Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 5: Hate the sky without a handle, hate the ground without a ring and hoe the head


Su Jie chatted enthusiastically with Odeli along the way.

This Ou Deli is actually a Chinese hand, knows everything, especially in martial arts, there is nothing he doesn't know, this is normal for Su Jie, while chatting with him, he already knows that Ou Deli is a Fighting coach, and the coach of the world's top professional fighters.

But Odley is now unemployed.

What made Su Jie dumbfounded was that the one who took Ou Deli's job was actually an artificial intelligence.

According to Odley, the top and highest professional fighters are all trained with the assistance of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence can analyze every subtle muscle, skin, and visceral peristalsis changes, so as to make targeted training every day .

In addition, it is also possible to detect the body of fighters every day, so as to formulate recipes for fighters and what trace elements to ingest.

Because artificial intelligence has countless huge databases and the most scientific medical analysis, it is simply not comparable to human coaches.

Su Jie knows that artificial intelligence is very powerful now. A few years ago, artificial intelligence has completely defeated the top world champion of Go, and its game records are completely different from those of humans. It is not the wisdom of human beings before, but created by itself. The new Go means that artificial intelligence does not simply inherit human wisdom, but has the ability to create wisdom itself.

At the same time, it has read the news that in the national team's sports, there are indeed artificial intelligence-assisted training, such as badminton, table tennis, basketball, football, artificial intelligence through video analysis, every movement can be corrected to perfection.

The same goes for fighting.

Su Jie's older sister, Su Muchen, after graduating with a Ph.D., was involved in the research of artificial intelligence computers in a large company.

Su Jie has seen some before. Some protagonists just got a super chip of artificial intelligence, corrected their martial arts movements for it, integrated many martial arts together, and finally made the protagonist invincible in the world, but in reality, it is indeed It is possible for this to happen.

Today's Go players and coaches have all become artificial intelligence, and every move is the most correct and perfect.

In ancient times, in order to make a perfect move, Go players thought hard and vomited blood, but artificial intelligence can draw the most correct conclusion in just one ten-thousandth of a second.

A few years ago, Su Jie had seen the despair of the world's strongest Go master when facing artificial intelligence, and said that he was the God of Go.

"Uncle Odley, I don't know what is the best practice method and what is the strongest move in combat calculated by artificial intelligence?" Su Jie raised his own question, a question he had wanted to ask a long time ago.

Which school of martial arts is the strongest in the world

"There is no strongest martial arts, only the strongest." Ou Deli said: "And the training methods are not static, everyone's physical and psychological qualities are different, maybe this set of training methods is the best for me Yes, but it’s not suitable for you. Our fighting coaches have researched a set of special training methods for everyone. Unfortunately, I’m still not as good as artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence’s training for professional players is indeed better than me, but I am not reconciled, I want to come to the mysterious east, looking for the legendary Qi! Supernatural power."

"Supernatural power? Is this possible?" Su Jie wondered in his heart, but he also thought about it. It is really uncomfortable for Odley's career to be replaced by artificial intelligence, and the loss is huge.

You must know that professional fighting coaches of this level earn tens of thousands of dollars per hour, and some coaches can even directly share the bonuses and advertising revenue of fighters.

Because some coaches will act as agents.

As a good student, Su Jie studies science and knows that there is no supernatural power in the world, but he doesn't know what the limit of martial arts is, and he can't compare with Ou Deli who stands at the top of the world. Don't dare to criticize and evaluate.

Otherwise, it is like a primary school student telling the most famous professor in the world that what he is studying is useless.

The two were chatting and walking, Su Jie bought the mobile phone that Joss wanted, and then turned around, he found that the place where Odley lived was also next to his school, and he rented a small farmer's yard, the yard was very quiet, The decoration is antique, and after closing the door, it becomes a small world by itself.

The stone tanks in the courtyard store water, there are water lilies and goldfish in them, and the house is decorated with all logs, with piano, chess, calligraphy and paintings, just like the residence of ancient sages and hermits.

Su Jie was still pondering what Odeli said just now.

As he walked, he was still practicing hoeing and digging.

After pondering over and over again the artistic conception of "Hate the sky without control, hate the earth without ring", gradually, he felt some taste.

Seeing him like this, Ou Deli agreed very much: "You are practicing qigong while walking, sitting and lying down. This is the best state of qigong practice. Your coach Gu Yang is actually a master. It is a pity that the regulations of Minglun Martial Arts School cannot teach temporary learning. The fighting style of the class members. But can I teach you?"

"Are you willing to teach me?" Su Jie was delighted.

"I'm going to stay here for a month, and then I'll go to Tibet and India to find what I'm looking for." Odley nodded: "It's okay anyway, you can come to me to learn things when you have time, this is called fate. "

"Then do you think there is anything I need to strengthen in this move?" Su Jie quickly asked, "How can it be used in combat?"

"I told you just now that there is no grip to hate the sky and no ring to hate the ground. It is the mental method when practicing. There is also a mental method when fighting. It is called 'anger fills the chest and bursts into the crown, the flesh is as hard as iron and the bones are as strong, and the flash is like a monkey. Pounce like a tiger, and swear not to pay back if you don't get the enemy's blood." While speaking, Ou Deli suddenly slipped and threw himself in front of Su Jie.

Su Jie only felt that his eyes went dark, as if the whole world was covered, and he didn't know anything, and then he was hit on the face, throat, chest, and lower abdomen. Of course, it was very light and soft, and he was not injured. fell to the ground.

Odley's movements were so fast that Joss was almost like a child in front of him.

"So fast!" Su Jie's heart was still thumping, because just now, he felt as if a shadow of death enveloped him.

What Ou De used was the trick of hoeing and digging the soil, raised his hand forward, and landed to pounce.

