Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 49: Pushing hands is better than practicing with one heart and one mind


The moment the basketball exploded, Su Jie was shocked in his heart. Fortunately, he hit and recovered very quickly, otherwise his hand would still stay on the basketball and he would definitely be injured.

"That's it. The moment you strike back, it's like scooping something out of a boiling oil pan, and you'll close it as soon as you touch it. All martial arts, especially boxing, pay attention to the speed of the strike back."

He exploded a basketball without any hassle, and he seemed to have gained a new understanding of his "shoveling head" trick.

These days, he watches videos, surfs the website, and learns a lot of martial arts and moves, but in the end he uses the original female handle "hoeing head".

The variations on this handle seem to never end.

Every time he improved, Su Jie felt that the wisdom of the ancients was really powerful. No wonder he used the move of "hoeing the head" as a female fist, and he could indulge in it for a lifetime.

"How much impact is needed to blow up a basketball? Foreigners have tested it before, but I don't remember the data. I just remember that it is very difficult. But my blow is a chop, not a straight punch. If I use a straight punch, I am afraid it will be even stronger." Vigorously." Su Jie paused, feeling the move just now.

Just now "hoeing the head" was unintentional, which just fits the artistic conception of "unintentionally is the true meaning" in boxing.

If someone throws another basketball over now, Su Jie will definitely not be able to blow it up.

"If I can normalize this unintentionally true state, then my kung fu will be improved. Although it is still impossible to be Feng Hengyi's opponent, it will not be defeated so quickly." Su Jie said The incubator was packed, but he didn't leave here.

Because he watched a few people running over from a distance.

It was the military training instructor and a few college students who came to pick up basketball.

They should be compensated for blowing up their basketball.

"This classmate, this basketball..." The first person who ran over was a military training instructor, who looked at the exploded basketball suspiciously.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it exploded for some reason." Su Jie quickly apologized, "I'm going to buy one right now."

"No." The instructor waved his hand: "Go get another basketball and continue the game. I'll chat with this classmate."

Several college students who rushed over also dispersed.

"Student, your punch just now is really beautiful. If I'm not wrong, it's the chopping punch of Xingyiquan. It can blow up a basketball. The chopping strength is simply superb. Can you rehearse it for me?" The instructor also seems to know martial arts. He had seen it just now, the basketball flew towards the back of Su Jie's head, Su Jie swung his head back, and the basketball exploded.

This kind of action cannot be explained by coincidence.

"I have practiced martial arts, but this move is not splitting fists, it's called hoeing." Su Jie didn't hide it either. Seeing that the instructor is also a martial arts practitioner, it's actually a good thing to have someone to communicate with.

Martial arts itself is born out of communication. A person practicing hard behind closed doors in the deep mountains and old forests for ten years is not as good as many people studying kicking, fighting and wrestling for several months.

"The hoe?" The instructor was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You have learned Shaolin Xinyi. I said that the movements are ancient and simple, and they are as clever as clumsy. This one is simple, but it is not easy to practice well. How old are you? "

"Sixteen years old, a sophomore in high school, no, tomorrow is the third year of high school." Su Jie said with a smile. He respected the soldiers very much, and he had learned the charm of standing on the ground from the soldiers guarding the national flag just now.

"How long have you been practicing martial arts?" The instructor asked again in disbelief.

"Minglun Martial Arts School, two months, the coach is Gu Yang." Su Jie didn't say anything about Ou Deli.

"Impossible." The instructor was a little annoyed, thinking that Su Jie was lying, he stretched out a hand, "Let's try."

This posture is not a fighting posture, but a movement similar to Tai Chi pushing hands.

Su Jie didn't know the meaning before, and he often watched it on TV, thinking that it was not practical at all, who would push it around in real fighting. Later, he browsed various martial arts histories and old boxing records, increased his knowledge, and knew that it was a kind of "Wenbi". The two put hands together to see which one of the two has the deepest kung fu, which will not hurt others, but also appear elegant and safe.

This was very popular in the period of the Republic of China, because martial arts was going to the upper class, and blindly fighting fiercely was not advisable. No matter what era the dignitaries and nobles thought it was vulgar, it was an ordinary behavior.

On the contrary, this kind of two people pushing back and forth, without losing elegance, but also competing for kung fu, speaking Zen-like philosophy, is liked by the upper class and is conducive to the promotion and dissemination of martial arts.

Su Jie also stretched out his hand and joined the instructor.

Just when they joined hands, skin contact, the instructor suddenly pushed forward, trying to push him away. The force was so fast that it seemed to uproot him, leaving no foundation under his feet.

Su Jie sank to the ground, as if a heavy load was on his body, it was impossible to be lifted up, he used the kung fu of "carrying the burden".

But at this time, the instructor's arm was pulled along with the trend, and his strength was directed to the side, trying to shun Su Jie out.

Su Jie didn't even think about it in his mind, no matter how the opponent's strength changed, he just threw his arms and body upwards, and then fell down.

