Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 85: Suddenly, the new year is approaching and there is a sudden relationship


"So good? I don't believe that there are really supermen in this world." Xu Jiahong shook his head: "You guys always like to exaggerate things, saying that a certain master is good. If he is really so good, why don't you go to the World Series? Participate in the Olympics? World famous?"

"How much money can there be?" A Ding seemed to be mocking Xu Jiahong's ignorance: "The current worth of boxing champion Paschi is only one billion US dollars, which looks like a lot to outsiders, but you know that any one The bosses of listed companies are richer than him. Not to mention those Olympic champions, even if they get some meager salaries, even if they accept some advertising endorsements, they have survived tens of thousands of dollars for several years. Hundreds of thousands or millions of boxing matches are fought to the death, and this is still at the top level in the country. Do you think it is worth it?"

"It's really not worth it." Xu Jiahong nodded: "It seems reasonable for you to say that. They are just a celebrity in front of people, but they are far from having much money in their pockets. It is still important to be affordable these days."

"Actually, the kid I'm fighting with today is a talent. He's young, but he can practice kung fu to such an extent that he can be recruited." A Ding suggested to Xu Jiahong.

"I'll think about it." Xu Jiahong's teeth itch with hatred when he thought about it.

"You have to learn from Cao Cao. Zhang Xiu killed his son, and he tolerated him later, and finally he was even named a marquis. He didn't kill this man until he died, which shows his ability to accommodate people. If there is no such capacity, he will You can’t do great things.” A Ding was still warning.

"Cao Cao, I know, he is a traitor. Who is Zhang Xiu? What is the allusion?" Xu Jiahong asked.

Hearing this, A Ding suddenly didn't want to talk, and wanted to scold his mother in his heart: "This is a mediocre person, and he wants to fight for property in the family just like this. Method."

In the early morning of the next day, Su Jie got up at 3:00 a.m. as usual, and went to the park to practice for three hours.

The more he practiced, Su Jie felt that his mentality became more and more sinking, and there was a feeling of being as deep as an abyss.

He is always like a dragon, lurking in the abyss, observing countless changes from bottom to top.

In the abyss, it is peaceful and calm, and the deepest part is lurking and accumulating strength, preparing for the next take-off.

"This is the meaning of being in the Book of Changes or jumping in the deep." Su Jie's understanding of the Qian hexagrams in the Book of Changes is getting deeper and deeper.

He found that his life was like this. When he was in Minglun Martial Arts School, it was "ninth day of junior high school, don't use Qianlong".

And back to school, it was "Ninety-two, see the dragon in the field."

Later, he studied with Master Ma, Lao Chen, and defeated Zhou Chun. He still studied conscientiously, studied hard and practiced hard, without the slightest pride and complacency. "

But now his mentality has completely calmed down, it seems that in the abyss, it can accommodate hundreds of rivers and endless seas. This is "94, or jump in the abyss, no blame."

Next, it is "Ninth Five-Year, the flying dragon is in the sky, and it is beneficial to see the adults."

Ninety-five is the supreme. Flying in the sky, like the sun in the sky, illuminating the world, the highest achievement, the pinnacle of human beings.

Su Jie knew that this did not refer to any amazing achievements in his career or other wealth, but that he might break through the realm of the "living dead" in his practice.

Compared with this psychological realm, even a fortune of tens of billions or a fortune of hundreds of billions is not worth mentioning.

It was at this time that Su Jie truly understood the true meaning of "wealth and honor are like floating clouds to me".

"In the final analysis, all material things, even the strength of the body, are to satisfy the desire deep in my heart. The so-called desire is hard to fill. If you cut off the desire and reflect on the spiritual space, you will get great satisfaction. Of course, I am now It is also a desire to practice to reach the realm of the "living dead". A real dead person has no desire. This is also the true meaning of the realm of the "living dead". The desire deep in my heart is still longing to reach this realm through cultivation. When you get rid of this bit of desire, then you will truly step into this realm, do whatever you want, and fly in the sky."

Su Jie was exploring all the time, torturing his heart.

As the future became clearer and clearer, he hardly had any doubts, and he opened up a road for himself.

At this moment, three hours in the morning, Su Jie's training volume has reached a terrifying level, whether it's jumping, running, or crouching tiger exercises similar to planks, rope skipping, footwork, dodging, air strikes, etc. , are equivalent to a full day of training at the national professional level.

He is like a perpetual motion machine that never stops.

But for him, this is equivalent to a warm-up.

Su Jie's winter vacation arrangements are very fulfilling. He wakes up at 3:00 in the morning and finishes his training, goes home for dinner at 6:00, and studies various knowledge in the morning. Then eat lunch and rest for an hour, then go to Huaxing Fighting Club to communicate with various people and train again at the same time.

In the evening, after eating, study again, and then meditate, settle down, or play flexibility training with a crystal ball.

