Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 622: Danzo's confidence


"Hey, did you hear that?"

"What did you hear?"

"It's the one that's very popular recently..."

"Oh, are you talking about the Kumogakure ninja who stole a child from the Hyuga clan but was killed instead?"

"This is old news. How long have you been out on the street? You haven't heard of Elder Shimura Danzo doing human experiments..."

"Hiss~" (gasp) "Don't talk nonsense, everyone in Konoha is that adult's spy."

"What are you afraid of? I tell you there is something even more exciting. He transplanted the blood inheritance limits of several major families in Konoha, such as the Wood Release and the Sharingan."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. My neighbor's second uncle's niece's distant cousin's son is at the root. He personally performed the surgery on Danzo."

"Come on, brother, tell me about this in detail. I'll pay for today's meal!"

Similar conversations spread like a virus in the streets of Konoha.

At first, it was only spread by a few caring people, but it soon became known to everyone in Konoha.

Later on, the rumors even started to become more and more crooked, from Danzo doing human experiments, transplanting wood escape and sharingan, to him absorbing the blood inheritance limits of major families in Konoha...

It's okay, this kind of evil person must be killed immediately.

Public opinion is like this. Once it is released, it will quickly become a tiger and then no one can control it.

Even if it is finally clarified, the damage caused in the process is irreparable.

Of course, there are factors beyond the control of public opinion that things turned out like this, but then again, if someone accused the Third Hokage like this, would anyone believe it

of course not.

This is the difference between the two people.

Danzo has done too many things over the years that disgusted the major ninja clans, not to mention forcing others into the roots. The police force in his hands is also a short-term violent institution.

If the Third Hokage represents the good of Konoha, then Danzo is the evil of Konoha.

Once this kind of ninja who has gathered resentment is messed with, there will be many people who will add insult to injury and even spit on him.

You must know that Konoha's ninja family is the majority of the power in the village.

When this force unites to promote the development of something, Danzo becomes famous in an instant.

As Chen said before, when something breaks out, whether the Kumogakure ninja steals and rolls his eyes, or the Hizu beats the Kumo ninja to death... everything is just a cloud.

The Third Hokage had no time to care about these things. He wanted to save his good friend's life.

But if it was just a general issue of public opinion, he would suppress it and everyone would turn a blind eye and it would pass. But this time the nature is different.

Because human experimentation is taboo in the ninja world.

This kind of thing is not allowed in any village. Just like Sunagakure's human puppets, once discovered, they are immediately treated as traitorous ninjas.

This was the case for Beiruhu in the original time and space, and the same was true for Orochimaru when he was forced to leave the village.

So as long as he had anything to do with human experimentation, it would be impossible for him not to investigate Danzo, because he couldn't stop the village's Yunyun.

But the key is not whether to investigate or not, but whether the Danzo Sutra can withstand investigation

Since the mastermind behind the scenes dares to spread such rumors at this point, he is largely confident.

In other words, Danzo himself is not clean.

In fact, Konoha has a tradition of human experimentation. After all, the Second Hokage is a master in this field.

But the Second Hokage would never hurt the ninjas of his own village. Even if he vigorously studied Uchiha's Sharingan, that was only a matter of the Warring States Period.

But according to rumors, Danzo was infected with a series of blood inheritance limits such as Wood Release, Sharingan, Byakugan... etc.

Which one is not unique to Konoha

Although the Third Hokage did not believe that Danzo would be so crazy, as long as one was infected, the Third Hokage would not be able to tolerate Danzo.

Don't harm the village's ninjas, this is the bottom line.

You can do human experiments, but you have to have a bottom line. At least you can't do experiments on ninjas in the village.

Moreover, the time when this rumor broke out was too sensitive.

The Hyuga clan had just killed the Kumo ninja a few days ago because of the Byakugan matter. At this time, they were frightened. Here again, the blood inheritance limit in Danzo's transplant village broke out...

"It's been such an eventful time." The Third Hokage lit the pipe in his hand, and the green smoke lingered in the Hokage's office.

"Hiruzhan, where did Danzo go?" Mito Monen asked.

At this time, Danzo must come back to clarify anyway.

Mito Kadenyan didn't believe that Danzo would do such a thing.

"He said he went to the Land of Rain." The Third Hokage replied.

"The Country of Rain?" Mito Kadoyan was stunned, "Why is he going to the Country of Rain?"

"Oh, it's like this. Some time ago, after Danzo's investigation, it was discovered that Fugaku went to the Land of Rain and joined an organization called Akatsuki. So Danzo went to investigate to see if Fugaku's attack was related to the Akatsuki organization. what relationship."

"That's right." Mito Kadoyan nodded, "Danzo is really doing his job, but it's really hard for him to have such rumors in the village."

The implication of Mito Kaden's words is that the Third Hokage should take action to quell the rumors, and that old guys like Danzo who have been along the way should not be allowed to bleed and shed tears.

Mito Menyan turned to look at Koharu who was sleeping and said, "Koharu, what do you think?"

But Xiaochun remained silent when he went to bed, and the hand holding the chair even began to turn white.

All she could think about was what Chen told her: Kagami's Mangekyō Sharingan is in Danzo's hands!

Mito Monoyan wanted to say something, but an ANBU ninja hurried in.

"What happened?" The Third Hokage asked with a frown.

"Tatsu-sama, Naoki, and Hiashi, the three of them took the ninjas to the root. They want to ask Danzo-sama for an explanation."

The Third Hokage had a headache.

This was what he was worried about. Rumors said Danzo had transplanted the Wood Release, Sharingan and Byakugan.

Chen and the others, as the clan heads or future clan heads of the three major families, must not be able to sit still and want to ask Danzo for an explanation.

He knocked on the table and said helplessly: "Duanzo is not at the root. Isn't this nonsense?"

But the ninja shook his head and said: "No, Master Chen said that Master Danzo is hiding in the roots and has not left the village at all."

"What?!" The Third Hokage stood up suddenly.

If what Chen said is true, then Danzo's statement about going out to investigate the Akatsuki organization is false...

OK, everything is fake.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Follow me to the roots."

Deep underground, this is the secret place of the roots. Generally, few ninjas reach here.

An operation is taking place here now.

The operation had reached the final stage, but a masked root ninja appeared outside the operating room.

"Stop!" a ninja said calmly.

"I'm looking for Danzo-sama."

"Danzo-sama is undergoing surgery, please don't disturb him now."

"But Uchiha Tatsu has already broken into the base."


Before the root ninja finished speaking, the door was pushed open.

"Kage's son?" Danzo untied the bandage on his right hand.

"Just in time to try out my new eyes."

(ps update, I came to school today, I moved things for several hours, I am really exhausted.)