Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 32: Millennium innovation, who is the hero of science and technology manpower


"It's really easy to make money. I used to read those news, what kind of network anchors can earn hundreds of thousands or even millions a month, and thought it was bragging. Now I have earned 150,000 in about a month. , I can’t believe it.” Su Jie went to find Uncle Blind after the game.

In fact, thinking about the electric stimulation, he wanted to leave here, but his character was born to be very tenacious.

"I thought you wouldn't come again today." Blind Uncle saw Su Jie: "My boy, your willpower is really strong."

"Come on." Su Jie seemed to be rushing to the execution ground. At this moment, he really experienced the moment when those arrested underground party members were tortured before liberation.

It's still the old rules, first massage, second acupuncture, and after taking nutritional supplements, electric stimulation.

This electric current stimulation, Su Jie still felt extremely painful, and he couldn't bear it at all. When the pain reached the limit, he even thought he was brain dead.

Fortunately, the Neizhuang Wine he took seemed to have an analgesic effect. In the end, Su Jie did not go into a complete coma. Instead, he began to use horizontal kung fu to relax his tension, using electrical stimulation to exercise his "internal strength" for relaxation and tension.

This time, he gradually realized the benefits of electric stimulation.

Compared with human volleyball, electric current stimulation is easier to stimulate deeper, even deep into the bone marrow, mobilizing every neuron and muscle.

The torment of the 18-story hell is over, and this time Su Jie has no incontinence, which shows that his physical fitness has improved a lot.

Blind Uncle was more excited than him, and kept recording various data.

After the stimulation was over, Su Jie lay down for half an hour. When he got up, he found his whole body relaxed, and all the fatigue of the day was gone.

"I can't believe that your muscle fibers have become so resilient in one day." Finally, the data was compared, and the blind uncle was amazed again and again: "You must come tomorrow, I can tell you clearly that after After electric current stimulation, not only will there be no damage to your body, but it can even greatly improve your physical fitness. Some fascia tendons that cannot be exercised by the body can also be stimulated to grow by electric current."

Human motion has blind spots.

In other words, no matter what action you do, some parts inside and outside your body cannot be exercised. In ancient times, people used meditation to concentrate the "qi and blood" circulation in an attempt to exercise these parts.

But the effect is minimal.

But now, after mastering the precise current stimulation, every "blind spot" of the body can be exercised.

This should be one of the most advanced and scientific exercise methods.

No wonder the United States uses it to train its top agents.

Afterwards, Su Jie returned to his dormitory and prepared to sleep. Joss hasn't come back yet, he seems to be chasing his idol "Liu Zihao".

"Hey, my courier is here?" He found his own courier in the inbox at the door, and quickly took it out. After taking it apart, it was something similar to an electronic watch.

After setting it up, he washed and went straight to sleep.

Recently, when he sleeps, he only needs to close his eyes and slightly push the "big corpse method" to perform a lift, and he can completely enter a deep sleep. If someone is around at this time, you will find him lying on the bed with big characters, breathing "fine", "even" and "long". Every time he inhales, his body is stretched to all sides, just like an inflated person, At first it was deflated, but when it was inflated, it became fuller.

Then, when he exhaled, his whole body would dry up, and his whole body would be as soft as cotton.

In this way, between natural breathing, the body gets the best exercise and stretching, and the frequency rhythm is extremely perfect.

In fact, this "Great Corpse Salvaging Method" does not belong to kung fu or martial arts, but Tibetan secrets, yoga, a deep-level cultivation method, which contains the spirit and body, as well as the exercise of world outlook and outlook on life. Exploration and understanding of the world.

Simply put, it is spiritual baptism.

In scientific terms, it is psychological quality training.

Odley has entered Tibet, India and other birthplaces of practice many times, looking for "supernatural" power all over the world. He believes that supernatural power comes from the mind, so he looks for exercise methods everywhere and then conducts experiments through his own practice. Also experiment with people.

Su Jie was one of his test subjects.

Of course, this "big corpse method" is the most effective and easiest in Odeli's many experiments, but it is difficult to really grasp the essence.

It is almost rare in the world for someone like Su Jie to enter the state for the first time. Because of this, Odeli trained hard and discovered this treasure.

The same is true for Gu Yang, Nie Shuang, and Uncle Blind.

But Su Jie thought it was normal, because reading and studying were much more difficult than this.

