Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 6: Meticulous eating and sleeping are all Zen


"How to practice while eating and sleeping?"

Su Jie was puzzled.

"The two biggest things in life are eating and sleeping." Odley said: "A man once asked a good Zen master what is Zen, and the Zen master said, 'Eat when you are hungry, and sleep when you are sleepy.' The man asked strangely, "People are like this. They eat when they are hungry, and sleep when they are sleepy. Why are others not Zen, but you are Zen?" The Zen master said, "It's because they didn't eat when they ate and slept. I didn’t sleep all the time.’ Do you understand the meaning of this story?”

"I didn't eat when I ate, and I didn't sleep when I slept." Su Jie chewed on these two sentences, very philosophical, and vaguely understood them in his heart, but he couldn't say what they were.

While thinking, the sound of a motorcycle came from outside the yard.

Odeli opened the courtyard door, it was the food delivery person.

The big and small bags were all opened and placed on the table. The food was extremely rich, including beef, chicken, fruit, dairy products, fish, and soup. It was obviously not an ordinary takeaway, but a customized dish.

After the food delivery person finished setting up, Odeli greeted Su Jie: "Come and eat, this is the Nie family's private kitchen. It is said that the ancestor of the Nie family was a palace chef. I have eaten here once before. It is very delicious. And the cooking Body, nourishing vitality, suitable for all ages."

Su Jie was already hungry, but there was still a look of embarrassment on his face, he felt like he was eating and drinking.

Odeli seemed to see through his thoughts, "I just happen to be doing a physical training test experiment, would you be my volunteer, you can get food and salary."

"Of course I would." Su Jie nodded hastily: "It's fine to include food, I don't need salary, can you teach me more kung fu."

"Then let's eat first." Odeli nodded with his chopsticks.

Westerners are used to eating with knives and forks. Many people even have difficulty with chopsticks. Especially Joss tries to use chopsticks well, but he can't do it every time. But Ou Deli is completely different, holding chopsticks like running water, and even hard-to-pick peanuts, he can pick up as many as he wants.

Su Jie was already hungry and took a big bite.

Odeli hurriedly stopped: "Eating is the first lesson I teach you, you must chew fully, chew the food in your mouth thoroughly and then swallow slowly, don't think about anything, just eat with peace of mind, but don't Too nervous, with an enjoyment and a relaxed attitude. You have to remember that eating is the most relaxing and enjoyable time in life. Grasping this time is tantamount to grasping the true meaning of life. This is that As a Zen master said, eating is eating. Ninety-nine percent of people are not eating when they eat.”

"Don't think about other things in your heart, enjoy and relax while concentrating, and chew fully." Su Jie has taken a biology class, and knows that full chewing can secrete more compromise, convert starch in food into maltose, and reduce the burden of digestion in the stomach , the more you chew, you can also stimulate the cerebral cortex through the movement of the facial muscles and make the brain active.

"Eating mentality is the most important thing. If you think about other things while eating, the blood circulation will not be concentrated in the stomach, which will weaken your digestion and at the same time reduce your mental control over taste buds. Over time, you will have a slight anorexia. Chemically speaking, it is the beginning of species elimination." Odley said: "In my research, even professional athletes, who eat every meal without thinking about problems are much stronger physically than those who think about problems. Don't underestimate this detail. The physical fitness and physical quality of the team are the result of such strict self-discipline and psychological control. The devil is often hidden in the details."

"The devil is hidden in the details." Hearing this sentence, Su Jie seemed to understand. He wanted to think about it, but he stopped immediately and began to eat with peace of mind and enjoy the beauty of food.

While eating, he actually entered the state, feeling that when the food was being chewed, the aroma was distributed to the whole body through the mouth, and he felt a little swaying.

Then chew enough food, swallow it into the esophagus and stomach, and a sense of satisfaction arises spontaneously.

In it, he felt the gift of nature to life.

Seeing the change of Su Jie's expression while eating, Ou Deli seemed to have discovered some treasure, just like a teacher saw a student with a strong comprehension ability.

After finishing the meal, Su Jie wanted to stand up habitually.

"Don't stand first. After eating, sit down for a while, because your stomach is still wriggling to digest food. This is an inertia. If you stand up and change this inertia, it may cause your stomach to slump. Flatulence, at this time, you need to drink drinks to help digestion." Odley taught the details again.

"Drink?" Su Jie didn't find any juice or anything, he ate fruit on the dining table.

"The best drink is your saliva." Odeli gently massaged his abdomen according to the breathing rhythm with his hands, "There are several acupoints on the abdomen. The acupoints are unique to your Chinese medicine. They are very magical. In our In science, it is called the sensitive point where neurons are concentrated. You gently massage the Zhongwan, Daheng, Tianshu, Qihai, and Daimai acupoints in order, and secrete saliva while gently pressing and kneading. Swallow it down, so that the peristalsis and digestion of the stomach will be more motivated. It is a small detail in your Chinese Kungfu, and it is also a health-preserving technique, which is more in line with scientific principles, until you feel that the pleasure of eating completely disappears, and the stomach and abdomen are gone. That's when the bloating stays."

