Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 20: Spine stretching martial arts proverb about relaxation


"Coach Gu Yang, can you practice your real understanding of this move for me? Use your own skills." Su Jie wanted to see Gu Yang's real understanding of the move of "hoeing the head".

Gu Yang didn't refuse either. He picked up the hoe and dropped it one at a time for more than ten times in a row.

Su Jie had a strange feeling in his heart, that is, every time Gu Yang went up and down, he was definitely not in the artistic conception of hating the sky and the earth, but looking for treasures.

In the soil, there are treasures. Gu Yang is trying his best to gain wealth, physical satisfaction, and inner satisfaction.

It's a kind of self-reliance.

"Do you understand?" Gu Yang gently put down the hoe.

"I understand a little, but I still need to think about it." Su Jie thought seriously.

"That's it. For the next month, I will still teach you all kinds of martial arts routines. If you don't want to practice, it's okay. What you have now is more than enough for you to practice on your own for ten or eight years." Gu Yang turned and left .

"This trick of hoeing can indeed be practiced for a lifetime." Su Jie nodded.

"The hoe-head martial art that coach Odley told me is like a computer, and every movement is so precise that there is no mistake. But the blind uncle's move is weird. I don't know from which dead corner he pounced. Come here. And the style of Gu Yang's action is satisfaction."

Following behind Gu Yang, Su Jie was really pondering over and over again.

This trick is really interesting.

Although each master performs the same movement, they have different understandings and ideas for this move, resulting in different powers, different styles, and different improvements in physical fitness.

In addition to physical exercise, physical fitness is more important than mentality.

If a person is depressed and dark all the year round, his endocrine will be out of balance, and his health will definitely not be good. And if a person is happy and happy all the year round, his body will definitely be very good and he will live a long life.

This is a basic theoretical knowledge.

The heart method taught by Ou Deli is "hate" and "ruthless", while Gu Yang's heart method is the satisfaction of "self-reliance". The strength of the moves is exactly the same, but the mentality is different when practicing, and the result in the future may be very different.

But Su Jie himself understood that Gu Yang's mind method was used to maintain health and labor, to soothe the body and mind while exercising the muscles and bones. But Ou Deli's mentality is completely fighting.

Both are important and should be practiced alternately.

Suddenly, two words appeared in Su Jie's mind, that is "yin and yang".

Originally, at his age, he would not understand the ancient Chinese metaphysics of yin and yang and the five elements. But now, through the mental method of "hoeing the head", he has actually noticed that Yin and Yang, both positive and negative, are indispensable.

"The ancient Chinese wisdom, the way of yin and yang, is hidden in daily life. When encountering selective difficulties, we can find solutions from them. For example, do I choose to use the ancient foreign mental method or Oude Coach Li’s mentality, if you think about it from the perspective of yin and yang balance, you must practice both. But you still have to uphold a scientific attitude. For example, when I practice with ruthlessness and hatred, what are the endocrine and hormones in my body? State, practice with a satisfied and self-reliant mentality, what is the internal secretion like."

Su Jie thought about a lot of things in his mind. He wanted to go back and read the Book of Changes more, to understand the ancient metaphysics of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, and ancient Chinese philosophy. At the same time, he wanted to learn the most precise life sciences, human body structure, neurology and endocrinology, etc.

"Practicing martial arts is actually to explore the mysteries of life, but people who practice martial arts have not systematically studied. If you want to gain insight into the secrets of life, you must do it through scientific analysis. I have decided that I should go to university to study medicine, life science type Research the industry. As for professional fighting, it cannot truly improve the potential of the human body, only science can." Deep in his heart, Su Jie made up his mind immediately.

"Of course, one cannot slack off in martial arts. The body is the capital of all careers, and if I want to conduct life science research, I am also a good reference. I won't learn Coach Gu Yang's routine exercises. It's not a routine. It’s not good, but I have to practice the basic skills of shoveling the head well, otherwise I will be greedy for too much, and besides, after this move is well practiced, all the routines can be used at my fingertips.”

After Gu Yang left, Su Jie continued to practice here.

After practicing until dawn, he will go to school to have breakfast, and then prepare to arrange a day of training for himself.

In the training without distraction, the day passed quickly. In the evening, he came to the grove, and within an hour, swung a sledgehammer and smashed the flies on three pieces of glass, but he couldn't grasp it well and smashed the glass to pieces.

He didn't smash too much glass, but fixed only three pieces a day.

Learning from Mi Fu to practice calligraphy, on a piece of paper worth five taels of silver, I don't write first, but I try to figure it out again and again before I start.

It was the same with him, he brewed the ups and downs of this move to the extreme.

After smashing it three times, he came to the school massage parlor, found Uncle Blind, and asked Uncle Blind to give him a heavy hand massage.

