Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 1: It takes effort to hoe and turn crops


"it hurts."

Su Jie put down the hoe, his hands were covered with blood blisters.

He wanted to stand upright to take a breath, but his back hurt and he couldn't stretch his muscles and bones at all.

As a student in the city, working in the crop field was very fresh at the beginning, but after hoeing the field for half a day, my arms weighed a thousand catties, and my bones seemed to be bitten by ants. , It hurts when you touch it.

It has been two days since Su Jie came to this "Minglun Martial Arts School".

He signed up for a short-term summer martial arts training class.

The martial arts instructor was Gu Yang, and he didn't teach them any martial arts moves. On the first day, all the members of the study class were recruited and went directly to the countryside to help the left-behind elderly who had lost their labor force dig the land and do farm work.

For two whole days, what Su Jie learned was lifting the hoe, digging, turning and crushing the soil, making the hard soil loose and airy, suitable for planting.

He didn't expect to be so tired doing farm work, and now he feels the real feeling in the poem "the day of hoeing, sweat dripping down the soil."

"I'm determined not to waste food in the future. Raising a hoe to dig and plow the ground is actually a technical job..."

For the past two days, he has been observing coach Gu Yang's hoeing.

Every time Gu Yang hoeed the ground, he stomped his foot, and his body was like a lever. Without any effort, the heavy hoe was lifted up lightly, and then fell quickly, hooking hard into the compacted soil, turning it over again and again, as if turning it over. A large fish was thrown out of the water.

A large piece of soil was arched up, and when the hoe hit the ground, the soil was shattered, and it was as soft as a steamed pastry.

Watching the coach Gu Yang digging the ground and digging the soil, it seems to be an art with ease.

At the beginning, Su Jie didn't know how to use a hoe at all, even if he exhausted all his strength, he couldn't plow deeply. But through observation, study and speculation, he finally learned the way of hoeing and turning the soil from his coach Gu Yang, and he felt much more relaxed.

"When you dig the soil, you should twist your waist, bend your shoulders, and use your waist and abdomen strength, so that when you lift the hoe, your body will jump forward slightly, just like a cat jumping on a mouse, and press down with all your strength, so that you can lift the hoe. When digging deep into the soil, you should also use ingenuity and strength when turning over the soil, stepping down first, digging in and turning up an arch... …”

Coach Gu Yang taught in detail, and even taught the students how to dig soil.

The sun was scorching hot in the sky, and everyone was so sunburned that they peeled off a layer of skin.

Although he didn't know what the digging had to do with martial arts, Su Jie still studied it seriously.

But he still couldn't learn Coach Gu Yang's flexibility of twisting his whole body up and down and running easily.

Every movement of Gu Yang is full of elasticity, as if there are many steel wires twisting springs in his body, and he doesn't look tired at all from farm work.

There must be a lot of unknown tricks in it.

Su Jie thought to himself.

"Hey, Su Jie, are you tired? Have a drink?"

Su Jie was not the only one with bloody hands, but also a foreigner next to him named Qiao Si.

Joss was a tall white guy in his twenties, British, with a lot of muscle, who seemed to be in the gym a lot. He is also carefully observing the movements of coach Gu Yang's digging, turning and smashing the soil, studying hard, his every move is very standard, and the speed of plowing the land is much faster than Su Jie.

Joss came here to learn Chinese Kung Fu because of the reputation. Just two days ago, he and Su Jie entered the short-term martial arts class for this summer vacation and were assigned to a dormitory.

City D is the hometown of martial arts, and there are many martial arts schools everywhere. And Minglun Martial Arts School is one of the most famous martial arts schools. Over the years, it has produced many fighting champions, super bodyguards, and kung fu stars.

The martial arts atmosphere here is good, attracting a large number of foreigners to study across the ocean.

Minglun Martial Arts School is located next to the town on the outskirts of the county seat. This town is very lively, and foreign tourists with bags can be seen at any time.

Joss' Chinese is terrible, but he admires Chinese Kung Fu very much. He knows many terms in Chinese Kung Fu, and he doesn't know where he learned it from.

