Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 614: The attack ended


Anyone who has experienced death cherishes his life.

This sentence fits Fugaku's state of mind very well over the years.

He almost died in the Rainbow Kingdom, but was finally saved by Madara.

There may be many issues worth discussing, such as how he was able to drift across the ocean and arrive at Madara's base after falling into a waterfall, or how the Kirigakure Village was actually under Madara's control...

But too many doubts were suppressed by Fugaku, because he only knew two things.

Madara is dead, Chen is alive.

Madara is dead. No matter what he did, Fugaku can't take revenge. He can't resurrect Madara first and then kill him, right

That is not revenge, but seeking death.

So Fugaku would not do this. In fact, in his heart, he had decided to kick Madara away and implement the plan himself.

This can be regarded as his own revenge.

But Chen is still alive.

His father's death in Chen's hands was something he saw with his own eyes, and it couldn't be wrong.

That's why today's plan was made.

Today is both to suppress Konoha's power and to take revenge. Which one is more important does not matter to Fugaku, because the two do not conflict.

But Fugaku is still a man who cherishes his life.

Because I have died, I cherish it.

The price for cherishing his life was that Fugaku suddenly gained the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan, which expanded his strength to a staggering level.

He can easily kill opponents who were invincible before.

But there is still a problem, that is, Fugaku killed the Kiri ninja and manipulated Yagura, all of which were carefully planned before unleashing a thunderous strike.

As far as he is concerned, the life and death battles he has experienced are pitifully few.

Because Fugaku cherishes his life.

He plays more of a role as a behind-the-scenes operator, but when this role comes to the front and comes to the sun, it is inevitable that he will encounter the situation of insufficient combat experience.

To be more precise, it is a question of combat IQ.

Some people are born to be fighting geniuses, but Fugaku was not.

Therefore, when encountering a ninja who has experienced hundreds of battles and is extremely powerful, this shortcoming will be infinitely magnified.

So much so that when the pupil technique of Earth God was used to resist other ninjutsu, Fugaku actually began to panic in the face of Tatsu's sudden attack.

The God of Earth is not omnipotent. When it is cast, it takes time to cast it a second time.

Although this time was short, Chen caught it instantly.

At this moment, Fugaku didn't have a good choice.

He was scared and panicked... so he decisively chose Izanagi.

Izanagi can turn any damage suffered by the caster, including the death of the caster, into a dream.

This technique requires sealing.

The short distance of five meters was definitely not enough for Fugaku to form the seal, but he was very lucky.

Because he died twice.

After using Izanagi twice, he was so proficient that he could use this technique without forming any seals.

But he was also very unlucky.

A Mangekyō Sharingan closed directly.

Standing in front of Fugaku's body, Chen didn't do much.

After a moment, the body on the ground disappeared, and Fugaku reappeared in the sky.

His face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "How do you know I used Izanagi?"

Fugaku was just about to pretend to be dead and make a sneak attack, but he didn't expect that Chen wouldn't be fooled at all.

"I don't know if you are dead or not, but it is always better to be cautious." Chen smiled.

Shisui lost an eye due to Danzo's trick, how could Tatsu make the same mistake again

Fugaku covered his right eye, which had turned completely gray.

He used his own eyes, the eyes containing Amaterasu, as a price, because he really couldn't live without the God of Earth.

Fortunately, Orochimaru still has an eye from Uchiha Mountain. As long as he gets that one, Amaterasu will not only come back, but he can also activate Susanoo!

This is not necessarily a good thing.

Fugaku comforted himself.

But the three tails have been sealed by Kushina, and one of their eyes has been blinded. It can be said that they are completely defeated.

Fugaku turned around and flew towards the sky, declaring that the plan failed.

"It failed." Tiandao was always paying attention to the fighting here.

Since Fugaku lost, he didn't hesitate to fight, turned around and flew towards the sky.

Nagato is here to pick up the slack today. On the one hand, he will measure the strength of Konoha, and on the other hand, he will observe the relationship between Fugaku and Madara.

He didn't care about his life, but that didn't mean he was willing to let "Yahiko"'s body be destroyed by Konoha.

Without the restraint of Nagato, the huge sphere condensed by the Earth Blast Star continued to peel off and fall on the Four Red Sun Formation.

After a series of endless rumbling sounds, the Four Red Sun Formation was only shaken out by circles of almost invisible ripples.

The Third Hokage breathed a sigh of relief, the enemy finally retreated.

Xie Xinghan raised his head to look at the sky, with a hint of unwilling anger in his eyes.

But this moment of distraction, in Sakumo's eyes, was courting death.

He stamped on the ground and began to run wildly. The white fangs in his hands were winding with sword energy, and thunder and lightning were entangled, tearing apart the defense formed by the iron sand of the Third Wind Shadow.

Scorpion gritted his teeth, and the two beast-shaped puppets tried their best to expose half of their bodies, trying to resist Sakumo's fierce attack.

But he was defeated instantly.

At this moment, several white creatures suddenly grew on Sakumo's body, constantly sucking his chakra.

After being dragged away by Bai Jue for a moment, Xie grabbed the Third Kazekage and turned around to run away!

The energy of the White Fang Sword in Sakumo's hand surged, directly shattering the white creature in his hand. However, after weighing in his mind, he did not pursue Scorpion, who had lost the best opportunity to severely injure him, but instead ran towards the center of the village.

Near the Hokage Building, the Third Hokage was commanding the ninjas to repair the village and rescue those ninjas who were not dead.

Konoha was so badly damaged that even the statue of the third Hokage on the Hokage Rock was only half left.

Fortunately, although people died, the casualties were not as high as expected.

There will definitely be no rest tonight. On the one hand, we must be vigilant to see if the enemy will come again. On the other hand, we must tally up the death list and the extent of damage.

Not far from the Hokage Building, Tatsuya was listening to the third elder reporting on the Uchiha clan's intelligence.

The Uchiha clan was the place where the attack first started. Due to the timely response, ordinary clan members were not killed or injured, but some of the ninjas who supported the battle died.

The pension must be paid immediately. This is the only thing the family can do.

In addition, only some of the ground in Uchiha Commercial Street was cracked. This is also a blessing among misfortunes, otherwise Tatsumi would not have rushed to the Land of Rain to kill Akatsuki.

After all, this is the "special zone" he has worked hard to build for a year.

"By the way, take one-third of the supplies stored in the clan and give them to the village, saying that they will support the construction." Chen said.

"One third...isn't that a lot?" The third elder felt a little pained.

"Don't be so fussy about it. Money is just an external possession. The more important it is at this moment, the more important it is for the villagers in the village to see Uchiha's example." Chen explained casually.

Things that can be solved with money will never be a problem. Now is undoubtedly a good time to increase your presence and favorability.

This is true for both the Third Hokage and the Konoha ninjas.

The gap between Uchiha and the village is deep, and the shopping street is only the beginning of a warmer relationship, but now that the Fugaku attack has occurred, more actions are needed.

So after tonight, even if Fugaku controlled the attack, no one can point a finger at the Uchiha clan.

Even Danzo is no exception!

(ps I can’t finish the second chapter, I have a toothache, a toothache, a toothache, I regret pulling out my tooth, my cheeks are swollen (_))