Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 13: On the last day, Yi Dao was originally Tian Xingjian



"On July 25th, the daily training of fighting daggers became fighting with guns. The deterrence of short weapons and long weapons is indeed different. Guns are more terrifying than daggers, but they are very effective in training courage. My body has completely changed. , Courage has been a qualitative leap and baptism."

"July 26th, on this day, when I was doing horizontal rehearsal, I suddenly found that the pain was relieved a lot. When the coach hit me, I was able to relax the hit part in advance accurately. Then the moment the rubber stick touched my body part, the part was extremely tense, like porcelain, and there was no pain. The coach said that my iron cloth shirt golden bell cover horizontal kung fu practice has been small, and I can go out and do it. Performance. But it can’t be used in actual combat, because in actual combat you don’t know how the opponent will attack, and you can’t react at all. Now I can only perform and designate a part for the opponent to hit. In ancient times, performers in the world also used this to Put on a show and make money."

"On July 27th, in the process of horizontal training, I felt that my physical fitness was getting better and better, and my spear skills were getting more and more proficient. This is the second thing. In the process of assassinating each other with weapons, I felt that I was full of blood. Courage! It is said in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms that Zhao Zilong is full of courage. I think I went to the Three Kingdoms, and I am similar to Zhao Yun! Calm down, calm down, Su Jie, you are just hallucinating, it is the dopamine produced by exercise that stimulates your cerebral cortex Get excited, you are still far from a master, if you go out to fight with people now, you will probably be beaten up like those so-called Tai Chi masters, you must recognize yourself."

"On July 28th, during the training, I had a new feeling, that is, my mind has completely settled down, and I have no vision for the future. I just hope that I can train every day and live a simple life."

"On July 19th, I went to bed at night. I continued to use the method of laying dead corpses. The feeling of my whole body was very different from that of sleeping before. I seemed to be able to feel everything in the outside world in my sleep, but it didn't consume my energy at all. It has improved a level since before. I also eat every meal according to the method of chewing fully, without distracting thoughts, and swallowing saliva after meals. Now I feel the benefits, that is, the bowel movements are very regular and even, and the stomach feels that even stones can be digested. "

"July 30th, after today's training, coach Odley said that he would teach me something new tomorrow, and then left here to go to Tibet and India to find supernatural power. I am very reluctant, but I look forward to what he will teach me tomorrow. Me what?"

July 31st.

"Today is the last day."

Ou Deli, a foreigner, did not ask Su Jie to train again, but sat down and had a heart-to-heart talk with him.

A sense of melancholy surged in Su Jie's heart, and he was very reluctant. After getting along for so long, it was all the result of Odeli's training that he was able to achieve what he is today.

Although Odley only trained him for 22 days, the knowledge he learned in these 22 days may not be able to be learned even if he is outside for ten years.

More importantly, Odeli opened the door to martial arts for him, letting him know what is right and what is wrong. With Su Jie's own diligence and inquiring, he will not take any detours.

"You Chinese have a saying that there is always a feast in the world, gathering and parting are impermanent." Seeing Su Jie's expression, Odley smiled: "What I want to teach you today is the source of the oldest wisdom. With this Things, you can go further on the road in the future."

He took out a book.

Su Jie suddenly saw the word "Book of Changes" on the book.

"Isn't this a fortune-telling book?" He knew that the "Four Books and Five Classics" that Confucian disciples had to take exams in ancient times was the "Book of Changes", also known as "Book of Changes".

"This is not a fortune-telling book, but a book that changes destiny." Odley waved his hand: "The ancient wisdom contained in it is definitely not comprehensible to ordinary people. You should know that when you look at the mountains, you will be full of love for the mountains, and you will be full of love when you look at the sea." Love overflows the sea. The most important thing in your Chinese class and writing is to express your inner emotions. Without full enthusiasm, it is impossible to write good articles. This is the case with literary creation and practice. The Book of Changes, It is to let people observe the heaven and the earth, so as to understand the principles of being a human being, the operation of the human earth, and what people need to do to comprehend all things."

While speaking, he directly opened the first chapter of this book, pointing to a sentence in it, "Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement".

"The ancients observed the heaven, and some people came to the conclusion that the will of heaven is ruthless and treats everything as a dog. Some people came to the conclusion that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. It has been learned that it is always running and constantly striving for self-improvement, and people should also learn from its spirit of continuous improvement.”

Later, he pointed to another sentence, "Geo-sports Kun, a gentleman carries things with virtue."

"Observing the earth, we must learn its thickness and honesty, which bears everything and tolerates everything."

