Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 33: When encountering Pengci, don't rush and be prepared


In the early morning of the next day, Su Jie started his daily training as usual.

During the training process, he felt more and more comfortable all over his body, and his flexibility was much stronger than before. He first did Odley's joint stretching exercise in the field outside, and his whole body was hot, because the dopamine produced by the exercise gathered in his body, giving him a feeling of "four major drunkenness".

This state is just right.

This is the best way to warm up before practicing.

According to Odley's theory, people warm up before exercising, and after aerobic exercise in the body, dopamine and endorphins are produced. Dopamine is responsible for excitement, and endorphins are responsible for pain relief. People have a feeling of being slightly drunk when drinking. Feeling omnipotent, but still sober, it is the best time to carry out "martial arts training".


Su Jie kicked his feet, and his whole body actually did a backflip, and then stood firmly on the ground.

"What? I can do a backflip?" Facing such a situation, he himself was overjoyed.

He practiced very practical movements. From the beginning of digging the ground to the subsequent platoon and horizontal practice, they were all practical and useful. He had never specially practiced fancy movements such as backflips.

Somersaults, high-kick chains, and flying kicks are all fancy and dramatic movements, which are of no use in actual combat. If you use a somersault in actual combat, someone will catch your weak point and kill you with one hit.

Even in traditional martial arts, it is forbidden to raise your legs high, and in martial arts proverbs, there are legs that do not reach the knees.

Of course, in the arena, there are still high whips and high sweeps, which are very useful for scoring and KO opponents. But Su Jie's careful analysis revealed that the arena and actual combat are not the same thing.

He has never practiced backflips before, but now he can use them directly without any effort, which means that his physical fitness and balance have reached a certain level, and it is a matter of course.

Backflips are very useful in performances and can get gorgeous applause.

Even some actors rely on this to make a living.

Afterwards, Su Jie kept testing his body's flexibility and balance, doing many acrobatic movements, and found that none of them were very difficult.

"Could it be that these are the effects of electrical stimulation? I have only stimulated for two days, and the muscles can relax to such an extent? It is a pity that this thing cannot be promoted. It seems that no one in the whole school is doing it. Let alone electrical stimulation, even if it is No one can bear Uncle Blind's massage. Is my willpower born so strong? Or is it the result of coach Odley's training?"

Su Jie thought for a while, and still felt that the reason why he had this achievement should be the foundation laid by Odeli's training.

After his martial arts practice, he began to practice the move of "hoeing the head", and then combined the ancient Yang's eighteen moves, the representative martial arts Sanshou of each sect, with the meaning of the mother boxing.

Soon, he will be able to move proficiently, when his mind moves, his limbs follow, and his whole body can accurately activate various moves, but the core is still the move of "hoeing the head".

"The move of shoveling the head is the highest martial art, and it is a secret kung fu. In the ancient martial arts, it was called Xinyi. You only need to practice this one style, master it, and after you understand the essence, you can integrate all the moves into it, and you can easily use it. It seems to be true. Now I know the benefits of this trick. But I always feel that it is not enough, I feel that something is missing, and I can’t achieve perfection. Is it because the effort on the mind is not enough? My understanding of the mind is that the mind is one. The clear water in the tank means the impurities that are gradually born in the clear water... …”

Su Jie got down cross-legged, thinking hard.

He imagined that he was a jar of clean water, and as soon as various thoughts came up in his mind, the clean water would become foul-smelling and muddy.

He shook his head to reduce the distracting thoughts in his mind, and started to adjust his breathing. Gradually, his heart became a tank of clear water again.

Then, in this vat of clear water, an idea appeared, that is the basic training of the hoe-shoveling technique.

This idea grew bigger and bigger, and finally took up the whole tank of clean water. There was only the practice and application of this move in the tank, without clean water.

Then, after practicing this trick, it suddenly turned into clear water again.

"That's right, that's it." Su Jie jumped up violently, holding a whole iron hoe that weighed several tens of kilograms, raised it up, and then dropped it.

This time he swung freely, and the iron hoe seemed to lose weight in his hands.

"That's it, this is the unity of heart and mind." Su Jie realized something, "When you are not mobilizing, you must keep your heart pure and free of distracting thoughts. When you mobilize, all your hearts become a strong The thought, only this move exists, and nothing else exists, including your opponent. After stopping, the strong thought will turn into clear water again, so that between the transitions, you can exert the greatest strength and exercise your moves It makes it the purest. What is the scientific principle of heart and mind? I have to ask a professional. I only know that if people think too much, their brain cells are prone to fatigue and their life expectancy will be shortened. There are many centenarians in the countryside , have never eaten, drank, or dressed well in their whole life, but they have few distracting thoughts and simple thoughts, so they live a long life... "

Su Jie comprehended the real core of this trick, the mind in the mind, and he began to practice it.

