Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 52: Picking up the flowers in the morning and the evening, the absurdity of the past is gone with the wind


"Ning Xiaohua" is called Ning Zixi, and she is also a top student, but she is very beautiful.

She, Su Jie and Qian Zheng basically took the top three places in the school.

Qian Zheng is always the first in the exam.

Su Jie and Ning Zixi took turns sitting in the second and third place, of course, most of the time, Su Jie was second and she was third.

These three people are famous in the school. But in terms of appearance, Qian Zheng and Ning Zixi are recognized as golden boys and girls. After all, Su Jie's appearance is not good, and his family does not have any advantages in height and appearance.

Once, Su Jie had a fever and wrote a love letter to Ning Zixi. Ning Zixi did not respond, but asked someone to stuff the love letter back into his desk. For some reason, this love letter was spread, causing uproar in the class and school, and Su Jie couldn't hold his head up for a long time.

Every time those buddies brought up this matter, he was extremely embarrassed.

But now being brought up again, his mentality has not fluctuated in any way, with a smile on his face, he feels young and confused instead. But having said that, who was not impulsive when he was young.

In retrospect, Su Jie neither reflected on the absurdity at the beginning, nor gritted his teeth to fight back.

His current mentality is like that of an adult, recalling all kinds of ignorance when he was a teenager, and remembering the lost youthfulness in his heart, tasting all kinds of tastes.

Pick up flowers in the morning and evening.

That's what it feels like.

"How did my mentality become so mature? Obviously only one summer vacation has passed." Su Jie was slightly surprised when he discovered his mentality.

Seeing that Su Jie wasn't embarrassed in the slightest, the few buddies immediately became less interested.

"Ning Xiaohua and Qian Zheng are here." Qi Shuai pointed to the distance.

Sure enough, a pair of Bi people, like a golden boy and a jade girl, walked side by side. The man was tall and handsome, while the woman was slim, graceful, glamorous but not to be played with.

They don't know what they are talking about.

I don't know how many students have attracted the attention of this journey.

"This pair is Ning Zixi and Qian Zheng, our seniors in high school. The chairman and vice-chairman of the student union."

"It's really handsome."

Especially the freshmen in high school are talking about it.

"Su Jie, you're not bad, I haven't grown so tall in one summer vacation." Qian Zheng walked over and saw Su Jie, and greeted Su Jie in a casual manner.

And Ning Zixi also nodded with a smile and said, "You are also the vice chairman of the student union. After the entrance exams are over, our student union still has a job. You can stay and finish it together."

"What job?" Su Jie asked.

"Haoyu Group has installed an artificial intelligence learning system for the school. The school's data is shared with Haoyu Group and connected to many servers around the world. We can learn a lot of professional knowledge on it. No." Ning Zixi said: "The three of us will go to the test first, and then write down our experience to the dean and the principal. In the future, we may guide other members of the student council to operate it, and then spread it to the whole school."

"This is fine." Hearing Haoyu Group, Su Jie's heart moved. Even his own school sponsored the artificial intelligence learning system and data sharing, and he was afraid that he was really playing a big game.

The high school that Su Jie studied is one of the top high schools in the country, and it is also an affiliated high school of a certain university. Outstanding students can even go to the university to do various scientific experiments and enjoy university life in advance. There are also many guaranteed places every year. I want to get into this high school.

"Let's go to register first, and the entrance exam will be later." Qian Zheng glanced at Su Jie: "This entrance exam is very difficult, and it is even several levels harder than the regular college entrance exam papers. It is a new one. The artificial intelligence learning system temporarily generates questions in the huge database, and it is said that the difficulty set by the school leaders is 50% higher.”

"For this exam, many schools in our city jointly set the questions, count the scores together, and rank together. The school leaders attach great importance to this exam. The three of us must firmly hold on to the top three in the city, and we must not fall behind." Ning Zixi's tone was calm but full of confidence. It was obvious that she had done a lot of homework during the summer vacation.

"That's not enough. In fact, Haoyu Group has helped many colleges and universities to install artificial intelligence learning systems this time. There is no need for teachers to write questions, review questions, etc. For this project, Haoyu Group took out a scholarship to reward the city's No. It is said that the prize money for a student is as much as 200,000 yuan." Qian Zheng said a crucial piece of news.

"What? So many? I remember that the winner of the Silk Road Cup Composition Contest last time was only 100,000." Su Jie was also surprised.

In the ring league of Ming Lun Martial Arts School, the champion was awarded a prize of 500,000 yuan. He was bound to win, but it was a pity that he met Feng Hengyi in the first round and was defeated by two punches.

However, in an exam for high school students, the bonus for the first place was actually 200,000 yuan, which is simply astronomical and totally unreasonable. Of course, Haoyu Group is rich and powerful, so it is not uncommon to make a sensational news.

"It's really too high this time. Haoyu Group wants to advertise and promote his software to all colleges and universities across the country." Ning Zixi nodded: "I remember that the highest bonus was the National Poetry sponsored by Xixin Group last time." In the competition, the prize money for the championship is 300,000 yuan. It's a pity that neither Qian Zheng nor I were able to win the championship, but Zhang Jinchuan from the city won it."

"Zhang Jinchuan is really good. I regard him as my opponent. I hope to win the national champion in the college entrance examination. He is my biggest opponent." Qian Zheng seemed to regard the 200,000 bonus as his bag.

