Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 120: Strange killings and evil forces can hardly cover the sky


A few days ago, a living person died in front of Su Jie.

Su Jie has basically never seen a dead person, even in this war-torn place, that is, he encountered stray bullets, gunshots, and grenade explosions, but there were no dead people. Generally speaking, order is gradually restored here.

Dalu's death made him feel the slightest chill, and the shadow of death would envelope him at any time.

He uncovered the white cloth, and found that there was not a single intact part of Dalu's body, just like a sandbag that had been hit thousands of times, especially a large piece of skull on the forehead collapsed directly, with obvious fist marks, which was the result of being hit by someone. People smashed it with their fists.

How strong is that person's fist to be able to do this

Looking at the fist mark, Su Jie suddenly remembered someone.

"Feng Hengyi?"

He had fought against Feng Hengyi, and even though the opponent was wearing gloves, he could instantly kill him with just two punches, but afterwards, when the opponent took off the gloves, his fist was the size of a palm.

"Could it be that Dalu was beaten to death by Feng Hengyi?"

Su Jie also knew that Dalu's life-and-death fight was better than his own, and the one who could kill him and get away with it was definitely a top expert.

Only Feng Hengyi can do this.

This kind of person starts to use the highest training method in the womb. After birth, the most advanced training method is used until the age of seventeen or eighteen. How terrifying is that

Think about it, Su Jie was only trained for a month by Odeli, the strongest instructor in the Tifeng training camp, and with his own exploration, self-discipline and hard work, it took him less than a year to get to where he is now.

If Su Jie had the conditions of Feng Hengyi and started prenatal training in his mother's womb, he couldn't even imagine what it would be like now.

Su Jie, Master Ma, and Master Luo have done a lot of research on fetuses.

Various data show that when the fetus is in the mother's body, if the mother is strengthened in nutrition, and there are various targeted trainings for raising, protecting, strengthening and strengthening the fetus, it can lay the best physical foundation for the fetus .

This is the so-called "innate foundation".

How to make the baby healthy and strong at birth, and what to do when the mother is pregnant, these are a series of knowledge.

Moreover, according to many scientific research data, babies who have undergone prenatal education training are born strong, and compared with their peers, they have a huge advantage in physical fitness. It's just that the general scientific institutions have not studied it in detail.

But Tifeng Training Camp has it.

Su Jie actually knew that his innate physique was not very strong. First, he missed the training of his mother's body. Second, he missed the training of the tooth replacement period at the age of seven. In the third stage, he happened to meet Ou Deli when he was growing up at the age of sixteen. I just got on the last train.

Feng Hengyi is all done.

Even now, Su Jie feels that he is definitely not an opponent against Shangfeng Hengyi.

"You seem to see something?" Zhang Manman leaned over and whispered.

"It might be Feng Hengyi." Su Jie nodded.

"General, a few more of our officers were killed." At this moment, several vehicles came in the distance again, and several intelligence personnel came up to report. At the same time, they took out a tablet computer, and a video appeared on it.

Several military officers led their subordinates to inspect a small rural town.

This rural town has not yet experienced war, it is very prosperous, and there are crowds of people setting up stalls everywhere, but these officers are blocked by soldiers, no one can touch them.

At this moment, suddenly one of the officers seemed to be ill, fell down slowly, and then did not move.

No one touched him, there were no shots fired, there was no blood on him or anything.

Just die like this!

Next, several officers did the same.

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

The video is always such a scene.

Su Jie and others also saw it, relying on his intuition, these officers were killed, but he didn't see how they died.

"It should be that there is a neurotoxin on the blowing needle. It is said that as long as a little bit of this toxin penetrates the skin and touches the tissue fluid, it can immediately paralyze the nerves of the whole body. After a few seconds, it spreads to the whole body, unable to speak, and then the heart stops. Jump." Zhang Jinchuan said: "If I'm not mistaken, the murderer is the old peddler. This person is wearing makeup, he should be a young man, pretending to be old, and when he covers his mouth and coughs in this direction, in an instant The blow needle was ejected."

Sure enough, in the video, there is an inconspicuous old man who is setting up a small stall with his back bent. He is a very ordinary resident here. He covered his mouth with his hand and coughed inadvertently, and the officer in the distance froze. , slowly fell to the ground.

After coughing a few times, he left immediately.

Now Su Jie could see clearly.

It's just that she didn't see that the other party was wearing makeup.

Modern make-up disguises are extremely miraculous, and can completely transform into another person. There are even leather covers made of polymer materials on the body, just like the ancient "painted skin" of Liaozhai. This is used in some large-scale movie stand-ins, but the production cost is too high.

"Blowing needles to kill people is indeed impossible to guard against." Su Jie was secretly vigilant. He once heard Huang Dingyi say that people who come out of the Tifeng training camp can kill people secretly from a distance, and even forensic doctors can't be sure. Needle.

