Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 70: Feng Shui masters think about things carefully


Su Jie could tell that Lao Chen was a master who had practiced Tai Chi for a long time.

He once underestimated Taijiquan, thinking it was dance and aesthetics. Later, he learned Odley's joint exercises and found that it is really a good martial art. With this boxing foundation and warm-up, he can adjust his body and mind, no matter what exercise he does. Get in the mood soon.

This is like the "Nine Suns Manual" in martial arts. After practice, any martial arts will be practiced quickly.

In fact, the scriptures of the "Nine Suns Manual" in martial arts are the words in the ancient boxing manual of Taijiquan, which say, "The other's strength only hinders my superficial appearance, and my intention has penetrated into his bones."

This sentence means Tai Chi Pushing Hands. Once the two of them play together, I can understand the other party's priorities, and which part of me is going to attack me, so I can react in advance.

These are the wisdom of the ancients, borrowed by martial arts masters.

The last time when Su Jie was delivering meals to his mother at the university, he met the instructor Yu Jiang, and the two also competed for push.

Now this old Chen's tai chi kung fu is obviously much better than Yu Jiang's.

Su Jie stretched out his hand to catch up with him.

Old Chen's eyes lit up fiercely. From outsiders' point of view, he didn't move at all, but Su Jie felt a strong force coming from him, and he wanted to push himself backwards and fall down.

This technology is simply miraculous.

Su Jie bowed his body, clasped his feet to the ground, rooted in, slipped suddenly, and dug his arms out without thinking at all.

No matter how you throw me, hit me, kill me, push me, confuse me, mess with me, confuse me, I am the one.

The slap had already reached Lao Chen's face.

Old Chen was unable to use all kinds of Tai Chi Kung fu, using his strength to strike, stroke, squeeze, press, and elbow. Like Zhou Chun, he could only watch Su Jie's slap fall.

At this critical moment, Lao Chen lowered his waist suddenly, his chest and waist were folded together, his whole body seemed to be coiled to the ground, and he escaped by sprinting to the left.

But before he could stand up, Su Jie's punch hit his face again.

go hand in hand.

Maggots of Tarsus.

I swear not to return the blood of the enemy.


At this moment, Su Jie's punch was caught.

It was "Master Ma" who finally stopped Su Jie's offensive.

"Stop." Master Ma said.

Su Jie stopped and apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, I just reacted instinctively, I lost." He said it sincerely, because according to the rules of Tai Chi pushing hands, he lost.

Of course, if he continued to attack according to the rules of unrestricted fighting, there would be a tragic situation.

But for the two strokes just now, he reacted continuously, and he didn't have to think or think about it at all between the moves.

This kind of quick fight, how can people think about it, it's all muscle memory that has been honed over time.

"Sure enough, fists are afraid of the young and strong, and you can't accept the old." Old Chen took a deep breath. Although he was not hit by Su Jie, he was still taken aback: "The formula in the martial arts 'the most ruthless and the most poisonous mind' is not a wave. In vain."

"Of course." Master Ma stared at Su Jie again: "The tricks of farmers are not simple. Since ancient times, mud-legged poles are usually the most honest, but when they are in a hurry, they are the root cause of disrupting the world, even killing the emperor and seizing the country and changing the dynasty. Mr. Chen, you have personally experienced this fist, what do you think?"

"I really haven't seen many people who can practice this move to this level, pure! Very pure, by the way, last time my apprentice told me that when I met a master who was a child, If you brush your strength, you can blow up a basketball, so it should be you." Old Chen seemed to have found a treasure, and Su Jie looked up and down, something was wrong.

"Instructor Yu Jiang is your apprentice?" Su Jie knew about breaking the basketball. No wonder Yu Jiang's pushing hands were similar to Lao Chen's.

"He's my little apprentice, and now he's an officer. The last time I fought against you, I can't forget it. I've been looking for you everywhere, and I want to make friends with you." Old Chen said.

"Uncle Chen, how about Su Jie? If you are satisfied, how about accepting him as an apprentice? I think he is the most capable of fighting among all your apprentices." Zhang Manman made a suggestion and at the same time winked at Su Jie .

From this wink, Su Jie could see that Lao Chen seemed to have a very wide network of contacts, and it would be of great benefit to become a teacher.

"Don't dare to be, dare not be." Old Chen quickly waved his hand: "Although I really want this apprentice, I really have nothing to point out about Brother Su's boxing skills. I can't be cheeky as a master. But we can study and practice together , I heard Brother Ma say that your boxing skills are secondary, and the most powerful is in Zen practice. The big corpse method is almost dead? I really don’t believe it. It’s hard to practice martial arts, but it’s easy to practice shape and difficult to practice mind. As the saying goes It is said that the heart is a monkey and the horse, but the heart is the supernatural Monkey King, and the mind is the white dragon horse. Only Tathagata and Guanyin can conquer it."

"Lao Li is coming over later, let me take care of him. Let's talk upstairs." Master Ma said.

A group of four went upstairs, which was very spacious and antique, with calligraphy and paintings on the desk and in the porcelain jar.