Joss has learned many kinds of martial arts, and is proficient in Judo, Muay Thai, Maga, Filipino Cudgel, Russian Sambo, and is best at Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, but he still feels that these are not the strongest, so he came to China Want to learn real kung fu.

It is worth mentioning that Joss is now dressed in a strange way. He has shaved his head and is wearing a gray monk uniform with a yellow ribbon around his waist. He looks like a foreign monk who has been converted for a long time.

"Thank you." After taking the water from Joss and taking a sip, Su Jie felt much more comfortable. He asked Joss in fluent English: "Joss, why are you always dressed as a monk?"

If nothing happens, Su Jie will talk to Joss in English to practice his oral ability. Su Jie is not a bad student in school. On the contrary, he will get a good grade in every exam. He is a "top student" in the eyes of the teacher. Other parents called "other people's children".

In the past two days of chatting, while Su Jie's spoken language has improved, he has also learned a lot of fighting knowledge.

Originally, Su Jie didn't know anything about martial arts. The reason why he came here to study was because of a very humiliating thing, one breath, one bet, against one person.

"Oooo." Joss nodded with his bald head: "Wearing a monk's uniform and shaved his head, he can quickly enter the state of practice. When I practice karate, if I wear other clothes to practice, I can't devote myself, but wearing that white Dao uniform, trousers, and a belt, I feel that it is easy to have no distractions."

"Did you say digging is kung fu?" Su Jie didn't dwell on the issue of clothing, but asked another question.

"Of course it's Kung Fu." Joss's bald head reflected the sun, with a layer of oily sweat, very funny, he said mysteriously: "This digging should be a unique training method of Chinese Kung Fu. We practice fighting skills in two ways. The required training is to smash the tire with a sledgehammer, and to flip the tire. Do you know that?"

"I know." Su Jie nodded: "Many TV networks have seen the training of those fighters, hammering tires, flipping tires. It is said that they can exercise in many places."

"Yes." While speaking, Joss adjusted his posture to dig and turn the soil: "Smashing the tire with a hammer trains the stability of the core muscle group of a person, as well as the explosive power of the human body torsion. Turning over a tire can exercise the coordination of the whole body There is also the strength of the waist and legs. Now we dig the ground and turn the soil, and we have exercised both of these, and we have also exercised many places that cannot be exercised. Tires are a constant thing, and the soil is changeable. No one knows the soil. Is there any hard rock below, so when we dig down with a hoe, we can’t use our strength. We must first explore the virtual reality in the soil, and then make an accurate judgment. The earth is like your opponent, who never knows where he will come out One trick, before you turn over the soil, you will not know what is contained in the soil."

"Joss, you actually know so much." Su Jie was extremely shocked. He never thought that a foreigner could discover so many philosophies from hoeing.

"Before I came to study, I studied Chinese Kungfu in detail. And I also learned Wing Chun." Joss lowered his voice, as if he was talking about a secret, and then his hand shook twice like a snake: " Snake fist, crane fist!"

"Joss, you're a bit of a second child." Su Jie almost laughed out loud, but when he laughed, his abdominal muscles hurt, and he grinned.

For the past two days, my muscles have been aching all over my body.

"What's the meaning of Secondary School?" Joss was puzzled.

"Secondary two means very handsome." Su Jie suppressed a smile.

"Damn." Joss gave Su Jie a middle finger, "You think I'm stupid."

"I don't know what kind of martial art this hoeing is, and Coach Gu Yang didn't say it clearly." Su Jie still wanted to figure it out. He has a spirit of breaking the casserole and asking the bottom line. The same is true in his studies, and he is best at thinking and thinking. Accept new things.

"Amitabha, this is Zen, monks, and qigong. You have to understand it yourself." Joss leaned on the hoe, clasped his hands together, and put on a show.

Su Jie couldn't help but also gave him a middle finger.

"In groups of two, massage each other to relax, and massage the sore areas with active oil."

