Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 616: Never pay attention to rumors and slander


In March of the 41st year of Konoha, the weather gradually became warmer.

Nearly three months have passed since the attack. With the launch of the big machine of the Fire Country, Konoha has also begun large-scale repairs.

There was a lot of disturbance in the ninja world, but it didn't interfere much with the operation of Konoha.

After all, life has to go on.

The Kirigakure ninjas who had been detained for several months were finally released. Accordingly, Kirigakure Village will compensate Konoha with a large amount of supplies.

But the Three-Tails... still stayed in Konoha.

The Kirigakure Village really had no money to redeem this sky-high-priced tailed beast, so they had to mortgage it in Konoha and let it fend for itself.

This is also something that cannot be done.

Kirigakure itself had experienced a village-killing attack that was even more terrifying than Konoha's. It was finally built with great difficulty, and a large amount of war compensation had to be paid.

Because of the blood mist policy, the village's economy has not improved for many years. Under such circumstances, where is the money to redeem the tailed beast

Doesn't this cost your life

But you can't just give it up, after all, it's a tailed beast.

Therefore, Kirigakure made an agreement to "temporarily" mortgage the three tails to Konoha.

Of course, the Konoha ninjas would be afraid of such a dangerous item if placed in the village, so the Kirigakure Village had to pay a storage fee and mental damage fee every year.

Another huge expense!

Nowadays, Kirigakure Village can only tighten its belt and live a life even tighter than Sunagakure Village.

The ninja world is so strange. After an attack, the first village whose strength plummeted was not Konoha, but Kirigakure.

Sunagakure Village, which was originally at the bottom, rose one place in the ranking of the five major countries.

This can't be said to be entirely a bad thing.

Although Kirigakure Village is poor and heavily in debt, the fourth Mizukage has disappeared.

The disappearance of Mizukage means that the mountain that is pressing on the heads of the hard-working ninja has been completely knocked down. Isn't this just "clean the house before treating guests"

The people of Kirigakure are crying with joy!

Of course, being the Konoha who defeated the mountain cannot make the Kirigakure ninja feel grateful.

In the words of the little Lolita Terumi Mei: There are two things that are weighing on the people of Kirigakure now, one is called the blood mist policy, and the other is called Konoha hegemony. Although one has been overthrown, there is still a higher one waiting. We have a long way to go to conquer!

There is a reason for Terumi Mei to say this.

During the two months he was imprisoned in Konoha, it was impossible for Konoha to support idle people, so the Kirigakure ninjas were thrown into Konoha's construction sites to carry bricks and argue.

After undergoing labor reform, her hatred for Konoha and Chen increased to another level.

During this major maintenance, the Hokage Building, which was originally damaged, was also renovated.

The Sandaime was a nostalgic person, so the newly built Hokage Building basically maintained its previous appearance.

At this time, a meeting was taking place in the conference hall.

"The Aburame clan has long wanted to have a forest belonging to their own family. After the village decided, we took this opportunity to move your clan's land to this location."

A huge map of Konoha was spread out on the table. Danzo pointed at a certain place with a stick on his face sullenly.

"The Hagi clan's land was seriously damaged this time due to the invasion of scorpions, and the village decided to move you here."

The location Danzo pointed to was closer to the center of the village than the original Hatake clan, and there was a large training ground there.

It can be said that this training ground will basically belong to the Hatake clan from now on.

This can be regarded as a reward for Sakumo's efforts in resisting Scorpion this time. Of course, it is also a reward for his great contributions over the years.

Danzo continued to talk, and from time to time, ninja families changed their clans.

The relocation of clan territory is a big problem.

Where Konoha was established, Senju and Uchiha occupied the two most central positions in the village.

Other families, based on the order of joining Konoha and the strength of the family, are assigned different clan positions.

Over the years, with the development and expansion of Konoha several times, the issue of clan land is no longer a minor issue.

Many families, such as the Aburame clan, need forests, but after several expansions of Konoha, their forests have long been gone.

In order to breed insects, they have to take long detours.

This is also the reason why Danzo was able to use his duties as a guard force to defeat them.

This time Fugaku's attack caused a lot of damage to Konoha, so the Third Hokage decided to take advantage of this opportunity to move the positions of the major clans.

This is a game of politics and family strength.

Everyone wants the best place, everyone wants the largest area, everyone wants the training ground and the forest.

No one is willing to let their family be located in the most remote place, and it takes half a day to go to a ninja school...

The gap in between is like the gap between the Second and Third Ring Roads and Mentougou, or even a little further away, that is Langfang, Hebei...

But whether you want it or not cannot be decided with words.

Who eats meat, who drinks soup, and who watches others eat crabs all have their own particular values.

There are many doorways here, but they are not complicated.

Nothing more than his status and contribution to Konoha.

The two Ninja World Wars and this Konoha Collapse Plan are a good reference.

Similarly, the village will also take the opportunity to clean up a group of families that were prosperous when Konoha was first founded, but have now declined.

These families only have three or two kittens, but they occupy the best area.

Ahem, of course this does not refer to the Thousand Hands Clan.

Even if there is no one left in the Senju clan, the village will not give their clan land to any other family.

Because that realm is an era, or a symbol of Konoha.

I didn’t see that even the statue of the Third Hokage was only half left, but are the first and second Hokage still fine

Apart from this, the four major families headed by the Sarutobi clan have basically not changed much except for a slight expansion of their clan area.

Sarutobi, Shimura, Tenden, Mito... these four major families were originally the first ones to join Konoha. Their positions were good and they didn't need too many moves.

Moreover, in the twenty years that Sarutobi Hiruzen has been in power, these major families have reaped so many benefits that they do not need to use their clan territory to expand their power.

As for the Uchiha clan, there has been no transfer.

Originally, Danzo wanted to take this opportunity to transfer the Uchiha clan to a remote place.

This was how he operated during the Nine-Tails Rebellion in the original space and time.

But this time the Third Hokage directly refused.

First of all, if Chen is still alive, it is impossible for the Third Hokage to transfer from Uchiha to a remote place.

Now that the family has integrated well with the village, and the commercial street has returned to prosperity, there is no need to target them further.

And when Fugaku attacked, not to mention Tatsu's role, the other ninjas of the Uchiha clan also rushed to the front to fight, and after the war they took out a large amount of supplies... There is really not much to criticize about this attitude.

However, Danzo's little moves still reached Chen's ears through various channels.

So after the meeting, he greeted Danzo with a smile.

He even patted the elder's shoulder affectionately and said: "Never pay attention to rumors and slander, you are the best."

Danzo looked confused.