Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 627: The third Hokage's bargaining chip


The battle at the root caused the sky to darken and the earth to darken, the sun and the moon to shatter... This was of course an exaggeration. Under Chen's intentional control, the root hall was only destroyed.

The topography inside the root is intricate and complex, like a maze, and most people will definitely get lost if they enter.

Although Chen had a hand-drawn root map by the soul painter Bei Liuhu, he wisely did not choose to go in because it was too abstract.

What if I get lost

What's more, there are people holding hands at all the exits at the root, and there is a huge barrier covering the outside, so there is no need to go in.

After Danzo left, the battle was meaningless, and Chen did not choose to kill the remaining root ninjas.

Especially when the Third Hokage came in.

With the Hokage's order, most of the root ninjas did not continue to attack and chose to put down their weapons.

After all, the roots still belong to Konoha's order of battle. Not every ninja is a die-hard loyalist of Danzo, and not every ninja has been completely brainwashed.

Looking at the corpses on the ground and the destroyed root hall, the Third Hokage was just silent.

What else can be said

Tatsu had already brought the rope tree in to confirm the fact that Danzo had transplanted the Sharingan.

Regardless of whether there are other blood inheritance limits, this one alone is enough to declare Danzo a traitorous ninja.

What's more, the two of them had a big battle, and with so many ninjas dead, it was already a fight to the death.

Fortunately, Chen was not holding Danzo's body in his hands, so he felt a little relieved.

"Where is Danzo?" the Third Hokage asked.

Regardless of how Danzo will deal with it later, now he must find him first, and he cannot let his old friend die.

The Third Hokage still had something to ask Danzo.

"Escaped toward the other exits, where Minato was guarding." Chen replied.

The Third Hokage squinted his eyes and thought for a while, but left first.

Tatsuya didn't pay too much attention, but patiently waited for news from Minato.

But it turns out that ginger is still spicy.

Danzo ran into Minato as he rushed towards another exit, dropped another Sharingan and cast Izanagi, then escaped back to the root again and disappeared.

Afterwards, Nizu sent Hyuga ninjas to search layer by layer, but failed to find Danzo. Instead, they found two new exits in a remote corner.

Danzo was indeed an old fox. Even with four exits, he felt that it was not safe, so he secretly built two more exits that only he knew.

"Old man, he should know where Danzo is now." Standing in the hall, Orochimaru said hoarsely.

"Yes, Uncle Hokage still knows Danzo." Chen nodded in agreement.

When the Third Hokage saw that there was no Danzo's body, he left immediately. This was not because he didn't care about Danzo's life or death, but because he was convinced that Danzo would be able to escape.

Even... The Third Hokage left directly, probably because he knew where Danzo would appear, and then rushed to join him.

The two are indeed good friends.

"How to deal with these root ninjas?" Chen asked.

"Of course I will stay. These are all talents."

A flash of excitement flashed in Orochimaru's eyes. He had long coveted the talents in Danzo's group, and now these would become his.

As for whether these root ninjas will backfire, Uncle Snake is still very confident in his control.

What's more, for Danzo, these root ninjas are more insensitive than loyal.

Imagine being given strict murder education since childhood, and even being asked to kill companions who have been practicing together. Under such circumstances, can a ninja who relies on his roots really be loyal to Danzo

Not really.

Although the roots are obedient and efficient, the way they grow determines that in some places they are far from Naruto's "Will of Fire".

Most of Danzo's subordinates are more like dolls than ninjas.

Since Danzo can control these dolls, Orochimaru is confident that he will not be worse than Danzo.

Of course, this does not mean that there are no diehards.

Danzo founded the Roots himself, and many ninjas were completely brainwashed by him.

Therefore, seeing his boss escape safely, some of Danzo's close ninjas immediately launched an attack.

But there was no suspense about the outcome of the battle. Under Orochimaru's instruction, he followed the seal to open one and deliberately exposed a way out.

A trap has been laid outside, waiting for them to get in.

After the matter was completely over, Orochimaru began to take over everything at the root.

If you want to take over the root, you must first gain control of the curse seal.

In order to control the root ninja, Danzo cast several curse seals on them.

The first one is the "Tongue Curse Root Seal", which is to add a curse mark on the tongue to bind the subordinates so that they cannot tell the secrets about Danzo himself and the Root Organization.

There is also the "Seal of the Self-Building Curse", which is used to block the movements of the root ninja when necessary.

In addition, there are many curse seals that can suppress chakra.

These are all means to ensure that the root ninja will not betray.

But Danzo was too busy to take care of himself, so now was a good opportunity to untie these curse seals and re-strengthen the curse seals.

Overall, the roots are a huge treasure.

Orochimaru of the original time and space established a Otogakure Village specifically for his own research.

At that time, Uncle She started from scratch, but now he has directly inherited Danzo's legacy. You can be sure that his future research development will be very rapid.

"Will Uncle Hokage cancel the root directly?"

Chen asked while replacing the curse seal on the root ninja.

Orochimaru shook his head and said: "The roots can be said to be the place where Konoha attaches most importance to penetration and reverse osmosis.

As far as I know, in addition to targeting the five major countries, Danzo also spared no effort to infiltrate the Rain Country and many small countries.

The village is inseparable from its roots. It cannot be canceled immediately if you want to. "

To put it bluntly, Roots has spent twenty years of hard work. These resources all come from Konoha, and the results are outstanding.

There is no reason or possibility for the Third Hokage to disband the Roots.

But similarly, as the boss of the Roots, Danzo's control over the village has reached a terrifying level.

Danzo would definitely be declared a traitorous nin after he had his Sharingan and Wooden transplanted.

If he didn't die, Konoha would face the possibility that all its secrets could be revealed.

But now Danzo's location is known to only the Third Hokage.

Whether to kill him directly or let him go... That depends on the Third Hokage.

But Chen was not looking forward to the outcome, and even had predictions.

In the original time and space, Orochimaru's human experiments were exposed, and the third Hokage was not willing to kill his disciples.

Will there be an exception this time

As for Kaoru's Mangekyo Sharingan, Tatsu has already controlled Hiruhu. Could it be that there is no other backup plan

To put it bluntly, if the Third Hokage really insists on letting Danzo go, even if he is the Hokage, he must be responsible for his actions.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was waiting for Danzo to give an explanation. Could it be that Chen let Danzo go on purpose just to ask for an explanation from the Sandaime

A bargaining chip that can be exchanged for Danzo's life... What else does the Third Hokage have in his hands now