Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 101: Admiralty cover learning learning learning and learning


"Anti-strike training includes three levels. The first is the hardness of the muscles, the second is the density and toughness of the bones, and the third is the shock resistance of the internal organs and brain organs. The integration of the inside and the outside is the indestructible king."

"In addition, there are various skills, such as agility and reaction, which can avoid the moment the power of the blow comes, or relax the breath, so that the damage point of the blow cannot be concentrated in one place, so as to dissolve it. Ninety-nine percent impact and penetration."

"In addition, the best kung fu is to train the predictive ability of the sixth sense, so that before the danger comes, you can avoid the evil, and you will always be invincible."

In the training room, under the observation of the two professors Luo Ma, Su Jie started the all-round set of "golden bell cover", "iron cloth shirt", "thirteen Taibao horizontal training" and "dragon and tiger diamond hard Qigong". Kung fu training.

It makes sense for Ou Deli to name this set of exercises as "The Thirteen Taibao's Horizontal Practice of Golden Bell Cover Iron Cloth Shirt Dragon Tiger King Kong Qigong". In it, the sound of dragons singing and tigers roaring is also used for reference. Qigong and other systems.

Su Jie took off his entire body of clothes, leaving nothing behind.

After standing upright, the piles are like a mountain, and the whole person is extremely stable. Imagine yourself being hit by the tide, washed by the waterfall, or even thousands of troops and horses coming towards you, without moving.

Imagine that Mount Tai collapsed in front of you without changing your face.

The muscles all over his body swelled up, and dense "particles" even appeared on his skin, like small steel balls, which looked extremely scary.

"Luck, permeate the whole body, imagine the enemy slashing with a knife and gun, stabbing every part of your body, and imagine yourself as a diamond iron man. In the horizontal kung fu practice, psychological hints are the most important. Psychological hints can strengthen the defense of the whole body Strength, stability, the psychological implication of the golden bell cover is that one is enveloped by the big bell, invulnerable, and fearless of death, while the psychological implication of the iron cloth shirt is that one is wearing an iron suit and can run rampant. As for the thirteen Taibao horizontal Practicing Kung Fu is to imagine yourself as a fierce general, wearing armor, coming and going freely on the battlefield, unparalleled in bravery. The deeper the psychological suggestion, the deeper the kung fu.”

Luo Weiji said: "Okay, now let's start the volleyball movement, and perform volleyball on yourself, because you are the one who is most familiar with your body, so after you have reached the highest level of cultivation, it is best to use your own massage and volleyball. , This set of movements was calculated by the artificial intelligence in Typhon's training camp, and there are many subtle differences from Odeli's, and it is more scientific than Odeli's."

clap clap... ..

On the video screen, there is a foreigner who is also naked, his hands are like vines, making various movements, beating his whole body frantically, like a storm.

The flexibility of ordinary people's arms can't reach some parts of the back at all, but the masters who have practiced yoga are different. The whole body is like a snake, and they can even drill their heads from the crotch to the back.

And Su Jie has done this kind of training a long time ago, and his arms are more flexible than those of yoga masters.


He took in enough air, and burst out suddenly, his arms patted, pressed, bumped, bang on many parts of his body, and roared at the same time, sometimes roaring like a tiger, sometimes roaring like a dragon, sometimes "噫呀", sometimes It is the pronunciation of "Hum", "Ma" and "Mi", which seem to be the mantras of Tantric Buddhism.

If someone else is here, they will be terrified, because they seem to see a person crazily masturbating themselves, as if they want to break themselves.

"Pronunciation training is an introduction to the medicine that stabilizes the internal organs and stimulates the spirit." Ma Fengnian said: "The golden bell cover is also called the tiger's roar golden bell cover, and the iron cloth shirt is also called the dragon's iron cloth shirt. When fighting against a fight, you have to make the sound of tigers roaring and dragons roaring, so that you can push your explosive power and tension to the limit at that moment. Some practices of ancient yoga and Tantric Buddhism, such as mantra mahamudra, etc., also need to be released. The sound comes out, one is to rely on the burst of airflow of the sound to strengthen the internal organs, and the other is to strengthen the role of psychological suggestion, for example, if you imagine yourself as a wolf, then you must raise your hair and make a whining sound to be more vivid and realistic."

During the non-stop platooning and fighting, Su Jie improved his horizontal training skills a step further.

He used to learn horizontal training from Odley, and he also understood the principle of vocalization.

But it's all working hard on the skin, muscles and bones, without really penetrating the depths of the internal organs.

If you encounter a master, if the opponent hits penetrating energy, there may be internal bleeding and concussion.

Now his practice is to stabilize the internal organs so that the inside and outside are monolithic, especially the stability of the brain has been strengthened to a greater extent.

This is a method of exercise and fitness that enhances physical fitness.

Luo Weiji did not know where he obtained the research results of the Tifeng training camp, added his own research knowledge, made changes, studied with Ma Fengnian, and finally verified it on Su Jie.

Su Jie these days, in addition to strengthening the training in fetal mode, this is the row of horizontal kung fu.

Then he was dragged by Ma Fengnian to class in the morning to learn about psychology and mai's appearance, and in the afternoon by Luo Weiji to learn architecture and Feng Shui.

