Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 4: Build the foundation in seven days, help others with kindness and meet the coach


"Su Jie, help me go to the town to buy a mobile phone, my mobile phone is broken."

The eighth day is the day of rest. The coach Gu Yang said that all the members of the study class should relax for a day, sleep and rest, the way of civil and martial arts, one piece and one relaxation. The seven days of hard farm work have collapsed, and they must relax and recover their energy.

However, Joss has prepared a physical training plan by himself, doing push-ups, squats, barbells, crunches, planks, etc. He doesn't want to waste time, but his phone is broken again, so please ask Su Jie to go to the town to buy it for him one.

"No problem." Su Jie's training was not that troublesome, he thought that he could practice the trick of hoeing and digging anywhere.

The school is five or six kilometers away from the town, and there are no buses, let alone the subway. Generally speaking, if the students of the school want to go to the town to buy things, they either call the nearby farmer's motorcycle, or they run there by themselves.

After Su Jie had his meal, he decided to walk there. While walking, he could practice the action of hoeing and digging.

Recently, he has figured out some offensive and defensive experiences of this move.

Lifting the hoe is actually a blocking action, and then stepping forward and digging down is an attack. When someone throws a punch at you, you raise your arm, hold it quickly, and then slash forward.

Parry, attack.

You can also attack directly.

The movement is very simple, like ordinary people fighting and swinging Wang Baquan, but after careful consideration, this hand contains human instinct in it, and the coach Gu Yang explained in detail the power technique and training points of this move. When the arc spirals, it drills upward into the sky, like a monkey jumping into the sky, so that it can exert the leverage of the body; when it falls, it is as fast as thunder, like an eagle jumping on a rabbit, and when it is retracted, it must be grasped and stepped on to turn the ground up. Deep plowing.

These things, when used in fighting, have a great effect.

However, what Gu Yang was aiming at was all about practicing how to dig the soil with less effort and efficiency, and he didn't mention fighting at all.

Fortunately, Su Jie is good at learning. He searched a lot of information on the Internet, watched some videos of famous martial arts masters, and at the same time learned his experience in the process of being Joss' sandbag, but he gradually figured it out.

It is simply raising your hand, falling, digging and digging, it seems that there are many changes.

Now he desperately hopes that a real master can explain this move to him. Unfortunately, if you ask Gu Yang, he will definitely not say.

Su Jie could tell that Gu Yang's martial arts class only taught practice methods, and would never tell you how to fight.

Still the same sentence, teach you how to make money and spend money, you have to think about it yourself.

Digging one step at a time, leaving the school, Su Jie walked towards the town like this, not caring about the eyes of others at all. Of course, all around here are martial arts schools, and the martial arts prevails. There are people running on the road kicking while running, practicing boxing, Sanda, and even somersaults. Su Jie is not bad.

It took a long time for Su Jie to reach the town.

The town is very prosperous, full of shops and people, and even some high-end hotels, most of them are foreigners who come to travel.

Su Jie also didn't intend to take a stroll around the town, but bought a mobile phone for Joss and went back. His time was also very tight, at least he had to practice some kung fu during the two-month summer vacation.

"I'm thirsty, buy a bottle of water first."

He was sweating profusely from walking and exercising, and he was a little thirsty, so he stopped by a small shop on the side of the road and bought a bottle of mineral water for three yuan. He turned around and poured it into his mouth. It is a hot day, and the water is lost quickly.

"This? Ten yuan a bottle."

At this time, a foreigner also came to buy water, but the boss directly called out ten yuan. Su Jie turned around suddenly when he heard it, and was about to say something, but he held back. If there is trouble, I am afraid I will be beaten.

This foreigner is a middle-aged man, about forty years old, carrying a large travel bag, he looks like a foreign tourist, and he is alone, and he does not open his mouth when shopping, but just points with his fingers, as if Chinese Not very familiar.

The shopkeeper made a gesture of ten yuan, and he didn't bargain, just bought the water and left.

Su Jie hurriedly followed, collected seven yuan by himself, and said in fluent English: "Hey, uncle, the owner of this small shop made a mistake just now, it should be three yuan a bottle, let me return the extra money to you." you."

"Interesting, interesting." The middle-aged foreigner turned around and looked at Su Jie. He actually spoke fluently and fluent Mandarin, similar to a TV announcer: "Young man, the boss didn't give it to you. You paid for it yourself. You speak English well."

Hearing what the middle-aged foreigner said, Su Jie blushed a little, but then recovered: "Unexpectedly, Uncle, you can speak Chinese so well. We Chinese are still very good. The boss just now may just be greedy for petty gains. Don’t think that we are all this kind of people. My name is Su Jie. The Su with the initials of cursive, go to Li Jie.” He made a slight gesture of his name.

