Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 629: Naruto's legacy


In April of the forty-first year of Konoha, two major events happened in Konoha that shocked the ninja world.

First, a ninja from Cloud Hidden Village died mysteriously in the Hyuga tribe.

Regarding this matter, Konoha and Kumogakure both insisted on opposing each other's opinions. The ninja war that had been completely calmed down for almost a year had once again stirred up troubles.

However, from the perspective of discerning people, the war cannot really start. The Fourth Raikage is just trying to use the influence of this incident to gain some benefits from Konoha.

However, the leader of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Sky, became hardened in a rare moment. He resolutely accused Kumoyin Village of coveting him and even made wild words to fight against Kumoyin Village with the power of his clan.

There was a lot of discussion in the ninja world, and while this matter was still fermenting, another shocking news broke in Konoha.

Shimura Danzo, known as the root of Konoha, conducted human research and transplanted a series of blood inheritance boundaries such as Wood Release and Sharingan.

Only two days after the rumors spread, Konoha Thunderbolt Uchiha Tatsu, led by Senju Nōju and Hyuga Hizashi, besieged the root base, demanding an explanation.

Soon, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen declared Shimura Danzo a traitorous ninja and issued a special kill order.

With the help of his own direct lineage, Danzo fought bloody battles and eventually fled Konoha, never to be seen again.

As soon as the news came out, the ninja world was shocked.

The impact of Danzo becoming a rebel ninja was far more profound than the death of the Kumogakure messenger.

Even greater than the impact of Fugaku's attack on Konoha.

The Konoha Collapse Plan did not cause mass ninja deaths, just damage to some buildings. As long as you have enough time, you can recover in a year and a half.

But it's different when Danzo becomes a rebel ninja.

Who is Danzo

Disciple of the Second Hokage, leader of Gen, Sarutobi Hiruzen's most loyal and closest friend and comrade-in-arms, and one of the top leaders of Konoha...

It is no exaggeration to say that Danzo knows all the secrets of Konoha. Once leaked, all the secrets of Konoha in the shinobi world will be lost.

On the surface, the five major kingdoms were in peace, but secretly, every village sent ninjas to search for Danzo's location.

As long as this "Shadow" is in hand, what other spies are needed

For a time, the ninja world was once again filled with blood and undercurrents.

Hokage Building Conference Hall.

"As for Danzo's pursuit, we still need to increase the intensity, but the focus should be on preventing other villages from finding him. If necessary, there is no harm in breaking out a battle directly with other villages."

The Third Hokage said this while sitting in front of the table.

There was a hint of exhaustion in his voice. He was also very tired from dealing with Danzo's legacy these days and nights.

Although the Third Hokage ensured that Danzo would leave safely, he also had to ensure that ninjas from other villages would not find him.

Fortunately, Danzo also has many bases in other countries, so safety can generally be guaranteed.

As the Third Hokage ordered, the ninja below just nodded and said nothing more.

Now the word Danzo is as taboo as Madara was back then.

You can't say anything, and you can't ask too much.

After all, there were too many doubts about that day. If we really dig into it, no one knows what the truth is about how Danzo was able to safely leave the Country of Fire while vigorously pursuing him.

In fact, the best candidate to hunt down Danzo is Mito Monobu.

Mito Monobu is one of the top leaders. He knows how to secretly let go, but the ninja below, the Third Hokage, is not easy to explain.

But Mito Kadenyan left Konoha.

He didn't believe that Danzo would choose to become a rebel ninja, so he chased after him.

He even vowed to bring Danzo back to the village...

When he first heard about this, Chen looked weird. Isn't this something Jiraiya and Naruto would do

The Third Hokage's head is a little green.

Chen glanced at the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage remained expressionless and said: "Besides this, I will appoint Orochimaru to take temporary charge of the root."

"Yes, I understand." Orochimaru nodded.

Although his face was expressionless, he was actually very happy in his heart.

In fact, Orochimaru is also the best candidate now.

This position should always be given to the person you trust the most, and Orochimaru is extremely suitable from every aspect.

The meeting ended quickly.

The Sandaime didn't mention how to compensate Uchiha, and Chen didn't ask.

Since that day, Konoha seemed to have suddenly entered the rainy season. At dusk during the continuous rain, Chen silently walked out of the Hokage Building and looked up at the gloomy sky.

Then he saw a familiar figure waving to him, and after following him, the two walked side by side.

Some ninjas in the distance were stunned when they saw this scene. In the rain, the Third Hokage was holding an umbrella for Chen!

But Chen didn't even refuse!

The Third Hokage said: "This time Danzo became a rebel ninja, Konoha was in turmoil, and the Fourth Raikage seemed to really intend to start a war."

From the Konoha collapse plan in December, to the death of Kumogakure ninja, to Danzo's defection now... Konoha has been in turmoil.

Before, the Fourth Raikage might have just wanted to fake a war to gain benefits, but when Danzo became a rebel ninja, he seemed to really feel that there was an opportunity and was ready to fake it for real.

This matter had already been mentioned during the meeting, but the Third Hokage just vaguely dismissed it.

Bring it up now…

Chen immediately said: "If the Fourth Raikage really provokes a war, I will go directly to Yunyin Village.

I heard that the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki is in Cloud Thunder Canyon. If something goes wrong with the Eight-Tails, the Fourth Raikage will probably retreat. "

The Third Hokage patted Chen on the shoulder and said with a satisfied smile: "You have actually had this plan for a long time, right?"

Chen nodded.

The Third Hokage did not expand on this topic, but asked: "If you become Hokage, what will you prepare to do?"

Chen answered bluntly: "I want to be the first Hokage first, and then the second Hokage."

The first Hokage created the one-country-one-village system, and as the first Hokage, I wanted to be like him and create a new era.

After the establishment of Konoha, the Second Hokage, as the successor of the first generation, almost created most of the village's systems, which were also imitated by other villages. These systems continued for decades.

If you want to be the second Hokage, you must be like him and lay the institutional foundation for future generations.

The Third Hokage is so experienced. He has been in charge of the village for half his life, so he naturally understood the truth very quickly.

The Third Hokage, who was still holding the umbrella, thought carefully for a while and said with emotion: "I am old, I guess I can't see that far..."

Having said this, the Third Hokage turned to look at the young man who had now surpassed him in popularity and asked: "If you have been the first and second generation adults, who do you want to be next?"

Chen pointed at himself.

The Third Hokage smiled and said nothing.

The two walked through the commercial street and looked at the familiar buildings. The Third Hokage said to himself: "Logically speaking, I should have killed Danzo at that time, but... I hesitated, and then he ran away, and Arimon went to chase him. He’s done with it, let’s end it here.”

Chen remained silent.

Unconsciously, the two of them walked to Konoha's ninja school, and a group of children were walking out of it, playing and playing.

Looking at the two people in the corner, they also held their breath and became cautious.

The Third Hokage stepped forward, pulling several children to ask questions and laughing from time to time.

Chen did not follow. He looked at the back of the old man and then at the dark sky. For some reason, there was no sunset or afterglow above his head, but Chen still felt that someone who had supported Konoha for twenty years was about to enter the twilight.

Danzo became a rebellious ninja, which also broke away the last remaining energy of the Third Hokage.

Tatsu looked at the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage felt the sight behind him and turned to look back.

In a trance, Jing's figure could be vaguely seen on Chen's body. Different from the previous similarity in appearance, this time, it was a similarity in temperament!

In an instant, Sarutobi Hiruzen saw in Chen a vitality that he had also experienced back then.

The Third Hokage suddenly smiled, turned around, and handed the umbrella in his hand to Chen.

"From now on, it's up to you to support me."