Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 621: Human experiments? Danzo? !


The news that the envoy from Kumogakure died in Konoha immediately detonated the entire village.

Negotiations that were going smoothly at first suddenly came to a standstill.

The Third Hokage was unwilling to cede his interests, but he also did not want to fight.

So regression is inevitable.

But Yunyin Village is aggressive and insists on killing people with their lives... It is impossible to pay with their lives. Hizu is the young patriarch of the Hyuga clan. He can die on the battlefield or in the mission, but it is impossible to die in such a humiliating way. go out.

Konoha is not Sunagakure, and Hizu is not Hagakure.

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others were having a small meeting.

This time the group of four was missing one person. Danzo had a mission, so he left Konoha temporarily.

As for what the mission is, no one except the Third Hokage knows.

Anyway, Danzo won't be back anytime soon.

Danzo was not here, and the Third Hokage felt a little disappointed. If this gay friend of mine is here, no matter what the decision is, someone will always take the blame.

How come it was such a coincidence...

The Third Hokage sighed.

But this sigh fell into the ears of Koharu and Mito Menyan, who mistakenly thought that Hiruzen was worried about the village.

"For the sake of the village, Hiruzen really worked hard." The two sighed silently.

Invisibly, the third Hokage's stooped body grew taller and taller.

But Konoha has been really troubled recently.

Ever since Fugaku attacked the village, bad things have happened one after another. I really don’t know what will happen next.

After a moment of silence, Mito Kadoyan took out an intelligence report: "According to the spy report, the Fourth Raikage is mobilizing ninjas. It seems that this is not just a show. It is really possible to start a ninja war."

"We have also given in. If Cloud Hidden Village really does not know what is good and what is good, then we will fight him." The Third Hokage said solemnly.

But he didn't mean what he said.

The Third Ninja World War ended not long ago. Even if Konoha was the winner, it still suffered a lot of losses. He was really unwilling to start the war unless necessary.

After all, the Third Hokage was nearly fifty years old, and the village had been attacked by an enemy again, and he began to lose his temper, or in other words, to give in.

"What did the Hyuga clan say?" The Sandaime looked at Koharu who was sleeping again.

This incident was caused by the Hyuga clan, and they should give an explanation no matter what.

However, the Hyuga clan does not have only one voice.

This is what happened when the family got bigger. Hinata Sky was the clan leader, but he used secret techniques in the Second Ninja World War and was seriously injured. Although his eyes were changed by Tsunade, his strength was not as good as before.

And when there are many elders in a family, he gradually becomes less powerful.

For example, Rizu's behavior this time was criticized by many elders.

Some people are like this. If the child is really taken away by the Kumo ninja, they will blame Nizu, saying that he failed to stop the enemy.

But after stopping it, they would accuse the attack of being too harsh.

The bad nature of human beings is nothing more than this.

"An elder from Hyuuga suggested that Hizashi should die in Hizashi's place." Koharu said softly as he went to bed.

The Kumo ninja's request was that the murderer should pay with his life, but it was impossible for Hizashi to die, so some elders came up with the idea of fighting Hizashi.

They are twins and look identical. Because of the caged bird, Hizashi has always had a sad face these years and looks even more mature than Hizashi.

He can be a perfect stand-in.

In the Hyuga clan, isn't it just to die for the clan

"Since the Hyuga clan has a dispute, let them come up with an idea first." The Third Hokage said.

He decided to kick the ball to the Hyuga clan, and then slowly waited until Danzo came back before making a decision.

Anyway, he won’t take the blame.

When the Third Hokage asked the Hyuga clan to make their own decision, Hyuga Sky already understood the Third Hokage's thoughts.

He knew that the Sandaime was somewhat moved.

If the war can be calmed down by just one death day, and the Byakugan will not leak out, this is undoubtedly a good deal.

But that’s not how the accounts are settled.

Nizu is the son of Hinata Sky, and so is Hizashi.

