Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 79: The Night of Killing (2)


Uchiha Tatsumi is very sensitive in judging good intentions and bad intentions.

He could easily judge from the words of these people that this village was indeed a group of murderers who committed all kinds of evil.

If it were in his previous life, he would just stay away from this kind of thing.

But in the world of ninjas, killing is as common as eating.

These are all things he must experience to grow up.

The Konoha village is peaceful, but that doesn't mean the ninja world is peaceful and stable.

If he wants to protect himself and those important to him, he must have power and kill people.

Therefore, when he was determined to become a ninja, he kept telling himself that killing was easy.

However, even though he was mentally prepared, the sudden feeling of kunai sliding across his skin still made him very uncomfortable.

The old wandering ninja made no move.

The next moment, with a swipe, plasma rose into the sky and shot onto Uchiha Tatsu's face like a fountain.

Blood splattered into his eyes, creating an unreal feeling in his head.

"I killed someone!"

An inexplicable and unreasonable feeling rushed to my brain.

His head suddenly felt a little confused,

He couldn't figure out where he was,

What are you doing

My heart beats like a galloping wild horse,

My whole body was shaking unconsciously,

The disgusting smell on your face,

It made his stomach cramp...

Anxiety and restlessness surged up, and he was most annoyed by not having the slightest clue.


Uchiha Tatsu's calmness and self-control immediately suppressed his restlessness, but his kunai hand was still frantically touching the body in front of him.

The young ninja wasn't dead yet. He covered his neck and made a gurgling sound in his throat, which was as funny as blowing bubbles.

But the blood in the air makes people laugh.

The young man was still dying. He took out a kunai and thrust it into Uchiha Tatsu who was still twitching on the body.

Uchiha Chen, who has been training for so many years, even if he is in a chaotic state, when the kunai is swung, he will make a slight evasive movement like a conditioned reflex.

Uchiha Tatsu immediately focused his brain.

There is nothing to think about or complain about. Only by solving the immediate problem can you have time to think. You must be calm, don’t be impatient, don’t be impatient...

Then Uchiha Tatsun flashed past the kunai, like a poisonous snake, immediately approached the man, and then suddenly closed his hands.


The head turned in one direction.

Then, Uchiha Chen picked up his kunai again and began to ejaculate on this person's body.

"Enemy attack, there are enemies!" Suddenly, a huge siren echoed in the village.

The battle between three secret sentries finally alerted the fourth secret sentry.

The whole village seemed to have exploded.

Countless lights began to turn on in the room. In an instant, light illuminated the entire village. People rushed out of the room.

Uchiha Tatsu forced himself to calm down. He quietly approached a door and held a kunai in one hand. The person was hiding outside the door.

The footsteps approached, the door opened, and the moment the person walked out, Uchiha Tatsumi raised his fist and hit him on the back of the head with a bang. The person's body crashed through several walls before stopping.

Then, countless shurikens came towards Uchiha Tatsu as if they were desperate.

Uchiha Tatsu punched the ground, and the huge stone slab lifted up, and then blocked Uchiha Tatsu in front of him.

He waved his hand and the stone was thrown out. The surrounding ninjas took cover.

Then he took advantage of this gap to immediately jump onto the roof and quickly move towards the target direction.

People kept trying to attack him on the road, but he was too fast and they all dodged.

The whole village was in a commotion, chasing Uchiha Tatsu as if they were robbing something.

He was making such a big show because he wanted to attract most of the village's attention to him.

This would give Mikoto time to retreat.

By the time Uchiha Tatsu ran to the target location, Nasuki was already sitting on the ground.

But his face was a little pale. Blood continued to flow from his arm.

"Are you injured, Naoki?" Uchiha Tatsuki asked with a frown.

Naoshu said with a pale face, "It's okay. It's just a minor injury."

Uchiha Chen nodded and said nothing more.

"Fire Release Go Fireball Technique." Uchiha Tatsumi puffed his mouth, chakra contained in his mouth.

"Wind Release Great Breakthrough." Naoki also started to use ninjutsu.

The rope tree does not have wind attributes, so the power of the wind escape released is much smaller than that of people with wind attributes.

But that's enough.

After all, this ninjutsu is just to attract the enemy and cause damage by the way.

Then, the huge fireball became bigger and bigger with the blessing of Feng Dun, and hit the village.

Just as it was about to hit the village, a loud voice came from the center of the village.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall."

Then thick smoke filled the air due to the conflict between water escape and fire escape.

Taking advantage of the smoke, Uchiha Tatsu immediately formed a seal and used the shadow clone.

Uchiha Tatsu's real body immediately ran into the forest with the rope tree on his back.

Although the flames were blocked by Water Release. But many people were still burned. People in the village kept wailing.

After a few seconds, more and more people rushed over.

Uchiha Tatsu was surrounded by people in the village.

These people seemed to want to eat Uchiha Tatsumi.

Then, a man in his thirties with black hair emerged from the crowd.

The man shouted: "Who are you! -"

Before he finished speaking, Uchiha Tatsumi smiled, "Art is explosion."


Dozens of detonating symbols buried in the ground burst into flames.

Huge explosions shot into the sky.

Countless people rushed frantically away from the village.

There is a kind of madness in these people's eyes. In such a large-scale explosion, several people reacted slowly and were swallowed by the flames.

Swish, swish, swish!

Naoki and Uchiha Tatsumi, who were rushing towards Mikoto at top speed, stopped.

They looked at the huge explosion in Windmill Village, suddenly looked at each other, and then laughed.

"Hahaha! My hands are still shaking now." Shen Shu said.

"Our mission should be completed now."

Uchiha Tatsu looked at the explosion in the distance, and then nodded.

"By the way, where's Mikoto?" Uchiha Tatsumi suddenly wondered.

"She should have been here a long time ago." Uchiha Tatsu suddenly showed caution.

"Are you looking for her?" Suddenly a cold voice came from behind.

A man in his thirties with black hair walked forward slowly. There was a huge scar on his face, which looked a little hideous in the night.

His kunai was now facing Mikoto's head.

He looked at the two teenagers in black ninja uniforms in front of him with a ferocious expression.

Their faces, which originally looked harmless, were covered in blood.

"Are you looking for her?"

His teeth were cracking, he raised his kunai and shouted loudly.

... ... ... ... ... .