Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 717: Xie Mao and Kong Qiyi finished the book and gave a speech


It took one year and six months to complete this 1.57 million-word book, which can be said to be very slow.

Many new drivers probably don't know that for a long time, um... To be precise, one-third of the time was updated once. In the worst months, it was outrageous that the update was updated every two days.

I also took two one-week leaves of absence.

At that time, I was preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination and could only spare a short time every day to update this book, so I am really grateful to the readers at that time for following it all the way.

You have worked hard.

Of course, even if it later resumed two updates a day, it was still a daily routine. It could be said that there were countless updates missing, but I didn’t see any readers saying anything accusatory.

I'm really grateful.

To be honest, this book is not very well written. There are too many novice mistakes and bad points made in the front. When I look back at the previous contents, I feel so poisonous that I will die!

If I were a reader, I would probably spray like crazy.

Let’s take this as a warning in the next book.

About the plot…

I remember that before Fugaku replaced Obito as Madara's successor, a reader once asked me if this book would still follow the plot of the manga without any changes.

I made it very clear at the time that I would not follow the plot, and not long after, Fugaku fell pitifully into the trap.

The overall plot can be considered a major change. After all, even the Twelve Xiaoqiang did not appear, and Kaguya and Madara were solved in the protagonist's era.

Let’s talk about the ending again.

This ending is undoubtedly what I wanted, to defeat Madara and Kaguya and create a coalition government.

As for the five old star ruling regime that appears at the end, it can be regarded as a bad taste of me. After all, I even got the Pokémon out.

Who said that the lost hundred years of history couldn't be the Hokage era? (funny)

Even if there is an old monster who has lived for eight hundred years at the end of One Piece, I would not be surprised, just in case it is Uncle Snake.

Ahem, that’s too far off topic.

Although the ending was what I wanted, the middle process was too fast.

Readers should be able to feel that since the end of the Chuunin Exams, I have deliberately speeded up the process and cut many plots that have little to do with the main plot.

It was almost racing towards the ending at a speed of 180 miles, and finally ended in the last few days of October.

If it doesn't end at the promised time... then it won't happen. I once said that I would be a quiet, late-night beast and finish it in June. (Funny x2)

About the extra…

There will definitely be, after all, it ended too quickly, and there are a lot of holes left unfilled.

The establishment of the world government, Xiaonan's future, Kaguya, Chen and his happy trio, and even some unknown time-travelers who came to Loulan in a group.

But the speed of the extra episode should be very slow.

As for the new book...it's still a fan.

Initially, it was a Harry Potter fanfic, a relatively niche fanfic that many readers had not read, but I was still very interested.

As for the time to open a new pit, it will most likely be December, and it will definitely not be postponed until next year.

Thanks to the sand sculpture readers who have accompanied me all the way, including those who left midway and joined later... In short, I was very happy to write this story.


Love you crows

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