Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 72: Psychological hints are hard to defend and easy to slip away


"It's a pity that Liulong lost to Bangalong Thailand in the 'Battle of the Gods' in Las Vegas the day before yesterday. I watched that match. It's a pity, otherwise his world ranking would have entered the top ten .”

Lao Chen seems to be very concerned about fighting matches, watching every fight. Although he is old, he is also very ambitious.

"Before this competition, Benjalong entered the temple for three months to practice ten uncleannesses. After he came out, his mentality was almost unshakable. When I saw Liulong, he was sure to lose." Master Ma sighed.

"What are the Ten Unclean?" Su Jie asked.

"The Ten Impurities are the ancient cultivators who observed the various rotten appearances of dead bodies and became disgusted with them, so as to understand the impermanence of life and death." Master Ma patiently explained to Su Jie: "This is also a kind of meditation. It belongs to the psychological suggestion in psychology. The so-called ten uncleannesses are swelling phase, bruise phase, pus and rot phase, broken phase, food residue phase, scattered phase, chopping and discrete phase, blood smear phase, insect gathering phase, and skeleton Phase. In ancient India, that is, in Tianzhu, when people died and were thrown into the Ganges River, the corpse would swell, pus, maggots, and be eaten by animals, etc. It was very shocking. But after seeing more, you will Gradually, the mentality that life and death are the same thing was born. The latecomers have gone through various explorations to teach people how to psychologically suggest, so that people will not be afraid of death, because sooner or later they will be like those rotten corpses, and no one can escape. "

"Psychological hints..." Su Jie nodded: "If you really realize the epiphany of life and death through practice, then it is really terrifying to compete with this mentality. One point of strength can be displayed several times beyond the standard."

"Athletes' psychological suggestion training is very important." Master Ma still shook his head: "It's a pity, if I give Liulong psychological counseling, he will definitely be able to defeat Ben Jialong."

This Su Jie knows that good fighters not only have professional health doctors, but also have special psychological counselors, who will provide him with psychological counseling before important competitions. yes.

Some athletes are weaker than their opponents, but they are in a good mental state and perform at a super level.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Master Ma saw Su Jie realized something: "Psychological knowledge is too deep, and they are all groping. The whole world is just starting. In fact, the mind becomes more and more blank. The more it needs to be strengthened and trained."

"Manman, I'm afraid you didn't come this time to bring Su Jie kid to visit me." Master Ma asked again.

"Actually, my father asked me to go back to China to start a business. I investigated for a long time and chose to develop in S City, hoping to use Uncle Ma's connections." Zhang Manman was not polite.

"It's okay, when Old Ghost Li comes over, let me introduce him first." Master Ma said.

"Mr. Ma, you said that you have seen masters who have reached the realm of the 'living dead'. How many are there?" Su Jie asked.

"Manman's father is one." Master Ma said in astonishment.

"What?" Su Jie was taken aback, he didn't expect that Zhang Manman's father is also a master.

"Is my dad such a master?" Zhang Manman seemed to not know.

"There is also a foreigner named Ou Deli." Master Ma mentioned this person, seeming to admire: "This foreigner is very powerful, he knows everything about classics and history, he has thoroughly studied the cultures of the world, and his spiritual level is extremely high. It is possible to break through the mental state of the 'living dead' and enter another level."

"What kind of level is that?" Su Jie heard about Odeli. He knew that this foreigner coach was not an ordinary person, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

"It should be that I, people, sentient beings, appearances of time and space, and spirit resonate with some kind of truth." Master Ma seems to be thinking too: "I haven't seen anyone who has achieved this mental state. I have also experienced it before." I searched all over the world, but I have never found such a person, and it is only recorded in ancient books."

"Teacher Ma, do you think there are supernatural powers in this world?" Su Jie heard this from "Blind Uncle".

"There must be." Master Ma said: "Our human earth is just a speck of dust in the vast universe. Even in the billions of years of the earth's history, it only occupies thousands of years of history. What is this? It’s pitifully small. Do you really think that our earth is the only civilization in the entire universe? What is the truth of the universe? No one can tell, what’s in the vast starry sky? It’s still an unknown mystery.”

"That's true." Su Jie knew that it was very far away.

"It's far away." Old Chen said: "Old Ma, you have traveled a lot all over the world, and have you seen any good people."

"There should be a few more, but I'm not sure. Some are pure practitioners and have never practiced kung fu." Master Ma said.

Su Jie knew that psychological practice and Kung Fu fighting were two different things.

Fighting masters are not necessarily people with high spiritual realms, and people with high spiritual realms are not necessarily good at kung fu.

