Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 3: Blocking and chopping, there is truth in actual combat


"Minglun Martial Arts School" has many good training venues, and you can rent them for training as long as you pay, which is similar to a gym.

After dinner, they rested in the dormitory for an hour. Su Jie and Joss came to an empty ring and started training.

It was Su Jie's first time in the ring, and he was a little nervous. Joss kept comforting him: "No problem, it's just training. You're wearing three layers of protective gear now, so it's very safe."

Su Jie's whole body was wrapped tightly by protective gear. The hood, breastplate, thighs and calves were all leather protective gear, and the inside was sponge, which could offset a large impact. Large, large, and super-large three-layer protective gear, one layer after another, wrapped like rice dumplings and mummies.

Fortunately, the protective gear is very light, and it doesn't weigh much after wearing it. You can still jump and run, and it doesn't affect your movement very much.

"Then I will avoid your attack?" Su Jie asked.

"Yes!" Joss and Su Jie were always talking in English, "I'm simulating a street fight. It's hard to hit him, and it turns into a running game, which is completely different from the ring. Now imagine that I am a vicious gangster, attacking you."

"Okay!" Su Jie nodded.


Before he could finish speaking, he was punched in the head.

"Ouch." Su Jie's eyes were full of gold stars, his footsteps were unsteady, he completely lost his balance, and fell to the ground. If he didn't have three layers of protective gear on his head, he would have fainted to death.

He couldn't see how Joss shot at all, and his brain and eyes couldn't react.

"Is this a fighting master? It's exactly the same as that hateful person." Thinking of this, Su Jie's body didn't know where the courage came from, and he turned over and got up.

"Okay." Joss was about to go forward to help Su Jie, but he didn't expect Su Jie to get up by himself: "Can we continue?" He asked.

"Come on." Su Jie watched Joss' movements carefully.

Joss punched suddenly, and Su Jie hurriedly fled to the side, but he didn't expect that the other party was a fake move. The real attack was to turn around and swing his legs, kicking him in the chest, kicking him away.

Su Jie fell to the ground again.

The three-layer protective gear was indeed powerful. This time, Su Jie only felt a tightness in his chest. He took a few deep breaths, stabilized himself, and observed Joss' movements again.

Just like that, Su Jie kept getting knocked down and got back up. After more than a dozen times, he summed up his experience. As long as he didn't think about counterattacks, distanced himself from Joss, and ran away all over the field, the chances of being beaten would be greatly reduced.

"If fighting on the street, the place is big, and I run far away, it is not so easy for the opponent to catch up with me, but in the arena, the space for escaping is limited, and I have to be prepared in advance to be cornered." Gradually, Su Jie summed up some experience.

For Joss, Su Jie is a sandbag that can run away, which has more practical significance than his empty sandbag target practice.

The combination of punches and legs is hearty.

Gradually, Joss' training also entered a good stage.

The two rested every five minutes, and they fought for two hours. Su Jie didn't know how many punches and legs he had suffered, but he gained a lot. He felt that he was gradually not afraid of the opponent's attack, unlike the brain at the beginning. Blank.


Joss punched Su Jie again, hitting Su Jie's head straight.

This punch was not heavy, it was just for fun, because after fighting for so long, he also slacked off, so he didn't care about punching.

Finally, Su Jie felt that he could withstand this punch.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he remembered his posture of hoeing and digging.

He seemed to be holding a hoe. He instinctively raised his hand, bowed his waist, bent his knees, squatted down, and blocked Joss' straight punch, and then stepped forward to dig.

Digging down fiercely with both hands.


This digging actually hit Joss in the chest.

Startled, Joss retreated instinctively, kicked out, and was kicking. He kicked Su Jie into the air, took five steps, and fell on the ring.

Although he was hit, Joss was not injured because Su Jie had no penetrating power at all.

"I actually hit you." Su Jie was scared, but he was not injured. The three-layer protective gear was not covered. He was very excited: "It turns out that this trick is used to hoe the ground. I finally know. Coach Gu Yang Tell us to make money, but how to spend it, you have to figure it out yourself.”

"Not bad, not bad." Joss also nodded, and stopped practicing: "Let's go back to the dormitory and sleep."

After the two of them took a shower, they washed and dried the clothes, and it wasn't very late when they lay in bed, it was only nine o'clock, but Su Jie was already so sleepy that he was almost dead from the exhaustion of the day. I didn't even have time to write, so I fell asleep on the bed.

Snoring loudly.

This time, I slept until six o'clock in the morning, feeling refreshed.

Joss got up a long time ago, and was doing moves on the playground outside. He didn't know what he was exercising. It was a bit like Tai Chi practiced by old men and women in the park, slowly gesturing.

Su Jie hurriedly brushed his teeth and washed his face, walked to the playground, and asked Joss: "What do you practice? Tai Chi? Is this thing useful?"

Taijiquan is very popular in the society, and there are even many "masters", but when these "masters" meet fighters, they are beaten to the ground, and even ordinary people beat their noses and faces with bruises everywhere. Su Jie thinks This is similar to square dancing.

