Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 24: The art of acupuncture and moxibustion is interlinked with ancient and modern medicine


"Come on, have a drink."

After the massage, Uncle Blind took out a jar of wine from the box. He is careful, as if holding an antique treasure. Then he poured a small cup for Su Jie to drink.

After Su Jie drank it, he immediately felt the burning sensation in his stomach, which spread to his whole body, and then it gradually cooled down, making his whole body very comfortable, his whole head seemed to be drunk but not drunk, and he felt even more comfortable, as if he was a god.

"What kind of wine is this?"

Su Jie immediately fell in love with this taste, he could become a fairy, completely anesthetized his nerves, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

"Sometimes the four big smokers get drunk, and ask Qingtian who I am."

Blind Uncle said: "These are two lines from a poem by Quanzhen Wang Chongyang of Taoism, from the book "Xingming Guizhi", which describes the spiritual state of Taoist practice. The four elements are earth, water, fire and wind, which are called in Buddhism The basic elements that make up the world. Taoism borrowed this allusion to describe the state of mind when it enters the deepest level of thinking. People feel that the four elements are the same as themselves. In a state of drunkenness, this appearance is the feeling of becoming a fairy. In fact, people in When drinking is just right, the thinking is active, the cerebral cortex is excited, the adrenal glands are enhanced, and the sky is not afraid of the earth. Brewed from a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, it can nourish qi and blood, and it is the most refreshing. Just a small cup can cure insomnia, neurasthenia, depression and other mental diseases. People who are not sick can also strengthen their immunity. One drop of this wine is better than gold It’s still precious, it’s what Nie Shuang and Zhou Chun gambled with last time. Now that you’ve had a small cup, you’re in the best state of mind and body, and it’s best to do acupuncture.”

At this time, Uncle Blind had a trace of excitement on his face, as if the researchers had made a major discovery.

Su Jie saw this state when his sister Su Mochen was studying artificial intelligence.

He couldn't help being a little creepy, as if the blind uncle was going to dismember himself.

Uncle Blind took out a box of silver needles for acupuncture.

This silver needle is thin and long, it looks a little scary.

He stabbed suddenly, and the silver needle directly pierced Su Jie's stomach.


Su Jie only felt that his internal organs had to be turned upside down. This time, the pain was from the inside, not the pain from the outside. It was even more unbearable. It seemed that something was stuck in his stomach, and it was overwhelming.

Originally, Uncle Blind’s massage was a pain in the skin and flesh, but now this kind of acupuncture with silver needles is the torment of the internal organs, roasted by fire, frozen, cut by knife, and hammered ruthlessly.

Blind Uncle gave needles continuously, and every time he gave Su Jie, he felt that his internal organs were being grabbed and kneaded fiercely, and his bones were so itchy that he couldn't bear it. come out.

"This is for you to thoroughly regulate your body and stimulate your potential." Blind Uncle said: "If you hold back, your physical fitness will definitely improve in the future. Do you know the principle of acupuncture?"

When Su Jie was being massaged, he was still able to have a conversation, but now he couldn't speak at all.

But Uncle Blind also knows that he can’t speak, but he is talking to himself in class: “The human body has the function of self-healing. For example, if you are cut on your hand, the nutrients and immune cells of the human body will gather and reach the wound. , so that the wound heals. The ancient traditional medicine refers to the beneficial substances such as nutrition and immunity of the human body as vitality."

Su Jie could only barely listen.

"The vitality of the human body, in general, is very chaotic. It flows everywhere, cannot be stored, and has no unified mobilization ability. Whether it is traditional martial arts, health preservation, yoga, or meditation, the core is mobilization. The vitality of the intelligent human body, while expanding, is perfectly coordinated, and it can reach where it wants to move, and strengthen its own organs and brain."

"My current acupuncture and moxibustion is created by myself according to the acupuncture point theory and meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, plus modern scientific cell theory, kinesiology, neuroscience, and human medicine. It uses acupuncture to stimulate your inner cortex and perform minimally invasive surgery. Surgery, the place where you are minimally invasive, the vitality in the body will gather there. During such non-stop stimulation, it is like dredging a water channel, and the vitality in your body will be stored and operated according to the specified rules, so as to make your body strong , Quick thinking, which is much better than massage techniques.”

Uncle Blind continued to prick Su Jie, gradually turning Su Jie into a porcupine.

In between the needles, he kept recording various experiences, not writing, but recording.

He is blind and cannot see even when he writes.

