Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 58: Warming and nourishing sharpen September and October Yunfeng


After signing the contract, Qian Zheng couldn't wait to learn the secret of becoming stronger in two months from Su Jie, so he proposed to train immediately.

A group of four came to another training place, which was alone and quiet, with various training equipment.

"I want to be quick, how should I train?"

Qian Zheng asked.

Huaxing looked at Su Jie with great interest to see how his training was different from that of the national team.

Anyway, it is impossible for the national team to turn a boy who knows nothing into a master within two months.

"Do you want to improve your physical fitness, or do you want to fight directly?" Su Jie asked.

"Both." Qian Zheng replied immediately.

"Then we can only practice horizontally." Su Jie thought about the scene when Odley was training himself: "Then follow me to warm up first."

Afterwards, he started to do Odeli's joint exercises and asked Qian Zheng to follow suit.

"This... is Taijiquan?" Seeing Su Jie's slow movements, Qian Zheng couldn't believe it, but he followed suit. But after this set of moves was done, he was dumbfounded, because next, Su Jie would do various martial arts exercises with him.

Continuous push-ups, squats, planks, leapfrogs, skipping ropes, pull-ups, gecko climbing, and a set of processes.

After ten minutes of training, Qian Zheng was out of breath and stared at him: "I can't do it, I can't do it, take it easy, I can't do it..."

"This is the warm-up. I have reduced my own training volume by three times and added it to you." Su Jie shook his head: "This set of procedures is to warm up every muscle, bone and joint tissue in your body. It is full of lactic acid, and it will not be effective until the horizontal training and rehearsal. If the lactic acid is not pushed up, the volleyball will damage the soft tissue instead."

Su Jie demonstrated to Qian Zheng that all kinds of sports that required a lot of physical load could be done like flowing water, and Huaxing was dumbfounded.

Sweating all over his body, Su Jie took off his clothes, revealing his naked upper body.

"I rely on it!"

Ning Zixi couldn't help but say an exclamation of exclamation. Although it didn't fit her image as a beauty goddess, only these two exclamation words could express the shock of Su Jie's figure.

The muscles on Su Jie's body were not well developed, but the lines looked perfect, and they stuck to his body piece by piece. After being stained with sweat, there was a hint of bronze color, but the overall body was still white and delicate.

"King Kong is not bad! Shaolin Bronze Man."

Seeing the brass-shaped muscles in this body, a few words of martial arts popped up in Qian Zheng's mind.

"Damn it." Hua Xing couldn't help but swear in his heart.

Su Jie's figure was not so exaggerated, but after applying Nie's secret ointment, plus massage, acupuncture, and electrical stimulation, the ointment penetrated into the skin, resulting in such a result.

In the early years, the Nie family used to cook for the imperial palace and maintain health for the emperor and empress dowager.

And Liu Guanglie of Minglun Martial Arts School was a disciple of Shaolin laymen in the early days. Later, the two families worked together to develop many traditional and ancient fitness prescriptions, and then conducted research and clinical trials with modern medicine, and made secret oil ointment and inner strong wine. Boutique.

Although Su Jie was a clinical trial product of Nie Shuang and Uncle Blind, he actually gained a lot of benefits.

"I'm going to faint." After finishing a set of battle ropes, Qian Zheng's eyes went dark, and he lay on the ground without any thought, not wanting to move half of his fingers. Come to kill him, he doesn't care.

"Too weak, get up!" Su Jie acted like a coach. He knew that this was the time to strengthen his willpower. If he couldn't persist at this time, it would be impossible to talk about the subsequent horizontal training.

But no matter how he yelled, even pulling Qian Zheng up was of no avail.

Qian Zheng was like a puddle of mud. He pulled it up and barely made two movements before lying down again.

"Brother, let's take our time, we won't be fat if we eat one bite at a time." In the end, Qian Zheng was almost lying on the ground begging for mercy, without the spirit of being tall, rich and handsome at all.

"Su Jie, your explosive training volume, overloaded in one breath, even the national team didn't do this at the beginning, this kind of training might cause sudden death, so stop it." Hua Xing saw it straight frown.

"It's okay, this is extreme training, and the movement process at the beginning is to improve the heart and lung function step by step." Su Jie waved his hand: "I can see his body, and nothing will happen. This level is actually a test of will. If Without a strong will, the next step is out of the question.”

Qian Zheng couldn't even pass this level of martial arts training, let alone the next horizontal training.

"Tomorrow... Let's talk about it tomorrow, let me take it easy." Qian Zheng really had no choice.

"Then I have no choice." Su Jie was helpless, no matter how good the coach is, the students must work hard. Now that Qian Zheng is in this state, it's useless even if Ou Deli comes.

"My physical fitness was much worse than that of Qian Zheng. Why did I manage to persevere when I met Ou Deli, but Qian Zheng couldn't? Could it be that my will was born much stronger than Qian Zheng's? Or was it my desire for martial arts? Stronger than him?" Su Jie looked at Qian Zheng who was resting, and fell into deep thought.

"Let's practice." Huaxing invited Su Jie: "I didn't really enjoy myself just now, now let me see your real skill level."

"That's great." Su Jie just wanted to apply the mechanical principles learned from billiards to the trick of "hoeing the head".


The two collided again, punching and kicking.