"The chest is full of anger, the flesh is as hard as iron and the bones are as strong, the flash is like a monkey and it is like a tiger, and you will not pay back if you don't get blood from the enemy?" Su Jie heard this mantra, thinking, and felt that a lot of things went through his head, the whole body The meaning of the formula is just one word, ruthless!

When you use this move to confront the enemy, you will be full of anger, and when you rush out, don't turn your head until you get stained with the enemy's blood. How fierce is this? How indomitable

"This is a brilliant boxing technique, which includes many things, such as hoeing and digging, one front and one back, one up and one down, one left and one right. After practicing this move well, many martial arts can be easily mastered." Ou Deli Talking about a lot of knowledge in traditional martial arts, let Su Jie master: "You can change, I am a hoe. The crop handle is invincible. The hoe can not only cultivate the fields, feed the people of the world, but also defend oneself against the enemy, and even rise up. You have only mastered some basic force in this move, and it is far from mastery. Now I tell you to practice this move well, and you must first stand up."

"Standing?" Su Jie didn't ask any more, and just focused on studying.

At this time, Odeli asked him to stand one after the other, with the palms forward, pressing under his lower abdomen, supporting left and right, and pulling up and down.

After standing in this position, Odley said again: "In this position, if you shrink it, you will be a monkey; if you let it go, you will be a tiger; if you press it down, you will be an eagle; if you hold your head, it will be a brown bear; It's Feiyan... the moment you dig the soil with a hoe, you change, and after you settle down, imagine yourself changing at will, using your heart and mind to control the changes in your muscles and bones, and your strength starts from the ground."

While speaking, he took a stick and tapped Su Jie's toes. Su Jie was very painful, but he held back.

"I hit your toes with a stick. In order to relieve your pain, you have to bite your teeth, then push your toes hard, hold the ground firmly, and the pain will be relieved. This is also the principle of fighting against beatings, and it is also in martial arts. The whole body is filled with qi, but this kind of qi is not real qi in my opinion, it is just the mind to control the muscles, it is fake qi, not real qi, not supernatural power."

Afterwards, Ou Deli pinched Su Jie's calf with his hand, Su Jie felt a sharp pain in his heart and almost yelled.

That's what it feels like to be pinched.

"I'll pinch this piece of your flesh, your flesh is hard, your muscles are tense, and the fingers I pinched are snapped away!" Odley said loudly.

Su Jie quickly used his thoughts to direct his calf, making the muscles tense and flicking Oudry's fingers away.

Then, Odeli pinched along the way, and wherever he pinched, he let Su Jielai forcefully bounce it away.

This kind of training made Su Jie miserable, but gradually, he felt that his sensitivity to control his body increased a little bit.

"This is the secret of the state of martial arts fighting and practicing, and it is also the true meaning of qigong. Every move you make, you must imagine that someone is hitting your body with a fist. Every part of your body, when you are hit, What kind of state should be kept in order to be able to dissolve the opponent's strength. This is practicing, not posing a few poses, or blindly abusing one's own muscles." Odley fingers, palms, and sticks, pinching, clapping, Knock, so that Su Jie's whole body has rhythmic encouragement.

"With your breathing, every piece of flesh in your body will squirm and assist breathing. This is body breathing in martial arts, not Dantian breathing and abdominal breathing. When your lungs breathe, your whole body breathes. Every piece of meat is assisting, creating a kind of resonance, your breathing is the most perfect, and your strength is the strongest."

An hour later, Su Jie was bruised all over his body from being pinched and slapped.

At this time, Odeli took out the active oil, rubbed the sides of the whole body, and then helped Su Jie massage to eliminate the bruises, and then said: "Immediately do two hundred calf raises, one hundred abdominal crunches, thirty push-ups, three Minute planks, and ten minutes of spinal exercises."

He showed Su Jie a demonstration.

Su Jie was as tired as a dead dog, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

What Odeli formulated was the most targeted and the best training, because during the exercise, his sharp eyes could see that Su Jie's muscle was asymmetrical, and it needed to be strengthened, so he had to do it. targeted campaigns.

Moreover, he will make adjustments for every exercise to ensure that Su Jie will not get injured, and at the same time, he will fully exercise to the places that need to be exercised.

This is the best coach in the world

Whether it is sports or martial arts, coaches are the most important. Without the most professional and clinically rich coaches, it is impossible to achieve results by practicing hard alone.

Gu Yang, the coach, is very conservative, and sometimes speaks like a cloud covering Wushan, unclear. Just like an old monk talking about Zen.

As for Odeli, he will tell you without reservation, principles, truths, everything.

What Odley teaches is part of traditional martial arts, but part of it is modern physical fitness, musculoskeletal and other training. This is what he taught the top fighters in the world.

He could tell at a glance what Su Jie's problem was, and immediately made a training plan to train him accordingly.

Three hours later, Su Jie was already dying.

"Okay, relax now, take a rest, take a deep breath, imagine yourself lying in the woods, the breeze is blowing, the flowing water is gurgling, and your mind is completely relaxed." At this time, Odeli also played a piece of soothing music for Su Jie, and Su Jie almost fell asleep.

"Go take a hot bath." Just when Su Jie was about to fall asleep, Odeli ordered again.

After taking a hot bath, Su Jie felt refreshed all over, and his fatigue was completely eliminated.

"Now, I will teach you the real kung fu practice, that is eating and sleeping." Odley said again.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

{This new book until the point of entry, the basic guaranteed update is 9:00 every morning, 10:30 each chapter, a total of 6,000 to 7,000 words, and it will burst out from time to time. I will write this book slowly, and write out the real martial arts. Write something different from Dragon Snake Romance. }