Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 17: In Chinese medicine, the inner strong can bear the pain of childbirth


"Okay, I testify. You bet on yours, and it has nothing to do with my experiment." The blind uncle's tone was mechanical: "Young man, take off your shirt and lie on the bed. But before that, you want three thousand Pay now. If you can bear it, the money will be refunded, and the massage will be free in the future."

"I'll call it to your account." Sister Nie sat down beside her.

Zhou Chun was watching from the side at this time, with a sneer on his face.

He didn't believe that the little kid could stand the massage.

"Face up." Uncle Blind seemed to have seen Su Jie laying on the massage table. For some reason, he grabbed Su Jie and helped Su Jie turn over.

Su Jie felt that under Uncle Blind's hands, he was like a pancake, which could be flipped over with a random shake.

Then, he watched Uncle Blind's thumb and index finger pinch and press under his lower abdomen, three inches from the navel, and pressed hard.


Su Jie only felt as if someone had stabbed him in the stomach, and then the knife was still churning in his intestines. That's not counting, and he also sprinkled salt and pepper on the wound in his stomach.

He almost yelled and rushed out the door, but when the shout reached his throat, he held back and suppressed it. He used what Odley taught to relax tension, practice kung fu against blows, and tense up his whole body.

Sure enough, the pain eased a lot.

"Huh?" Blind Uncle nodded slightly, as if he had found something interesting. He changed his technique, turned Su Jie over suddenly, and pressed Su Jie again on his waist.


Su Jie gritted his teeth tightly, almost chewing his teeth to pieces.

His whole body was mentally tense to the limit, and he had never been in such pain.

But he found that it was a good form of exercise.

After Odeli left, no one slapped him anymore, and he was worried about how to improve his horizontal kung fu.

The principle of horizontal kung fu practice is very simple, it is to use external force to stimulate the muscles and skin, and exercise the relaxation and tension limit of the nerves. Finally, when it reaches the mind, when the whole body wants to relax, it is like water and cotton, and when it wants to be tight, it is like iron and steel.

But the most difficult thing about this kung fu is that it needs people to cooperate in the volleyball. The severity of the volleyball must be mastered just right, otherwise it will cause injury, and it will cause great damage to the body.

Among the martial arts, the safest exercise is aerobic exercise, but the effect of exercise is slow, and the actual combat ability is not good. Martial arts training is anaerobic exercise, the most popular in the world of fighting. Horizontal practice is the most lethal, and the effect is very fast and successful, but it can easily cause people to be disabled.

But according to Odley's research, if you master the method of horizontal training, not only will it not harm the body, but it can promote metabolism, enhance cell vitality, and make the skin structure of the human body stronger and more sensitive. The whole body is as sensitive as a cat after training.

In fact, many professional athletes also have some horizontal training skills, the most typical one is muay thai athletes. Due to all kinds of cruel self-abuse training, most athletes are disabled when they are young, and even some Muay Thai world champions have to retire due to injuries during training.

"Tension, relaxation, tension, relaxation..." At this time, Su Jie no longer had any thoughts in his mind, but kept controlling his whole body, tensing and relaxing rhythmically, so as to relieve the pain.

He never cried out.

This made Sister Nie's face more and more surprised.

Even Uncle Blind's expression was slightly moved.

Zhou Chun was stunned.

He has tried Uncle Blind's massage method, it is really painful, and he is dying.

"Could Uncle Blind be cheating? He was a little lighter when he massaged this kid? That's impossible, Uncle Blind will never release water." Zhou Chun knew who Uncle Blind was, so he wouldn't suspect him of cheating: "I don't believe this The boy can bear it."

Blind Uncle's massage techniques are getting faster and faster, and each stroke will cause intense pain, but Su Jie endured the pain even if his body was sweating profusely.

Finally, Uncle Blind pressed on Su Jie's cervical spine.

Su Jie only felt that his head seemed to be cut off, and the pain from the spinal nerves spread to the whole body, and even more intense fear welled up in his heart, which was a feeling of imminent death.

Blind Uncle kept massaging Su Jie's cervical spine. Every time he pressed it, Su Jie felt that he had already died once. The pain was really indescribable.

Indescribable pain, indescribable terror.

Fortunately, Su Jie practiced the "Great corpse method" every night to train the feeling of being dead but alive. If it weren't for this kind of psychological quality training, he would definitely not be able to persist.

The surprise on the faces of Uncle Blind and Sister Nie became more and more intense.

Finally, Uncle Blind stopped after connecting the dots.

Almost no one can persevere in a set of intensive massage techniques, but Su Jie actually persevered.

"Impossible!" Zhou Chun roared.

"Zhou Chun, do you want to play tricks? Or do you think Uncle Blind let go of the water?" Sister Nie also breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, she was very nervous. Although the game was a pot of wine, it was too precious, even more expensive than a house.

