Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 687: Madara's tomb


Kannabi Bridge is an important transportation hub in the Land of Earth. It is usually very busy with people coming and going.

A little further away there is a canyon.

Compared with Kannabi Bridge, this canyon is inaccessible, there are not many trees around, and the entire mountain is bare.

If you walk into the canyon, you will find a large dinosaur fossil skeleton, half buried in the soil and half exposed to the air.

There are even dinosaur fossils, which shows how desolate and primitive this place is.

However, this canyon, which has not been developed by humans, does not have the meaning of beautiful scenery. Instead, it has a vague feeling of darkness.

It's like coming to a cold cemetery.

This feeling is correct. Strictly speaking, this canyon is a tomb, and deep underground is buried... Uchiha Madara.

At some point, a small white snake appeared in the canyon, and then burrowed into the soil under the dinosaur skeleton.

The white snake just burrowed underground and soon touched the rock layer.

It is precisely because of this rock layer that the place is barren, making it impossible for plants to grow and for people to settle here.

But this kind of rock layer is nothing to White Snake, because this rock layer once had an exit, but it was just artificially covered.

The white snake quickly found the buried passage, and then drilled down along the crack in the rock.

I don't know how much time passed, but finally there was no longer gravel in front of me, but a sudden opening, and a slope tunnel with a height of one person appeared. Above the tunnel, there were stone steps polished by bluestone.

It can be seen that the stone steps should have been very long, but the exit section was damaged.

The appearance of such an artificial structure so deep underground is obviously inconsistent with common sense.

But no one has discovered in all these years that the underground building is too deep, and even the Sensing Ninja cannot sense the situation below.

After entering the tunnel, the white snake opened its mouth wide and spit out a special kunai.

After a moment, a figure appeared next to the kunai.

This person is Chen who secretly left the meeting place of the Five Shadows.

Madara's body is here, because Indra's wandering chakra is as conspicuous in Chen's perception as a candlelight in the darkness.

To be honest, finding Indra's chakra so smoothly was beyond Chen's surprise.

In his original plan, he planned to use Bei Liuhu to pretend to be reincarnated in the dirty earth to attract Hei Zetsu's attention.

In the original time and space, Black Zetsu deliberately guided Kabuto to find Madara's body, and then used him to resurrect Madara through his filthy earth reincarnation.

So the probability of success of this plan is very high.

Of course, if this plan fails, Chen has a backup plan. He will directly take away the pair of samsara eyes stored by Nagato as a replacement for his own samsara eyes.

This is also the reason why Chen did not go to the Akatsuki organization to kill Nagato during the third ninja war that year.

The disadvantages of this method are of course huge. After all, it is not your own eyes and you cannot use your full strength.

But there is no way, if I can't find Indra's chakra, Chen can only do this.

Fortunately, neither of these methods were used in the end, but the Immortal of Six Paths gave him special perception abilities.

Picking up Dabai and putting it on his neck, Chen's eyes showed a flash of scarlet, and then he walked straight away.

To Chen's surprise, there wasn't much defense here.

He originally thought about setting a lot of traps.

But think about it, Madara has been dead for many years, Bai Zetsu watched here for a while in the first few years, and later went out to conduct reconnaissance.

It's so boring here!

What Chen didn't know was that if he had come half a year earlier, he might have met Hei Jue.

That guy Hei Jue saw what happened to the moon right here, so he didn't dare to leave and stayed there for seven or eight months.

It wasn't until he discovered that his mother was really not resurrected that he finally had to leave.

He walked down the stone steps until Chen Mo counted fifty-eight, when a cave appeared in front of him.

There is also a huge boulder fragment at the entrance of the cave. Judging from the cracks on it, it should have been smashed by someone with a fist.

The one who can do such a thing is probably Fugaku.

After thinking about what happened to Obito in the original time and space, Chen quickly figured out what happened to Fugaku.

After entering the cave, Chen glanced at the four walls, and sure enough he found that the Uchiha Uchiha fan had a weapon similar to a sickle.

Fugaku did not take away these weapons because he did not need them yet.

But since he didn't take it away, it would naturally be easier for Chen.

Without any hesitation, Chen directly took out a scroll and sealed these weapons in it.

These were all used by Madara during his lifetime, and were used by the first Hokage in the battle. They are of first-class quality and have a long history.

Chen, who has such a wild goose plucking character, will never be lenient when it comes to taking him away even if he doesn't use it.

Even if you take it back and put it on display, it’s still a cultural relic, right

You can also charge a wave of fares.

Apart from that, the most important thing is of course the Uchiha Uchiha fan.

This is the symbol of the clan leader. The one in the shrine is a complete idiot. Tatsu will be sorry for Madara if he doesn't bring the real Uchiwa fan back to the family.

But as the saying goes, reciprocity is reciprocal. How can you take something from someone else and not put some back

Chen took out a scroll again, took out several identical weapons, and then hung them back up.

Chen couldn't wait to see the scene where Madara used Uchiha to rebound, and then... the fan was broken directly.

After packing up his weapons, Chen continued walking deeper into the cave.

Right in front, there was a huge stone chair, with a gray-haired old man sitting on it!

The old man still maintained the same appearance as before his death, with his hands placed on his abdomen and his dark eye frames, just "staring" straight ahead!

Madara had obviously been dead for a long time, but his body didn't decay.

Chen didn't know the reason, but it should be that Hei Ze used special means to force Madara's body to remain intact.

His eyes moved again and saw the huge shadow behind Madara's seat.

It was a big, thick tree, with several knotted roots exposed, and when it moved up a little, there were sharp thorns protruding from it.

But the big tree was completely dead.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen remembered that this big tree was originally used to cultivate Bai Zetsu. Just like the gourd baby, there were many Bai Zetsu growing on one rattan.

But the nourishment of this big tree should be the heretic demon, and the heretic demon was taken away by Nagato, and the big tree gradually withered.

Chen's eyes continued to shift, and he accidentally glanced at the wall behind the cave. When he saw what was on the wall clearly, his hair stood on end.

I saw the word "Hashirama" written all over the wall behind the stone chair!