Just when Su Jie fell into a deep sleep, also in a secret training room of the Minglun Martial Arts Academy, Liu Zihao, who was handsome, tall, with a perfect figure and without any fat, was training. He is like a steel and iron frame, breathing and shaking his whole muscles a little, and he can actually make a humming sound.

bang bang bang... .

He hit the sandbag frantically, and the thousand-jin sandbag was beaten like a piece of paper by him, floating around.

His wingspan is extremely long, every time he punches, his shadow is almost invisible, and there is a penetrating power.


Suddenly, the sandbag was kicked out by him, and it exploded directly, and all the stuffing inside fell out.

Training is over.

A mechanical voice resounded, and there was a large screen in the training room, on which a human face appeared. This human face was a woman, but it was a virtual artificial intelligence training system.

Liu Zihao stood on a machine, which immediately began to measure his data, heartbeat, pulse, muscles, bones... many data were combined together.

It took about tens of minutes to calculate, and many suggestions appeared on it.

"You can still supplement nutrition today. The recommended dishes and nutritional products are as follows..." A whole set of nutritious meals appeared on the screen, and then it appeared that a body massage was needed, "Slanted Quadratus, soleus, biceps... Lactic acid accumulation, need to massage, ice compress and heat compress alternately, apply the following medicine... ...."

A whole set of schemes has been researched.


At this time, a woman walked in the training ground, it was Nie Shuang: "You went to the training camp in the United States, how do you feel?"

"Our school's training system is too backward." Liu Zihao shook his head: "The calculation and analysis of body data has been left behind by others. Of course, the scale of our school is also limited, and we don't have so much funding for research. But This time I got to know Feng Shao from Haoyu Group, and he invested in this filming."

"Haoyu Group? The most outstanding group in the domestic research of artificial intelligence, big data, and network industry?" Nie Shuang's face was moved, "If they come to help our school develop the training system, then our training system will be truly advanced. If Coaches are human, and there will always be deviations. They cannot train students in detail. Only artificial intelligence-assisted training can make no mistakes. It can ensure that all movements are accurate and can greatly reduce injuries during training. "

"You don't know how powerful the artificial intelligence outside is already." Liu Zihao squinted his eyes: "That system can even direct the mechanical arm to perform precise massage, volleyball, assist human muscle relaxation, and greatly increase the human body's resistance. Fighting ability, and without any internal injuries, the precision of strength is far beyond what humans can match, even the massage of Blind Uncle. In addition, all kinds of moves have been rigorously calculated, making those moves the most suitable The principle of mechanics will be completely changed in the future martial arts system.”

"It is true. Take the previous game of Go as an example. Human beings have fought countless times for thousands of years, and have summed up many Go formulas, and they think this is the truth. However, after the emergence of artificial intelligence, these formulas have been completely broken. , as if a god appeared and told you that the world you know is wrong. I think the same is true after martial arts. You know, every time human beings fight, they will sum up experience and lessons to create more efficient fighting and training methods .But artificial intelligence can simulate hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of fights in one second. The experience of human beings summed up in thousands of years, it can completely do it in a few hours, which is terrible." When Nie Shuang talked about this, he also sighed with emotion.

"There is one more thing." Liu Zihao said: "I inquired about one more thing. Now the world's number one fighting coach, Odley, who is called the 'God Maker' in the circle, is here? Are you going to stay? hold him?"

"That's not found." Nie Shuang was surprised: "This coach has taught many world champions, and he is also a strong fighter in the fighting world, but isn't he in the 'Tifeng' training camp. That is the most mysterious and cruel , The most high-end training camp, didn’t you also train there for a while?”

"The Tifeng training camp was equipped with all kinds of the latest artificial intelligence training equipment, which caused Odley to have nothing to do, so he left there, which was equivalent to being laid off. Of course, the person in charge of the training camp tried his best to keep him, But he still felt insulted." Liu Zihao said, "I also wanted to poach him, but he refused."

"I found a genius at school, but he was a member of a temporary martial arts class. I was going to let him fight professionally. But he didn't want to. I think he is about the same size as you. Maybe he can be your substitute in the future, or He is a member of the 'Liu Family Class'." Nie Shuang recommended Su Jie.

"Really?" Liu Zihao was not too moved, but nodded slightly: "For your sake, take him to see me tomorrow. If he is really qualified and obedient, he can sign a contract with the martial arts school and the company. That would be able to carry him down."

Nie Shuang frowned casually and left the training ground.