Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 613: Death of Fugaku


"let's start."

Tsunade didn't pay too much attention, but shook her wet hair, took a hair rope from her wrist, and tied it into a ponytail.

It's simple. If you ignore her white "death uniform", she is still full of heroism.

However, this is not the time to pay attention to details. Under the Earth Explosion Star, rubble quickly flew upwards, and the entire ground had a tendency to break away.

This is the Hidden Leaf Village, and it was about to be sealed by a technique. Who would dare to believe it

Not even the first Hokage, right

Sure enough, it was a big deal and a big production. If this scene were animated, Tiandao's face would probably be ruined.

The Third Hokage took a deep breath.

Together with him, the four of them stood in four directions, forming seals with their hands.

At this moment, the Sandaime was actually calm and a little satisfied.

This kind of satisfaction is for his three apprentices, Chen, and even those Konoha ninjas who are working hard without caring about their own safety.

Without them, Konoha's current situation would definitely be even worse.

On the contrary, he himself, the Hokage... At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen had made up his mind to hand over the village to the future fourth generation.

It's time too.

The Third Hokage looked back and four voices shouted at the same time.

Four Red Sun Formation!

The red barrier erupted suddenly, firmly protecting the village and extending upwards.

The Earth Explosion Sky Star was unrivaled in the world, tearing apart the entire land of Konoha, but under the cover of dark clouds, a huge barrier blocked this gravitational pull.

There was only a loud bang, and the sudden formation of the four red suns was pressed against the giant ball that was gradually taking shape.

Both sides refused to give in to each other.

Taking the four-red sun formation as the boundary, the world seemed to be divided into two parts.

Nagato closed his hands, and his whole body was already stained red with blood, but a chaotic network of flames appeared on the Four Red Sun Formation, and he finally withstood the pressure.

If this continues, he will probably bleed to death.

Nagato, who didn't expect this scene, also had a hint of gloom in his eyes.

This is already the limit of what he can do with the Earth Explosion Star. In this state, it depends on who can't hold it in first.

He even said... It depends on Tatsu and Fugaku, who can win.

The winning side will naturally be able to help the other side, thereby tilting the tide of the battle.

Outside of the Four Red Sun Formation, Fugaku was also extremely cautious.

His eyes are two kaleidoscopes with different patterns, and the three tails under his feet have been completely controlled by illusion.

Even though the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki has revealed its seven tails, with its own strength and the help of the Three-Tails, the opponent may not be an opponent.

But when Chen appeared on the battlefield, the situation was completely different.

The blue Crow Tengu armor was put on the seven-tailed Kyuubi, while Tatsumi and Kushina stood in Susanoo's head.

This time Kyuubi did not continue to resist, or in other words, the current situation no longer allowed it to resist.

The moment he saw the Earthburst Sky Star, the great fear hidden in Kyuubi's heart began to burst out.

This is a technique that can only be used by the Rinnegan. Now that it has appeared so grandly in the sky above Konoha, Kyuubi feels nervously that the other party is here to catch it.

Even... Kyuubi has already thought of the Ten-Tails.

Humans, or rather advanced creatures, are just so cheap.

If you don't encounter anything you're afraid of, you'll always feel confident. But if you encounter a natural enemy, it's like a mouse encountering a cat. It starts to tremble and panic.

The Kyuubi was not trembling, but it lent its power to Kushina without any hesitation.

This has never happened before.

In addition, Kyuubi also called Chen to quickly put the Susanoo armor on it.

Don't worry about safety or insecurity, protect yourself first.

Seeing that the armor was fully equipped, Kyuubi began to be arrogant again, asking Chen to quickly kill this Fugaku, and then attack the guy with the samsara eye.

Chen rolled his eyes, this guy really thought he was the fox master.


A trace of greed flashed in Fugaku's eyes.

This is the ultimate power of the Mangekyo Sharingan, but Fugaku's eyes have different patterns and cannot activate this power, even if he has the cells of the first Hokage!