Coach Gu Yang called to stop.

The practitioners felt as though they had been pardoned, and quickly put down their hoes, lay on the plastic sheet on the ground, and massaged each other's sore backs one-on-one.

Joss and Su Jie are a team.

"Su Jie, I think you have no strength, please press for me first, and then press for me when you recover your strength." Joss motioned Su Jie to lie down.

Su Jie couldn't wait to lie down quickly. At this time, Joss took out the "Minglun Brand" active oil from his pocket, opened the lid, and there was a pungent smell. He poured it on the palm of his hand and began to massage Su Jie's waist and back. Legs, shoulders, arms, abdomen, knee joints, soles of feet, etc., these places are sore from digging.

The method of massage is rubbing, kneading, pinching, and pressing.

On the first day of school, the first hour, the coach Gu Yang taught this, very simple and easy to learn. After learning, I went to dig the soil and have been digging until now.

After the activating oil was applied, it started to be hot, like chili water, but after a while, it became very cool and comfortable again. Su Jie was about to fall asleep, extremely relaxed.

The active oil is not produced on the market, but distributed by the school after enrollment. It is said to be a special secret recipe.

The founder of Minglun Martial Arts School is Liu Guanglie, an old martial artist who is proficient in medical skills and has mastered many secret recipes of traditional Chinese medicine. After the establishment of the martial arts school, he also opened a Chinese medicine factory to produce various medicines for bruises, and the effect is very good.

Anyway, Su Jie thinks it is better than all kinds of active oils on the market.

If it weren't for the support of this active oil, a city boy like him would have been exhausted long ago.

After thirty minutes of massage, when it was Joss' turn to lie down, Su Jie came to press.

At this time, Su Jie had recovered his physical strength.

"Sure enough, you don't need medicine to practice. You have to hang yourself sooner or later. It's comfortable..." When Joss was massaged, he took a long breath and said a proverb in martial arts in stuttering Chinese: "You Chinese farmers are too great. Well, after digging and plowing the ground all day long, I certainly didn’t use activating oil to massage, but I can still persist, and it will last a lifetime.”

"Joss, why did you come to China to learn Kung Fu? I think your fighting skills are very good, and there has never been Chinese Kung Fu in the world fighting competitions. Everyone doubts that Chinese Kung Fu is a lie. Do you believe in Chinese Kungfu so much, have you ever seen a master?" While helping Joss massage, he expressed his doubts.

He came to the martial arts school for two days, and he didn't see anyone with high martial arts skills at all. What he learned was very simple, that is, digging the ground and turning it into a fight? He wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

Su Jie is not afraid of suffering, but he is afraid that there will be no effect after suffering, and he will take a detour in the opposite direction.

"A game is a game, and a fight is a fight. They must not be confused." Joss fell into memory: "I first learned Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which is a ground technique. It is very useful in competitions. I won several small regional competitions, and then I locked a gangster in a street fight, but in the middle of the roll, my head hit the street corner on the ground, and there was a lot of blood. I knew it. The art is only suitable for rings. In the complicated streets, you wrestle with others on the ground, and you don’t know what accidents will happen. So I learned boxing, but then I was knocked out with my legs, so I went to learn Muay Thai and Muay Thai. Kick boxing, but once I met a gang member, he was a black man, and he learned Chinese Kung Fu Hongquan. My skills were higher than his, but he was as fierce as a tiger. I didn't dare to face his attack at all. Yes, a complete failure. So I came to learn."

"Your actual combat experience is too rich." Su Jie has long seen the many scars on Joss's body, all of which are caused by street fights, maybe one person against multiple people, maybe holding a weapon, all kinds of situations are possible meet.

"Joss, if I want to quickly improve my fighting skills and be able to win, what should I do?" Su Jie asked a key question.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

The first chapter of the new book is here, I hope you can discuss it a lot, I will hold regular activities and book clubs in the martial arts gym in Hangzhou, everyone is welcome to come and play. The time of the event will be announced on the WeChat public account and Weibo, so you can pay attention to it.

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