Sure enough, during practice, the feeling is quite different from before. It seems that all the power can be released, and the speed, accuracy, control, and striking power are much stronger.

It's like a company with chaotic management, no one core person, no one knows who to listen to, and the efficiency is extremely low. But suddenly a strong leader came, integrated all forces and resources, and condensed into a rope, the company's efficiency immediately increased thousands of times.

"In Chinese kung fu, the energy pursued is actually the efficiency of the muscles working together. Even a thin body can burst out with great strength as long as the energy is consistent. Concentration is the unity of heart and mind." Su Jie finally understood the core of Chinese Kungfu, and there was no more fog. At the same time, he also fully understood why Odley trained him and taught him the "Great corpse method" ", this is the way to exercise the mind without distracting thoughts.

"There is no doubt anymore, what is left is to train your heart to make it more pure, and then train your body to make it stronger."

Su Jie knew that it was one thing for him to understand the true meaning of kung fu, but it was another thing to really become strong. He still had to practice hard and hard, and practice the unity of heart and mind so that it could be triggered at the touch of a button.

At this moment, Su Jie really enjoyed the "taste" of Chinese Kung Fu.

He is like a gourmet who has worked so hard to pursue gourmet food, and finally has a dish made by the chef.

After exercising in the morning, he went to school for breakfast contentedly.

It's already light on the road, run back to school.

"Huh? What's in front?"

On the way, he suddenly found a person lying on the side of the road, there seemed to be blood stains beside him, and he was still moaning non-stop. It was still early at this time, and there was no one on the road.

Su Jie looked at his newly bought watch, and hurried over to ask, "What's wrong with you?"

This is a middle-aged man, about forty years old, who seems to be seriously injured: "I was injured, please take me to the hospital, please."

"I'll help you go." Su Jie quickly helped the injured middle-aged man up and took him to the nearest hospital.

He had just walked for a minute, and there was a lot of blood on his body. Suddenly, a group of people came from a distance, riding motorcycles, making a roaring sound, directly blocking Su Jie.

"Brother Qiang, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as this group of people came up, they asked the middle-aged man Su Jie was supporting: "Why are you bleeding? Who hurt you? Could it be this kid!"

"I was just helping him. When I touched him, he was lying on the road." Su Jie said calmly.

"Fart!" At this time, a strong man in Sanda shorts jumped off the motorcycle and was about to slap Su Jie: "How can anyone beat Brother Qiang? Take people to other places, do you want to kill people to silence them?"

Su Jie quickly dodged.

At this time, the people next to him had already taken out their mobile phones to take pictures.

"It's him. I came out for a run in the morning and met him. He came up and beat me indiscriminately. He beat me to the point of bleeding, and dragged me to the field to bury me. He is a murderer!" The young man, Brother Qiang, screamed at this time, he was completely different from the panting look just now.

"Arrest this kid and send him to the police station. What a murderer." At this moment, the shirtless man in Sanda shorts rushed over and punched Su Jie in the chest. He used an uppercut, which was very powerful and had been practiced for a long time.

Su Jie didn't even think about it, his body flashed to the left of the man. Su Jie didn't make a move, but just lightly hooked his feet, using the "Mandarin Duck Link" taught by Gu Yang to hit the eighteen moves.

This move is based on hooking and hanging. It is to use your feet to hook other people's feet in an instant, causing the enemy to lose balance and then fall to the ground. Compared with other tricks, it is not very lethal, but it is clean and neat, and it is gloomy and weird, so it will not be discovered by others. It is easy for people to be tricked, and it is very useful to subdue the enemy and let the enemy retreat in the face of difficulties.


The man was thrown like a dog, and fell to the ground in disgrace. However, he was not injured, but he was also dizzy and would not be able to get up for a while.

But at this time, the fists of the people next to him also fell like raindrops.

He was punched several times on the head and body. Fortunately, he practiced horizontal kung fu very well and was not injured. After struggling for a few more blows, Su Jie immediately broke a path.

Of course, at this time, he can be ruthless and knock down a few directly. But Su Jie knew that if he was ruthless, the opponent would definitely be injured, or even seriously injured, and he would really break the law.

"Boy, if you dare to run, I have already recorded your video. As long as you dare to run, we will call the police immediately. You can't run away at all."

Someone got on a motorcycle and wanted to chase after Su Jie.

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, a loud roar came from a distance, and someone ran here quickly.

"It's him?" Su Jie found out that the person who ran over was indeed Coach Zhou Chun, and he himself caused him to lose a jar of precious inner-strength wine.