Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 620: The trouble-making Yunyin Village


The whole incident is actually very simple.

That is, Yunyin Village couldn't bear the loneliness again and started to engage in the business of abducting women and children.

I don't know if it's due to geographical location or other irresistible factors, but as one of the five major countries, Yunyin Village has very few bloodline limited families.

Not to mention big households like Konoha and Kirigakure, there are even fewer households than Sunagakure.

This is comparable to Yanyin Village, but Yanyin Village's young master, what's going on with Yunyin Village

Raikages of all generations have dreamed of punching Konoha and kicking Iwagakure, and becoming the strongest village in the ninja world.

But how can the village do without a bloodline limited family

In order to enrich their own gene pool, the Raikages readily engaged in the business of abducting women and children.

There's nothing we can do about it.

If there is no talent like Orochimaru in the village who understands genetic engineering, they can only steal it from other villages.

The Hidden Cloud Village has targeted Kushina before, and this time, it has targeted the Hyuga family with the Byakugan.

Not to mention the Byakugan's reconnaissance ability, it is a strategic weapon on the battlefield. In addition, the Hyuga clan's combat power is not that high, so it is relatively easy to steal.

If you steal an Uchiha child and are discovered by Konoha's lightning, isn't that asking for death

In short, the Hyuga clan became the victim this time.

It's just that Tatsuya is helpless. The bloodstained families in Kirigakure Village are no less than those in Konoha, or even a little more.

Coupled with the wanton behavior of the two Mizukages in the past few years, maybe those ninjas from the Bloodstained Family are particularly willing to live in Kumogakure Village.

After all, things are rare and valuable, and it is not that special in Wuyin Village, but when you go to Yunyin Village, it is a properly protected animal at the first level of the village.

According to Raikage's attitude of vigorously recruiting talents, there is no way he will treat these blood-stained ninjas badly.

Not only is safety guaranteed, but you might even be able to get several wives, allowing you to flourish and be a happy stallion.

The Third Raikage once said that if you give Kumogakure a blood-stained ninja, he can create a family!

So if you, Yunyin Village, don't snatch such a good partner, why do you have to fight with Konoha

There is no one who can only collect wool from a whole village. You are too shabby, aren't you

For this Byakugan capture plan, the Kumogakure envoy spent many days on the spot, drawing maps, and lurking spies.

Compared with the original plan to seize time and space, Hinata has not been born yet. After all, Hinata doesn't even have a girlfriend, so how can he have a child.

So the Kumogakure ninja set his sights on the children of the separated family.

People who are separated will be marked as a caged bird, but the curse mark is not cast upon them right after birth, and the baby cannot bear the pain.

Therefore, there were many children in the branch family who were just born and had not yet killed the caged bird, so the Kumogakure ninja focused on these people and planned a theft plan.

It's a pity... I ran into Rizu who came out to use the toilet in the middle of the night.

As for why Rizu refused to go to the toilet in his own yard and insisted on walking around in pink pajamas and appearing near the branch house, this is another unsolved mystery.

Anyway, since tonight, there has been an inexplicable spread in Konoha that the young clan leader of the Hyuga clan has a habit of stealing underwear in the middle of the night...

This directly affected Hinata's birth time.

Let’s not mention Hizu’s special hobbies for the moment, but he is the heir to the Hyuga clan after all. To put it bluntly, this family will belong to him from now on.

Now I encounter a group of sneaky guys coming to my house to steal my children. How can I bear this

With a bad temper, he lifted up the hem of his pink skirt, rolled up his sleeves, and rushed forward.

"You dare to kidnap a child of the Hyuga clan, are you tired of living?" Hizu shouted loudly, his voice so angry that half of the clan could hear it.

As I said before, people in Konoha were in panic at this period. As long as there was any movement, a large number of people would rush up.

As soon as Hizu screamed, the Kumogakure ninja realized that it was impossible to leave the village quietly.

He also had no intention of killing Rizu.

A lot of people are coming soon. Surrounded by Konoha ninjas, they still want to kill Hizu... What the hell, do you think you are Konoha Lightning

So there was only one choice left... and that was suicide.

Once he dies, as the Kumogakure ninja who died in Konoha, and it is now during the peace negotiation period, not only does he not need to be responsible for the whole thing that happens now, on the contrary, it will all become the responsibility of Konoha. .

If the peace envoy dies in the village where the peace talks are being held, Kumogakure will have countless ways to exploit the situation.

Konoha wasn't afraid before, but it's different now.

It had only been three months since the Fugaku attack. The entire village had been bombed. Coupled with several years of ninja wars, Konoha was actually in a relatively weak period.

The Fourth Raikage gives the impression that he is a naked young man.

The kind of fool who is not afraid of war.

He deliberately pretended, but everyone believed him.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, this kind of reckless man cannot be estimated based on common sense.

Once he starts another war with Konoha at all costs, that is not something the Third Hokage wants to see.

Of course Konoha is not afraid of war, but war will kill people and will drag down the development of the village.

Your Cloud Hidden Village is willing to kill eight hundred enemies and injure two thousand five thousand, but Konoha is not willing, because doing so will only give the three villages of Sand, Rock, and Kiri a chance to breathe.

In this case, in order to calm down the anger of Yunyin Village, Konoha must give up some of its benefits to the other party.

This was also the reason Ai dared to come to Konoha to cause trouble.

But Nizu didn't think that much.

He waved his fist and rubbed it towards Yun Ren's chest.

The Kumo ninja didn't succeed in committing suicide, but he was beaten to death by the furious Hizu!

When Hinata Sky arrived at the scene, his expression changed when he looked at the child in Rizu's arms.

The Himeji incident had already made him extremely angry. After all, Kirigakure Village coveted his own Byakugan, and it was his own daughter who had her eyes taken away.

Fortunately, Chen later invaded Kirigakure Village alone, not only destroying Kirigakure Village, but also taking back his eyes, which made him less angry.

Now there are ninjas who dare to come and capture the Byakugan. Is this bullying the Hyuga clan

But when he caught a glimpse of the corpse of the Kumo ninja on the ground, his expression changed again.

With his transparency, he quickly figured out the meaning.

If the Kumo ninja had not died, the village could control the Kumo ninja, but since he died... and still died in the hands of Hizu, the Hyuga clan would probably have to cede some benefits.

This is equivalent to being a victim and now you have to pay compensation.

Himeji arrived and looked at Chen with worry.

Chen comforted him: "It will be okay. Uncle Hokage will soon no longer care about Yunyin Village, so don't worry about it."

Himeji nodded, feeling relieved.