Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 71: The life and death performance of the crystal ball is considered to be a play


"I know, even computers have sleep mode and hibernation mode." Zhang Manman suddenly thought of this, "The sleep mode of the computer is that the memory is not powered on, and the data is still being transmitted. The hibernation mode is that the computer is turned off after the file is saved. .”

"This metaphor is very appropriate." Master Ma agreed.

"Our Taijiquan pays attention to this strength and that strength. In the final analysis, it is still physical movement, and the research on psychology is not so profound." Lao Chen also listened very carefully.

"All in all, the introduction of the Great Corpse-Painting Technique is to turn rough thinking into fine thinking, which is also the first level. Basically, all people who practice this skill cannot pass the first level. They cannot get rid of rough thinking, leaving only careful thinking .” Master Ma gave Su Jie a strange look: “How long did it take you to pass this level?”

Su Jie thought for a while, it seemed that he had entered this state for the first time.

This is also the reason why Odley favored him.

He thought it was nothing at first, but now he realized that it was simply too shocking.

But he still said the truth: "I got rid of the rough thinking and entered the detailed thinking the first time."

Master Ma opened his mouth, and it took a long time before he closed it: "In ancient times, people like you were born to practice Taoism, but I don't believe it either, kids, don't brag."

Su Jie shook his head: "Teacher Ma, if you continue talking, just treat it like I'm bragging." He didn't want to get entangled in this issue, and wanted to hear the following explanation.

"That's good." Master Ma continued: "The second level of the Great Corpse Excavation Method is death. It means that with the deepening of cultivation, the careful thinking is so subtle that even I don't know whether he has it or not. Said He doesn't have it, but there are some clues that he has it, but he can't see the real body. According to zazen, this is called "non-perception and non-perception". The meaning is the same as before, but the thoughts are extremely subtle and cannot be appropriate. If this level of thinking exists or does not exist, this level is extremely rare. If the previous level of "peace of mind" is one in a million, then the second level of "death is not death" is now the second level. Really reaching the pinnacle, in ancient times, it was an extremely advanced Zen master, and it may not be possible to reach it in a lifetime of practice. There are even fewer people in modern society."

"Then what about the third floor?" Su Jie had already reached the realm of the second floor, and even saw the third floor.

"The third level is where all thoughts really disappear, that is, the realm of the living dead. I call it 'the heart is dead and the spirit is alive'. According to Zen Buddhism, when this realm is reached, the Buddha-nature is born. After the death of the heart, the Buddha-nature Confucianism calls it benevolence, while Taoism calls it Taoism." Master Ma said: "In this state of mind, people's physical fitness will gradually undergo amazing changes. Over the years, I have only seen a few people who can reach it. to this extent."

"Master Ma, have you reached this level?" Su Jie asked.

"No. I am the same as you. I am on the second floor. It seems that I am dead but not dead. Of course, what I practice is not the big corpse method, but another meditation. But in fact, the principle is the same, and the final result is to pursue this .” Master Ma said.

"Little friend, have you really reached the point where you seem to be dying?" Old Chen couldn't believe it: "I have been practicing Taijiquan for so many years, but I only sleep very soundly, don't dream, eat very deliciously, have a good body, eyes, teeth and nose. The ears are very sensitive, according to what Lao Ma said, it is only the first level of 'peace of mind'."

"Uncle Chen, who doesn't know that you have a great body, and your favorite skill to perform is to crush walnuts and broad beans in one bite." Zhang Manman said.

Lao Chen's actual age is more than sixty, and he looks like he is in his early forties.

Moreover, his teeth are particularly good. He chews hard broad beans and grinds them to pieces, and even hard walnuts, he bites them with his teeth. Of course, his fingers can easily crush walnuts.

"Old Chen, to be honest, I don't believe it either, but the facts are like this. My psychological experience tells me that this kid is real, and it is possible to directly break through and reach the realm of the living dead." Master Ma smiled wryly: " When I saw him in the park that time, he died uncleanly, but now I can't even see his mental activity."

"I don't believe it." Old Chen shook his head again and again: "If he reaches the realm of the living dead at this age, is he no better than Patriarch Chongyang? Only the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng suddenly became enlightened and reached this realm at a very young age. The Sixth Patriarch Huineng read the line of the Diamond Sutra, "You should have nowhere to live and give birth to your mind", and then he became a Buddha immediately and shines through the ages."

"Should there be nowhere to live?" Su Jie was thoughtful when he heard this sentence.

"This sentence means that when people don't have any nostalgia for material feelings in the world, Buddha nature will be born." Master Ma said: "Staying means staying, nostalgia. Of course, this nostalgia is not nostalgia for that, but cause and effect. Nostalgia in terms of fate. It does not mean that you should destroy your humanity, deny your parents, and have no family affection. Some people have misunderstood this understanding and really abandoned everything. Instead, they embarked on the path of magic. The annihilation method is actually a big mistake."