Originally at the Minglun Martial Arts School, his evening training was to participate in small group arenas and also to engage in strenuous exercise.

But now he has changed all of them to Wenlian.

Especially the crystal ball training, he added it himself, which gradually deviated from Odley's training module.

Because he found that when he played the crystal ball, his mind was very pure, like a crystal, and he and the crystal ball seemed to be integrated, especially when he played to the extreme, he felt that his soul was injected into it, making The crystal ball becomes a part of his own body.

Master Ma highly recommends using crystal ball performances for psychotherapy.

After learning the crystal ball from "Master Ma", Su Jie also searched a lot of information on this aspect on the Internet, and even watched the performances of many crystal ball masters in the world on videos to study this information.

He found that the crystal ball has many functions, the most widely used in hypnosis and divination.

According to scientific analysis, hypnotists use props, ideally crystal balls, which are more effective than pocket watches and other items.

It seems that crystals have some sort of mystical connection to the mind.

Su Jie knows that this is because the crystal is crystal clear without impurities, and observing the inner changes can easily cleanse the soul.

He also practiced kung fu to great success after playing with the crystal ball for a month.

Now I play crystal ball every day and learn the skills in the videos of various masters. I feel that I can gradually become superb, and the control of power is more subtle.

It has to be said that he was able to learn a lot of knowledge in this area thanks to the tablet smart module given by his elder sister Su Muchen. What knowledge needs to be learned, just say a word, after voice recognition, immediately conduct a huge search, and Organize all kinds of materials, from simple to difficult, let people learn step by step.

Moreover, it is connected to many huge databases, and many foreign scientific research materials are also organized for Su Jie to view, and it even has its own translation function.

Of course, Su Jie didn't need an interpreter, as his English was comparable to that of a professional translator.

Although it is convenient to find information online now, it is much more convenient than going to the library to check information and borrow books everywhere to learn something. But because of this, there is so much information that it is easy to get lost if you want to learn it by yourself, and you don't know which information is true or false.

But this smart module perfectly solves this problem.

It is more knowledgeable, efficient, and error-free than any professor.

For example, Su Jie needs to learn the application of crystal balls in hypnosis and psychology, as well as various theoretical knowledge. This requires a team from the university to spend half a month, or even longer, to sort out the materials and then conduct systematic studies.

But with the help of the smart module, it only takes half an hour to organize all kinds of materials in the world so that Su Jie can study step by step, which greatly reduces the waste of time.

"After the intelligent module for assisting learning comes out, I am afraid that the gap between people will be even greater. It will be easier for diligent and studious people to collect information and use time more efficiently. It used to take a year to study, but now it may take one You can learn it in a month. And lazy people don’t know how to learn, even if they put the best teacher in front of them, they still don’t go away and go backwards.”

On this day, Su Jie was sorting out the data collected from all over the world through the smart module at home, conducting targeted systematic study, when suddenly a thought popped up in his mind.

With the advent of the era of digitalization and high efficiency, those who are diligent and studious will become stronger and stronger, while those who are lazy and tired of learning will become weaker and weaker. In the end, the difference will become larger and larger, even worlds apart.

"In the future, some people will become gods, while most people will completely lose their chance."

He was so vigilant deep in his heart.

Su Jie himself is now more than ten times better than his peers in terms of study and martial arts. As time went on, he improved like crazy every day.

Su Jie is glad that he has caught up with the good times.

Because of this, he refused to give up every minute and every second, crazily studying, crazily exercising.

Halfway through the winter vacation and approaching the end of the new year, even high school seniors would relax a bit, but Su Jie didn't mean to relax at all, instead, he studied and exercised even more diligently.

The Huaxing club has also closed, and even Huaxing has gone home for the New Year.

But Su Jie still trains inside for a long time every day, even if he is alone, he doesn't find it boring.

But the same goes for his elder sister Su Muchen, who seems to be spending all day in the laboratory now, and doesn't go home during the Chinese New Year.

In the past few days, the climate has suddenly become colder. In the early hours of the morning, heavy snow falls one after another, and the ground is completely white.

"The weather forecast is really accurate. The day before yesterday it was said that there would be a large-scale cold wave tonight. I thought the weather was fine, and I thought it would not snow, but I didn't expect it to be so punctual." Su Jie still got up at three in the morning, and still had to Get out and exercise.

When it rains or snows, he doesn't go to the park, but to the club.

"Stop exercising today."

He was about to wash up when he got up, when he found his father Su Shilin sitting on the sofa.

"Father, why did you wake up so early?" Su Jie was a little surprised, "Or did you not go to bed and came back from the night shift?"

Su Jie's father often works the night shift, and sometimes he doesn't rest during the Chinese New Year.

"After your mother wakes up, you can go to the south with her. You will spend the Chinese New Year at your grandfather's house this year." Su Shilin said, "I don't want to go there. I feel relieved when you are with your mother."

"My grandfather?" Su Jiechang had never heard that he had a grandfather at his age.