"Who did you learn your horizontal kung fu from? Also, you have actually passed the training of Tantric Yoga and entered the room?" Uncle Blind suddenly asked.

Su Jie woke up, only feeling that his body was going to collapse.

But the whole skeleton and skin, including the spiritual will, seemed to be soaked in warm water, lazily unable to speak. He was very happy, the feeling of going to heaven.

When Uncle Blind massages with heavy techniques, he will be tortured in hell, but after the massage, the whole person will feel more comfortable than ever. This is the skill of a brilliant masseur.

All hardships come.

He didn't want to talk, he just wanted to enjoy quietly. Moreover, the soft state of his whole body also made him unable to speak.

With this massage, he felt that his horizontal kung fu had gone a step further.

No wonder Coach Odley stayed here for so long, it turns out that there are really strange people here.

"I won't renege on my debts." Zhou Chun got up and left, his face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water, and before he left, he stared at Su Jie: "Little brat, I really have you."

"I've already seen that he has horizontal kung fu." Sister Nie pulled Uncle Blind out and let Su Jie lie quietly.

When she got outside, she lowered her voice: "Horizontal kung fu has high requirements for the coach, and even higher requirements for the trainer. The coach needs to be able to accurately control the strength, while the trainer needs high talent. Focus on nothing else, It is also necessary to be able to endure pain and learn the rhythm of relaxation and tension. Although the method of salvaging the corpse is simple, it means sleeping on the bed with big characters, but the simpler it is, the more profound it is. If you want to get started, there is no one in a thousand miles. You know, This student has only been studying for a month."

"His whole body's bones and muscles are well shaped, and the person who trained him is very good." Uncle Blind massaged Su Jie for a while. As a skilled masseur like him, he has long been familiar with various conditions of the body. : "In addition, he is now sixteen or seventeen years old, which is the best time to shape him. This is indeed a good seed."

"Your heavy technique, the people who are pressed at the beginning will be extremely painful, and go to hell. But as long as they survive it, they will be completely relaxed. This is a way to enhance people's mental toughness to the limit. The requirements for the massager are not to mention high. The requirements for the massaged are also very high. You should take it easy and don't look for people to do experiments everywhere. Once something goes wrong, it may be difficult to end." Sister Nie warned.

"I have a measure." Blind Uncle waved his hand: "This student is interesting. You are in charge of personnel affairs in the school. If you don't train him? If you train for two or three years, whether it is to play professionally or do martial arts, it will be a piece of cake. Good seed."

"I mentioned it to him earlier, and this student said he wanted to consider it. I think he will come to you for a massage. If you drag him to my class to practice mixed martial arts, I will give you half of the wine I won just now." Nie Sister began to seduce.

"What you say is what you say." Blind Uncle seemed to be tempted when he heard the strong wine.

After lying down for half an hour, the feeling of ecstasy disappeared, and he got up.

"This massage method can greatly improve my horizontal training skills." Su Jie was full of joy: "After Coach Odley left, I was worried that no one would train me, and now I finally found the best training method."

"Do you want to use my heavy hand massage to improve your horizontal kung fu?" Uncle Blind came in, looking at Jiang Ge with black hole-like eyes.

"Uncle Blind, I'm just a beginner. Is there any room for improvement?" Su Jie asked sincerely. He regards everyone as a teacher. In front of Kung Fu seniors, he is always a student who has only learned for a month. He is still very shallow and ignorant. He is not complacent and proud of his little achievements.

Hearing Su Jie's humility and strong thirst for knowledge, Uncle Blind nodded inadvertently: "At such a young age, you actually understand the principle of horizontal training, and you can also practice the yoga method of the big corpse, and you have entered the state. The psychological quality is extremely strong, and it can be said that he has vaguely achieved the unity of knowledge and action that Wang Yangming said."

"Knowledge and action are one." Su Jie quickly said: "I know this, that is, I know what behavior is good for me, so I just do it according to this idea. This is difficult. For example, many students know that working hard to exercise, study hard, It's good for themselves. But they can't do it, they still play games all day long and don't exercise. I once heard the teacher say this truth, and I enforced it for myself for a long time, and then I slowly changed over."

Su Jie's habit of writing a diary every day was also formed at that time.

"I don't ask who trained you. According to my rules, if you resist my heavy hand massage, then I can massage you for free in the future." Uncle Blind still abides by his bet: " In this way, you come to me to press it once every night before going to bed, for thirty minutes."

"Thank you Uncle Blind." Su Jie quickly bowed and was about to leave here.

"Wait." Uncle Blind waved his hand: "How about we talk?"

Su Jie said good, sat down obediently, put his hands on his knees, like a primary school student, and listened quietly.