It's still a "hoe head".


The instructor was like a rabbit caught by an eagle, or an antelope caught by a tiger. He was pressed to the ground at once, unable to move at all.

Su Jie immediately let go of him and helped him up: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't practice well, so I didn't stop."

"You can't practice well. No one in the world can practice well that day." The instructor patted the dust on his body after getting up: "The eagle caught four handfuls of yellow sand, and you really almost made me bleed!" Dye yellow sand. Do you know other kung fu?"

"Learn some moves from other sects, but mainly practice this move 'hoeing the head'. I think this move is enough. It is worth practicing for a lifetime." Su Jie spoke very seriously, giving off a very down-to-earth air.

"Practice it wholeheartedly, it's really amazing." The instructor sighed: "You really practiced this skill in two months? I can tell you that it may not be possible to practice this skill even in ten years. I know that Ming Lun The martial arts school is the number one martial arts school in the country, and there are so many masters in it, and many grappling and fighting coaches in our army are also hired from the Minglun martial arts school, but it is impossible to be so miraculous."

"Practice with one heart and one mind." Su Jie chewed on this sentence, and seemed to think of something again, especially the four words "one heart and one mind", which made him feel deeply.

"Okay, my name is Yu Jiang. I have learned martial arts since I was a child, and my family has passed down Taiji Mantis. If I have time, I will contact and communicate more." The instructor said: "You can add a contact method."

"Okay." Su Jie quickly said his name, exchanged contact information, and then pointed to the basketball: "I'll go buy one and send it here."

"Forget it. In fact, it's our fault that the basketball hit you. I still have to take the students and come out to chat when I have time." Instructor Yu Jiang patted Su Jie on the shoulder and ran to the basketball court quickly.

Su Jie also left the university quickly.

Seeing his retreating back, Instructor Yu Jiang stopped and looked from a distance: "Unbelievable, unbelievable, two months old, sixteen years old, how could he have such kung fu? Today is a push, not actual combat. If you do not know in actual combat What will happen?"

"Pushing hands is interesting. This kind of martial arts competition is very safe, and you can really test out who's kung fu is good. Although it's just a few strokes, I learned a lot." Su Jie was thinking on the road, and returned home by subway.

When he got home, his elder sister Su Muchen had already woken up and went to work, and his father Su Shilin hadn't come home either, leaving Su Jie alone at home.

He reheated the meals left by his father and ate them all. The taste was very good. Although the cooking skills were not as good as Nie's private kitchen dishes, they were at least at the level of a five-star hotel chef.

Su Jie's mother, Xu Ying, is very picky about eating. It can be said that she never tires of food, and she doesn't like to use chopsticks at all when eating out.

For this reason, when he was very young, Su Jie remembered that his father practiced his cooking skills hard. Although these years are not perfect, they are still delicious.

"It's still early, I don't feel well without training today, I'd better find a place to exercise. Let's go to a nearby park." Su Jie's body itch now if he doesn't practice for a day.

Not far behind the community is a large park, where there are many people doing activities in the morning, many old men and women practice Tai Chi, and young men and women run for fitness. But now it was afternoon, and the weather was very hot, so not many people came out.

In this kind of weather, except for those college students in military training, they are basically blowing air conditioners at home or at work.

But Su Jie didn't care about the hot weather at all, he had already tempered himself by hoeing, digging and carrying loads in the fields.

When he arrived in the park, there was no one around, and his step-by-step daily exercise was still Odley's, without any changes. Because this training method of Odeli represents the most scientific system of the Typhon training camp.

With his current wisdom and insight, he still can't escape this training system. If he changes it arbitrarily, it will be counterproductive.

The state of practicing today is different. He integrated the "spirit" of soldiers standing upright and guarding the national flag into his "shovel head", and found that every move is extremely tall and tall, almost swallowing mountains and rivers, immovable as mountains, and as broad as mountains. The smell of the sea.

Gradually, he was completely immersed in it, practiced it over and over again, and turned this "spiritual charm" into his own instinct.

"Martial arts, first of all, the body, the posture must be correct, in line with the principles of mechanics. Then there is the charm." Su Jie already knew in his heart that the last time he saw a group of chickens fighting and pecking at food in the wild, he incorporated this charm into the "hoeing head" "In the middle, the posture is still the same, but the momentum of the boxing is much sharper.

"Rooster has the ability to be independent, the courage to fight, the cleverness to peck insects, the power to shake its feathers, the momentum to soar into the air, majestic and majestic, full of spirit, integrated into boxing, it has its own sharpness, but it seems to be able to convey the charm of soldiers guarding the national flag. It is also integrated into boxing. By the way, isn't the territory of the motherland just a rooster in the east?" Su Jie suddenly thought of this when he was practicing.

The map of China is the Oriental Rooster.

At this moment, such a poem suddenly popped up in his mind.

"When the rooster sings, the world will be white!"