Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 107: There is weakness in the mind when encountering stray bullets


Su Jie saw a pickup truck passing by occasionally, with a load of soldiers on it, loaded with live ammunition, and it was a lie in his heart to say that he was not panicking.

Although his kung fu is not bad, his psychological quality is also very strong, and after many actual battles, he thinks that he can "mountain collapse in front of him without changing his face", but when he sees soldiers with guns in a foreign country, he realizes My mind is not as strong as I imagined.

He understood his own shortcomings.

At the same time, he feels that the country is indeed safe.

Only when you are in a war-torn place do you know the benefits of a strong and peaceful country.

In China, no matter how embarrassing you are, you can actually study and struggle calmly so that you can live a better life. Here, however, the situation is precarious, and it is difficult to see hope.

"You are here for the first time, and you will get used to it after a while." Zhang Manman said: "Everyone has a process of adaptation. When I first went to the war-torn land to do business, I hardly fell asleep for the first month. I have nightmares all day long, and I am always on guard against stray bullets and random soldiers and robbers, and then I calmed down. You are still calm now, many times stronger than I was at the beginning."

bang bang bang! ! ! !

Suddenly, there was a burst of gunfire not far away, very dense.

Su Jie's whole body tightened violently, like a cheetah about to attack, its body arched, ready to pounce at any moment.

Zhang Jinchuan also shrank his head sharply, as if he had experienced finding a cover in the car to avoid bullets, and his movements were skilled, as if he had encountered such a situation before.

On the contrary, Zhang Manman seemed very calm. She slammed on the brakes, the van slowed down, then made a turn, stopped at the side of the road, and got off immediately.

"In any situation, don't be in the car. The target of the car is too big, and it is easy to be regarded as a priority target. And unless it is a special armored and bulletproof car, ordinary cars can't stop bullets at all, and using a car as a bunker is also the same. It doesn't help." Zhang Manman is wearing a khaki camouflage uniform, which matches the local environment very well, and can hide in some grass and land.

Of course, Zhang Jinchuan and Su Jie also changed into these clothes.

They also have backpacks, which contain various items, the most important ones are medical kits, as well as canned military rations and water.

In addition, the three of them had military daggers hidden in their sleeves.

It is not known where Zhang Manman got all the field special forces equipment.

However, the three were not carrying firearms.

Because I am afraid of causing all kinds of sensitivities.

After the three got out of the car, they quickly hid on the side of the road, about a few hundred meters away from the car.

Suddenly, another burst of intensive gunfire rang out.

"Get down!"

Zhang Manman's body was crawling.

In an instant, Su Jie only felt his scalp go numb, and a strong sense of crisis hit him. Almost instinctively, he jumped out, and then lay on the ground like a snake, trying to squeeze himself into the mud.

At the position where he was just now, there were a few small craters, but there were no bullets, and he didn't know where the rebound went.

Obviously, if he hadn't dodged in time just now, he might have been shot by now.

It is life and death in an instant.

"Did someone attack us?" Zhang Jinchuan was also lying on the ground, like a butterfly with a withered leaf. He looked solemn, but he was not frightened.

"No, there was a small-scale exchange of fire in the city ahead, and stray bullets just flew towards us." Zhang Manman judged based on experience: "This is a very normal thing. When the exchange of fire stops, we will move on."

"Hi! Are you scared?" Zhang Jinchuan called to Su Jie who was lying on the ground.

Su Jie didn't answer him, because his mind was in a strange state.

At that moment just now, he was indeed almost hit by a stray bullet, and the consequences were really unimaginable.

In TV dramas and movies, it often appears that some people can persist in fighting after being hit, and some blood bleeds from the wound. In fact, in reality, after the bullet hits the body, it will explode and tear a huge hole immediately. If it is not treated immediately, it will basically cause disability or even death.

He was a student who was studying hard in China, and came to this war-torn place in a foreign country rashly, and was almost killed by a stray bullet for no apparent reason.

It was really between life and death just now.

He has fought in the ring many times, and was attacked by Gray Wolf's dagger, but compared with the stray bullets just now, it seems ridiculous like a child playing house.

"Life and death are impermanent." After more than ten seconds, Su Jie came out of this state. Just now, he felt that he was dreaming, and everything seemed so unreal, but after he walked out, he saw that his arm was scratched for some reason, and some blood flowed out, and he realized that everything he was going through now was true. real.

And in the future, I am afraid that there will be more dangerous scenes.

Thinking of this, two thoughts arose in his mind. One thought was the desire for danger. If he went through a series of dangerous trials, his psychological quality would definitely reach another level.

Huang Dingyi said that his "hoeing head" boxing is very well practiced. It has the taste of a desperate charge on an ancient battlefield, but it lacks the real flavor. It is only a psychological hint, without the baptism of blood and rain.

Just now, Su Jie escaped the stray bullet, and he finally felt some charm.

