amegakure Village does not.

Hanzo felt a little uncomfortable.

He is now trapped in Konoha and has lost all contact with the past.

His power, his village, his men...

This sudden isolation gave him an extreme sense of emptiness, like a shark swimming in the deep sea that was thrown on the shore by the tide. He could do nothing but gasp for air.

In the first few days, Hanzo couldn't accept this change.

He thought that everything would get better as time went by, but unfortunately he was wrong. Instead of diminishing at all, the throbbing was increasing day by day.

Although he looks calm, in fact every time the door opens and closes, it is the most uncomfortable time for him.

When the door opens, he will imagine whether his subordinates are coming to save him, and the moment it closes, he hopes that Chen will not leave.

Because after leaving, this small space will fall into darkness again.

The only sound around him was the beating pulse of Hanzo's heart. If he listened to it for a long time, he would even feel that his heart was about to stop beating.

Hanzo is actually an extremely insecure person at his core, otherwise he would not equip himself with 24-hour rotating guards.

Now in this environment, he feels that his insecurity is getting more and more serious, and he even has a tendency to have obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Hanzo's expression kept changing, Chen just watched.

He is not a psychological expert and cannot guess Hanzo's psychological activities through so-called micro-expressions like Yao Xuechen in the Hong Kong drama.

So after a while, he still said: "Let's talk?"

"Don't want to talk to me?" Chen asked again.

Hanzo still didn't speak, but his expression gradually calmed down.

The two looked at each other.

The cell was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop for a while, and the atmosphere gradually became tense.

Chen sighed and said: "Forget it, since you don't want to talk, then talk about something you are interested in."

“Since you were captured, the Kingdom of Rain has not been peaceful.

Several of your subordinates thought you were dead and began to compete for the position of leader of Yuyin Village. "

"In addition, all the major forces are also competing for territory and resources."

As I said before, the situation in the Country of Rain is completely maintained by Hanzo alone.

The news of Hanzo's defeat and capture spread throughout the ninja world as if overnight. Various ninjas, bandits, and various organizations that had been suppressed by Hanzo suddenly grew like crazy overnight.

The country suddenly became chaotic.

If there is no profit, they can't afford to go early, so they naturally go to the leaderless Yuyin Village, and many forces have gathered together, thinking that they can rely on each other in the coming turmoil to get a share of the pie alive.

Originally, as long as a few of Hanzo's capable subordinates united, everyone would not dare to be so impatient, but these people, fighting for the position of leader of Yuyin Village, had no time to take care of themselves.

The current Yuyin Village is like a family that used to be the most powerful in the Kingdom of Rain, but suddenly the patriarch died, and the sons below fought fiercely to compete for the position of the patriarch.

But there were powerful enemies all around, all staring nakedly at the large house of helpless young beauties and large sums of property that could not be transferred.

No matter how picky a ninja is, he won't miss this opportunity!