Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 668: The so-called trust (second update)


Trust is a very special ability.

This kind of emotion is even more precious among ninjas.

The relationship between Kirabi and the Eight-Tailed Beast was originally on the rise, but after the Three-Tailed Rebellion, the boy began to re-examine the tailed beast, and at the same time, he also began to look at the Eight-tailed Gyuuki who was also a tailed beast.

This is equivalent to two boyfriends and girlfriends who are in love. If they continue to develop, they will start to get the certificate.

But the woman's third brother suddenly came to her house and smashed it up, causing great damage. Not long ago, the woman was bragging about how good her brother's relationship was... No matter how good the relationship was, the man would still be annoyed.

Although Kirabi and Yabi have been "living together" for almost ten years, after this incident, receiving the certificate (perfect jinchūriki) will definitely be postponed, and the relationship between the two parties has begun to cool down.

At least the original "I want to give you octopus" craze is gone.

Will the Eight-Tails beat up the village like its third brother? This is what Kirabi is worried about.

But there are some things that cannot be asked. Once asked, the rift will never be repaired.

It is unknown whether Rabbi Rich had such hesitation in the original time and space, but at that time there was also no Three-Tails Rebellion in Hidden Cloud Village.

So with Chen's butterfly effect, Kirabi now has hesitation, which is why he has been unable to become a perfect Jinchuuriki.

Mistrust is a very fatal problem.

Just like Kushina, in the original time and space, she could be said to be extremely distrustful of Kyuubi, and their relationship was also very poor.

The reason is simple, she didn't feel loved as a child.

Kushina came to Konoha at a young age, but was bullied. Although she was the one bullying others more often, it was undeniable that she did not feel the love of Konoha at that time.

She is more like a traveler, and her loneliness is suffocating.

So when she, a foreigner, dared to say that she wanted to become a female Hokage, she was immediately ridiculed by most of her peers.

If someone had stood up and supported her at that time, maybe it would have been much better.

But unfortunately, no such thing exists.

A child who lacks love has lived in a war-torn environment since childhood. Later, he left his hometown and was ostracized by his peers...

If Kushina didn't hate the "guest" in her body at that time, it was impossible!

It was because of that big fox that she came to Konoha, and it was also because of that big fox that her beloved Grandma Mito died.

This hatred and disgust started almost from the moment the Nine-Tails was transplanted.

This is also the reason why Kushina has the ability to suppress the power of the Nine-Tails, but she has never been able to become a perfect Jinchuriki like Naruto.

Naruto had a natural ability to trust too much, but Kushina didn't.

So she and Kyuubi are hostile to each other.

By the same token, Mito is stronger than Kushina and Naruto, and she also knows to treat Kyuubi well.

But Mito, who came from the Warring States Period, would never believe in a creature like the Nine-Tails, let alone take the initiative to break his seal.

There was no way she could become a perfect Jinchuuriki.

But Kushina in this time and space is different.

The little fox knew Tatsu even before he became the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Because of the boy's deliberate protection, she would not be bullied in the ninja school, nor would she feel that kind of rejection and oppression.

"We were brought here as containers for the tailed beasts... But before that, we must find love to fill ourselves. In this way, we can be happy even if we have to live as the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails."

This is what Mito said to enlighten Kushina.

Before Kushina and Kyuubi were on the same page, she had already found the so-called love.

Because of this emotion, she was able to face Kyuubi with a more optimistic attitude.

In the original time and space, she couldn't become a perfect Jinchuuriki, but now she can!

The issue of trust did not appear in saving Kushina, but it unexpectedly appeared in Kirabi.

So Kirabi is also confused now.

As the sun set, two teenagers squatted on the roof, listening to the roar of giant beasts from far away.

Motoyi, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly asked: "Do you remember when we were children?"

Kirabi was startled, then nodded.

Due to geographical reasons, Yunyin Village has always experienced heavy snowfall in winter, unlike other villages.

Every time at this time, the children in Yunyin Village are very happy.

At that time, it was still the period of the Second Ninja War.

The war had just begun, and Kumogakure stood still and watched Konoha, Sunagakure and Iwagakure, the three villages fighting in the Land of Rain.

How the battle is going, whether there are enough ninja tools... these are not things that children like them can touch.

At that time, there were two children in the ninja school. The older one's father was the right-hand man of the Third Raikage and an elite Jonin in the village.

The younger one is an orphan. Even though he went to ninja school, he is still naive and silly. There are often two strips of snot hanging from his nose, which are mixed with saliva. He speaks neatly, but with a strange accent.

Such a strange child and an orphan, the more courageous students will be bullied severely when there is no teacher.

Anyway, the little guy won't complain. Even if he is beaten, he will be treated with a smile.

But the older child will always protect the younger child.

The two people were Motoi and Kirabi.

At that time, Motoi always took Kirabi for training. After all, his father was an elite jounin and could learn many skills.

When no one is around, the two like to play snowball fights. Sometimes Motoyi deliberately gives way to Kirabi, but after he surrenders, he will secretly stuff a snowball into Kirabi's collar.

But less than two years later, the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki suddenly went berserk... Motoi's father followed the Third Raikage to seal the Eight-Tails, and then died in that mission.

From then on, Motoi stopped talking, and hated the Eight-Tails even more deeply.

Not long after that, his friend Kirabi was chosen as the new Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

That year, the snow in Yunyin Village was particularly heavy.

Sitting on the roof, Motoyi stared at Kirabi. He rubbed his face and mustered up the courage to say: "Bi, do you know? I once assassinated you."

When Motoi was a child, his hatred for the Eight-Tails grew day by day because of his father's death. Even though he was just a child, his mind was filled with thoughts of revenge without realizing it.

Kirabi is always smiling, he doesn't understand anything and always smiles, which makes Motoi increasingly disgusted.

Gradually, the hatred originally towards the Eight-Tails was transferred to Kirabi. He believes that as long as Bee is killed, the Eight-Tails will die as well.

Listening to Motoi's words, Kirabi said calmly: "Is there such a thing?"

He stretched out his fist and looked at Motoyi quietly.

Motoyi also stretched out his fist and compared it.

After a moment of silence, Motoi said: "Bi, do you know why I respect you so much

When you were a child, you were ignored and ostracized by the villagers countless times.

You obviously became a Jinchuriki for the sake of the village, but the people in the village still see you as a thorn in their side.

But you continued to rap, hoping to influence the villagers, and now you can even forgive me for my assassination.

I used to hate the Eight-Tails very much, but you also used its power to save me and many people during the Third Ninja War.

In this case, why not continue to get along with the Eight-Tails with the same mentality as we get along with? "

Kirabi hesitated to speak.

Motoi continued: "Did you know? The Fourth Raikage-sama has decided to hold a meeting of the Five Shadows, and war may break out again.

The village needs your strength, and it needs you to become the perfect Jinchuuriki. "

Kirabi stood there blankly, looking up at the sky and reaching out to block the dazzling sunlight.