Ma Fengnian knows Feng Shui, but what he is best at is matching people. And Luo Weiji also knows how to match people, but he is best at geomantic omen and architecture. But they also know medicine.

One looks at people, and the other looks at the environment of the world.

The combination of the two aspects of knowledge and experience can make Su Jie understand more truths.

But now the two are completely cramming education, making Su Jie memorize it by rote.

Because these things are difficult to understand and learn, and you can't really learn them for a while, you can only learn them by rote and go back and understand them slowly.

Zhang Manman also followed suit, but between studies, she gradually fell behind and could not keep up with Su Jie.

Soon the year is over, and the winter vacation is over.

Ma Fengnian and Luo Weiji's training of Su Jie also came to an end.

This morning, Ma Fengnian gave Su Jie a summary during class: "Actually, maixiangshu itself is a summary of people who have been seen for thousands of years. In modern terms, it is big data analysis. When looking at a person, first look at his Prestige, a powerful person has a correct posture, is not angry and arrogant, and has an aura of his own, while most ordinary people are loose in energy and spirit, and even have a wretched body. In addition, look at people's faces, heads , hands, feet, posture, and texture, you can figure out what the person is doing. Just like the current network big data algorithm analysis, it will calculate the user's preferences based on the user's daily surfing habits, and then push the advertisement. It is becoming more and more accurate. In fact, even in fortune-telling in the future, artificial intelligence will be much more powerful than humans. China’s research and development of supercomputers is now at the forefront. Its calculation in one hour is equivalent to calculations by billions of people for thousands of years. In martial arts Among them, there are many masters who can create peerless martial arts. I can say that in the future, supercomputers combined with artificial intelligence will create peerless martial arts far more than those masters of martial arts. Especially fortune-telling, it also surpasses any master. What ancient times People like Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng, and Liu Bowen are pitifully weak in front of this kind of thing."

"That's right, sometimes I tell my friends what I like in real life, and I don't search for it on the Internet at all, but some giant websites will push me the buying and selling stores of that thing, so that I have a kind of The feeling of being eavesdropped. Especially some websites of Haoyu Group have the most accurate push in this regard. This should be promoted by the algorithm of big data intelligence, and it can also be a kind of predictive fortune-telling." Zhang Manman said: "The current technology is really powerful. "

"That's right, everything has a scientific foundation." Luo Weiji said: "The same is true for Feng Shui in architecture, which includes various sciences such as magnetic field, psychology, air flow, color, environment, etc. Heaven, earth and man are one, and the relationship between man and nature A kind of perfect harmony among them is Feng Shui. Many incredible miracles in nature are worth learning from, and Feng Shui explores this. This science is endless and all-encompassing, and what I know is just a drop in the ocean. I shot it myself Instructional videos, and many examples, you can learn by yourself later.”

Afterwards, Ma Fengnian also gave Su Jie a teaching video on the hard disk that he shot.

"Whether it is linen physiognomy or architectural feng shui, it is of great benefit to Kung Fu practice and the improvement of the realm of life. Living in this world, curiosity is the most important thing. Discover all kinds of new things in the world, and then explore the truth. This process is interesting and fresh. The so-called hearing of the Tao can lead to death. However, the foundation of exploring and seeking knowledge is one's own body, so you have to practice martial arts to strengthen your body. If your body is not good, everything will be in vain." Ma Fengnian said: "A great man also As I said, the body is the capital of revolution, and health is the source of happiness, so the physiognomy or Feng Shui you learn should serve your own kung fu and your body. Don’t indulge in it, just extract something useful to your body from it .”

"I see." Su Jie nodded, he knew that Ma Fengnian was telling himself not to indulge in these two learnings and waste his own kung fu practice.

The purpose of all disciplines is to increase one's wisdom and strengthen one's body.

This time I studied with Ma Fengnian and Luo Weiji for a winter vacation. Su Jie felt that he had benefited a lot. First of all, he added his sleeping method to curl up with the fetus, so that he could rest better. There is a sense of life and death. The artistic conception is in it.

Secondly, he took his kung fu training a step further and started the anti-seismic training of the viscera and brain, thoroughly mastering various horizontal exercises such as "Golden Bell Cover", "Iron Cloth Shirt", "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Practice", "Dragon and Tiger King Kong Hard Qigong" and so on. The essence of training has been absorbed, and it has inherited the research results of traditional martial arts from Tifeng Training Camp.

Of course, others cannot do this kind of training, because their physical fitness has not yet reached this level.

If Odeli had taught Su Jie this from the beginning, Su Jie would have died within an hour.

Just like primary school students have to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, it is impossible to teach advanced mathematics and calculus from the beginning.

If it is said that Su Jie was learning the basics of Kung Fu at Minglun Martial Arts School, which belonged to the elementary school stage, then he studied various exercises in Xingyao later, that is, he went to junior high school and learned the flexibility of crystal balls from Ma Fengnian and Tai Chi from Lao Chen. The essence, that is high school. And the current study is in college.

During this winter vacation study, Su Jie systematized the previous things.

Although he still hadn't been able to break through the "living dead" state, his foundation was more solid, his kung fu went further, and his physical fitness had a good improvement.

Other students still relax, entertain and play games during the winter vacation. Some good students attend various cram schools, and he is also attending cram schools, but this cram school is a bit special. The two professors in Luoma gave him cram lessons, which is unmatched by any professor outside.