Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 633: Change of power


From a certain perspective, it is very difficult for Chen to become Hokage.

Unlike the Sandaime back then, Hiruzen Sarutobi's biggest obstacle to becoming Hokage was his lack of prestige and military exploits.

Even with the designation of the Second Hokage, it still took Sarutobi Hiruzen several years to ascend to the position of Hokage.

In the Second Ninja World War, Tatsu had achieved military exploits second only to the Sannin and White Fang. At that time, he was only eleven or twelve years old.

During the Third Ninja World War, he traveled to four war zones. Except for the head-on confrontation with Kumogakure Village, he fought in every other village.

Worthy of being the first in battle!

But if you want to become Hokage, you don't have to have enough strength and prestige. Although there is a jounin voting system, in the final analysis, it still depends on the wishes of the third generation of Hokage.

If he chose the Sannin, Tatsu, as the next generation, would not be able to become the fourth generation.

After all, two of the Sannin are considered Tatsu's teachers, and he himself is still young, so it is not an exaggeration to consider him as a candidate for the fifth generation.

But things are so fucked up, no one among the Sannin is willing to inherit the fourth generation position.

Needless to say, Tsunade left the village again after the plan to collapse Konoha was over.

Doesn't she know that it's time for a leadership change in Konoha

It's just that Tsunade didn't care at all.

Naruto... is that strange

My grandfather and second grandfather are both Hokage, and my teacher is also a Hokage...

As both the two major families that founded the village in Konoha, Tsunade really regarded the Hokage as nothing. This kind of demeanor was a real family legacy!

Compared with Uchiha, who wanted to make the whole ninja world clamor after getting the position of Hokage, Tsunade was just unfazed by flattery, while the Uchiha clan had a complete nouveau riche mentality.

The difference between the two is not even a little bit!

As for Chen being from the Uchiha clan... If it were another Uchiha, Tsunade might have a grudge, but since he is his disciple... then it would be fine.

Tsunade felt that even if she embezzled public funds in the future, no one would be able to control her!

In the past, the Sandaime could take care of it, so he was a teacher after all, but Tsunade suddenly transformed into a teacher of the Fourth Generation... With such a gorgeous rise in status, how could it take a village to support one person, right

Tsunade felt secretly happy that it was too late, how could she object.

As for Jiraiya…

He did say that he wanted to be Hokage when he was a child, but that was more to attract Tsunade's attention.

It's a pity that Tsunade regards Naruto as nothing.

All I can say is that even if you want to be a licker, you must investigate the girl's growing environment in advance. You cannot think about the thoughts of a Thousand-Armed Princess with a country bumpkin's mentality!

This is equivalent to telling the daughter of the richest family that I will make a lot of money in the future... In the eyes of girls, is money very important

Therefore, Jiraiya clearly rejected the Third Hokage. He knew that he was not the material to be the Hokage.

In fact, Jiraiya wanted his disciple Minato to be Hokage.

But he found that Minato's military exploits were somewhat unusable, so forget it... Let Minato be the senior advisor, since he was also the second-in-command in the village.

Tsunade and Jiraiya are both extremely pure people, but Uncle Snake among the Sannin is different.

Orochimaru does have the intention to become Hokage, and he also has the ability, prestige and skill.

However, this is equivalent to choosing between dreams and reality, whether to choose the position of Hokage or choose the scientific research that is the most loved in the heart.

You know, becoming Hokage means you don't have time to do research.

But then again, after seeing the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan, Uncle Snake realized the vastness of the ninja world and the infinity of time and space...

Human beings are nothing, Hokage and power are nothing, they are just ants and dust.

Therefore, after a certain conversation with Chen, Orochimaru decided to give up the position of Hokage and instead support his disciples. Then he sought the position of Root, conducted comprehensive research, and researched the Rinnegan Eye as soon as possible!

The Third Hokage was also helpless.

All three of his disciples are unwilling to become Hokage due to various reasons...

Of course, there is a better choice at hand, and that is Chen.

The Third Hokage did not have Danzo's extremely extreme ideas about Uchiha. After all, his teammate was Mirror.

However, it is impossible to say that he is really willing to hand over the position of Hokage to an Uchiha.

If Danzo was still in the village, with his qualifications and influence on the Third Hokage, it would be much more difficult for Chen to take over if he just blew the wind.

But the problem is that Danzo became a rebel ninja.

Mito Menen, a member of the Chou Yu faction, also went after Danzo.

Is the relationship between Mito Kabuto and Danzo really that good

Of course not.

But when Danzo became a traitorous ninja and the Third Hokage still agreed that Danzo could leave safely, no one could stop Chen from becoming the Fourth Hokage.

Danzo had the Sharingan transplanted and also had the eyes of the mirror. This was a do-or-die situation.

If the Third Hokage wants to protect his friends, he must come up with enough things to reach reconciliation with Uchiha.

This reconciliation is the position of Hokage.

Tatsu became the fourth generation because of the Sannin, Tatsu's personal strength, and his military exploits, but equally, there was also the reason for the exchange between the two parties!

It's just that it's impossible to say this kind of thing. That day when the Third Hokage asked Chen to stop here, it was already the most obscure request.

Under this situation, no one can stop Tatsu from becoming the fourth generation, especially since he invaded Kumogakure Village and his reputation has completely surpassed that of the third generation!

After Tatsu becomes Hokage, he must gather power. As a former "political enemy", Mito Monobu must also be marginalized.

If he stayed, he would only be humiliating himself. It would be better to leave graciously, which would look better on both sides.

So, in July of the forty-first year of Konoha, Tatsu successfully became the fourth generation Hokage.

This succession ceremony was held with great grandeur in the village.

In the past half year or so, Konoha has experienced many turmoils, and a grand ceremony is indeed needed to ease everyone's sense of crisis.

The appointment ceremony went smoothly overall. There was no one like Kakashi who wore a patched god robe, nor did he miss his own appointment ceremony like Naruto did.

After the ceremony, Chen directly entered the Hokage Building.

The first order he issued was to appoint the Third Hokage as senior advisor and village elder.

The Sandaime actually took over Danzo's position. As for Mito Kamen, Tatsu did not choose to fight him to the end.

This bit of face still needs to be given.

But he will undoubtedly be "relegated to the background."

Senior advisors, from now on, can only be senior advisors. At most, they can provide some help in terms of experience, but they will not have the same power as during the Third Hokage period.

Of course, Xiaochun's power to move to bed must still be retained. After all, she is a staunch "follower of the dragon party."

Until Himeji becomes a qualified successor and takes her place.