Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 113: The blessings come so quickly



Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, there was rumbling thunder, lightning flashed, pierced the sky, and then it rained heavily.

The climate of this country is very hot, with drought and little rain. Thunderstorms like this are extremely rare. Su Jie saw in a geographical magazine that every time it rained heavily, the villagers in some villages would come out to dance in the rain, rejoice and celebrate the gift of God.

Su Jie didn't take shelter from the rain, but roared and screamed under the thunder, pushing his hard qigong practice to the limit.

Under the cover of thunder, he can call more freely.

His soul seems to have reached the clouds, dancing with the lightning and thunder elves in the clouds.

This feeling is very strange, a novelty that he has never had before.

Never before has he been so close to nature at this moment.

Howling in the thunderstorm, venting to his heart's content, he had an urge to stay away from the world and dance with tigers, leopards, wolves and apes.

At this time, he understood why some ancient hermits liked to live in seclusion in remote mountains.

Because in the depths of the mountains, people can do whatever they want without caring about other people's opinions. They can sing, dance, look from a distance, and howl to their heart's content.

However, the thunderstorm came and went quickly, it just slightly moistened the land, and then the clouds opened and the rain stopped.

After Su Jie finished exercising, he returned to the park, took another shower, and then smeared ointment all over his body.

This ointment is not the secret ointment of the Nie family. The Nie family’s ointment has long been used up. This is a good product obtained by Master Luo Luo Weiji. currency purchased.

This ointment has the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, strengthening muscles and bones, expelling wind and dampness, sterilizing and reducing inflammation, reducing swelling and relieving pain, etc. It is a good product for cross-training.

Any horizontal kung fu training and combat training must be assisted by drugs.

If you don't, you will get hurt.

Without high-quality medicine, it is certainly impossible to carry out horizontal training.

Especially Su Jie's horizontal practice of "Thirteen Taibao's horizontal training of the golden bell-covered iron cloth shirt dragon and tiger diamond hard qigong" is as brave as a dragon and an elephant, as powerful as an overlord, as savage as a beast, and as tempered as crushed iron. Fighting himself to death, even a professional expert would be afraid of seeing it. Without the help of good medicine, it is easy to cause acute renal failure.

After applying the ointment, Su Jie lay down quietly and went straight to sleep.

He set a time for his biological clock and got up in an hour.

Close your eyes and go to sleep!

Open your eyes, wake up!

An hour passed, and the time was exactly 7 o'clock.

No more, no less, accurate to the second.

"Kungfu has improved again." After Su Jie got up, he found that the ointment on his body had been completely absorbed, and the scratches on his arms had all healed, only some faint marks, and even the marks would disappear in a few days, so he couldn't help biting head.

This morning's practice was the most state-of-the-art he had ever felt. The calls in the wilderness let him release his repressed wildness to the fullest. In addition, it is also thanks to him coming to this foreign country and experiencing life and death.

Bullets, wars, gangsters, explosions, attacks, killing people, saving people... These series of things all happened yesterday, and he has experienced things that ordinary people can't experience in a lifetime. This kind of real experience is extremely rare, and it has given him great training, and finally transformed a certain hint deep in his heart.

Of course, this experience is still very short, and it needs a lot of consolidation and cultivation. It is still too early to break through the realm.

"If I can get to the state I am today with daily practice, I'm afraid I will grow explosively again in three to five months." Su Jie followed Luo Ma to study psychology, kinesiology, anthropology, etc. Although he was not proficient, But I have also mastered a lot of knowledge, knowing that when exercising and exercising, the state is the most important.

Once I exercised by chance, I entered the state, my body and mind were coordinated, I felt very comfortable, and I really "high". Then this time of exercise is more effective than dozens of ordinary exercises.

After waking up, a new day begins.

The sun rose, the weather became a little hot, and the ground dried up. It seemed that the thunderstorm in the morning was just a dream.

However, occasionally, the water vapor in the air becomes more intense, and people's throats are no longer dry.

Zhang Jinchuan actually practiced in the yard.

He stood up and practiced. In front of him, he put a bottle with moist gauze inside and soaked soybean seeds on it, which seemed to be about to germinate.

And Zhang Jinchuan's eyes were fixed on the soybean seeds, and his breathing was extremely steady and small. He seemed to be moving or not, as if he wanted to keep himself in line with the speed at which the soybeans in the bottle germinated.

"This is the Minglun Daoyin technique?" Su Jie could tell that Zhang Jinchuan's movements were too slow, so slow that he could barely notice it.

He observed carefully without asking questions.

Four or five hours in the morning passed like this.

The soybeans in that bottle seemed to have a little sprout emerging, which was almost invisible to the naked eye.

And Zhang Jinchuan's arm seemed to be raised a little bit.

