Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 711: Come to life, mother!


Since being created by Kaguya, Black Zetsu has done nothing else in the past thousand years, except for three small tasks:

First, endure well until Yuyi dies.

Second, the reincarnation eye is synthesized to resurrect the Ten-Tails and become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Third, cast Infinite Tsukuyomi.

The first thing is the basis for the next two things. After all, if Hei Jue dies, the next two things will not be possible.

The second thing is also important, the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki will be the vessel for Kaguya's coming.

The last thing, casting Infinite Tsukuyomi is equally important.

For this technique, not just anyone can perform it. First, you must have the Samsara Sharingan.

The owner of the Samsara Sharingan projects his eye power on the moon, causing people all over the world to fall into illusions. They are wrapped in the sacred tree and absorb chakra, thus giving birth to new fruits. If they are not untied in time, they will be wrapped. People will become White Zetsu, leading to the end of the world.

For Black Zetsu, the focus of Infinite Tsukuyomi is not to conquer the ninja world, but to be able to absorb everyone's chakra instantly.

Now that both Hagoromo and Hamura are dead, if everyone falls into the infinite Tsukuyomi, the chakra will be recycled to Kaguya through the sacred tree.

This can quickly help Kaguya regain her peak strength.

Why did Kaguya want Hagoromo and Hamura to fight

She just wanted to take back the chakra that was taken away from her from the two traitors.

But now the Infinite Tsukuyomi has been successfully displayed, but things are not exactly as Black Zetsu expected, but some accidents happened.

Black Zetsu stood in the air, looked down, and saw that Chen, Himeji and Kushina had not won the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

"How is this possible?" Black Zetsu's eyes flashed with a cold light, "The light of the Infinite Tsukuyomi did not penetrate Susanoo. Is it because of this?"

Hei Jue felt that something was wrong.

"But it doesn't matter, leave it to mother."

Black Zetsu couldn't wait to resurrect Kaguya.

In its view, as long as its mother is resurrected, no one is an opponent.

After all, both Hagoromo and Hamura were already dead.

"The Divine Tree Realm is coming!"

The whole earth suddenly shook.

A huge tree was seen rising from the ground. At the same time, wherever there were living creatures everywhere, huge trees sprouted from the ground.

The giant tree stood on the ground, and white bandages fell from the outstretched branches. The creatures trapped in the infinite moon were rolled up into mummies, and then hung on the branches, like strips of fruit.


Black Zetsu formed a seal again, and a large amount of chakra was transmitted very quickly from the roots of the trees underground, causing the earth to tremble slightly.

"finally… "

Black Jue looked excited.

After a while, a large amount of chakra was filled into its body through the sacred tree, and the whole body expanded like a balloon.

As the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, Black Zetsu's endurance is far beyond that of ordinary people, but it still feels pain.

Hei Jue felt that countless things were crazily stuffed into his body, and even though it was clearly saturated, it still didn't stop.

Hei Jue felt like he was about to burst.

But in such pain, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, crazy, excited... even pious!

Black Zetsu felt like he was evolving into something.

Something more powerful and advanced.

Something majestic and sacred.

Black Zetsu knows... Kaguya is coming.

It becomes more and more excited and crazy.

It feels an unparalleled pleasure.

The psychological satisfaction of becoming the vessel for mother's resurrection is enough to suppress the physical pain!

"Do you regret it?" In a daze, Hei Jue seemed to hear a gentle question.

The voice was like the sound of nature, making Hei Jue feel like he had returned to his mother's womb.

"Regret?" Hei Jue murmured again.

Black Jue's increasingly swollen figure blurred its face, so it was impossible to see its expression clearly, whether it was pain, sadness, regret, or something else.

Hei Jue suddenly laughed loudly and looked up to the sky.

Joy, sadness, regret, a mixture of emotions.

Only I have no regrets.

In a daze, Hei Jue seemed to have returned to the most painful period of his life.

As Kaguya's third son, Black Zetsu is completely different from Hagoromo and Hamura.

The first two have similar appearances to Kaguya, have had childhood, gained most of Kaguya's power, have their own thoughts, and most importantly... they have received Kaguya's maternal love.

But Black Zetsu had none of that.

It is an orphan.

When Black Zetsu was born, it was already the era of Hagoromo's rule.

It can't do anything but hide in a dark corner like a rat in a sewer, trembling and praying not to be discovered.

As a product of Yin Yang Dun, it is very ugly and does not even have its own body, let alone the appearance characteristics of the Otsutsuki clan.

The most important thing is that it has never received Kaguya's maternal love.

Black Zetsu longed for these.

So since birth, Black Zetsu has lived as Kaguya's will.

It has only one mission in life...that is to resurrect Kaguya.

This has almost become the entire meaning of Black Zetsu's life and the spiritual pillar of its existence.

Hei Jue had stirred up the situation countless times, instigating the descendants of Indra and Asura in an attempt to open the Samsara Eye, but failed every time.

This generation, it finally succeeded, but it also failed.

The success was that Black Zetsu successfully cultivated the Samsara Eye and obtained the Heretic Golem. The failure was that the several bodies it selected all died.

So, at the last moment, Black Zetsu resolutely chose to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki means that Black Zetsu will give his body to his mother as a container... which means that he will not be able to see his mother.

Because when it dies, it's when Kaguya is resurrected.

Black Zetsu is extremely eager to see Kaguya and live with her, but compared to these, it is more willing to contribute itself!

My destiny is to be a mother vessel.

I made my choice a long time ago. Hei Jue knew it and had no intention of going back on it.

It took a deep breath.

"Accept me, mother, and don't refuse, because this is my destiny. This is my last gift to you..."

Black Zetsu's consciousness began to blur

It closes its eyes.

So beautiful.

So perfect.


Black Zetsu disappeared.

Kaguya Otsutsuki... returns to the world.