Afterwards, Oudley opened a paragraph in the middle of the book: "Look, this is the best hexagram in the whole book, called the Qian hexagram. The upper part of this hexagram is the earth, and the lower part is the mountain. It means people Possesses a character as tall as a mountain, but he does not show it, and hides it in the vaster land, so everything about him is auspicious. If a person has the ability to make people stand tall, but he knows how to hide his clumsiness , Is it always beneficial? Similarly, if it is reversed, the mountain is up and the ground is down. If it is clumsy, it will be gradually eroded by the wind and rain, and finally weathered and collapsed suddenly."

Ou Deli did not explain the "Book of Changes" to Su Jie too much, but closed the book: "Su Jie, what do you think is the most important thing for a person to achieve something?"

Su Jie thought for a while: "It should be persistence, just like practicing kung fu, if you can persist, you can achieve something."

"This is just a part." Odley said: "Courage, perseverance, wisdom, tolerance, understanding, ingenuity, etc., are all human qualities. For example, you have perseverance, and the training I give you is very intensive. , but you can persevere, this is one of the criteria for success. But it is not enough. In the end, you have to completely like training, and you don’t think it is hard, but enjoy it. This is a higher state. You are afraid of going the wrong way , can choose, can find opportunities for oneself, this is ingenuity, but there are many people who speculate, such people are proud of ingenuity, thinking that they can succeed, that is also a small person's opinion. The Book of Changes is to shape your character It is a book that observes all things in the world and shapes the most perfect virtue. In fact, most of our martial arts come from natural life, and people must learn to absorb knowledge from all things."

"I will study and reconcile seriously." Su Jie put away the "Book of Changes".

"Okay, I'm leaving today, but I left something for you." Odley took out a piece of paper, on which he wrote a website address, as well as a login account and password, "Log in here if you have time." Website, and then enter the account number and password. On this website, you can buy some things that cannot be purchased in the market, which is very helpful for your martial arts practice. You should know that various nutrients and auxiliary medicines are the best for martial arts practice. important."


Su Jie nodded.

"In that case, I'm leaving." Odley had already packed his things, a big backpack, and there was a car waiting outside the door. He waved to Su Jie: "I'll see you again in the future."

"Master!" Su Jie shouted two words when Odeli turned around.

"Don't call me master, I am your coach, I hope you are the best boxer I have trained. Remember, you promised me that you will fight for me a few times, when you have this When I'm qualified, I'll come to you." Odley squinted his eyes and smiled, making a goodbye gesture.

"Okay, coach." Su Jie nodded vigorously. Although he has made great progress after so many days of study, in fact, he feels that he is still very weak. It makes people become masters.

But from Odeli, he has mastered the most scientific training methods, as well as the most advanced fighting knowledge, so he can explore and improve when he goes back.

Watching the foreigner Ou Deli leave like this, he was very chic. He went to find the supernatural power in his mind, and he had to go back to the martial arts school to continue his studies and exercises.

"Your boy is finally back." Seeing Su Jie returning to the dormitory, Joss couldn't help punching him, hitting him in the chest. According to normal circumstances, Su Jie would be repelled, but now he is habitually twitching his chest muscles. As soon as the drum is loosened, the strength is dissipated between breaths, causing the body to remain motionless.

This is Odley's training for him.

When Su Jie was practicing stance, Odley kept beating, pinching, and beating various parts of his body with his hands, so that he could learn how to tense and loosen when the muscles of various parts of the body were attacked. This is actually a horizontal Qigong exercise.

This made Joss very shocked: "Your physical fitness has improved so quickly, you have learned to resist blows, and you seem to have grown a lot taller?"

"Food and drink with you every day, good nutrition." Su Jie smiled: "By the way, what did coach Gu Yang teach me these days when I went home?"

He didn't hide it intentionally, it was Odley who didn't allow him to tell anyone.

Gu Yang's training was very interesting. The first seven days were digging, which many people didn't understand.

In fact, he is teaching everyone the most profound martial arts.

Then the second seven days is to teach everyone to bear the burden, which is a real exercise to increase movement coordination, stability, and core strength for ups and downs. This is also the highest foundation of martial arts.

In the third seven days, I teach everyone various martial arts routines, which is to increase everyone's flexibility. At the same time, self-cultivation, calm personality and at the same time, can let the breath sink, calm and coordinated all the time, breathing naturally, not impetuous. In addition, it also makes everyone's martial arts movements more performative, so that they can use this to make a living in the future.

Joss didn't understand the routine and thought it was impractical. Su Jie didn't think so, he thought Gu Yang was a really good coach.