"Young man, hello, my name is Odley, Irish." The middle-aged foreigner is a white man with blue eyes and a beard, but if you look closely, he is very handsome and tall, about 1.9 meters tall, while Su Jie Now he is only 1.75 meters tall, and he has to look up: "China is a great country, and I like it very, very much."

"Is Uncle Odley here for tourism?" Su Jie asked.

"No, I came to China to look for something." Odley's eyes became deep, "Su Jie, this name is interesting, Jie, Jie Shu, the meaning of this word in Chinese is very unknown, it represents disaster and disaster. Destruction, in Buddhism, there are four great kalpas of formation, stagnation, destruction, and emptiness. In Taoism, there is also a saying of heavenly catastrophe. It is interesting that your parents gave you this name."

The three words "interesting" seem to be Odley's catchphrase.

"Uncle knows so much about our Chinese culture?" Su Jie became interested. When he was talking with Odley, he subconsciously made gestures of digging the ground.

This is a sign of his recent obsession, and he has been thinking about the usage of this trick of hoeing the ground all the time.

"Boy, your gesturing posture is correct, but your intention is wrong. This kung fu is called hoeing. It was created by ancient monks by combining qigong, yoga, jujitsu, meditation, fighting, and fighting into farm work. When you are practicing, it is the mind. Without the mind, there is no kung fu.” Odley looks like a foreigner on the surface, but when he speaks, he seems to be an authentic native-born Chinese teacher. Compared with Joss, who doesn’t know Chinese, it’s better how many times.

"Uncle actually knows kung fu? This kung fu is called hoeing head? It's a good name." Su Jie was overjoyed. It seems that this foreigner Ou Deli is a master

"I'm a fighting instructor." Odley stroked his beard: "But now I'm unemployed, I think you are also a student of a martial arts school, I actually came to China to find the mysterious power, that is Qi! You Chinese In human culture, no matter what school you are in, you cannot live without qi. Needless to say, Buddhism and Taoism, even Confucianism, also pay attention to cultivating awe-inspiring qi."

"Is there such a thing as qi?" Su Jie thought that traditional martial arts, such as Taijiquan, are actually a kind of sports, which cannot be separated from the training of muscles and bones. As for other mysterious powers, they are all nonsense. The words came back: "Uncle, what do you think my trick is lacking? Can you give me some pointers?"

"What you lack is hatred and ruthlessness!" Odeli's Chinese is unbelievably fluent, without any language barriers.

"Hate and ruthlessness?" Su Jie wondered, "Why hate? And ruthlessness?"

"Martial art itself is used for fighting. The earliest martial art is the experience of our human ancestors in fighting wild beasts. If you don't hate or be ruthless, you won't be able to survive at all." Odeli put down his backpack, lifted his hand, It lifted up like a hoe, and then fell.

It's normal to fall together, but at the moment of falling, Odley let out a cry.


This cry was like a monster's roar, which made Su Jie tremble all over with fright, and his courage was about to be shattered. He felt that the other party suddenly turned into a tiger, a ghost, and hated everything .

"Hate is the power generated by the extreme anger in a person's heart. The stronger the hatred, the higher the martial arts." Odley said, "I'll tell you two formulas. When you raise your hand, there must be no ring of hatred in your heart. I strongly hate the earth, why is there no ring, otherwise you can pull the earth up, and when it falls, you have to hate the sky without a handle, or you can pull the sky down. The so-called hate the sky No handle, no ring to hate. This is the mental method in martial arts. If you practice without this kind of mind, your kung fu will have no effect."

"Hate the sky without control, hate the earth without ring?" Su Jie seemed to understand.

"You imagine that you are a giant with infinite strength, between the heaven and the earth. If you want to break the shackles of the heaven and the earth, you can't get it. You are always trapped in the sky and the earth, unable to use your strength. At this time, you hate the sky why there is no Why is there no ring in hate, otherwise you can tear the world apart. In your Chinese mythology, there is a saying that Pangu opened the sky, and it is the same. Pangu woke up in the chaos, and he couldn’t escape. In the midst of intense hatred, there will be heaven and earth." Odley said.

Su Jie understood it thoroughly, and immediately closed his eyes, trying to brew his emotions.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, his whole body was full of anger, his anger reached the extreme, he raised his arms violently, then he smashed down, rummaged, and all kinds of movements were done in one go, really like a giant opening the sky, like a tiger rushing to eat , like an angry elephant trampling, like a vicious shark catching fish, like a vajra glaring.

The ground was shaken by his trampling, and there was a rattling sound all over his body.

But after the fight, he seemed to be exhausted, his eyes stared, and he was panting heavily. It seemed that all his strength had been exhausted by this exercise.

"So talented?" Now, it was Odley's turn to be surprised.

After a while, Su Jie finally recovered his breath. He didn't want to try it a second time, it was too exhausting, and he was more tired than doing his homework all night.