Su Jie was still studying. He never imagined that a simple meal would contain so much knowledge. In his heart, he never underestimated these details. On the contrary, he attached great importance to it and made up his mind to do it well.

After digesting, Odeli made him stand up and move around.

When they came to the yard, Ou Deli first asked Su Jie to take a slow walk around the yard for an hour. After the food was completely digested, he asked Su Jie to practice the trick of "hoeing" again. action.

This time, he instructed seriously, and immediately went up to correct any details that were wrong, and he didn't stop until Su Jie practiced this trick skillfully.

"It's time for a nap."

Seeing that Su Jie was a little tired, Odeli taught him to sleep.

There is a wing room in this courtyard, which is an ancient architectural format, specially prepared for guests.

Odeli let Su Jie lie on the bed with big characters, trying to prop up his head and limbs, as if being pulled by a horse.

"What I'm teaching you now is the combination of ancient Indian yoga and Tantra's method of cutting off life and death. It's called the big corpse method, but I made a small improvement. Now you are lying on the bed with big characters, your head, your feet, Push your hands outward, imagining that you are being torn apart by five horses and five horses, and you are in danger. You try your best to resist, but finally you are powerless and you are torn apart. At this time, you feel that you are dead, a corpse, but in fact you are still alive. At this time, you Peace, the appearance is a corpse, and the consciousness is still there. You live out your true self as a corpse. After you die once, you are still alive, and you can let go of everything. Everything is so beautiful, and everything can be let go. This kind of mentality In the midst of it, you will be at peace and relaxed to the limit.”

Odley's voice seemed to have some kind of hypnotic effect. Su Jie followed his rhythm and began to lift his limbs and head violently. Suddenly, he seemed to be really dead, and just fell asleep peacefully, breathing steadily and long .

"This child is the most qualified and intelligent child I have ever seen, and he is calm, not impulsive, and has a sense of justice. But he has entered the state so quickly, is he really a genius?" Odley saw Su Jie who was sleeping, he The reason why I like it is because of the trivial matter of buying water.

This trivial incident fully showed Su Jie's wisdom and sense of justice.

In the subsequent conversation, he saw Su Jie's persistence, strong will, and comprehension.

For ordinary people, even if you teach him, it is difficult for him to persevere.

And during the conversation, he felt that Su Jie was a person with strong execution and planning.

"The most important thing is that there is no one in a million people who can enter the state for the first time in the great corpse method. He can do it? He just realized that he can live in the state of a corpse. If he continues like this, he may reach the state of things. The mental state of forgetting life and death, this kind of mentality training is beyond the scope of artificial intelligence." A smile appeared on Odley's face.

After sleeping for two hours, Su Jie woke up naturally, feeling completely refreshed, as if he had never felt so comfortable, his mentality was lively, as if he could let go of everything, be satisfied with everything, and feel relaxed and happy all the time.

"You have to promise me one more thing. Don't tell me about my training for you. Take time every day and come to train secretly. Also, if there is a chance in the future, I hope you can fight a few fighting games, and then say I'm your coach." Odley made a request.

"Okay." Su Jie thought about it and nodded.

Odley seemed to have succeeded in a certain scheme, with a smile on his face.

"What I teach you today, if you understand and digest well, you can benefit from this training for the rest of your life. But it is far from enough to learn martial arts. In this way, come here to learn every day if you have time. There is only one month. In a month, I will leave here." Odley waved his hand.

Su Jie didn't continue to ask Odeli about martial arts.

Today's knowledge is enough to digest for many days.

"On July 8th, I actually met the coach of the world's top fighters, Odley. He told me a lot of knowledge about traditional martial arts, which opened up a whole new world for me. When I was practicing, I hated the sky and the ground. Huan's hatred, as well as the ruthlessness of swearing not to return without being stained with the enemy's blood during the fight, what's even more amazing is that the mentality of dismembering the corpse by five horses, living out the true self in the state of the corpse. I I feel that my mentality is very good, very peaceful and comfortable. During the training, I found the true meaning of my life. Traditional martial arts and traditional practice methods are really so amazing. I don’t know if there is any supernatural power, but This is definitely a kind of baptism for the body and soul, no wonder many people have become monks and practiced in deep mountains and old forests throughout the ages."

"The fight with Joss continued tonight. He still hit me easily. I didn't improve by leaps and bounds because I learned the skills of Coach Odley. It seems that kung fu needs to be practiced step by step. It is impossible to improve by leaps and bounds. Go to bed at night , I will continue to practice the five-horse-divided corpse method. I checked on the Internet, the large corpse method is a kind of practice in Tantric Buddhism, and the coach added the five-horse corpse meditation, which should mean stretching the muscles and bones. And One point is that even if you eat, you must have a set of massage and swallowing techniques to help digestion. If you integrate the details of health preservation into every detail of your life, your physical fitness will definitely be greatly improved. The two most important things in life are eating , Sleeping takes up a lot of time in life, the details must be mastered."

"Su Jie, remember, details determine success or failure, you must remember."

According to his daily habit, Su Jie still wrote a diary to summarize.