The four sat down, and the little boy brought tea again.

"Really sensible." Su Jie patted his head.

"Don't underestimate him, Kung Fu has been trained since childhood, Uncle Ma's closed disciple." Zhang Manman said: "Xiao Mo, do you still remember me?"

The boy named "Xiao Mo" nodded.

"Xiao Mo has been trained since he was a child, and when he changed his teeth at the age of six, I used the method of strengthening bones to exercise him. Up to now, his physical fitness has far surpassed that of his peers." Master Ma said: "However, to get into shape again, you need From the age of fourteen to seventeen, he had to be re-formed before he could be completely extraordinary."

When Su Jie heard this, his heart moved.

In fact, his kung fu is so good now, all because he met Odeli and Blind Uncle at the best stage of growing his body, and used the most scientific methods to strengthen his muscles and bones.

But this boy, Xiao Mo, started to grow strong when he lost his teeth at the age of six, which is quite terrifying.

In the concept of traditional martial arts and traditional Chinese medicine, the teeth are the bones, the bones are strong, the bones are weak, and the teeth are bad.

"The reason why Feng Hengyi is so strong is also because when I was young, I used the most scientific methods to strengthen my body. Although I didn't miss the time to grow my body, I missed the foundation building when I changed my teeth at the age of six or seven." Su Jie Thinking about it, he knew that he was still not Feng Hengyi's opponent.

At the beginning, he killed himself with two punches, but now he might not need four or five punches.

"Su Jie, I can see that your body should have been finalized recently with the help of an expert, but even so, it is impossible to be so strong." Master Ma was very curious: "The only possibility It is your spiritual realm that has transformed your body."

"Mr. Ma, psychological training has just started in the world. In addition to daily physical training, athletes from some countries have added some elements of psychological training, but it is not perfect. I heard Zhang Manman say that you It's a psychologist, can you ask me something about the Great Mortuary Method."

Su Jie doesn't believe in Fengshui, fortune-telling, fortune-telling, and fortune-telling, but he believes in psychology, because it is indeed a science. Although some of it is similar to metaphysics, it does exist.

Su Jie had learned the method of laying corpses with Ou Deli at the beginning, but the time was too short, and he didn't ask a lot of the essence. Although he continued to learn, he still had many doubts.

The last time "Master Ma" said a few words in the park, he wanted to ask on the spot, but Master Ma had already left, but even so, he still benefited a lot from thinking carefully after returning.

Now that he met Master Ma again, he naturally wanted to ask clearly.

"The last time I went to see Lao Chen, I happened to meet you practicing kung fu in the park, and I saw a lot of things." There was a strange light in Master Ma's eyes: "But you get up at three o'clock in the morning to practice kung fu, and you don't leave until six o'clock. Gong, it's normal for Lao Chen not to meet you. You're dancing for the chicken."

"Young man, amazing." Lao Chen nodded: "It seems that my apprentice Lao Huang also told me about this, saying that he met a young man in the park and he practiced all day long. In terms of hard work, you are probably the same." Very rare."

"Old Huang?" Su Jie recalled that he should be the old Taijiquan man he met for the first time, and his moves were quite powerful, which made him think that the Hunyuan Taiji Pavilion had some skills.

"It's the best way to practice big corpses, as long as people go there, it can stretch their muscles and bones, and it can make people rest, but it's extremely difficult to get started. It can be said that ninety-nine percent of people in the world practice this method. It’s just sleeping. There are not many people who can get started and enter the first level of ‘peace of mind’. After reaching this level, it is actually the so-called deep sleep. Note that it is dormancy, not sleep.”

As expected of an expert in psychology, Master Ma began to analyze Su Jie.

"What's the difference between dormancy and sleep?" Zhang Manman couldn't help asking.

"During sleep, people still have brain wave activity, which can produce various dreams. Some people have poor sleep quality. Even if they sleep a lot, they are still very tired after waking up. Among the human beings in the world, the sleep quality is not good. There are more and more people, if all people can sleep well, I used a set of data to show that the life expectancy of human beings can be increased by at least 30% or even more when I lectured at the European Royal Hypnotic Association.”

Master Ma, as a Feng Shui master, talks about data and science here. If it is ridiculous to outsiders, Su Jie knows that in fact, ancient Chinese metaphysics, many of which are profound wisdom in psychology.

That's what Odley was looking for.

Su Jie didn't speak, but listened quietly.

"The brain wave activity generated by sleep is called 'rough thought' in the realm of Zen. With the existence of this rough thought, people still haven't got enough rest. And the first method of the great corpse method I call it 'peace of mind', and others call it 'deliberation', which is dormancy. In this state, the brainwaves are still active, but those big brainwave activities are gone. Rough thinking is completely stopped, and only careful thinking is left. In this state, the quality of rest is very good. Even if you only sleep for a few hours, you will feel refreshed. Over time, your body's secretions and various functions will be strengthened. Compared with It’s good to take any medicine and supplements.”

Master Ma is teaching.