Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 625: Danzo's despair


The silver moon is like a hook, cold to the bone.

The forest was dark, and under the moonlight, intermittent mottled shadows formed on the ground, which looked extremely eerie.

Suddenly, there was a violent explosion beside him, bringing Danzo back to reality from his distraction.

This is where

In a daze, a large number of memories poured out of his brain, and only then did Danzo remember where this place was!

The border of the Kingdom of Thunder!

It’s still a familiar scene, just like back then!

At this moment, due to the activities of Konoha ninjas, the continuous detonating charm traps were completely detonated in an instant, and a tongue of fire lit up under Danzo and others.

Under the huge impact, Danzo's eyes suddenly became clear, chakra exploded under his feet, and he jumped forward.

At this moment, Kage's hands had just been raised, but Danzo had already taken a step ahead of him and embraced Koharu, who was sleeping in front of him, and took her away from the explosion area.

After the explosion ended, Jing's arm was injured because of the moment's movement.

It was Danzo who was supposed to be injured, but now he turned into a mirror.

The figure of the Second Hokage fell, he frowned and said: "Mirror, why are you so careless? You can't avoid this kind of explosion. This is not in line with your strength."

"Sorry, teacher." Jing did not explain but immediately apologized.

The Second Hokage set his sights on Danzo again.

"Well done, you responded quickly just now."

It was rare for the Second Hokage to praise him, but Danzo was neither humble nor arrogant, he just nodded slightly.

When this calmness fell into the eyes of the Second Hokage, he was even more satisfied.

Danzo... made great progress this time.

Because of the detonating talisman, there were only seven people left in the original group of more than a dozen people.

"We'd better leave quickly, these corpses..."

Mito Kadoyan didn't finish what he said, but his meaning was clear. Under this kind of pursuit, it was better not to worry about it.

Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen was about to say something, Danzo had already taken the lead and said solemnly: "These are Konoha ninjas and they must be brought back to the village no matter what!"

With that said, he didn't waste any time and directly took out the sealing scroll.

The Second Hokage nodded, with a hint of relief in his eyes, undoubtedly acquiescing to Danzo's behavior.

The corpse was sealed quickly, and the group set off again.

On the way, Koharu deliberately fell one place behind and showed a grateful smile to Danzo.

If it hadn't been for Danzo, she wouldn't have died, but she would definitely have been injured.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo from a distance, but remained silent. He always felt that there was something unusual about Danzo tonight.

In other words, this man was suddenly full of mystery.

The seven people continued to escape in the direction of the Fire Country.

The journey after that was not smooth, but Danzo seemed to have fully understood all the enemy's traps, and his whole person exuded an unusually mature charm.

This outstanding performance, not to mention the few remaining companions who stayed with him day and night, even the Second Hokage was very surprised.

Originally, in his eyes, Danzo was a bit extreme and extremely immature, but now these flaws seemed to be gone.

And Danzo also suddenly became the most outstanding among the six disciples.

Sure enough, war makes people grow.

"Perhaps Danzo, who has fully grown up, can actually..." the Second Hokage mused.

The scenes keep changing.

At this time, seven people gathered around a map.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo with excitement.

"Danzo, are you taking drugs tonight? Otherwise, why are you so strong? I can't stand your performance anymore."

Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and did not show any impatience. Instead, he said calmly: "No, I just grew up a little after experiencing this attack.

I was ignorant before and caused you trouble. "

"No, you really surprised me. I almost don't recognize you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen put his arm around Danzo's shoulders. Danzo only tightened his body, but did not resist too much.

"Not bad." The Second Hokage looked at the two disciples in front of him with satisfaction.

Danzo glanced at the Second Hokage with complicated eyes, waiting for the final arrival.

After a while, the Second Hokage finally said in a deep voice: "We are surrounded by each other, and someone must stay behind."

Everyone is silent, because staying means death.

This time, Danzo's hands did not shake, nor did he stand up in a hurry to say "let me go". Instead, he pretended to be silent and stood up one step ahead of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

He stared into the eyes of the Second Hokage and said firmly: "I will cut off the queen."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at his friend in shock, and then retorted: "I'll do it."

Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a smile on his face.

"Hiruzhan, I may not die. Besides, death and sacrifice are the most common things for a ninja.

The village cannot be without the Second Hokage, nor can it be without you. I am ready. "

He looked firmly at the Second Hokage.

This time Danzo made sure that there were no omissions in his performance.

From the very beginning when the detonating talisman exploded and he was injured, he turned into a mirror. Danzo also saw through all the subsequent traps one by one, and the final preparation for sacrifice was also perfect to the extreme.

Danzo was sure that he performed better than Hiruzen, was more mature than Koharu, was stronger than Kagami, and even... had a firm will of fire.

If things develop according to the situation, the Second Hokage should be...

Danzo was pleased with himself, but his face didn't show any signs of it.

The second generation stared at Danzo with admiration in his eyes.

"When Danzo grows up, maybe he can really..." He thought for a moment.

"In that case, Danzo, it's up to you to cut off the queen."

Danzo: "...???"

The Second Hokage stood up, patted Danzo on the shoulder, and said: "When you are fully grown, you may really be able to stop our pursuers. No matter what the outcome is this time, I will take care of the Shimura clan for you."

Kagami patted Danzo on the shoulder and said, "Good brother!"

Xiaochun stood up and nodded, then held the injured mirror and walked towards the distance.


In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen hugged Danzo hard, and then said while holding back his tears: "Don't die, I will wait for you to come back, even if it takes a lifetime, I will wait!"


For a moment, Danzo's hands and feet were as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

In the Root Hall, the Rasengan in Chen's hand was about to hit Danzo's chest.

First, he used illusions to cause the opponent to pause for a moment, and then used a thunderous strike. This was his most proficient fighting method before.

Just when Danzo rushed over to dig out his eyes, Chen directly used genjutsu.

But before the Rasengan hit Danzo, his figure disappeared first.

"This is...Izanagi?"

Chen tilted his head, a little confused.

He just used an A-level illusion. Its effect is similar to the Naraku no Jutsu. It allows the enemy to see the scenes they fear most, but it is much more complicated than the Naraku no Jutsu.

Even if this kind of illusion is a bit more difficult to crack after being enhanced by Chen's pupil power, it won't make the whole person fall into the illusion and die, right

The pot king... his mental endurance is a bit shabby.