"When a person eats too much, the excess energy will accumulate in the abdomen and become fat. When a person's hunger reaches the limit and there is no food supplement, the fat in the body will be decomposed into energy to make up for the consumption of the body. Therefore, in In ancient times when food was scarce, people had fat on their bodies, which was a sign of health. To a certain extent, fat was also a kind of life force of people.” Uncle Blind said: “There are only two theories in ancient Chinese medicine. The first is to take various Drugs enhance the vitality of the body, and the second is to mobilize the vitality of the body to the sick place with acupuncture and health preservation, and kill the germs with the help of the body's immunity. The essence is to use the body itself. Medicine is only an auxiliary means, and modern medicine, It is to directly use various operations and drugs to forcibly expel and eliminate them, and the effect will be faster."

Blind Uncle continued to record: "In fact, there is no distinction between Chinese medicine and Western medicine. In ancient China, when medical skills were excellent, the West was still using bloodletting therapy, killing witches, and even not paying attention to hygiene, which led to the epidemic of the Black Death. But In modern times, with the rise of microbiology, the profound research on human body structure and germs formed the framework of modern medicine. Therefore, there is no traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, only ancient medicine and modern medicine. Ancient medicine pays attention to self-immunity, that is, vitality. Center, but advocated outside of modern medicine. After the research is thorough, it is very interesting.”

After he tied Su Jie into a porcupine, he kept changing the needle, pulling it out, inserting it again, and turning the needle.

He regarded Su Jie as a scarecrow and experimented with some of his own ideas.

Of course, his ideas are all safe, and it seems that he has gone through a lot of tempering, but no one is willing to accompany him crazy, and now there is finally Su Jie.

Su Jie waited for him to evacuate all the needles, only to feel that there was air leaking from all sides, and his body was empty, like a deflated rubber ball.

He suspected that the current self, as long as he drank saliva, it would flow out of the needle holes all over his body.

"On August 2, after I had been exercising for a day, I asked Uncle Blind to give me a massage. He gave me acupuncture and moxibustion. I agree with the theory of modern medicine, which strengthened my determination to study medicine and life science in the future.”

"On August 3rd, I continued to practice. I practiced against Joss without wearing a protective gear. Now it is not so easy for him to hit me, but I am still not his opponent. At night, I still smashed the glass fly, and then the blind uncle massaged , Acupuncture. I think such a painful thing can be endured, what else can I not do in the future? I didn’t go to the game today.”

"On August 4th, I was still practicing some things from Coach Odley, and I was practicing against Joss. In the evening, I went to participate in a small group arena with Joss. I actually won six games in a row and got 12,000 yuan I found that my physical fitness is getting better and better. Could it be that Uncle Blind's acupuncture has really adjusted my vitality? This small arena can make money as long as you have the ability, and as the end of the summer vacation, the number of people is increasing. After the game, Joss also went to Uncle Blind for a massage with me, but he couldn’t stand it anymore after being pinched by Uncle Blind a few times, so he quit the bet. Joss saw that I finished the massage and acupuncture, I really want to Look like an alien."

"On August 5th, after practicing all day, I still participated in the small group arena. This time I won three games in a row. I was unlucky. In the fourth game, I met a professional player again. Fortunately, I played because of passivity. I lost. Massage and acupuncture are still the same, but today Uncle Blind took out the wine again and gave me a sip of wine that is more expensive than gold. It really feels good, just don’t get addicted.”

"August 6th, I practiced today. The move of hoeing the head seems to be like flowing water. There is no obstacle between drilling and plunging. This should be the state of proficiency. I practice this move thousands of times every day. Yes, when I smashed a fly on the glass with a sledgehammer today, I actually managed to kill the fly, the glass was not damaged, and my technique of controlling power has improved a lot. I won five consecutive small group arenas, which seems to have caused a lot of trouble. People's attention. Massage and acupuncture at night, Uncle Blind is still explaining to me some knowledge between traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, let me cooperate with his experiments, he keeps recording my physical changes, mental state, and collects all the data , to do an overall analysis. Actually, I am very curious about how his eyes are blind. Although he is blind, he is more prepared to recognize acupuncture points than normal people."

"On August 7th, I practiced and practiced with Joss. In the small group arena at night, I actually won eight games in a row, but the opponents were all amateurs and no professional players, so I was able to win easily. Joss also participated, He was very unlucky, he got a professional player at the beginning, but the two still fought inseparably, and finally Joss was defeated by points. After the match, Joss said harshly that if it wasn't for the ring, he wouldn't be able to do it on the street. Thirty seconds can kill this professional player. I have played a total of more than 30 games and accumulated some game experience, but I have never experienced street fights. I don’t know what the real street looks like. Of course, fighting is a crime Don’t do experiments unless it’s absolutely necessary. I’m a good student, so don’t be stained. Massage and acupuncture are still going on at night. Uncle Blind seems to be enthusiastic about my research. He was definitely a madman doing scientific research before. .”