"What's going on?" After Hua Xing was hit by a chop, there was actually a force that made him lean forward, unable to retreat or dodge to the side.

It was Su Jie's new comprehension that came into play.

It is still the trick of "hoeing the head", but there are a few different changes.

"This Huaxing is indeed promising." During the battle, Su Jie discovered that Huaxing was actually a top expert. He had experienced many group arena matches in Minglun Martial Arts School. Except for Feng Hengyi, no one surpassed Huaxing.

In fact, Huaxing, as a national-level retired fighting master, is also a senior coach even in the Minglun Martial Arts Academy.

In the Minglun Martial Arts School, it was difficult for Su Jie to find a coach of this level to practice with him and communicate with him.

The two competed every five minutes and rested for ten minutes. It went on like this for three hours before stopping. Su Jie couldn't get enough of it, and Hua Xing also showed fatigue.

"Sure enough, I'm afraid of the young and strong." Hua Xing waved his hands and stopped practicing. He felt that he had benefited a lot from the practice sparring with Su Jie. The other party is real and predictable.

But Su Jie benefited even more, and finally "satisfied his hunger".

Time flies, and another month has passed.

This month, Su Jie had a particularly fulfilling life. Apart from taking exams at school, he also trained with Qian Zheng at Xingyao Fighting Fitness Club.

Of course, after every exam in school, Qian Zheng would follow him to the gym to exercise, and then to study in the computer room.

In the eyes of outsiders, these two first and second boys who were usually at odds have become good friends.

In the Xingyao Club, with Su Jie Huaxing as the center, a research meeting with a good atmosphere was formed. Many fighting masters from S City came to communicate with each other, which made Su Jie's level improve rapidly.

In addition, his nutritious meals are the same as Qian Zheng's. He let Qian Zheng eat various health-preserving meals from Nie's private kitchen, and then bought a lot of ointments, medicines, etc. necessary for training from the Minglun Martial Arts School online.

Sure enough, under Su Jie's training, Qian Zheng's level has been greatly improved.

Even Huaxing was amazed at how some medicines from Minglun Martial Arts School were so effective, even the national team couldn't match them.

It's just that during this month, Qian Zheng didn't even meet the requirements for "martial arts training", let alone horizontal training.

Once, Qian Zheng tried "horizontal practice", and was slapped on the stomach by Su Jie. He squatted down on the spot like a red-hot shrimp, even tears fell out, and he was simply vulnerable.

In this way, Su Jie could only train him slowly.

Of course, even if Su Jie conducts "horizontal training" training on Qian Zheng, he can only row and beat the muscles of his whole body. He doesn't have the ability to do other parts, such as various acupuncture points and joints. Odeli's He probably didn't even learn one-tenth of the skill.

However, even with this minimal technology, training Qian Zheng is enough.

In the second monthly exam, Qian Zheng got 710, but Su Jie still got 730. This made Qian Zheng very desperate.

What makes him even more desperate is that he trains with Su Jie every day, and personally feels how powerful Su Jie is. He trains ten times more than him every day, and he is also full of energy.

There were even times when he couldn't help but fight Su Jie, and the fight was simply resolved in three seconds.

He is very clear about how much he has improved in the past month, but the more he progresses, the greater the distance he will distance himself from Su Jie, because Su Jie has improved faster.

Gradually, his jealousy towards Su Jie disappeared, replaced by a kind of admiration, even a trace of admiration.

"Coach Su, give me a vacation for the next two days. It's easy and relaxing. I need a complete rest." Qian Zheng actually asked Su Jie for leave.

"Okay, it's time to rest, I'll give you a vacation." Su Jie knew how tired Qian Zheng was this month, so he just let him go and trained himself.

Seeing Su Jie carrying a bag to training and refusing to rest at all, Qian Zheng's eyes showed complicated emotions: "What a monster, no wonder I'm not as good as him. This month, I can see the gap between him and me. The most important thing is Willpower, he can endure a lot of pain and suffering, but I can't bear it, could it be that I was too pampered?"

"My training volume and fighting experience growth have not decreased this month." Su Jie was on the way to the training hall, also summing up his gains and losses.

The Xingyao Club has a good atmosphere, many masters, the training conditions are top-notch, and the nutrition is sufficient. Except that there is no massage and acupuncture electric stimulation from the blind uncle, the conditions are even better than the Minglun Martial Arts School.

After all, Su Jie was an ordinary student at Minglun Martial Arts School, and had not signed a contract to become a player.

Of course, Uncle Blind's massage and acupuncture electrical stimulation has come to an end, because Su Jie's horizontal kung fu practice has entered the room, and the blood flow can fill the whole body with thoughts, even the electrical stimulation can't increase much.

The rest is up to him to use his mind to run through his body every day, and he will naturally increase after "practice" over and over again.

These days, Su Jie also felt it firsthand. His ability to resist attacks is getting stronger and stronger, and he seems to be ready to move. There is a taste of spring silkworms breaking their cocoons. It seems that horizontal kung fu practice may go further.

If we talk about July and August, his experience at the Minglun Martial Arts School is to forge steel to completely remove impurities. Then in September and October of high school, he was nurturing and tempering.

Although there was no intense forging of Su Jie's sword in September and October, it was this warm tempering that made his sharpness gradually take shape.