But if fighting masters want to go further, they must strengthen their psychological quality and spiritual realm.

However, people with a high spiritual realm do not need to practice fighting and their bodies are fine. Of course, they will make great progress in practicing fighting.

This is prominent in Chinese Confucianism.

Su Jie reads a lot of Confucian books these days, especially among the Four Books, the first chapter of the University talks about the cultivation of psychological quality and spiritual realm.

"Know the end and then settle down, settle down and then be calm, calm and then be able to be at ease, be at ease and then be able to worry, and then be able to gain after worrying. Things have their origins and ends, and things have their beginnings and ends. Knowing the sequence of events is the shortest way."

Such a passage came out of his mouth.

"This is the beginning of the University in the Four Books. It is clear from the beginning. It says that a person must first determine his goals before he can strengthen his ambitions. Only after he has strengthened his ambitions can he be calm and composed. Only after he is calm and composed can his mind be at peace. After that, you can gain something. Everything has its original face and appearance, and everything has a beginning and an end. If you understand the appearance and the truth, and understand the beginning and the end, you will get the truth." Master Ma looked at Su Jie's He knew that he was in deep thought: "It seems that you understand something. Confucianism has been able to rule China for two thousand years, and it also has its strengths."

"To learn true Confucianism, the Four Books and Five Classics are enough. Among them, there are great righteousness, hatred of evil, self-cultivation, and self-cultivation. If you follow this, every action will conform to the principle of a sage. It can be said that people move like weapons." Old Chen Dao: "So I like Taoism. The older I get, the more I feel that the core ideas of Confucianism are still the essence. It's a pity that the cart is now turned upside down, and all disciples' regulations are regarded as classics in society. This thing was compiled by scholars in the Qing Dynasty to teach people to be kowtowers. I got angry when I saw it, last time there was a "master" of Chinese studies who wanted to cooperate with me, and did this in my Tai Chi gym, saying that it would make them respect their teachers more, and I scolded them out. Mother Yes, what the hell. What year did you come to do this. The lid of Confucius’ coffin can’t hold it down anymore.”

Old Chen was originally a very easy-going Taijiquan master. During the chat, he suddenly started cursing, but Su Jie felt that this old man became cute, similar to the old man on the street, with a sense of ordinary simplicity and more cordiality.

Not a Tai Chi master, but a homely old man in the park. There are times when he is cynical, entangled in mundane affairs, troublesome, only worrying about things, and sometimes powerless.

But he is still happy, lively and hot.

Suddenly, a hot current surged deep in Su Jie's heart. He felt that life became brighter. Everyone present and all objects felt very kind and pleasing to the eye.

He is like a pure child who sees that everything in the world is good. But he is different from children, he can clearly distinguish right from wrong, good from evil.

He is happy all the time, full of emotion for the whole world, and faint feelings rippling in his heart.

However, this emotion did not last for a few breaths before it began to dissipate, and Su Jie returned to normal.


Master Ma seemed to have sensed something, and looked at Su Jie in surprise: "Did you make a breakthrough just now? No way. I feel a strong affinity for you."

He looked at it carefully again, and then shook his head: "It's a pity, it's a pity, you didn't catch it, keep it, otherwise I would have witnessed a miracle, and it would be of great benefit to my practice."

"It felt really good just now." Su Jie shook his head, recalling the joy and touch just now, he wanted to try his best to get it back, but it was a pity that the thing slipped away and never came back.

His heart was empty, like a child who lost his favorite toy and was so sad that he wanted to cry.

"You have already got it, it slipped away, but you can find it again." Master Ma smiled: "Next time if you encounter it again, grab it, keep it, and show us."

"Thank you." Su Jie stood up and bowed deeply.

"Kids, get together more when you have time." Lao Chen came up and patted Su Jie on the shoulder: "Lao Ma and I are your elder brothers."

"Yes." Master Ma also nodded.

A look of extreme surprise appeared on Zhang Manman's face, but she also looked happy, because she knew that Lao Chen and Lao Ma had a very wide network of contacts, and it was difficult to recognize someone, especially a young man.

"Don't dare." Su Jie shook his head again and again: "It will be true that I will ask the two teachers for more advice in the future."

While talking, there was the sound of a car outside.

Another guest.

"Old Ghost Li is here."

Master Ma said: "Xiao Mo, you go and greet me."

"Yes, teacher." Xiao Mo walked down quickly, and the door opened in the yard. Within a few minutes, another middle-aged man came up with a young man.

"Huh?" Su Jie knew that young man, and he was with Lu Shu and the others.

He did have some memories of this young man that day, because the young man had been playing with his mobile phone with his head down, but he was actually observing secretly, with a deep scheming mind.