Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 111: Crazy pursuit of benevolence, justice and forgiveness


The attacking enemy came quickly, driving a pickup truck directly through the gate of the park, accurately locating the place where Su Jie, Zhang Jinchuan and others lived, speeding over, and shooting from a distance. All of this was very well designed, obviously It was closely planned.

It's a pity that Su Jie and Zhang Jinchuan were very vigilant and found cover at the very moment, so they were not hit.

But the car rushed over and made a sharp turn. Su Jie saw four or five gangsters inside, and suddenly threw several black objects from the car and threw them into the house.


The house was full of flames and loud noises.

"No, Zhang Manman and the others are still in the room. These people are all aimed at us. At this time, we should all rest in the room and throw grenades directly. None of us will survive." Su Jie Shen soundtrack.

Fortunately, he and Zhang Jinchuan were outside.

"Su Jie, we're fine." After the explosion, a voice suddenly came from Su Jie's body, it was a communication tool: "Are you okay?"

"We didn't." Su Jie quickly replied, "Aren't you in the house?"

"Yes, we knew that we were likely to be attacked, so we deliberately made a false impression." Zhang Manman made a voice from the communication tool.

At this time, the park began to respond, and many protected mercenaries took action.

The pickup spun again, left here directly, and rushed out of the park.

The mercenaries protecting the park also seemed to be very experienced. When the pickup truck was driving away from the park, they suddenly aimed at the tires and shot fiercely.

bang bang bang... .

With continuous explosions, the tires of this pickup truck exploded one after another, and the car lay on the ground.

However, the gangsters in this car seemed to have been prepared for a long time. The moment the car was lying on the ground, they opened the door and suddenly jumped out, entering many small alleys in the ruined city, preparing to escape.

"Chase." At this time, Zhang Jinchuan said to Su Jie.

Su Jie didn't even think about it, and chased after him.

He is extremely excited now, without any fear at all. In addition, this situation is really on the front line of life and death. Compared with ring fighting and street fighting, it is more tempered. It is already equivalent to the combat of special forces.

After Su Jie experienced this feeling, he realized that the previous living environment had too little pressure on him, and he could not stimulate his potential at all. Only in the current environment can he truly hone his mind and experience.

After going through this kind of environment, if you go back to fighting, your kung fu might be frighteningly high, not even afraid of bullets, but mere fists

The two did not pursue in a straight line, but took cover first, looking for various thick bunkers. In the dark night, it was not easy to be found, and they could quickly approach the target.

Su Jie moved very fast, just like an ape jumping in the mountains, running, rolling, and jumping, his body was small, and his moving speed was superb.

This is also the basic skill of "hoeing the head", the so-called "flickering like an ape and jumping like a tiger".

Soon, he chased into the alley of the ruins.

There are collapsed concrete and various bomb craters all around, which are the traces of the bombings in previous wars.

"Several people hid in this street. We have to be careful, they have guys. But it's dark now, they can't shoot randomly, the first is to expose the target, and the second is that the bullets will bounce back if they don't shoot well. Hurt yourself. We still have an advantage." Zhang Jinchuan came up, shrank his body, and hid in the concrete bunker: "Do you have a dagger, how about killing all these guys?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Su Jie calmed down, a fire was burning in his heart, this was an unprecedented experience for him.

In the past, he only watched this situation in movies. How long ago was he able to experience it

But the pain from the abrasion on his arm made him know that everything in front of him was very real.

"I'm in a foreign country, and I've been attacked. If I fight back now, I'll be shot and killed at any moment." Su Jie reminded himself deep in his heart, straining his spirit to the limit again.

Zhang Jinchuan picked up a piece of concrete and threw it into the distance, making a rattling sound.

bang bang bang... .

Immediately, the place where the sound came from was shot.

"Oops, we didn't wear helmets." Su Jie said, "We still don't have enough experience."

Steel helmets can't stop bullets. If you shoot at them, you will still be pierced and shot in the head, which may be able to withstand the rebound of bullets.

"I can only fight for it." Zhang Jinchuan said: "I have confirmed the location, did you hear it just now? It's in the ruined building in front?"

"I'm sure too." Su Jie concentrated all his energy, his perception was sharp, he seemed to have entered a certain state under the influence of extreme excitement.


Zhang Jinchuan began to tiptoe, approaching non-stop, he rubbed against each other like a snake, but at a very fast speed.

Su Jie flickered left and right. He imagined a scene in his head. In the building not far away, several people were aiming at this place. His flickering was to avoid the trajectory of the ballistic shooting.

He has practiced shooting at the shooting range of "Xixin Mountain Villa" and knows the rules. Although he is inexperienced, he has good physical fitness, quick movements, and the cover of darkness, which greatly improves safety.

If it was daytime, he would definitely not chase it out, because that would be courting death.

The two approached quickly, and suddenly jumped into the ruins of the building.

Su Jie even heard the breathing of a few gangsters, so he hid in the next house.

Zhang Jinchuan suddenly took out the flashlight, turned it on, and threw it into the big room.


The light of the flashlight immediately illuminated several people in the room.

There were five people in total, and one of them was an old acquaintance.

"Grey wolf!" Su Jie recognized it.