Of course, this kind of charm is far from enough, and more feelings are needed to practice this trick of "hoeing the head" to be truly invincible.

And the second thought is to leave here, go back to the country, and live a peaceful and comfortable life, taking risks here may lose your life at any time, Kung Fu can be practiced slowly, and money can also be earned slowly. I lost my life but everything is gone.

Especially if he was not killed by some militants and gangsters, but was killed by other people, and innocent people died, it was really muddled and not worth it.

But in an instant, Su Jie knew that this was the coveting and weak side of his psychological quality. In a peaceful environment, this weakness and ease are well covered up, but in a harsh environment, they emerge to affect one's will and firmness, and corrode one's strong heart.

"Mie!" Su Jie's two fists collided, and his thumbs faced each other like horns. This is a move in the "Thirteen Taibao's Horizontal Practice of Golden Bell Cover Iron Cloth Shirt Dragon Tiger King Kong Hard Qigong", which comes from the practice of Mahamudra , The gesture means to collide with a strong will and a strong heart to produce a vajra immovable Zen, to get rid of all kinds of weakness, cowardice, and emotional distractions such as greed, anger, and ignorance.

After the two fists collided and the thumbs met, Su Jie seemed to be electrified all over his body. One was clever, his ears were sharp, and he "killed" the second idea of living a peaceful life.

"Be prepared for danger in times of peace. Even now in a peaceful age, you must always be vigilant and tempered. If you forget the battle, you will be in danger. If you are warlike, you will die. This is the most reasonable saying of the ancients." Su Jie thought.


The gunshots in the distance seemed to have stopped, Zhang Manman listened carefully, and stood up after a while: "Let's continue walking, wait until our Zhang family has a stronghold in the city, settle down, and then contact the place where the goods were seized." Militants, then negotiate."

"There is no problem with this." Zhang Jinchuan said: "In fact, your family has many connections. It should be no problem to persuade the leader of the militants. I am afraid that since the Feng family has made a move, they will definitely take precautions against this."

"Su Jie, you seem to have changed a lot in your mentality." During the conversation, Zhang Jinchuan squinted his eyes and noticed Su Jie's mental state.

"It's just a little bit of fear." Su Jie said: "But it's okay now, we can move on. Both of you have experience, and only I am a rookie. I will check the situation first and then express my opinion."

The three of them got into the car and found that the windshield in front of the car was actually broken and was also hit by stray bullets. But Zhang Manman seemed to be used to this, the three of them cleaned up the broken glass on the car and continued on their way.

The car drove for a while, approaching the ruined urban area, and the number of people gradually increased.

Soldiers, in particular, are often in groups of three or four, not knowing what they are doing.

There are also some temporary military camps.

"One, two, three! Go!"

At this moment, Su Jie heard the familiar Chinese.

He saw that in front of a group of soldiers, a compatriot was holding a mobile phone to record the video, and the group of soldiers was lined up neatly, with guns on their backs, raised their scissors, and uttered barely audible Chinese.

"Zhang Yingying! Happy birthday... Happy birthday to you..." The group of soldiers actually started singing the birthday song, and it took more than a minute before they stopped.

"Okay, let's shout together in the next video, Liang Liang is so handsome!"

"In the third video, you hold the leather boots together and say the quality is really good..."

Seeing this group of soldiers in front of the camera, Su Jie first wished a happy birthday to someone, then called that person so handsome, and then advertised a family of leather boots, he couldn't help being a little stunned.

"This is normal." Zhang Jinchuan smiled: "Now you go to our domestic e-commerce website to place an order, spend a few hundred dollars, and you can let these soldiers shoot an advertising video. It's what our business people want A business opportunity that came out, you see, are you paying them?"

Sure enough, the compatriot who took the video was sending money to these soldiers.

These soldiers were very happy, patted their shoulders, then gave a thumbs up, and said in a very blunt tone: "Old iron, 666...."

They were all very friendly and cheered.

Su Jie thought about it, and indeed he had seen such a thing in some news, but he didn't pay attention to it at the beginning. He was in a state of tension all the time. Seeing such a situation, he couldn't help but relax.

At this time, the compatriot finished shooting the video, waved to the van, and walked over: "Don't go to the city, there was a small-scale conflict just now. Although it has subsided now, there are still some troubles, but wait until tomorrow It'll be fine."

Su Jie discovered that he was a young man with a very tanned skin.

"Brother, you are very interesting to find this business opportunity." Su Jie greeted with great interest, and really felt the cordial feeling of meeting compatriots in other places.

"It's just a small thing. I have a lot of orders. Those soldiers are also happy. This is a way of making money for them, and it is not dangerous. Now they protect me in case of anything. In case something happens to me, they won't make any money from making videos. .Many people feel that calling every day is too boring. If there is a way to have fun and make money, why not do it?" The young man was very happy, "I am here to do engineering, how about you? ?”