Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 51: The grand master's demeanor and rivers and mountains are only in my heart


Su Shilin was silent.

Originally, he wanted to beat his son up and teach him a good lesson, but after seeing this punch, he was deeply shocked.

Su Jie in front of him was calm and calm, standing on the spot like a mountain, not at all frivolous and impetuous like an ordinary boy.

"What is the artistic conception of your fist?" Su Shilin asked suddenly: "Everything you do must have a core idea, otherwise it will be water without roots. The shape of this fist is perfect, but the spirit contained in it I don't understand. The spirit of this fist depends on what people think, when you punch this fist, what are you thinking about?"

"The Prime Minister said when he was twelve years old that he should study for the rise of China." Su Jie said seriously: "I only have two thoughts in my heart with this fist. Rivers and mountains are only in my heart. When the rooster sings The world is white. Hold the rivers and mountains in your heart, and may the sun rise in the east and shine on the world when the rooster of the motherland sings."

"Fist has spirit, power is great." Su Shilin looked at his son: "Your punch indeed brought out such energy and spirit, in fact, the 'shape' of kung fu is fixed, but the 'spirit' is It is ever-changing, it depends on a person's personality, a person with a strong will is suitable for a "god" who hates the sky and the earth, and a person with a peaceful personality is suitable for a "god" who plants and reaps. Dear Wu, you have found the most suitable 'god' for you. Dad really underestimated you."

"Dad agreed to my suspension of school?" Su Jie was overjoyed.


Su Shilin's words made Su Jie dumbfounded: "Why?"

"This is for your own good." Su Shilin sat down and lit a cigarette beside the flower bed: "I don't know what you experienced in the martial arts school. Although you have practiced kung fu, the life you live in has changed. Your mentality. So you think that studying and living in school is a waste of time. But in my opinion, you are already impetuous and need to be flat. Only then can your attitude towards life really settle down and wear off the fireworks. "

Hearing what his father Su Shilin said, Su Jie fell silent instead.

"Son, do you know what a dragon is?" Su Shilin asked suddenly.

"Dragon?" Su Jie didn't understand what Su Shilin wanted to say.

"Don't use the potential dragon in Qian hexagram in the Book of Changes. Seeing the dragon in the field, the flying dragon in the sky, the arrogant dragon has regrets, and the group of dragons without a leader, they are all talking about people. People are dragons, and dragons are people." Su Shilin said : "In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao's discussion of dragons can be described as incisive: dragons can be big or small, they can rise or hide, they can swallow clouds and fog when they are big, they can hide their shapes when they are small, they can fly between the universe when they rise, and they can hide in the shadows when they are hidden." Within the waves. Dragons can fly in the sky, or live in the cricket's cave among the fields. In any environment, they are at ease."

Since Su Jie listened to Odeli's words, he also began to study the Book of Changes in his spare time. However, he has only a half-knowledge of many words in it, and with his current life experience, he still cannot understand the wisdom of this book.

However, after listening to his father's words, he has some understanding of the first hexagram, which sees the dragon in the field, the flying dragon in the sky, and Kanglong Yougui.

"Father, then I will continue to study in school." Su Jie understood the truth, what his father meant was to let him maintain his mentality in an ordinary environment.

"Seeing the dragon in the field is beneficial to seeing the lord. That's what it means. The dragon, hidden in the fields, is good for oneself to become a big shot. The meaning of seeing is not to meet someone, but to touch. A lord is a kind of realm." Su Jie expressed his opinion.

"You actually understand Yi." Su Shilin once again looked at his son with admiration, "I want to see how your Kung Fu teacher has trained you to such a state in just two months. Is he a god?"

"He won't let me tell." Su Jie said, "But Dad, you will know sooner or later."

"Okay, go upstairs." Su Shilin finished smoking a cigarette.

"By the way, dad, what kind of kung fu do you practice?" Su Jie has always been curious in his heart. He didn't understand what kung fu is before, but now that he has entered this world, he is even more curious about dad's kung fu.

"Go home and have dinner first." Su Shilin seemed unwilling to talk more about kung fu with Su Jie: "You study in school for one semester, after this semester, I don't care about you, you can arrange your life as you like. "

The father and son returned home peacefully, and when they heard that Su Jie continued to enroll in school, Xu Ying was a little surprised, but didn't say anything.

After Su Shilin cooked a sumptuous dinner, the family enjoyed themselves happily, but the elder sister Su Muchen did not come back.

After eating, Su Jie went downstairs to do some exercise again, practiced various postures, and learned new things from what Odley had taught him.

And Su Shilin looked at Su Jie who was practicing kung fu downstairs on the balcony, lit another cigarette, his eyes twinkled, and fell into some kind of memory.

Practice, take a bath, read a book for a while, at nine o'clock in the evening, Su Jie goes to bed on time, wakes up at three o'clock in the morning, after washing, trots to the park to start morning exercises.