These people were taken aback when the flashlight was thrown in. Several pointed their guns at the position of the flashlight, but did not shoot.

The inside of this room is all reinforced concrete, and the bullets bounced around it, and I will suffer instead.

In many movies and TV dramas, some soldiers have a great time shooting in the room, and even the table can withstand the bullets. In fact, it is very wrong. The penetration of modern bullets is very large, even if they are hiding in the wall. The back will also be shot through.

So Zhang Manman immediately abandoned the car during the day.

It is useless to hide in the car, the target is too big to dodge, the chance of being beaten into a hornet's nest is very high.

And the bullets flying in the room are very likely to bounce back and kill themselves.

Su Jie also understood the common sense in this area.

He even read news reports that a man from a foreign country shot an armadillo, but was bounced back by the shell of the armadillo, and he was seriously injured instead.


He rushed directly into the house, and when he reached the side of "Grey Wolf", he slapped him across the face.

This speed was much faster than his usual eruption, and he himself couldn't believe it.

Because of his unpleasant words, "Grey Wolf" realized that he was extremely dangerous, after all, the other party had a gun in his hand!

Su Jie didn't know where he got the courage to rush forward.

Zhang Jinchuan was taken aback, he was still thinking about how to do it, but Su Jie had already acted.

"It's no wonder that this person is favored by Master Luo. At critical moments, his courage and courage are far beyond ordinary people. Under such circumstances, even Liu Long, the national fighting champion, may not dare to fight." A thought flashed in Zhang Jinchuan's mind. Also rushed out to do it.


"Grey Wolf" was able to react at this moment, let go of his hand, and the gun fell to the ground, and then somehow an extra dagger appeared, stabbing at Su Jie's body.

In close combat, a dagger is much more useful than a gun.

But at the same time that the dagger was thrusting out, Su Jie's "hoe head" just fell down, showing an "eagle grasping posture", grabbed "Grey Wolf"'s wrist, and twisted violently.


The wrist was immediately dislocated, and the pain caused "Grey Wolf" to contort his face.

Su Jie didn't stop, he stepped forward, put his hand on the opponent's chest, and stumbled at the same time, the two pulling forces made the waist and spine of "Grey Wolf" click, and he was directly paralyzed to the ground.

This is also a change of "hoe hoe", which is "folding branches", which is a combination of grappling and wrestling. After grabbing a person, he stumbles from below, pushes from above, and directly hits the person's spine from the middle. break off.

The trick of "hoeing the head" has changed. There are many tricks. Hammer", "Push Roller" and so on.

Every movement is farm work, but fighting is the most ruthless.

At this moment, Su Jie didn't have time to think about it. Facing guns and daggers, he could only use the strongest means to destroy the enemy's combat power.

However, he didn't make up the trump card again, but rolled over on the spot, reached the side of the flashlight, turned it off directly, and rolled over again.

blah blah blah blah... ..

Sure enough, one of the gangsters actually ignored the rebound in the room and shot at him. He had expected to fall, and immediately dodged. Fortunately, the bullet bounced and did not hit him.

The scene was suddenly dark and silent.


There were several sounds, the sound of a dagger wiping his neck.

It turned out that Zhang Jinchuan seized this opportunity, smeared and lurked in front of a gangster, and directly killed one with a dagger.

Su Jie's heart twitched suddenly.

He hid in the corner without making a sound, but in his ears he clearly heard the dagger cut his throat, a large amount of blood spurted out, and then the gangster made a sound like killing a chicken, fell to the ground and twitched.

This man is going to die.


The lights sounded.

It turned out that the remaining three gangsters turned on the lighting equipment and took the initiative to expose themselves. One of the younger gangsters made a voice and shouted in English: "Stop! Surrender!"

Then he dropped the gun on the ground.

Although the other two gangsters were unwilling, they followed his example and threw away their weapons under the bright light.

Zhang Jinchuan didn't seem to be planning to let these people go, and raised his dagger, ready to kill again.

"Stop!" Su Jie saw this scene, for some reason, a bad thought rose in his heart. Because he found that the young gangster who was the first to throw away his gun and surrender had some features of physiognomy on his face, which seemed to be of a high status.

According to the logic, it is impossible for people with high status to come to this kind of attack.

At the critical moment, he hastily yelled.

Then I saw the gangster on the ground with his neck cut violently convulsing, as if he was about to die.

Su Jie squatted down, and pressed his fingers on the man's neck. The technique was extremely ingenious, and the bleeding stopped immediately. This is pressure to stop the bleeding.

There are many arteries on the neck. Once cut, it is easy to lose blood and die. At this time, compression must be performed to stop the bleeding, and then quickly bandaged to buy time. Going to the hospital for surgery can save lives.

After Su Jie pressed to stop the bleeding, he took out bandages and other medical equipment from his pocket, which he had prepared long ago to prevent himself from being injured.

His hands were fast, and he bandaged the man immediately, and the bleeding was successfully stopped, but the symptoms were not cured, so he still had to go to the hospital for surgery.

"Is there a hospital here?" Su Jie asked the remaining three gangsters in English: "These two people, one has a spinal injury, and the other has a ruptured artery. If they are treated quickly, they can still be saved."