Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 674: Five Shadows Talk (1)


If you look at the map, the Kingdom of Iron is located directly north of the Kingdom of Fire and is a country by the sea.

To be more precise, it is sandwiched between the Country of Taki and the Country of Tian. It only has a narrow border with the Country of Fire and has no direct contact with other major countries.

This geographical environment effectively ensures that it will not directly become a battlefield for the five major powers.

As a small country, the Kingdom of Iron has done a good job in protecting its traditional culture.

There are no ninja forces in their country, only samurai from the old era. Although he is a samurai, he can actually use the power of chakra.

Just by changing the term slightly, they have nothing to do with ninjas at all.

Special national conditions, special culture, special geographical environment... These three are the main reasons why the Iron Country can stay out of the previous ninja wars.

Of course, staying out of things doesn't mean staying out of things.

In order not to be abandoned by the times, in order to continue to maintain the title of neutral country, the Iron Kingdom also took the initiative to host the Five Shadows Conference and provide security work.

It can be said that they have good relations with the five major countries because of this kind of compromise.

The special status of the Iron Country is not unenviable by other small countries.

Why can you be neutral? Why can you maintain friendly and mutually supportive relations with the five major countries

Hanzo was so jealous that he also thought about taking the route of the Iron Country. But it is a pity that the position of the Kingdom of Rain is so bad that no major country cares about him at all.

All said, geographical environment sometimes does determine the fate of a country!

Not to mention Hanzo, a guy who had been out of touch for a long time, half a month after the Fourth Raikage decided to hold the Five Kage Conference, Tatsumi left the village with Minato and Naoki and headed towards the venue of the Five Kage Conference.

He had never been to the Iron Kingdom before, and the Third Hokage went to the last Five Shadows Conference.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen led the guards Orochimaru and Sakumo.

Even when performing tasks in normal times, Chen never received any tasks related to the Kingdom of Iron, so he did not leave the Flying Thunder God technique in advance.

The same goes for Minato.

Since they couldn't use the Flying Thunder God, the three of them had to use their legs the whole time.

However, the speed was still very fast. In only three days, they arrived outside a thick fortress that was fully owned by the army.

There is basically no such thing as "absolute defense" in the ninja world. After all, even Konoha can be attacked, so there is no truly safe place.

However, the thick city wall with its foundation buried under the frozen soil and its upper part exposed to the wind and snow still gives humans the feeling of "absolute defense" here.

It is only August now, and the weather in the Iron Country means that this country, like the Snow Country, has been in a low temperature state for a long time.

As the Fourth Hokage, Tatsumi walked towards the main entrance of the fortress first, and samurai warriors, who were all wrapped in thick armor and whose style of painting was completely different from that of the ninjas, appeared in their field of vision.

After verifying the Hokage's identity, the iron city gate opened.

The host warriors were very well-defended. There was almost a warrior every five meters standing guard in the fortress to prevent others from attacking.

It's just a question of whether these people combined can block a shadow.

Under the leadership of a samurai, Chen and the others crossed the relatively empty external area and then arrived at a more secluded room, which was the venue for the meeting.

When they came here, the fourth generation Raikage, the third generation Tsuchikage, the fourth generation Kazekage and the fifth generation Mizukage had all arrived here first.

Everyone was staring at the fourth Hokage who arrived last.

With a smile on his face, Chen had no consciousness of being late at all. He went straight to his seat and sat down, and then placed the hat bearing his identity on the conference table in front of him.

But this kind of formulaic smile, in the eyes of some people, is Konoha's "arrogance".

Just be arrogant, what does it matter

Chen looked around indifferently, appraising these ninjas with the same status as himself.

Ai, the Fourth Raikage, is taller and darker than a few years ago. He also looks very mature with a mustache.

The last time the two met was during the Chunin Examination after the Second Ninja War.

They were still talking and laughing at that time, and even went to a hot spring together for a spa treatment in the evening.

But now Ai Kanchen's eyes were full of hatred.

This is understandable, after all, Tatsu killed the Third Raikage and then attacked Kumogakure.

But so what

Two ninja wars, ten years later, who didn't have a bloody feud with whom

The so-called mutual understanding, the so-called peace... Hehe~ Even if Chen is willing to understand each other with the Fourth Raikage, is he willing to understand with Chen

That was the revenge of killing his father and attacking the village!

In this regard, the Third Tsuchikage did very well.

He is older than the Third Hokage, and can be said to be the longest-serving Kage in the ninja world.

Ohnoki is well-informed and has mastered Qi-nurturing Kung Fu. He has long been intangible with emotions and anger, and hatred... this kind of thing is not something he can show on his face.

But then again, Ohnoki no longer shows hatred on his face, but he looks like he is about to die in the next second, who is he pretending to

Isn't this obviously pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger

Chen Ke knew that this guy, when he was over seventy years old, could still stand up to Madara's Tenju Zhenxing and single-handedly eliminate Madara's Shujie Advent.

The current Onoki is only over fifty, and in terms of true strength, he is the only one present who has Yuchen.

Anyone who really thinks he is old is waiting to be tricked to death.

As for the Fourth Kazekage Rasa... He wore thick eye shadow, and those who didn't know thought he had panda eyes because he didn't sleep well last night.

At this time, Luo Sha was silent, with her hands crossed and her eyes gloomy.

Sunagakure Village has now become a run-down village, and Chen has been his lifelong nightmare... So he is trying his best to reduce his presence so that others will notice him.

The Fifth Mizukage, on the other hand, looked around, wondering if he had ADHD or was a little nervous.

The newly appointed Fifth Mizukage is named Chiden Kito. He is the holder of the twin swords, and he is currently the only one alive among the seven ninja swordsmen.

The talent pool in Kirigakure Village is so low now that it is impossible to select a qualified Mizukage, and Kiden Sengen is not only one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but also a ninja of the Kiden clan.

With the support of the Oniden clan, he successfully became the fifth Mizukage.

It can only be said that life's circumstances are unpredictable... Most of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen who should have died in Dai's hands did not die in his hands, but they still died for various reasons.

But one of them, Chiden Chiren, survived and successfully became the fifth Mizukage.

This fucking life, if Loquat Juzo knew about it, he would probably regret becoming a rebellious nin.

If he didn't leave, the Fifth Mizukage would be his.