This kind of thing is silent, as long as it is specially made, it is full of breath and has a good range.

With Su Jie's lung capacity, under a well-sealed blowing needle, he can blow out in one breath, and under the push of the airflow, he can shoot very far away, and the speed is extremely fast, it is impossible for people to react, and the venom is smeared on it If so, it is impossible to guard against.

Of course, this is an assassination method, not kung fu. After a period of training, ordinary people can also kill people invisible.

Su Jie didn't notice the assassin's movements at first, so it can be seen how good at disguising and supernatural it is.

From the beginning to the end, Su Jie didn't see where his blowing needle was, and he seemed to know some magic tricks.

Su Jie's kung fu is not bad, but he is actually very vulnerable to these assassins. Horizontal kung fu can't resist neurotoxins, and the resistance to blows is only used on fists and feet, and it can't even withstand sharp daggers, let alone subtle needles.

"The matter is settled, we have to get out of here as soon as possible." Zhang Manman said: "Obviously, this mysterious evil force is retaliating and killing people. We cannot guard against it. After all, we are made of flesh and blood."

"I also agree." Zhang Jinchuan said: "With our strength, we can't fight against this huge evil force. The more turbulent the place, the stronger their power, and they still can't penetrate after returning home."

Everyone is at ease in domestic security, and national forces are carrying the burden for them.

Now Su Jie feels that the country is like a safe zone in the game, and it cannot be harmed no matter what.

If he offends a behemoth like the Feng family in such a war-torn place, he might just disappear from the world.

But in China, it is extremely difficult for the Feng family to destroy themselves physically.

Moreover, in this war-torn place, Su Jie also knew that he was not as powerful as he imagined. Three or five soldiers could turn himself into a beehive with a burst of shooting.

"Go back." General Avasi's face was very ugly, and he led the army back directly.

Su Jie and the others said goodbye to Gail.

Although Gail was reluctant, he did not force him to stay.

"When I have time, I will go to China to study." Gail, a young man, is very straightforward: "But if you want to leave, I'd better send someone to send you off. The situation is chaotic now, and I doubt that group of people will retaliate against you sexual assault."

"We can solve these things by ourselves, and you should be more careful." Su Jie Gail's shoulder: "Don't go out these days, these people's assassination methods are hard to guard against."

"I see." Gail nodded and drove away quickly.

He and Avasi had to rectify the interior and take strict precautions when they went back. At the same time, they sent people to arrest the assassins, so they could no longer take Su Jie and the other three into consideration.

The three returned to their park in the van.

"We're leaving here tomorrow." Zhang Manman said to Uncle Xi and the others: "You stay here as support, what's going on with the Xu family?"

"This is the news I just got." Uncle Xi took out his phone. Although it was stuck, he could still get a lot of news. He copied all the news and made it into a file for the three of them to watch.

Su Jie saw a series of domestic news reports.

"After investigation of Xu's goods, no prohibited items were found, the customs released them, and they were able to deliver on time. At the same time, they signed a contract with the local government and opened up channels. It is estimated that the annual foreign trade profit rate will increase significantly, and the share price of the holding company will begin to rise."

"Xu's teamed up with several groups to report the hostile acquisition of Haoyu Group to the relevant departments, suspected of monopoly."

"Relevant departments have launched a series of investigations into Haoyu Group in response to the report. Haoyu stated that it is only a common capital market stake, and there is no hostile takeover, and it is willing to develop together."

"After investigation by relevant departments, Haoyu was suspected of hostile takeover and monopolized the market, and he was severely fined. The main person in charge was banned from entering the securities market for three years... "

Su Jie read this series of news very carefully.

Sure enough, even though Xu Qiaomu was in his dying years, after he regained his breath, his counterattack methods were quite fierce.

"Haoyu suffered a lot." Zhang Jinchuan thought about the news: "Interesting, Xu Qiaomu is indeed an old hero, even Haoyu can't eat him."

"It's not so simple." Zhang Manman nodded: "If I were Feng Shoucheng, I would definitely wait for Xu Qiaomu to die before doing anything. Even if Xu Jiazhi takes over, I definitely don't have that much energy to unite so many big bosses to report together. Those It's good that the boss has friendship with Xu Qiaomu, but who is Xu Jiazhi? They don't even know each other."

"Actually, the key point of this game of chess lies with us." Zhang Jinchuan said: "We have made this move well, and we will immediately win the whole game."

"It's not bad to say so." Su Jie said, "It's because the country is strong that Avasi reasoned with us and didn't dare to act recklessly. In addition, Feng Hengyi killed Daru and assassinated officers to demonstrate. We have to think about it." Come up with a way. Otherwise, we will be next."