"It's Tai Chi." Joss nodded, "This thing is very useful. It can exercise your coherence, balance and stability, and the transition between movements. When I practiced fighting, my movements were very blunt. The fighting teacher taught me this set of Taijiquan and asked me to practice it every morning. After practicing for a year, my fighting level has improved a lot. Straight punches, swing punches, and uppercuts can be controlled at will, which is very useful , It’s amazing. The most amazing thing about your Chinese Kung Fu is strength and qi. What exactly is strength, this is the reason why I came to learn, as for qi, it’s too advanced. Qigong! Warrior monks! Taoist priests! A magical kingdom.”

"Really?" Su Jie still didn't believe it. He wanted to learn, but he held back. He just learned some experience in digging and digging yesterday, so he must continue. Don't be greedy.

Joss practiced for a long time, stopped and felt comfortable.

"I don't know what training is today? Is it still digging the ground?"

Su Jie was still thinking about the two shots he hit Jos yesterday. He didn't have a hoe in his hand, so he practiced air strikes, pretending that he had a hoe, lifting it up, and digging down. After practicing for a while, he also exercised his muscles and bones.

Su Jie followed this trick.

He doesn't practice anything else, just practice this move.

Having made up his mind, he practiced this move over and over until he vomited and dreamed. He had tasted the sweetness yesterday, and now he is full of confidence. If he had enough strength, Joss might have been knocked down by him yesterday.

At half past six, the assembly whistle sounded.

"Eat breakfast first, get everything ready, today's training is still doing farm work." Coach Gu Yang always looks like he doesn't answer, and doesn't chat with others at all, and doesn't say unnecessary words.

Su Jie took a deep breath, and the third day of training started again.

"On July 3rd, I did farm work all day again. Combined with yesterday's actual combat, I finally knew the basic usage of this move. I practiced it more attentively. I also asked the coach Gu Yang about the details of digging and hoeing. Gu Yang didn't tell me. Our fighting method, but the lecture how to hoe the ground saves effort and digs deeper. I think this is a skill for exercise, but I am still exhausted. Having said that, the activating oil given by the school is really effective. Without this drug, it can activate muscles. , I couldn’t support it at all. Joss still invited me to dinner at night. He is really rich, but he never told me about his family affairs. After dinner, I continued to be his sandbag. Today is better than yesterday. But he was still beaten, his fist and leg combination became faster, and I could no longer take advantage of his unpreparedness to hit him like yesterday. There are a few girls in the study class, who seem to be miserable, but they all persevere, but Among them is a girl named Zhang Manman, who seems to know kung fu, works unhurriedly, and is able to bear hardships and stand hard work. She came back from abroad and seems to have learned Wing Chun before. But it's none of my business."

"On July 4th, I still do farm work. I am getting more and more proficient in hoeing and digging the soil. I am not as tired as the previous three days. I seem to have adapted to the rhythm. It is the sun that is tanned, and it is still Joe at night. Please eat, I will continue to be a sandbag. Today I reacted faster, and I received fewer punches than yesterday. Joss also broke me. I have improved. Joss told me a lot of fighting techniques and concepts, as well as fighting. Skills, for a while, I still can't digest."

"On July 5th, we did farm work. We dug the soil for five consecutive days. We helped the left-behind elderly in the countryside do a lot of work. I felt that I had done some good deeds while practicing Qigong, and I was very satisfied. I found that my forearm And the waist and abdomen, it seems that some muscles have appeared, and the hoe is much lighter. The coach Gu Yang told us some new knowledge. When digging, the breath is coordinated, and the power sinks to the bottom of the feet to take root. Continue to eat Joes at night If I were to be his sandbag, I would run away all over the field, and he would only be able to hit me if he cheered up."

"On July 6th, I still do farm work. I feel like an old farmer, wearing a straw hat, planing food in the ground. I have already mastered the basic usage of the hoe. I have dinner with Joss at night. , the food is getting better and better, I feel that Joss seems to be eager to practice kung fu, his mentality is very anxious, he is a master of fighting, why should he work so hard? When he is his sandbag at night, the beatings are less again, I just want to dodge and escape , If you don’t want to fight back, it’s really hard to get hit.”

"On July 7th, after a day of farm work, the coach Gu Yang finally said that there is no need to dig and dig the ground tomorrow. It is said that this is a seven-day foundation building. I really feel that my body is much stronger and I have gained a lot. It has something to do with eating and drinking with Joss every day. When Joss sandbags at night, he obviously thinks that I have improved a lot, but I am not his opponent at all. If I take off the protective gear, I should not last for a minute. "

For seven days in a row, Su Jie's training was very simple. His diary reflected his psychology. Although the daily training was boring, he gradually got better and his mentality gradually settled down, as if he was completely immersed in digging.

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{In The Romance of the Dragon and Snake, I wrote that the protagonist Wang Chao first practiced kung fu by standing on horseback, but in this book, I asked Su Jie to dig the soil at first. , is the change from digging and hoeing. I have been practicing this move for two full years. If you have the opportunity to come to my dojo gym in Hangzhou, you can share it. }