Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 636: It's so hard for me


In the dark room, the oil lamp on the table suddenly lit up, and then several consecutive shadows appeared on the seats.

At this time, in this small dark room, an enlarged meeting of all the second generation members of the Akatsuki organization was being held.

The first generation members were naturally the Rain Country ninjas recruited when Yahiko was still alive.

But with Yahiko's death, the original members either died in Iron Mirror Mountain or left the organization. Even those who were unwilling to leave were eliminated by Nagato because they were too weak.

The reorganized second generation members are all S-class rebel ninjas from each village.

In Madara's words, if you want to implement the Eye of the Moon plan, the members must not be too weak!

At this time, the people at the party were not entities, but used the magic of lantern body to make all the characters wearing rings appear in a specific place as illusions.

Relying on this technique, people scattered in various places can be gathered together immediately.

There are black figures sitting in a room. From the black figures, you can still see some vague features, such as eyes and hairstyle...

Therefore, in this dark room, Nagato's Rinnegan was extremely conspicuous.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the Samsara Eye, and they could all clearly feel the coldness in the Samsara Eye.

This is Akatsuki's leader, Tiandao, codenamed Zero.

The Samsara Eye alone has met the conditions to be recognized in terms of strength. What's more, even though the unyielding Thorn Touhou has never been taught a lesson, he has also seen Zero's actions...

Danzo glanced at those eyes, a trace of greed flashing in them.

This was already the second time he had seen the Samsara Eye. The first time was the ambush at Iron Mirror Mountain, but it was a pity that it failed.

Danzo's mood now is extremely complicated.

On the one hand, I breathed a sigh of relief. After all, I didn't have to go to the Rain Country myself, and my safety was guaranteed.

The masked man said that Nagato didn't know the truth about Iron Mirror Mountain, but Danzo didn't have any idea. He was really afraid that he would be beaten to death with sticks if he went to the Land of Rain.

But without going to the Kingdom of Rain, there is no way to get the Samsara Eye for the time being... It seems to be stuck in a deadlock.

Tiandao glanced around at everyone present. Konan was under his command, and then starting clockwise, a total of nine people were present, including Zetsu, Xia, Ye Cang, Fugaku, Biwa Juzo, Kakuzu, and Danzo.

Tiandao's eyes passed over each figure, and finally stopped on Danzo. He said: "I received the news that the Eight-Tails did not die in the hands of the Fourth Hokage, nor was he brought back to Konoha. Danzo, you know What does Konoha mean?"

The Fourth Hokage naturally refers to Chen. Since he became the Hokage, no one has mentioned the name Konoha Thunder Light anymore.

Of course, that's not the point. The point is that Chen went to Cloud Hidden Village alone and attacked the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki first, but did not kill him, nor took him to Cloud Hidden Village to release him. Instead, he chose to release the three tails...

Although Yunyin Village was severely damaged, from a certain perspective, Yunyin Village got a three-tail for nothing. It is hard to say who will make the profit in the future.

So Chen's actions made Tiandao a little confused.

This approach is of course beneficial to the Xiao organization.

The Konoha collapse plan led by Fugaku has proven that Konoha is not an easy village to attack.

The Nine-Tails can still be traced slowly, but if the Three-Tails is also kept in Konoha, Akatsuki's plan will almost be frustrated, and Konoha must be attacked again.

This is undoubtedly something Nagato doesn't want to see.

But now that Chen attacked Kumo Hidden Village and gave the three tails to Kumo Hidden by the way, Nagato felt that things had turned around and even God was taking care of him.

"Am I really... the chosen one, the reincarnation of the six realms, the son of prophecy?" Nagato thought this way, which further strengthened his idea of becoming a "god".

After hearing the leader's question, Danzo's expression remained unchanged. Even if there was any change, the blurry outline could not be clearly shown.

He met Tiandao's gaze and replied calmly without any hesitation:

"I don't know why Chen is, but if I have to say the reason... it's probably the same as when the First Hokage only kept the Nine Tails, but gave away all the other tailed beasts."

In the first generation, only nine tails were left, but the other tailed beasts were packaged and sold. Could it be that Konoha really couldn't afford to raise two or three tailed beasts

Of course not... Because he is invincible, he doesn't need too many tailed beasts at all.

If he wasn't afraid that his descendants would not live up to expectations, he wouldn't even have kept the Kyuubi!

In fact, there is a secret reason for keeping Kyuubi, because Kyuubi is Madara's psychic beast, the only thing in the ninja world that is still connected to Madara... If you ask the first generation why, it's not because of the depth of love!

This reason is definitely not known to outsiders, even Mito doesn't know it.

However, Danzo's hatred was really strong.

Konoha is invincible if it has Tatsu. Isn't this tempting everyone here to attack Konoha

Danzo has clearly hinted to everyone: It’s not enough to go alone, you must form a group to defeat the boss to have a chance of success.

"How much I hate Konoha and Chen." Fugaku muttered silently.

It seems that Danzo has a lot of resentment towards Chen becoming Hokage. Even if he becomes a traitorous nin, he feels unhappy in his heart.

There is probably a mentality of preferring to give to a friend rather than to a domestic thief.

In Danzo's view, Uchiha is a group of thieves. He would rather let the Akatsuki organization be destroyed than let Uchiha become Hokage.

Sure enough, after hearing Danzo's answer, Nagato's eyes were slightly cold, but he did not continue to struggle with this issue. He turned to look at Zetsu and ordered: "Zetsu, it's up to you to search for the new location of the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki."

Since Chen attacked Cloud Hidden Village, the Fourth Raikage immediately moved Kirabi to a new place.

"Okay." Jue responded directly.

Tiandao continued: "Starting today, the Moon Eye Project officially begins."

In the past, there was a lack of staff, the tasks were limited to making money, and the organizational structure was very loose. Today is the official announcement of the start of the plan.

"As for the assignment of tasks to each team..."

Before Tiandao finished speaking, Danzo interrupted directly: "Before the task is assigned, I think I should be given a new teammate."

The eyes of everyone present were roaming over Kakuzu and Danzo.

The members of the Akatsuki organization are almost all S-class rebellious ninjas. Not to mention others, the bounties on the black market alone are astronomical.

And Kakuzu is a man who loves money as much as his life. He especially likes to kill teammates to obtain hearts, and then take them to the black market to exchange for money.

This wasn't the first time Kakuzu had done something like this.

Bai Zetsu even made a bet behind his back on how long Danzo could live.

Danzo, who was naturally suppressed by Kakuzu, could not live for more than a month. Who knew that Danzo would actually survive until the assignment of this mission... I have to say that this former "shadow" of Konoha was still pretty good.

Danzo was able to survive thanks to Izanagi and Kagami's Mangekyō Sharingan.

He used one eye and the Mangekyou Eye Technique to kill two of Kakuzu's hearts.

Kakuzu, who lost two hearts, quickly stopped and planned to replenish his hearts next time and regain his position.

Kaku can replenish his heart, but Danzo cannot.

He only has seven eyes in total on his arm. He lost four in Konoha, lost another one fighting Kakuzu, and now has two left...

This is not surprising, the Uchiha did not exterminate the clan, and Danzo had no plan to collect a large number of Sharingan. He had only accumulated so many over the years.

Facing the current situation, how does this old man feel

In the dead of night, looking up at the stars, does he need to cry... Of course he does. How to sing that song: It's not a sin for a man to cry. No matter how strong he is, he has the right to be tired...

Danzo just wants to say now: It's really difficult for me.