No matter where he goes, he maintains this habit and does not change himself because of any environmental factors.

Chatting with his father Su Shilin yesterday, his mentality seems to have calmed down completely. He doesn't take pleasure in things or sorrow for himself. He can be extravagant or simple. He can live in a superior environment or in a bad condition down to survive.

It is true that the training environment at Minglun Martial Arts School is far superior to that at home and high school, but if you don't adapt to the environment at home and high school because of this, it will not be a good thing for your own mentality training.

He has completely figured it out.

He came home at six o'clock in the morning after practicing. He was about to buy some breakfast, but found that his father Su Shilin had already prepared breakfast at home. It was delicious porridge, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables, boiled fish, and other There are honey and purple capsules.

"Is this capsule propolis?" Su Jie asked his father, "Dad, why is breakfast so rich today?"

"It's propolis. It's very healthy. You can supplement the nutrients necessary for your practice. This recipe is a category of breakfast for the boxing champion Paschi." Su Shilin said: "Eat it. It's time to go to school after eating. Sign up today."

"Okay." Su Jie sat down and ate slowly, still adhering to the rule of not saying a word. This is already a habit and cannot be changed. After eating, I swallowed my saliva, massaged my stomach, got up and moved, and finally completely eliminated the feeling of fullness, and then I opened my mouth.

This series of actions surprised Su Shilin again. He observed his son for a long time, and found that his son was completely different from two months ago. In terms of kung fu, he also said that his attitude towards all aspects of life had already shown the potential of a "grand master" .

After eating, Su Jie helped to clean up the dishes, and then took the subway to school with his schoolbag.

The school started today, and it was full of people in the morning, especially the students who were in the second year and third year of senior high school, all of them had serious faces. Everyone knew that the third year of high school was a critical year, and the purpose was to enter the university. In the following days, there will be a small test every day and a big test every three days. The study pressure collapses like a mountain.

Su Jie's high school is the most important high school in the city, and it is also ranked among the top three in the country.

All the students in this high school are the top students admitted from each region, and it can be said that they all have unique skills. And Su Jie always came second or third in every exam, which shows that he is the best among the best.

It's a pity that he still couldn't get the first place in the test.

The number one in the whole school, that is, the number one in the entire province and city, is called Qian Zheng. No matter what kind of achievements, Su Jie was firmly overwhelmed, especially the sports achievements.

Moreover, Qian Zheng is tall and handsome. When Su Jie was only 1.75 meters, Qian Zheng was 1.85 meters, and he had standard streamlined muscles. He was about the same figure as a star in clothes, and had an outstanding temperament. It is recognized as the most handsome guy in the school.

In particular, the "Xingyao Fighting Fitness Club" founded by Qian Zheng's family has opened chain stores in many places across the country. The business is booming and the brand value is high. It can be described as a typical rich and handsome.

Good grades, good figure, handsome image, rich family, all the auras in one body, no matter how hard Su Jie works hard, he can't catch up.

A large part of the reason why Su Jie went to Minglun Martial Arts School to learn Kung Fu was because of his elder sister Su Muchen and the Haoyu Group, and part of the reason was the competition with Qian Zheng.

Su Jie really wanted to win the first place, but he was always suppressed by Qian Zheng every time, which made him very unconvinced, and of course there was a girl among them.

Now that he stepped into the campus, he felt that all the vindictiveness in the past was a joke, and he was young and ignorant. Thinking about it now, it's just a passing smile.

Although only two months and one summer vacation have passed in Minglun Martial Arts School, Su Jie seems to have passed twenty years in terms of mentality.

Stepping into the campus, I looked at a classmate I hadn't seen in the summer vacation, kind and strange.

"Damn it! You are Su's second child? How did you grow so tall? Have you taken medicine?" At this moment, several students ran over and made strange noises.

Su Lao Er is Su Jie's nickname in school, because he is ranked second in the whole school or the whole region in almost every exam, so he was called this indecent nickname.

"Qi Shuai, Zhang Minghui, Zou Min, Gu Shunan, the four of you have also grown a lot taller." Su Jie looked at these four classmates who usually played well, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Now you are about the same height as Qian Zheng." Qi Shuai winked his eyes: "We can compete with him for our Ning school beauty! Today we are going to take the entrance exam. I heard that the school has introduced artificial intelligence to mark the exams. System, the score will come out on the same day. If you can take the first place in the exam, what will Ning Xiaohua do? Also, your love letter last time can be said to be very literary. What love letter did you prepare for Ning Xiaohua this time? Can you? Shall we take a sneak peek?"

"Get it out, get it out."

Several "best friends" booed again.

"That's all young and ignorant." Su Jie said calmly: "Let's talk about friends chasing girls after you get into college."