Rizashi became the head of the branch family. This was due to family rules and could not be changed, but this did not prevent him from feeling guilty in his heart.

But no matter how deep the family affection is, if it reaches a certain level, he will agree to sacrifice the day difference.

At most, I wiped away a few useless tears afterwards.

The family is so ruthless.

According to the original time and space, this is indeed how things developed.

But this time there was something different.

Because Chen told Himeji that nothing would happen.

After hearing what his daughter relayed, Hinata Sky immediately believed it and felt relieved.

Hinata Sky is such an old fox. With Chen's guarantee, he will naturally increase his favorability.

Under various hints and encouragement from the family elders, Hizashi decided to sacrifice himself, but was directly rejected by Hinata Sky.

He patted Hizashi on the shoulder and said, "I will not let my son die."

Over the years, Hizashi has hated his father and has hardly spoken.

But just one sentence made Hizashi burst into tears, and he was so moved that he almost went to Yunyin Village to die alone.

Silly boy.

Can I play with you

Still tender.

The dark and damp underground space has twists and turns, and different areas are stacked one on top of the other.

"Ta, ta, ta" footsteps came one after another. B did not conceal his arrival.

He didn't pause until he was standing in front of a certain door, and then he reached out and pushed the door open.

The lights in the room behind the door were dim, and Orochimaru was the only one.

But Orochimaru continued his work as if he didn't notice the person coming behind him.

"A clone of the original cell?"

As a skilled medical ninja, B quickly identified the components of the corpse on the operating table.

As for how to tell the difference, you just need to taste the saltiness of the corpse...

This ability really makes him a duck to water in human research.

Orochimaru did not hide his inner appreciation at all.

"Bilihu, you should show your abilities when you are young, otherwise we will produce too many results and these years will be wasted, both for you and me."

Bei Liuhu placed the mask on the operating table and participated in the dissection.

"It's okay. Our cooperation now is also very good."

"Indeed." Orochimaru said hoarsely, "What do you think?"

"It's better than the sixth-generation finished product that we both researched." A trace of curiosity flashed in Bei Liuhu's eyes, "Where did you get it from?"

"That night, it was one of the ninjas that attacked Konoha."

"You put it like that, and I'm becoming more and more interested in the Akatsuki organization you mentioned."

"I'm interested too." Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. "How is Danzo doing?"

"The transplant is almost done, so do you want to start?" Bi Liuhu asked.

He couldn't wait to be out of Danzo's grasp.

"Don't worry." Orochimaru smiled and said, "There is someone to introduce you to."

"Who?" Bei Liuhu asked alertly.

Tap tap tap!

There was a sound of footsteps, and Chen's figure appeared.

The scarlet Sharingan looked so weird in the dark.

No god!

Bei Liuhu was in a daze for a while, but soon returned to normal.

"Master Chen, then I will leave first." Bei Liuhu said, put down the scalpel, turned and left.

During the whole process, he didn't feel anything unusual or anything was wrong.

"Mangekyō Sharingan..." Orochimaru marveled, and another test tube appeared in his hand.

There are the eyes of Mount Uchiha.

"Teacher, do you want a transplant?" Chen walked to the operating table and asked softly.

"Forget it for now." Orochimaru said with a smile, "I'll keep cultivating the reincarnation eye."

"That's okay." Chen also smiled.

"By the way, I heard that Yunyin Village is restless again."

"Yeah, I want to get the eye roll."

"Then the old man should be worried."

"Next, Uncle Hokage will be even more worried." Chen said with a smile.

In April of the 41st year of Konoha, the envoy from Kumoyin Village died in the Hyuga tribe.

Just when the village was noisy, another rumor exploded in Konoha:

Danzo Shimura, disciple of the Second Hokage, leader of the Roots, former guard captain, senior advisor and elder of Konoha, conducts human experiments!

And transplanted a series of blood inheritance limits such as Sharingan, Wood Release, Byakugan... etc.

Konoha was horrified.