"This is really incomprehensible." Su Jie shook his head.

"The things about kung fu are still simple. This move, that move, there are traces to follow." Old Chen shook his head: "Psychological things are too complicated. After listening to you for a long time, it's mysterious and mysterious. People who don't understand will think A charlatan."

"Actually, there are many spiritual classes run by these 'masters'. They are all liars, not to mention affecting people's mental health, defrauding money and sex, and affecting social security. This phenomenon has been repeatedly banned, and even affected us. People who study psychology normally." Master Ma sighed.

"So that's why you don't have classes?" Old Chen said, "I still want you to go to my Hunyuan Taiji Hall to give lectures to students."

"Forget it." Master Ma waved his hand: "The law is not taught lightly. It's not that you cherish the truth, but even if you put the truth in front of him, they will think you are a liar, and they are very helpless."

"Let's continue to study." Old Chen said: "You want to learn from my Taijiquan and research ways to treat mental illness."

"My crystal ball healing method is about to be perfected. It just so happens that kid Su Jie is here, why don't you come and see it. Find the flaws for me." Master Ma took out an apple-sized crystal ball from the drawer.

As soon as he held the crystal ball in his hand, Master Ma spun it slightly, and suddenly the whole ball seemed to be floating in the air.

As his technique changed, the crystal ball seemed to lose its weight, and it was still lighter than a feather, rolling around on his fingertips, palms, arms, and shoulders.

This crystal ball seems to be alive and endowed with life, like a little crystal rabbit running around on "Master Ma", very lively.

Seeing this crystal ball, Su Jie seemed to see a newborn baby, who was very curious about the world, and everything was fresh and beautiful.

The mood of the whole person is cheerful.


Zhang Manman uttered a scream. It turned out that the crystal ball was rolling rapidly. It seemed that the little rabbit had been attacked by a bird of prey and was instinctively avoiding it. It became more and more anxious.

Su Jie became worried when he saw it, worried about the fate of the little rabbit.


At the last moment, the crystal ball swished and got into Master Ma's sleeve, which represented that the little rabbit got into the cave at a critical moment and escaped the catastrophe of his life.

Su Jie's heart was also relieved.

Afterwards, the crystal ball slid out from the sleeve, looking agile and cheerful, rolling and basking in the sun, and then stopped still, as if he was tired and wanted to sleep soundly.

But Su Jie's eyes and mind were all attracted by this smart crystal ball, and he couldn't do without it. He danced with the life of the crystal ball, and when the crystal ball was tired and wanted to sleep soundly, he also had a feeling of peace and want to sleep.

At this time, he glanced at Zhang Manman, and fell asleep sitting on the chair.

"In this part of the crystal ball, I occasionally saw the process of the little rabbit coming out of the hole to play, being chased by the eagle and escaping the catastrophe. I used the technique to express it and named it 'Life and Death'. It added various strengths of Taijiquan "Master Ma said: "This method also adds some hypnotic techniques to treat people's mental illnesses and make people enlightened to life and death in nature. What do you think?"

"Amazing." Su Jie was amazed: "This is really the most profound art. I have seen some 'Talent Show' crystal ball performances, and those can make people dizzying. But if you compare it, it is the difference between a primary school student and a doctor. After I watched it, I felt that life and death are impermanent. I am glad that I am still alive, and I am very peaceful and satisfied in my heart. Kung Fu is displayed in this way, which is simply ingenious. It seems that Kung Fu is too wasteful for fighting.”

"Yes, the ultimate goal of kung fu is to create a better life. If it is used to beat people to judge strength, it is too narrow." Old Chen nodded.

"What's wrong with me?" While speaking, Zhang Manman woke up: "Uncle Ma, I was hypnotized just now? I slept so comfortably."

"You are very thoughtful." Master Ma said, "Stay with me for a while, and I will help you adjust your mental state."

Zhang Manman seemed to be waiting for this sentence: "Then thank you, Uncle Ma. Your psychological training is rare. I heard that Liu Long invited you to give him psychological counseling for three months, which made him overcome He defeated many opponents, and won the national championship of the Heshan Cup Fighting Competition in one fell swoop, and now ranks first in ratings, which is a step ahead of the second place."

"Liu Long?" Su Jie knew that this was the No. 1 fighter in the country, and Zhou Chun had just climbed into the top ten, but compared with Liu Long, the difference was too great.

Zhou Chun's rating was more than 300, while Liu Long's was more than 5,000, a difference of ten times.

The rating of fighters is based on many factors such as wins and losses, number of times, and the excitement of the game, and uses precise algorithms to evaluate their strength.

Although Zhou Chun entered the top ten, if he met Liu Long, he would punch him three times and kick him until he didn't even recognize his mother.