Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 66: Mellow and flawless, the villains of the past come again


"Lie down!"

With a hook from Su Jie's foot, it was like cutting rice with a sickle, and the opponent lost his balance and fell to the ground.

In the arena of the Star Club, his opponent is an amateur fighter, but he has also studied for ten years. His identity is a small entrepreneur with money and leisure.

His skills and physical fitness are very good, and he can compete with the athletes at the city level, but in front of Su Jie, he collapses when he shouts, and it is impossible to escape.

"Coach Su, your kung fu is getting more and more miraculous." The small entrepreneur stood up with admiration on his face.

"I'll try."

At this time, another white-collar came to challenge him. He was tall and strong and weighed two hundred, but he was hooked and fell to the ground in just three seconds.

Regardless of his body weight, he was almost like a scarecrow in front of Su Jie, turning over when he said it, falling down when he said it, and lying down when he said it.

Su Jie couldn't wait to experiment with the Kung Fu realm he had just comprehended, so he came to the Star Club.

Sure enough, his technique is much more rounded, and he seems to be able to feel the changes between the airflow and movements. Often when he fiddles, his opponent will spin in circles like a ball.

This is the true meaning of Tai Chi, and there is also such a martial art in Japan called "Aikido".

"It's all due to my physical fitness, not my technique." Su Jie understood very well.

He also weighs 85 kilograms now, after all, he is already 1.85 meters tall. With his weight, he can go to the super middleweight boxing match, and if he adds a few kilograms, he can enter the heavyweight stage.

But if you just look at his appearance, he looks very thin, and he weighs less than 70 kilograms with the naked eye.

This is because he has an extremely strong body and a thick skeleton, which is forged like fine steel.

Odley's training gave him the best physical foundation, but if that's all, then his physical fitness is no different from that of ordinary provincial and municipal professional players, and he cannot break through the shackles and reach his current level.

It was Uncle Blind's massage, which pushed his physical training to a high level.

Think about it, Uncle Blind’s massage was even unbearable to Zhou Chun, a national player, but Su Jie endured it and finally achieved results.

Then came acupuncture, which was more painful than massage.

After acupuncture, it is the electric stimulation of the most advanced foreign training ace agent.

Even for this, Su Jie survived, and finally made his body shape successfully.

Su Jie also met the right person at the best age.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, he was growing the fastest.

If he met Odeli and Uncle Blind again after he turned eighteen, he might not even have one-third of the current effect.

Not to mention him, even ordinary children, as long as they are well nourished, at the age of fifteen or sixteen, it is not uncommon for them to grow by one centimeter in a week or two.

Su Jie had a classmate who was only 1.65 meters in the first year of high school. After one semester, he grew to 1.8 meters.

Whenever Su Jie thinks about this, he is very grateful for his decision to go to the "Minglun Martial Arts School" to participate in the summer vacation martial arts training class. At the same time, I was afraid for a while. If I didn't make this decision, what would my life be like now

The fate of life is so bizarre, which made Su Jie sigh with emotion.

At the same time, in the depths of his heart, he always reminded himself that he must not let go of his good years, and must seize every opportunity.

"Su Jie, your kung fu has improved again."

Huaxing also played two hands with Su Jie when he came up.

As soon as the two of them took over, Su Jie stepped forward and tore apart Hua Xing with one catch, cleanly and neatly.

At this time, two coaches also came up and Huaxing, who got up, besieged Su Jie.

Su Jie squatted down, and suddenly he was only 1.4 meters tall. He avoided the impact area of the head, and sprinted like a monkey. He found the dead corner of the three people's siege, and rushed forward.

A coach was knocked to the ground.

At this time, Hua Xing's sweeping leg also hit Su Jie on the back, but his horizontal practice skills were extremely powerful, he seemed to be fine when he got hit by a leg, he grabbed Hua Xing's leg and fell to the ground with his backhand.

There was only one other coach who just jumped up and hit Su Jie's shoulder with his fist.

Su Jie resisted the fist, hooked his leg again, and fell to the ground again.

In just five seconds, all three coaches fell to the ground.

"No, it's still not possible. I can't be unscathed." Su Jie shook his head: "Mr. Huaxing, if your leg was a knife just now, I would have been seriously injured."

On the surface, it seemed that Su Jie had brought down the siege of three people cleanly, but his price was a kick and a punch.

What if the legs and fists become daggers and machetes? Su Jie knew very well, especially for people like "Grey Wolf", who used daggers very well, and a single hit would result in severed blood vessels, scratched tendons, and even injured bones.

"It seems that even if I improve, I'm afraid it will be more or less dangerous to deal with three gray wolves holding daggers. Of course, I can kill them, but my wounds will not be small."

Thinking about the situation just now, and the imagination in my mind has been verified.