"Haoyu Group took out such a large bonus, in fact, it was a test. 200,000 is a lot for us personally, but it is not a drop in the bucket for Haoyu Group, and it has a good reputation for supporting education. In addition Access to school data has many benefits for the group. Young people are the future. Various behaviors and habits, after big data analysis, have great reference value for the future direction of business. Of course, this is still one of the calculations. A deeper meaning." Su Jie saw the problem from a different perspective deep in his heart, and he thought carefully: "Minglun Martial Arts School didn't get the championship prize, so it should be possible this time, let's compete with Qian Zheng and try. "

Seeing that Su Jie was silent and didn't know what he was thinking about, Ning Zixi said, "Su Jie, you have to work hard."

"Let's go." Qian Zheng waved his hand: "Zixi, your fitness needs to be strengthened. Is this summer training very successful in shaping your shape? The karate coach of our Xingyao Fitness Fighting Club is not bad. Wait until after school. Let's practice together."

"It's really good, but I can't do high-difficulty air kicks." Ning Zixi said: "Su Jie, do you want to practice boxing together? I will be studying karate at the Xingyao Boxing Gym this summer vacation."

Hearing that Ning Zixi invited Su Jie, Qian Zheng's eyes flickered coldly.

"Forget it." Su Jie clearly sensed Qian Zheng's displeasure: "If I want to exercise, I still choose Chinese Kung Fu."

"Chinese kung fu is all about putting on airs, and you can't get into the ring. Although this is very unpatriotic, the fact is that it is. There is no shadow of kung fu in all kinds of competitions." Qian Zheng's face showed obvious disdain: "Xi, the so-called summer vacation The kung fu master who came to our Xingyao Fighting Gym said it was for communication, but in fact he came to kick the gym, and he was knocked down in less than three seconds, you saw it with your own eyes."

"This is what I have seen with my own eyes. The Chinese Kungfu in the film and television is very good, but in reality it is not so good. We still need to recognize the facts." Ning Zixi waved her hand.

"Well, speaking of it this way, I really want to go to your boxing gym to learn." Su Jie's heart moved. He wasn't very interested in this at first, but seeing Qian Zheng and Ning Zixi's interest in Chinese Kung Fu Attitude, he needs to reverse it.

This time I went to Minglun Martial Arts School to study for two months, and Su Jie had a lot of feelings. Chinese people are not very enthusiastic about learning Chinese Kung Fu, but countless foreigners continue to learn.

Their spirit of assiduous study and martial arts quality are shocking.

In a few years, or even ten years, if the Chinese want to learn Chinese Kungfu, will they still have to go abroad to learn from foreigners

In fact, this is already the case. Su Jie's kung fu journey started from the foreigner Ou Deli.

"That's good, I'll call you after school." Ning Zixi was rather happy, "The three of us exercise together, so it's more lively with more people."

A smile appeared on Qian Zheng's face: "Su Jie, if you go, I'll give you a 20% discount card."

"That's great." Su Jie noticed Qian Zheng's little thoughts.

"Go and prepare for the registration and exam." Ning Zixi said.

The three of them walked into the classroom, brushing their faces in front of the video in the big classroom was equivalent to completing the registration process, and then sat in their seats.

The head teacher came in, holding a thick test paper in his arms.

"Students, today is the registration and entrance exam. I won't say much after you have entered the third year of high school. You are ready to face a year of question sea tactics. What you have to do this year is to take exams and exams." The head teacher is a female teacher named Chen Juan has deep qualifications, first-class teaching level, and is fair in dealing with things, but she is strict.

Of course, no matter how strict the teacher is, he is very gentle when facing the top students. Su Jie felt that the class teacher is a very good person. After the love letter incident last time, she deliberately talked with Su Jie, and she didn't lose her temper.

"This exam lasts for one day." Chen Juan, the class teacher, said: "Usually the college entrance examination is two days, but this time you only have one day. If you get used to this intensity, then you will be able to take the college entrance examination like ducks in water. You also have all the information on the school website. You see, this entrance exam is sponsored by Haoyu Group, and the high school examination papers in the city are unified. If anyone can get the first place in the city, and the total score is above 700 points, Haoyu Group will provide a scholarship of 200,000 To reward this classmate. However, the comprehensive difficulty of the test paper this time is 50% higher than the most difficult one of the college entrance examination papers in the past. I won’t say more, I hope that the city’s first place this time will be Appeared in our class. Qian Zheng, do you have confidence?"

"Of course." Qian Zheng stood up, standing out from the crowd, looked at the students in the class, and then sat down, full of domineering.

He is number one all the year round. He has never been taken away from the number one position in the two years of high school exams.

"Distribute the test papers." Chen Juan, the class teacher, asked the students in front to distribute them to everyone in turn, and then the test began.

All the students in the class are familiar with the road, and they began to answer the questions nervously as soon as they got the test papers.

"The questions this time are really difficult." After the test paper, Su Jie spent ten seconds scanning all the questions, and various knowledge points began to ferment in his mind. In twenty seconds, he judged the whole question. The difficulty of the test paper.

However, these problems are not a problem for him.

During the two months of learning Kung Fu during the summer vacation, he did not review anything except English. After he came back, he only read the book for a few hours. According to reason, his grades should have declined, but now his mind has never been clearer, and he has a deeper understanding of various knowledge points, as if he suddenly became enlightened.

Swish Swish Swish!

The pen wrote beautiful Chinese characters and symbols on the test paper.