It was just a gesture of raising his hand, which he did slowly all morning without finishing it.

During the period, many people from the Zhang family were watching. They knew that Su Jie and Zhang Jinchuan were masters, and wanted to see how they practiced. interest.

This kind of practice and Su Jie are two extremes, and others don't quite understand it. Those who don't understand Su Jie's whistling, slapping and self-harming, think he is mentally abnormal. But Zhang Jinchuan's practice is considered mentally handicapped and dementia by ordinary people.

"Do all masters practice like this?" Zhang Xian, who lost to Su Jie, kept some patience. He asked Uncle Xi Zhang Xi who was drinking tea in the room: "I am worried about that Zhang Jinchuan."

"It is said that this is a profound skill." Uncle Xi Zhang Xi also knows a lot. If people who don't know Kung Fu have no training, the Zhang family will not let them come to this war-torn place to die: "You don't even have patience , let alone practice. Practicing this kung fu not only slows down people's movements, but also slows down people's hearts completely. All people can be fast or slow, especially in modern society, people's life The rhythm has accelerated a lot, and the heart is more impetuous, and it is even more difficult to slow down."

"I really can't practice this kind of kung fu, and there is no scientific principle. Sports are only fast. A lot of explosive training plus speed, constantly breaking the limit, muscle memory, will have a strong body and skill. High-intensity training I can bear it, this kind of slow-moving practice, I think it violates science, let's use some mysterious things to deceive people." Zhang Xian shook his head.

"Now the domestic martial arts atmosphere is the best, the level is the highest, and the place where many national champions have been produced is Minglun Martial Arts School. This set of extremely slow kung fu is the highest skill of Minglun Martial Arts School, but very few people practice it." Zhang Xidao : "It is said that the old principal Liu Guanglie who created this set of Daoyin techniques passed it on to his son Liu Zihao. Liu Zihao just didn't have the patience to practice. I don't know what the principle is, but after Liu Guanglie practiced it, he was very powerful."

"How does Liu Guanglie compare to Longtou?" Zhang Xian asked.

"Then I don't know, I haven't tried it before." Zhang Xi shook his head.

"Sure enough." Su Jie also heard the conversation between Zhang Xi and Zhang Xian. He finally saw that Zhang Jinchuan's practice was so special, but he understood the reason.

The reason why this set/movement is slow is actually an excellent psychological suggestion and exercise. From the perspective of kinesiology and human body, human beings belong to primates. If you can't take time off, once you do, you will feel irritable, but this kind of frizz will greatly affect your lifespan and consume energy. If you can overcome this nature, it is equivalent to changing some of your innate emotions, which can cause some fundamental changes in your body and mind.

However, this set of Daoyin technique is not completely immobile, but slows down the movement to the extreme, infinitely close to immobility, but it is not really immobile.

This state is very delicate, and it tests people's hearts the most.

Su Jie knows that if a person can completely "slow down", don't care about the passage of time, don't care about the vanity of the world, and enter the world of his heart with one heart and one mind, it is extremely terrifying. Whether it is learning or doing various things, you will make rapid progress.

This kind of slowness is the slowness in the heart, not the slowness in action.

"Slow down, and then you will realize that certain things have existed forever. Even the history of human beings is only a short period of time, fleeting at the flick of a finger." Su Jie realized again.

But at this moment, Zhang Manman hurried back from the outside and clapped his hands: "Okay, stop practicing! There is good news! General Avasi actually wanted to see us in advance. It was supposed to be three days later, but today Early in the morning, he sent someone to contact us to negotiate in his camp and discuss the seizure of the goods."

"Really? What happened?" Su Jie asked, "What's his attitude? Could it be a trap?"

"It seems to be good news." Zhang Manman said: "General Avasi's son came to pick us up in person, and he has a good attitude. You have learned the art of matching people, and you have also learned Zhou Yi. Let's see how good or bad this time is."

"How can there be such a thing, Xiangren and Zhouyi are all based on experience." Su Jie shook his head quickly: "I don't have enough experience, how can I judge such things accurately."

Zhang Jinchuan also lifted his practice status.

When the three of them came outside the park, they saw several armored vehicles parked, and the first person to get out of them was a young man.

It turned out to be the leader of the gangsters from yesterday.

Seeing Su Jie, the young man came up a few steps, bowed deeply, his eyes were full of admiration, and then he muttered in local language.

Su Jie also spoke the native language with him.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Jinchuan and Zhang Manman couldn't understand at all.

"He said that he admired me very much. He even bandaged the enemy yesterday. This is humanitarianism that he has never seen before. He said that he misunderstood us, and he will do his best to deal with this matter, and he wants to learn from me." Su Jie said for the two translate.