"Of course, there is a big difference between multi-person fighting with weapons and one-on-one with bare hands." Hua Xing said: "The generals of the ancient army paid the most attention to armor, weapons and horses."

"I understand the truth, but after verifying the facts, I still feel that the manpower is too limited." Su Jie shook his head: "No wonder Qi Jiguang said that it is different from teaching skills to arrest small thieves when he said that opening a large formation against the enemy."

"If you wear a suit of armor and hold a weapon, you would definitely be a strong general in ancient times. A pair of ten would not be a problem." Hua Xing is also very interested in the formation of cold weapons: "It's a pity that we can't see this scene now. Now the army is dueling. , The missiles first blow up the city into scorched earth, no matter how skilled the skill is, it is almost like an ant."

This group of people who study kung fu are all sighing with emotion when they talk about this matter.

"Coach Su, you are so good at the age of seventeen. If you go to play professionally, won't you be able to win the national championship?" A student asked at this time.

"Coach Su, you are so young, have you passed the qualification certificate?" A new student also asked.

Su Jie has only been a coach here for a month.

With his skill and level, he quickly emerged and attracted a large number of students to become fans. Quite popular in this fitness club.

Moreover, he is humble and patient, and never fools people into applying for a card for the sake of performance, so that more people want to learn from him.

"Of course I have a license." Su Jie smiled.

He got his license in three days.

The current coach license is very easy to test. For ordinary fitness enthusiasts, go directly to the training institution to pay, and then after a little training, they will give you an outline of knowledge points. After memorizing it, you will almost pass the exam.

This has led to the poor qualifications of many small gym trainers, and even some fitness places hire muscular men who don't even have a qualification certificate, and even fool people to apply for a card first, and then run away.

However, Xingyao is a high-end fitness facility, and the coaches are all highly qualified. Fortunately, Su Jie has always been honest about exams, whether it is theoretical written exams or physical fitness exams, he passes them all at once.

"Su Jie, you should go and win a competition. If you come back to be a coach, your value will increase tenfold." Hua Xing chatted during the break: "You are only one hundred thousand a month. I thought it was very high. Your level is actually very low. Let’s not talk about it in China. The top coaches abroad are a little famous. A private training session costs tens of thousands of dollars. In February, Godmaker Odley was hired as the coach. Signing the contract is not a salary, but a third of the champion's prize money! The game earned a total of 200 million U.S. dollars, and the entire game's revenue exceeded one billion U.S. dollars. It's a big hit. Odley got $60 million."

Su Jie knew that this cross-border battle was a match between the king of mixed martial arts and the king of boxing after reading the news, and it was hyped up by the major media.

However, the news about the coach behind the boxing champion is rarely reported. It is completely hidden and only spread by word of mouth among a small group of people in the industry. As a result, Yu Deli's popularity is not high, and only some details can be found occasionally.

As a coach in the fitness and fighting industry, the level is secondary, mainly determined by the reputation of winning a certain competition.

"Don't be fooled by him. This person is just a student who has studied in the Minglun Martial Arts School for two months in a short-term training class. It's ridiculous to come here to be a master and a coach." At this moment, a voice came. come over.

Su Jie quickly looked over and found that it was actually Zhou Chun!

"It's Zhou Chun!"

"Last month, he won the Shangwu Cup Fighting Championship, defeated Bai Lang, who was ranked tenth in the country, and successfully entered the top ten industries in the country."

"Although the Martial Arts Cup is a national commercial competition, it is still inferior to the old competitions such as 'Heshan', 'Jingwu' and 'Heroes', but Zhou Chun is considered to be ranked among the national masters."

At this time, some fighting fans also saw Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun came over, accompanied by a man who looked like a lawyer, and also accompanied by the executives of Star Club.

"Manager Xu, I'm here on behalf of Haoyu Group to inspect and invest in your Xingyao." Zhou Chun looked at the senior manager next to him: "Your club's quality is very poor, and you actually hired such a little liar as a coach?"

"He is certified, and his level is not bad." Manager Xu was sweating profusely. Su Jie was arranged by their "young master" Qian Zheng. No one could refute anything. Popularity, the level is recognized by everyone as strong.

In addition, with Su Jie here, it also attracted many other club students who wanted to see it.

It's not about studying, it's just to watch the excitement, because there is also a novelty psychology in the fighting fitness circle. A high school student can beat professional coaches repeatedly. This in itself is sensational news.

At first, Manager Xu thought that Qian Zheng was messing around, but it turned out that Su Jie had improved his performance a lot.

"I was there with my own eyes when he was training at the Minglun Martial Arts School in July. This financing seems to be difficult to negotiate." Zhou Chun said to Manager Xu: "But if you insist that he is not a liar, I will prove it later. Let me show you. I think Mr. Qian will come over soon, to save you face, after he comes over, I will expose him to my face."