"You have a lot of training today, and the spine is slightly deformed. It's not a big deal. If it accumulates over time, it will be troublesome. It can be seen that you have practiced repeatedly the trick of hoeing." Mr. Blind Uncle Squeezing his spine made Su Jie feel so painful that he almost passed out, but now he is getting more and more proficient in the rhythm of relaxation and tension, so he held back immediately and was able to talk to Uncle Blind.

"Could it be that my posture is out of shape during practice?" Su Jie felt nervous for a while. It's a big deal to make a mistake in practice. He didn't have a coach to watch him today. It's very likely that he didn't know the severity of the first practice.

"Don't worry about this, your posture is correct, but the amount of exercise is too much, which has caused the spine to bear the limit and slightly deformed, just like excessive exercise and soreness all over the body. When you practice in the future, you should pay attention to it. You used to follow the coach Practice, does he give you a massage after a while?"

"This is true." Su Jie nodded.

"So, in the process of training, it is actually very dangerous to practice alone, and it is easy to go astray, even if you have been a master for many years, because the authorities are confused and the bystanders are clear." The blind uncle said: "You are still growing up, so you should pay special attention to the practice. .Fortunately, you met me, and I can help you correct it every day, otherwise it will be difficult to recover if you grow crooked. Of course, as long as your shape is successful and the bone shape is fixed, then there will be no problem. "

"I see." Su Jie knew that Uncle Blind had a thorough research on the bones of the body, so he couldn't help asking: "Uncle Blind, what did you do before?"

"Doctor of Medicine from Cambridge, researching the hormonal response produced by the movement mechanics between human cells and skeletal muscles." The blind uncle said: "I agree with you, after all, my set of heavy hand massage was only recently researched. I have done many experiments, but no one else can bear it, only you, the experimental product, are okay. You want you to come to massage every day, let me do more clinical work, and I can teach you about martial arts."

"Is my test product good?" Su Jie recalled that Odley also said the same.

"It's hard to come across." Blind Uncle kept making moves, each time causing Su Jie pain to the marrow.

"By the way, I practiced the trick of hoeing the head, stretching and stretching the spine, and I feel that the spine is very elastic. Why is the spine easily dislocated." Su Jie asked.

"It is precisely because you have exercised the spine that misalignment occurs. Humans are not machines. Every posture of yours is standard to the naked eye, but if it is accurate to millimeters or even nanometers, it may be wrong. .”

Uncle Blind continued his class: "The core of the trick of hoeing the head is the stretching of the spine, drilling up and down. There is a proverb in martial arts: front and back are instinct, left and right are kung fu, and up and down are supernatural powers. It means that when a person is fighting, encounter When attacking, back up directly, and rush forward when hitting someone, that is instinct, and it is an individual's ability. When encountering an attack, dodging left and right requires hard practice, so it is called left and right kung fu. But when encountering an attack, stretching up and down , That is miraculous and supernatural. Boxing, kickboxing and other fighting, diving, dodging and hugging are the most difficult to practice. If you use it well, you can directly defeat the enemy. There is another sentence in boxing proverbs, that is: Carrying a burden, moving like a locust. It means that when you are fighting against an enemy, it is like getting under a pole and using your whole body to climb up while maintaining your balance. If you are not a person who does not know how to carry a burden, you will lose your balance. , spinning continuously, even falling to the ground is not uncommon.”

Su Jie thought about the situation of many people in the martial arts class, and it was indeed easy to lose balance. Two baskets, one pole, lifted up on one shoulder, bumping up and down, whether it is flat ground, rugged mountain roads, or muddy roads, you can walk like flying, which is real kung fu.

If this balance and strength were applied to fighting, it would be terrifying.

"Boy, you seem to be very relaxed during this massage, and your horizontal practice skills have grown so fast." Seeing that he was pinching, Su Jie was still able to talk to himself, as if he was not afraid of pain at all, and his eyes were even more shocked.

Su Jie's kung fu seems to be improving day by day.

After a massage, Su Jie felt comfortable all over, his mind and body were completely relaxed, and he didn't want to move at all. I still lay down for half an hour, my head was empty, and my fatigue was completely eliminated.

"This state is called complete relaxation of the deep neural cortex in medicine. In this state, everything recovers quickly, the endocrine reaches a perfect state, and cells and metabolism can be adjusted, so that life expectancy can be improved. Prolongation. In fact, the best treatment in medicine is relaxation therapy. I have been studying this therapy for many years, but it is difficult to achieve complete relaxation, and only with the stimulation of clever massage techniques can people enter." Blind Uncle said: "Actually, the big corpse method you practice is also a kind of relaxation therapy. You only sleep for six hours a day, but it is actually equivalent to twelve hours of sleep. Of course, the relaxation methods I can, In fact, it does not make people reach the most relaxed state.”

"Then what is the most relaxed state?" Su Jie asked quickly.