At this time, the gap in strength between the two sides was already infinite, so Fugaku did not take the lead.

This cannot be compensated by the power of a pair of kaleidoscopes.

Not to mention, Fugaku's ability has been guessed by Chen to some extent, but Fugaku still doesn't know Chen's kaleidoscope eye skills.

Being unclear means unknown, and it means that you may be killed in a dark way.

Fugaku saw with his own eyes that Bai Zetsu attacked first and then died mysteriously.

The opponent didn't make any moves, but Chen didn't hesitate.

Kyuubi, who was wearing armor, flicked his claws, and a Chidori spear flashing with electric arc was thrown out, and it went straight into Fugaku's head.

The three huge tails hit the Chidori sharp spear hard, and there was a crackling sound in the air.

Kushina's red hair was fluttering. Standing side by side with Tatsumi and Susanoo, she stretched out an arm, her five fingers were like hooks, and six huge iron locks shot out from Susanoo's mouth like a black dragon.

The iron chain sealed by King Kong twisted out a huge arc in the blink of an eye, like a scorpion's tail, tightly wrapped around the three tails.

The three tails roared angrily. It can be seen how much this kind of chain suppresses it. Not to mention, when the chain is shot out of Susanoo, it is mixed with Chen's celestial power.

The three tails lost their fighting power in an instant.

Kyuubi's arms were wrapped in a layer of armor. At this time, it could rarely touch the chains.

With a sudden pull, it pulled the three-tailed figure to its side, and used its two hind paws to use its deadly scissor legs, locking the three-tailed body to death.

Fugaku, who was standing on the three tails, jumped up high. He rushed to the sky and faced the diamond chain that came with the force of thunder.

Between this line, the entire forest seems to have been cut open by a sword, dividing the north from the south from east to west.

Fugaku had no expression on his face and let the powerful wind hit him. At the same time, the Mangekyou Sharingan rotated wildly, and the chain suddenly stopped in front of him.

Earthly God!

Obviously, the Earth God's gravity control formed a gravity field around him, making it difficult for Kushina's chakra chain to make a further leap.

Fugaku's left eye was streaked with blood, and a black flame attached to the chain. Under the burning of the black flame, the chain quickly turned into nothingness one by one.

At this moment, Jiuwei's right claw made a drawing motion and pulled out the spiral sword.

The huge blade of the spiral sword gathered the wind escape, and slashed it down with one sword. The blow was so fast that even Fugaku could only see an afterimage with his naked eyes.

But because of the Earth God, the area more than ten meters away from him was blessed with gravity, so it seemed to be stationary for a moment, and a lot of flying dust stopped in the air.

After a moment of silence and movement, Fugaku appeared five meters to the right of the spiral sword.

As long as there is an Earth God, it is really difficult to kill him at close range.

It's hard... is it really hard

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Chen's mouth.

Since the spiral sword is useless, Kyuubi's left hand is a huge Chidori sharp spear.

It's just that there is a tailed beast jade stuck on this thunder escape spear, just like a candied haws.

The nine tails swung suddenly and hit Fugaku.

This is not a technique that can be easily avoided. The Earth God in Fugaku's right eye activates again.

But this time it is not acting on itself, but on this special tailed beast jade.

As soon as his eyes focused, the tailed beast jade followed an arc and flew towards the sky.

But he overlooked one thing.

In order to save their lives, Fugaku's earth gods always acted around themselves to form a gravity field.

But now that the God of Earth is acting on the tailed beast jade, why does he think he can avoid the attack, especially when facing the fastest speed in the ninja world

Chen appeared at the blade of the spiral sword. On one side of the blade, there happened to be a Flying Thunder God Technique, but it was hidden in the black lines of Xianjutsu, and Fugaku did not notice it.

Fugaku opened his mouth and roared, and in addition to the sound, blood gushed out.

The Chidori stabbed him in the chest.