Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 608: Earthly God


At some point, hail actually fell from the sky, hitting the scaly roof gently and heavily from a distance.

Fugaku glanced at Chen, who was getting closer and closer behind him, and couldn't help but frown.

He was completely entangled and couldn't get out.

From the time he left the Uchiha clan, the most attacks on Konoha were explosions caused by detonating talismans.

But as Konoha reacted, the detonating talisman was able to cause less and less damage.

Chen's entanglement made it impossible for Fugaku to do anything else.

But he didn't dare to turn around and fight.

Because of the few fights just now, Fugaku soon discovered that he had never been in a life-or-death encounter with the top ninja. Once he met a person of Tatsu's level, a few mistakes could be fatal.

If it weren't for the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, he would probably have died here.

A gloom enveloped Fugaku's heart.

He didn't know how Chen escaped from the Six Purple Flame Formation, but now that the other party escaped, there was a huge problem with the plan.

But if we leave like this today, then this attack will only be a joke.

In this case... Fugaku is ready to use his ultimate move.

With this thought in mind, he stepped on the Hokage Rock and stopped.

This is already the highest point of Konoha.

Earthly God!

Fugaku whispered a word.

After a moment of silence, there was a series of endless rumbling sounds.

He saw the Hokage Rock under his feet, with the head of the Third Hokage as the dividing point. From bottom to top, it was like a big sword "picking up the mountain" from it, splitting the cliff in half, and rocks kept rolling into the village.

The ten-meter rock to the right of the Third Hokage actually floated up out of thin air, while the First Hokage and the Second Hokage were safe and sound.

The Mangekyou Sharingan rotated crazily. Fugaku gently jumped off the Hokage Rock. The falling speed was not too fast. Before his feet landed on the ground, the ten-meter-long boulder was already floating on his head.

Fugaku stretched out a palm to support the heavy stone wall, which was more than ten meters high, and smashed it toward Chen.

This kind of method is extremely shocking in the eyes of ordinary ninjas and even the Third Hokage.

Because from a distance, it looked like Fugaku crushed the Hokage Rock with one foot, then held it up with one hand and threw it suddenly.

But that's not the case.

During this fight, Chen had almost figured out Fugaku's abilities.

Aside from Amaterasu, the other eye's abilities are presumably related to gravity.

This is also the reason why Fugaku can float in the air.

But this kind of gravity is different from Nagato's All-Seeing Tensei and Shinra Tensei.

If I had to describe it, it would probably be like Fujitora's Gravity Fruit, which can control the surrounding gravity.

But it is not as powerful as Fujitora. The gravity range that Fugaku can control is only a dozen meters around him.

However, this ability is already extremely buggy. With the support of Mu Dun, Fugaku can almost form a gravity field on his side.

Seeing the boulder coming, Chen put the five fingers of his right hand together and flashed an arc of electricity, pointing directly at the boulder.

Senfa Reiki!

The boulder hit him head-on like a torrential flood, but Chen used his thunder to cut it off and break it apart with one hand.

But this is Konoha after all, and if two halves of the boulder fall into the village, they will still cause serious damage.

The five fingers of Chen's left and right hands were like iron hooks, chakra suddenly exploded, and the thunder escape penetrated into the boulder, first tearing out cracks, and then smashing the entire heavy stone into hundreds or thousands of rubbles.

After getting this moment of respite, Fugaku once again used his pupil technique to float towards the sky.

"What's going on?" Several figures appeared beside Chen.

Chen glanced at the Third Hokage and explained: "Fugaku activated the Mangekyō Sharingan."

"Mangekyō Sharingan..." The Third Hokage nodded solemnly, his expression extremely serious.

The moment Fugaku launched the attack, he had already guessed that only the Mangekyo Sharingan would allow him to dare to attack.

"How's it going in the village?" Chen asked.

He only cared about chasing Fugaku and didn't worry too much about things in the village.

"Civilians have been moved to shelters. There are currently not many losses in the village. Most of them were caused by the explosion of detonating symbols.

But Kana and Noonoyu have channeled the slug. "The Third Hokage replied.

Chen nodded.

It's good that it didn't cause too much damage.

All eyes are on the sky.

The Third Hokage raised his head and said solemnly: "Fugaku, you have been surrounded, and your attack plan has failed. It's better to surrender."

"Surrender..." A hint of sarcasm flashed in Fugaku's eyes, "I have been preparing for today for a full year. Here is my gift to Konoha. You can catch it first."

Fugaku formed seals with his hands again.

At the same time, a barrier established at an unknown time a thousand meters above the ground was also unsealed.

Within the barrier, there were dozens of boulders more than ten meters in size hanging in the air.

These were all transferred here bit by bit by Fugaku using the Earth God.

The range of Fugaku's pupil technique is only fifteen meters away from him, so he can only transport one stone at a time.

What makes these boulders float out of thin air is a barrier.

The particularity of this barrier is that it has six transliteration seals that seal the earth gods as the central hub.

This barrier can maintain a gravity field for a certain period of time.

Of course, in order to maintain the gravity field for a long time, Fugaku had to go up frequently to replace the transfer seal.

It can be said that today's meteor shower is his proud work.

A moment later, dozens of boulders large enough to cover the sky fell from the sky with billowing air waves and rumbling vibrations.

In the night sky, the huge rocks made a loud noise. With the moonlight, the ninjas of Konoha quickly saw so many rocks.

The huge meteorite rain enveloped the earth with oppression. Before the boulders fell, the aftermath of the compressed air had already caused the gravel at the feet and edges of where everyone on the ground was standing to begin to shake.

In this scene, not to mention ordinary ninjas, even the Third Hokage felt overwhelmed.

They were really at a loss... They hadn't even reacted to the scene before them.

This sense of surprise was probably the same as when the Sunagakure ninja saw Tatsu for the first time and borrowed the power of thunder and lightning to use the Kirin.

They only have one feeling...

Is this a technique

In other words, is this a technique that humans can use

Dozens of meteorites dragged their tails from high altitude and fell directly. If they landed in Konoha Village, there would be no need to think about the consequences. The impact alone could directly level the village.

Not to mention the barrier in the village, even if it is surrounded by a steel fortress, it can be smashed through directly.

If the Third Hokage was still angry when he saw his avatar destroyed just now, then now he is in despair.

He suddenly had an absurd feeling.

The village... is probably going to be lost in his hands.